997 resultados para DELIRIUM - PREVENCIÓN


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El Máster universitario en prevención de riesgos laborales comenzó a impartirse en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2012/13. En el curso 2015/16 se desarrollara la cuarta edición de esta titulación. El Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, modificado por el Real Decreto 861/2010, de 2 de julio, señala en el artículo 27 que, una vez iniciada la implantación de las enseñanzas, la ANECA, o los órganos de evaluación que la ley de las comunidades autónomas determinen, llevarán a cabo el seguimiento del cumplimiento del proyecto contenido en el plan de estudios. Al Máster universitario en prevención de riesgos laborales le corresponde en el curso 2015/16 la renovación de su acreditación, en base a los resultados de la docencia de los cursos 2013/14 y 2014/15. Este proyecto se centra en la preparación de los datos necesarios para el informe de autoevaluación, que será necesario presentar para la evaluación externa de la renovación de la acreditación de la titulación.


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El profesorado de la red participó durante el curso 2014/15 un proyecto para la coordinación y seguimiento de la asignatura trabajo fin de máster en la titulación Máster en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Este Máster comenzó a impartirse en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2012/13, por ello el desarrollo de la titulación en su tercera edición hace necesario el seguimiento de las asignaturas como instrumento para la coordinación y mejora de la calidad docente. En este sentido la red ha resultado ser un instrumento útil para la interacción y coordinación entre los tutores/as de los trabajos fin de máster propuestos en la titulación.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Morbi epidemii brevis descriptio et curatio..." con portadilla propia.


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Reprinted from the Transactions of the Massachusetts Medical Society.


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To determine the occurrence of delirium in oncology inpatients and to identify and evaluate admission characteristics associated with the development of delirium during inpatient admission, a prospective observational study was conducted of H 3 patients with a total of 145 admissions with histological diagnosis of cancer admitted to the oncology unit over a period of ten weeks. At the point of inpatient admission, all patients were assessed for the presence of potential risk factors for development of delirium. During the index admission patients were assessed daily for the presence of delirium using the Confusion Assessment Method. Delirium was confirmed by clinician assessment. Delirium developed in 26 of 145 admissions (18%) and 32 episodes of delirium were recorded with 6 patients having 2 episodes of delirium during the index admission. Delirium occurred on average 3.3 days into the admission. The average duration of an episode of delirium was 2.1 day. Four patients with delirium (15%) died. All other cases of delirium were reversed. Factors significantly associated with development of delirium on multivariate analysis were: advanced age, cognitive impairment, low albumin level, bone metastases, and the presence of hematological malignancy. Hospital inpatient admission was significantly longer in delirium group (mean: 8.8 days vs 4.5 days in nondelirium group, P


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Objectives: to determine the effect of drugs with anti-cholinergic properties on relevant health outcomes.Design: electronic published and unpublished literature/trial registries were systematically reviewed. Studies evaluating medications with anti-cholinergic activity on cognitive function, delirium, physical function or mortality were eligible.Results: forty-six studies including 60,944 participants were included. Seventy-seven percent of included studies evaluating cognitive function (n = 33) reported a significant decline in cognitive ability with increasing anti-cholinergic load (P < 0.05). Four of five included studies reported no association with delirium and increasing anti-cholinergic drug load (P > 0.05). Five of the eight included studies reported a decline in physical function in users of anti-cholinergics (P < 0.05). Three of nine studies evaluating mortality reported that the use of drugs with anti-cholinergic properties was associated with a trend towards increased mortality, but this was not statistically significant. The methodological quality of the evidence-base ranged from poor to very good.Conclusion: medicines with anti-cholinergic properties have a significant adverse effect on cognitive and physical function, but limited evidence exists for delirium or mortality outcomes. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved.


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Book Review: The Fevered Novel from Balzac to Bernanos: Frenetic Catholicism in Crisis, Delirium and Revolution. By Francesco Manzini. (IGRS Books). London: Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, 2011. 264 pp. Full text: This monograph is an important and compelling account of a novelistic tradition that stretches from Georges Bernanos back to Balzac, by way of Léon Bloy, Joris-Karl Huysmans, and Barbey d'Aurevilly. Depending on a master plot that evokes Maistrean themes of blood, sacrifice, and redemption, working in a feverish female body, this canon combines Romantic freneticism and anti-Enlightenment religion to create a compound that Francesco Manzini calls â˜frenetic Catholicismâ. The theme of fever, Manzini tells us, was commented on by Huysmans in writing about Barbey d'Aurevilly. When André Gide read Bernanos's Sous le soleil de Satan, he dismissed it as a rehash of Bloy and Barbey. In this present work Manzini aims to make us aware once more of the gradually intensifying themacity of fever in writings more usually classed in theologo-literary categories. His analysis encompasses (though is not restricted to) Balzac's Ursule Mirouët, Barbey d'Aurevilly's Un prêtre marié, Huysmans's En rade, Bloy's Le Désespéré and La Femme pauvre, and Bernanos's Nouvelle histoire de Mouchette. Thus, as Manzini argues in his conclusion, between the freneticism of the Romantics and that of the surrealists this corpus represents an intermediary wave of freneticism, foregrounding fever, hyperconsciousness, dreamlike episodes, and female automatism. Manzini's knowledge of, and ease amidst, the sources is constantly impressive. Much like Richard Griffiths before him (The Reactionary Revolution: The Catholic Revival in French Literature, 1870â1914 (London: Constable, 1966)), he has read both the bad novels and the good ones. For that we are in his debt. His commentary thrives on the oddities of his subjects. He points quite rightly to the peculiar hubris of writers whose contempt for the secular excesses of scientism leads them down a cul-de-sac of primitive medical quackery. Likewise, he underlines how Zola's attempt to unwrite Barbey â exorcising the former's anti-Romantic animus, as much as scratching his anticlerical itch â leads him to recapitulate Barbey's religious authoritarianism in the secular vernacular of patriarchy. Les espèces qui se rapprochent se mangent, to paraphrase Bernanos (Les Grands Cimetières sous la lune). In spite of all Manzini's tightly organized analysis, however, this reader wonders whether the fevered novel â˜best allowed contemporaries â and now [â¦] literary critics and historians â to imagine the issues at stake in the amorphous scientistic, religious, and political debatesâ of the period (p. 17). Below the ideological clashes of nineteenth-century science and religion, the two contending dynamics of anthropocentrism and theocentrism are attested and, it can be argued, even more perfectly dramatized in other Catholic literature (Charles Péguy's poetry, for example). In these terms, what distinguishes the Catholic frenetics from their Romantic or surrealist counterparts is that their fevered subject represents an attempt to build a road out of what Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor calls â˜bufferedâ individuality, and back towards the theocentric porous subject who is open to divine influence. By way of minor corrections, nuns do not take holy orders (p. 94) but make religious profession by taking vows. Also, the last Eucharistic host is not extreme unction (p. 119) but viaticum.


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Este estudio pretende evaluar un programa de Prevención Universal de las drogodependencias en el ámbito educativo a través de los cambios que produce en los diferentes factores de riesgo y protección seleccionados. La intensidad de la exposición al programa y la realización de talleres de refuerzo también han sido objetivo de la evaluación. La valoración se ha realizado en todas las etapas educativas: Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria, teniéndose en cuenta el sexo y el curso. Metodología: La muestra está compuesta por 3.454 estudiantes de la Comunidad de Madrid. 250 estudiantes de Educación Infantil, 849 estudiantes de 1º y 2º Ciclo de Primaria, 520 estudiantes de 3º Ciclo de Primaria y 1.835 estudiantes de ESO. Se elaboraron 4 instrumentos de medida de factores de riesgo y protección: Preval_PP1 para Educación Infantil y Preval_PP2 para el 1º y 2º Ciclo de Primaria, ambos son informes a rellenar por el profesorado. El Preval_PP3 para el 3º Ciclo de Primaria y el Preval_PP4 para la ESO en forma de autoinforme a rellenar por el alumnado. A través de las bases de datos evaluamos la cantidad de años que cada centro ha participado en el programa preventivo así como el número de estudiantes que ha participado en talleres de refuerzo. Mediante un diseño cuasi-experimental con medida pre-test y post-test se realizan ANOVAs de medidas repetidas teniendo en cuenta el sexo y el curso para evaluar los cambios en los factores de riesgo y protección y comparar los centros de alta y baja exposición así como comparar al alumnado que realiza talleres de refuerzo con los que no los realizan...


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© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.