955 resultados para Cysteine Protease


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The ready biodegradability of four chelating agents, N,N -(S,S)-bis[1-carboxy-2-(imidazol-4-yl)ethyl]ethylenediamine (BCIEE), N - ethylenedi-L-cysteine (EC), N,N -bis (4-imidazolymethyl)ethylenediamine (EMI) and 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid (PDA), was tested according to the OECD guideline for testing of chemicals. PDA proved to be a readily biodegradable substance. However, none of the other three compounds were degraded during the 28 days of the test. Chemical simulations were performed for the four compounds in order to understand their ability to complex with some metal ions (Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) and discuss possible applications of these chelating agents. Two different conditions were simulated: (i) in the presence of the chelating agent and one metal ion, and (ii) in the simultaneous presence of the chelating agent and all metal ions with an excess of Ca. For those compounds that were revealed not to be readily biodegradable (BCIEE, EC and EMI), applications were evaluated where this property was not fundamental or even not required. Chemical simulations pointed out that possible applications for these chelating agents are: food fortification, food process, fertilizers, biocides, soil remediation and treatment of metal poisoning. Additionally, chemical simulations also predicted that PDA is an efficient chelating agent for Ca incrustations removal, detergents and for pulp metal ions removal process.


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Resumo O objectivo geral deste trabalho foi contribuir para optimizar a terapêutica anti-retroviral e o seu impacto na qualidade de vida do indivíduo infectado pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Pretendia-se definir se o análogo não-nucleósido inibidor da transcriptase reversa do vírus da imunodeficiência humana, efavirenz, cumpria os requisitos para ser monitorizado na prática clínica, estabelecer as condições para a sua eventual monitorização e, simultaneamente, investigar outras acções farmacodinâmicas do efavirenz em terapêuticas prolongadas. Os critérios que fundamentam a indicação da monitorização das concentrações plasmáticas de fármacos, em geral, incluem: correlação entre a concentração do fármaco e a eficácia/toxicidade; variabilidade inter-individual elevada; variabilidade intra-individual e janela terapêutica reduzidas e ainda a elevada probabilidade de interacções medicamentosas. A correlação entre concentração plasmática de efavirenz e eficácia/toxicidade era conhecida e o facto de o efavirenz ser substrato, indutor e inibidor do sistema enzimático citocromo P450 e ser utilizado em terapêuticas crónicas e nunca em monoterapia, constituíam fortes argumentos para a aplicação da monitorização terapêutica ao efavirenz. O presente trabalho contribuiu para o conhecimento de outros critérios, nomeadamente, a variabilidade nas concentrações plasmáticas deste fármaco, entre indivíduos e no mesmo indivíduo, e permitiu definir diferentes aspectos para a prática da monitorização terapêutica deste fármaco, entre eles, o volume de plasma necessário, o parâmetro farmacocinético a avaliar e a periodicidade das quantificações. Para se atingirem os objectivos definidos foi necessário, em primeiro lugar, proceder à instalação e validação de um método de quantificação de concentrações de efavirenz, em plasma de indivíduos infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana: ficou disponível no Laboratório de Farmacologia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, um método que permite a monitorização das concentrações plasmáticas de nove fármacos anti-retrovirais (nevirapina, indinavir, amprenavir, atazanavir, ritonavir, efavirenz, lopinavir, saquinavir e nelfinavir). O método desenvolvido está presentemente a ser utilizado na monitorização terapêutica destes fármacos e em estudos Farmacológicos. Esta quantificação é realizada numa única corrida analítica de cromatografia líquida de elevada eficiência, a partir de 0,4 mL de plasma de cada indivíduo e a sua qualidade é avaliada, bianualmente, por uma entidade externa. Posteriormente, com o objectivo de as comparar, procurou-se conhecer a variabilidade entre indivíduos e intra-individual das concentrações lasmáticas do fármaco e concluiu-se que a variabilidade entre indivíduos é superior à intra-individual, o que suporta a monitorização das suas concentrações. Uma vez encontrada uma variabilidade inter-individual elevada, surgiu um outro objectivo específico, que consistiu na identificação de possíveis factores a justificassem. Na presente dissertação foi mostrado que o sexo, idade, peso e etnia não justificam por si só esta variação, não sendo possível o ajuste de dose com base nestas variáveis. Esta conclusão constitui um factor adicional que reforça que a toma da dose recomendada de efavirenz poderá não ser apropriada para todos os indivíduos. A co-infecção pelos vírus da hepatite B e/ou C é comum nesta população e poderia ser um dos factores implicados nesta variabilidade farmacocinética. A realização do presente trabalho permitiu sugerir que a presença desta co-infecção per se não contribui para o aumento das concentrações plasmáticas do fármaco; que, em indivíduos co-infectados com função hepática normal, não há um risco acrescido de toxicidade dependente da concentração e que as indicações para a monitorização terapêutica de efavirenz em indivíduos co-infectados, com função hepática normal, são semelhantes aquelas descritas para indivíduos mono-infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Um outro objectivo específico deste trabalho surgiu quando foi descrito que os efeitos dos análogos não-nucleósidos inibidores da transcriptase reversa no perfil de lípidos e lipoproteínas dos indivíduos pareciam diferir dos efeitos descritos para os inibidores de protease, que eram frequentemente associados a deslipidémia. Os análogos não-nucleósidos inibidores da transcriptase reversa tinham sido associados a aumentos nos níveis de colesterol associado às lipoproteínas de elevada densidade. Esta observação, além de não ser consensual, podia ser imputada ao decréscimo na carga viral dos indivíduos em terapêutica e correspondia a estudos observacionais de curta-duração. Estes factos estimularam a realização de uma análise prospectiva dos valores da concentração de lípidos e lipoproteínas em doentes medicados com efavirenz e à avaliação da sua eventual relação com a concentração deste nti-retroviral, a curto e a longo-termo. Pela primeira vez, foi demonstrado que o efeito do efavirenz no colesterol associado às lipoproteínas de elevada densidade permaneceu durante 36 meses, que o aumento é dependente do valor basal destas lipoproteínas e da concentração plasmática do fármaco. Mostrou-se também que, em associação a este aumento quantitativo, o efavirenz estava associado a um aumento qualitativo, com uma melhoria da função antioxidante destas lipoproteínas, avaliada pela actividade do enzima paraoxonase-1. Em resumo, os diferentes estudos incluídos na presente dissertação têm como conclusão geral que é possível optimizar a resposta à terapêutica com efavirenz através da monitorização das suas concentrações plasmáticas. A realização deste trabalho contribuiu para o conhecimento científico através: 1. Da instalação e validação de um método de quantificação de concentrações de análogos não-nucleósidos inibidores da transcriptase reversa e inibidores da protease em plasma de indivíduos infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. 2. Do estudo da variabilidade inter e intra-individual nas concentrações plasmáticas de efavirenz. A superioridade da variabilidade inter-individual relativamente à associada ao mesmo indivíduo comprova a importância de monitorizar as concentrações plasmáticas deste fármaco. 3. Da definição de procedimentos operativos para a monitorização terapêutica do efavirenz em geral e numa população particular: os indivíduos co-infectados pelos vírus da hepatite B e/ou C com função hepática normal. 4. Da descoberta de acções farmacodinâmicas do efavirenz, a longo prazo, nomeadamente o efeito benéfico (quantitativo e qualitativo) no colesterol associado às lipoproteínas de elevada densidade. Este efeito é mantido durante três anos e é dependente da concentração plasmática do fármaco, o que salienta a importância de monitorizar as suas concentrações.


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Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (2010)15: 271-281


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de doutor em Biologia de Sistemas pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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Enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most prevalent microsporidian parasite that causes gastrointestinal infection in persons with AIDS. Microsporidia are increasingly recognized as important opportunistic pathogens all over the world but in Brazil only few cases have been reported due either to the non awareness of the clinical presentation of the disease or to difficulties in the laboratory diagnosis. We report a 3-year follow-up of a Brazilian HIV-positive patient in whom microsporidial spores were detected in stools and were identified as E. bieneusi using electron microscopy and PCR. The patient presented with chronic diarrhea, CD4 T-lymphocytes count below 100/mm3 and microsporidial spores were consistently detected in stools. Albendazole was given to the patient in several occasions with transient relief of the diarrhea, which reappeared as soon as the drug was discontinued. Nevertheless, a diarrhea-free period with weight gain up to 18 Kg occurred when a combination of nucleoside and protease inhibitors was initiated as part of the antiviral treatment.


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The objective of the present study is to standardize the technical variables for preparation and storage of Plasmodium falciparum and of antigen components extracted with the amphoteric detergent Zwittergent. P. falciparum obtained from in vitro culture was stored at different temperatures and for different periods of time. For each variable, antigen components of the parasite were extracted in the presence or absence of protease inhibitors and submitted or not to later dialysis. Products were stored for 15, 30 and 60 days at different temperatures and immunological activity of each extract was determined by SDS-PAGE and ELISA using positive or negative standard sera for the presence of IgG directed to blood stage antigens of P. falciparum. Antigen extracts obtained from parasites stored at -20oC up to 10 days or at -70oC for 2 months presented the best results, showing well-defined bands on SDS-PAGE and Western blots and presenting absorbance values in ELISA that permitted safe differentiation between positive and negative sera.


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Treatment with indinavir has been shown to result in marked decreases in viral load and increases in CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected individuals. A randomized double-blind study to evaluate the efficacy of indinavir alone (800 mg q8h), zidovidine alone (200 mg q8h) or the combination was performed to evaluate progression to AIDS. 996 antiretroviral therapy-naive patients with CD4 cell counts of 50-250/mm3 were allocated to treatment. During the trial the protocol was amended to add lamivudine to the zidovudine-containing arms. The primary endpoint was time to development of an AIDS-defining illness or death. The study was terminated after a protocol-defined interim analysis demonstrated highly significant reductions in progression to a clinical event in the indinavir-containing arms, compared to the zidovudine arm (p<0.0001). Over a median follow-up of 52 weeks (up to 99 weeks), percent reductions in hazards for the indinavir plus zidovudine and indinavir groups compared to the zidovudine group were 70% and 61%, respectively. Significant reductions in HIV RNA and increases in CD4 cell counts were also seen in the indinavir-containing groups compared to the zidovudine group. Improvement in both CD4 cell count and HIV RNA were associated with reduced risk of disease progression. All three regimens were generally well tolerated.


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A presença de metais pesados no meio ambiente deve-se, principalmente, a actividades antropogénicas. Ao contrário do Cu e do Zn, que em baixas concentrações são essenciais para o normal funcionamento celular, não se conhece para o chumbo nenhuma função biológica. O chumbo apresenta efeitos tóxicos, e considerado possível agente carcinogéneo, sendo classificado como poluente prioritário pela Agencia de Protecção Ambiental dos EUA (US-EPA). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o papel da glutationa e do vacúolo, como mecanismos de defesa, contra os efeitos tóxicos induzidos pelo chumbo, usando como modelo a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A levedura S. cerevisiae quando exposta a varias concentrações de chumbo, durante 3h, perde a viabilidade e acumula espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS). O estudo comparativo da perda de viabilidade e acumulação de ROS em células de uma estirpe selvagem (WT) e de estirpes mutantes, incapazes de produzir glutationa devido a uma deficiência no gene GSH1 (gsh1) ou GSH2 (gsh2) mostrou que as estirpes gsh1 ou(gsh2 não apresentavam um aumento da sensibilidade ao efeito toxico do chumbo. No entanto, o tratamento de células da estirpe WT com iodoacetamida (um agente alquilante que induz a depleção de glutationa) aumentou a sensibilidade das células a presença de chumbo. Pelo contrário, o enriquecimento em GSH, através da incubação de células WT com glucose e uma mistura de aminoácidos que constituem a GSH (acido L-glutâmico, L-cisteína e glicina), reduziu o stress oxidativo e a perda de viabilidade induzida por chumbo. A importância do vacúolo, como mecanismo de defesa, foi avaliada através da utilização de um mutante sem qualquer estrutura vacuolar (vps16) ou de mutantes deficientes na subunidade catalítica A (vma1) ou B (vma2) ou no proteolítico - subunidade C (vma3) da V-ATPase. As células da estirpe ƒ´vps16 apresentaram uma elevada suscetibilidade a presença de chumbo. As células das estirpes deficientes na subunidade A, B ou c da V-ATPase, apresentaram uma maior perda de viabilidade, quando expostas a chumbo, do que as células da estirpe WT, mas menor do que a da estirpe vps16 Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos, no seu conjunto, sugerem que a glutationa esta envolvida na defesa contra a toxicidade provocada por chumbo; todavia, a glutationa, por si só, parece não ser suficiente para suster o stress oxidativo e a perda de viabilidade induzida por chumbo. O vacúolo parece constituir um importante mecanismo de defesa contra a toxicidade provocada por chumbo. A V-ATPase parece estar envolvida na compartimentação de chumbo no vacúolo.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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This work introduces two major changes to the conventional protocol for designing plastic antibodies: (i) the imprinted sites were created with charged monomers while the surrounding environment was tailored using neutral material; and (ii) the protein was removed from its imprinted site by means of a protease, aiming at preserving the polymeric network of the plastic antibody. To our knowledge, these approaches were never presented before and the resulting material was named here as smart plastic antibody material (SPAM). As proof of concept, SPAM was tailored on top of disposable gold-screen printed electrodes (Au-SPE), following a bottom-up approach, for targeting myoglobin (Myo) in a point-of-care context. The existence of imprinted sites was checked by comparing a SPAM modified surface to a negative control, consisting of similar material where the template was omitted from the procedure and called non-imprinted materials (NIMs). All stages of the creation of the SPAM and NIM on the Au layer were followed by both electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). AFM imaging was also performed to characterize the topography of the surface. There are two major reasons supporting the fact that plastic antibodies were effectively designed by the above approach: (i) they were visualized for the first time by AFM, being present only in the SPAM network; and (ii) only the SPAM material was able to rebind to the target protein and produce a linear electrical response against EIS and square wave voltammetry (SWV) assays, with NIMs showing a similar-to-random behavior. The SPAM/Au-SPE devices displayed linear responses to Myo in EIS and SWV assays down to 3.5 μg/mL and 0.58 μg/mL, respectively, with detection limits of 1.5 and 0.28 μg/mL. SPAM materials also showed negligible interference from troponin T (TnT), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and urea under SWV assays, showing promising results for point-of-care applications when applied to spiked biological fluids.


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This work proposes different kind of solid-contact graphite-based electrodes for the selective determination of sulphonamides (SPHs) in pharmaceuticals, biological fluids and aquaculture waters. Sulfadiazine (SDZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) were selected for this purpose for being the most representative compounds of this group. The template molecules were imprinted in sol–gel (ISG) and the resulting material was used as detecting element. This was made by employing it as either a sensing layer or an ionophore of PVC-based membranes and subsequent potentiometric transduction, a strategy never reported before. The corresponding non-imprinted sol–gel (NISG) membranes were used as blank. The effect of plasticizer and kind/charge of ionic lipophilic additive was also studied. The best performance in terms of slope, linearity ranges and signal reproducibility and repeatability was achieved by PVC membranes including a high dielectric constant plasticizer and 15 mg of ISG particles. The corresponding average slope was −51.4 and −52.4 mV/decade, linear responses were 9.0 × 10−6 and 1.7 × 10−5 M, and limits of detection were 0.74 and 1.3 μg/mL for SDZ and for SMX, respectively. Good selectivity with log Kpot < −0.3 was observed for carbonate, chloride, fluoride, hydrogenocarbonate, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, cyanide, sulfate, borate, persulphate, citrate, tartrate, salicylate, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, sulphamerazine, sulphatiazole, dopamine, glucose, galactose, cysteine and creatinine. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of real samples with relative errors ranging from −6.8 to + 3.7%.


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A new man-tailored biomimetic sensor for Chlorpromazine host-guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is presented. The artificial host was imprinted within methacrylic acid, 2-vinyl pyridine and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid based polymers. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. Slopes and detection limits ranged 51–67 mV/decade and 0.46–3.9 μg/mL, respectively, in steady state conditions. Sensors were independent from the pH of test solutions within 2.0–5.5. Good selectivity was observed towards oxytetracycline, doxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, nalidixic acid, sulfadiazine, trimethoprim, glycine, hydroxylamine, cysteine and creatinine. Analytical features in flowing media were evaluated on a double-channel manifold, with a carrier solution of 5.0 × 10−2 mol/L phosphate buffer. Near-Nernstian response was observed over the concentration range 1.0 × 10−4 to 1.0 × 10−2 mol/L. Average slopes were about 48 mV/decade. The sensors were successfully applied to field monitoring of CPZ in fish samples, offering the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, automation feasibility and applicability to complex samples.


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A 3D-mirror synthetic receptor for ciprofloxacin host–guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is presented. The host cavity was shaped on a polymeric surface assembled with methacrylic acid or 2-vinyl pyridine monomers by radical polymerization. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. The sensors exhibited a near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations. Slopes and detection limits ranged from 26.8 to 50.0 mV decade−1 and 1.0 × 10−5 to 2.7 × 10−5 mol L−1, respectively. Good selectivity was observed for trimethoprim, enrofloxacin, tetracycline, cysteine, galactose, hydroxylamine, creatinine, ammonium chloride, sucrose, glucose, sulphamerazine and sulfadiazine. The sensors were successfully applied to the determination of ciprofloxacin concentrations in fish and in pharmaceuticals. The method presented offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to colored and turbid samples and automation feasibility, as well as confirming the use of molecularly imprinted polymers as ionophores for organic ion recognition in potentiometric transduction.


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This work proposes a new biomimetic sensor material for trimethoprim. It is prepared by means of radical polymerization, having trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate as cross-linker, benzoyl peroxide as radicalar iniciator, chloroform as porogenic solvent, and methacrylic acid and 2-vinyl pyridine as monomers. Different percentages of sensor in a range between 1 and 6% were studied. Their behavior was compared to that obtained with ion-exchanger quaternary ammonium salt (additive tetrakis(p-chlorophenyl)borate or tetraphenylborate). The effect of an anionic additive in the sensing membrane was also tested. Trimethoprim sensors with 1% of imprinted particles from methacrylic acid monomers showed the best response in terms of slope (59.7 mV/decade) and detection limit (4.01 × 10− 7 mol/L). These electrodes displayed also a good selectivity towards nickel, manganese aluminium, ammonium, lead, potassium, sodium, iron, chromium, sulfadiazine, alanine, cysteine, tryptophan, valine and glycine. The sensors were not affected by pH changes from 2 to 6. They were successfully applied to the analysis of water from aquaculture.


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During the year of 2001, a retrospective, descriptive study in order to determine the influence of the antiretroviral therapy received by 111 HIV-HCV coinfected patients who had undergone at least one liver biopsy was conduced, 74 of them were treated with a protease inhibitor regimen (WPI), and 37 with a non-protease inhibitor regimen (NPI). The main characteristics found were: a young patient population (mean age 41 years old in both groups), composed in most part of male individuals (74.3% WPI and 51.4% NPI) with previous risk factors for both infections (WPI 93.2% and NPI 89.2%). The most significant findings included AIDS-defining disease (WPI 18.9% and NPI 13.5% of the cases), elevated hepatic enzyme levels (WPI: SGOT 52.1 and NPI 53.2), absence of liver disease-related symptoms (16.2% for both groups), average CD4 count > 350 for both groups (WPI 362.2 and NPI 378.1), predominantly low-grade fibrosis in both populations (0-2 in 63.6% of WPI patients and in 80% of NPI patients), with necro-inflammatory activity ranging from 5-7 in 51.3% and 42.9% of WPI patients and NPI patients, respectively. It is suggested a sequential biopsy to better evaluate the evolution of the hepatic disease, according to the HAART regimen received.