951 resultados para Cycles of Ideals
La riforma del bicameralismo rappresenta nell’ordinamento italiano una delle tematiche più dibattute sin dalla “concessione” dello Statuto Albertino. In Assemblea Costituente, infatti, l’opzione tra monocamerali e bicameralismo - prima - e il dibattito su che tipo di bicameralismo si sarebbe dovuto adottare - poi - hanno dato vita ad una parte organizzativa particolarmente debole e in gran parte antiquata rispetto alle esigenze della prima parte della Costituzione che, al contrario, ha rappresentato il precipitato di una profonda consonanza di ideali. La tesi si propone dunque l’obiettivo di dimostrare che l’esigenza di procedere ad una riforma del sistema bicamerale in Italia sia oggi quanto mai attuale e necessaria. Da un lato, infatti, essa favorirebbe il superamento delle inefficienze del sistema parlamentare e potrebbe rappresentare uno strumento per ovviare alla debole razionalizzazione della forma di governo che, da sempre, ha determinato la strutturale instabilità degli esecutivi. Dall’altro lato, la riforma servirebbe soprattutto a realizzare quella connessione organica tra Stato e regioni necessaria per completare il disegno regionalistico che si ricava dalla Costituzione stessa. Esigenza questa che, peraltro, si è notevolmente rafforzata con la riforma del titolo V della Costituzione, la cui portata innovativa è stata sostanzialmente svuotata di contenuto a causa delle difficoltà che si sono incontrate nella sua attuazione.
Con il termine IPC (precondizionamento ischemico) si indica un fenomeno per il quale, esponendo il cuore a brevi cicli di ischemie subletali prima di un danno ischemico prolungato, si conferisce una profonda resistenza all’infarto, una delle principali cause di invalidità e mortalità a livello mondiale. Studi recenti hanno suggerito che l’IPC sia in grado di migliorare la sopravvivenza, la mobilizzazione e l’integrazione di cellule staminali in aree ischemiche e che possa fornire una nuova strategia per potenziare l’efficacia della terapia cellulare cardiaca, un’area della ricerca in continuo sviluppo. L’IPC è difficilmente trasferibile nella pratica clinica ma, da anni, è ben documentato che gli oppioidi e i loro recettori hanno un ruolo cardioprotettivo e che attivano le vie di segnale coinvolte nell’IPC: sono quindi candidati ideali per una possibile terapia farmacologica alternativa all’IPC. Il trattamento di cardiomiociti con gli agonisti dei recettori oppioidi Dinorfina B, DADLE e Met-Encefalina potrebbe proteggere, quindi, le cellule dall’apoptosi causata da un ambiente ischemico ma potrebbe anche indurle a produrre fattori che richiamino elementi staminali. Per testare quest’ipotesi è stato messo a punto un modello di “microambiente ischemico” in vitro sui cardiomioblasti di ratto H9c2 ed è stato dimostrato che precondizionando le cellule in modo “continuativo” (ventiquattro ore di precondizionamento con oppioidi e successivamente ventiquattro ore di induzione del danno, continuando a somministrare i peptidi oppioidi) con Dinorfina B e DADLE si verifica una protezione diretta dall’apoptosi. Successivamente, saggi di migrazione e adesione hanno mostrato che DADLE agisce sulle H9c2 “ischemiche” spronandole a creare un microambiente capace di attirare cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (FMhMSC) e di potenziare le capacità adesive delle FMhMSC. I dati ottenuti suggeriscono, inoltre, che la capacità del microambiente ischemico trattato con DADLE di attirare le cellule staminali possa essere imputabile alla maggiore espressione di chemochine da parte delle H9c2.
I pazienti con glomerulopatie con sindrome nefrosica hanno poche opzioni di trattamento efficace. Riportiamo la nostra esperienza sull'utilizzo della fotochemioterapia extracorporea ( ECP) in 9 pazienti in cui non era stata osservata una risposta efficace/duratura alla convenzionale terapia farmacologica. L’ECP è una promettente terapia immunomodulante, che è stata utilizzata con successo nel trattamento di altre condizioni immunomediate come il rigetto nel trapianto e il GvHD. METODI: In questo studio abbiamo arruolato 9 pazienti, 5 maschi e 4 femmine, età media 32.7±8.9 anni, affetti da sindrome nefrosica e non responsivi/resistenti alle comuni terapie. Il follow-up medio è stato di 41.3±21.7 mesi. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti a cicli di fotochemioterapia extracorporea secondo il seguente schema: 1ciclo (2 sedute in 2 giorni consecutivi) ogni 15 giorni per tre mesi, seguito da 1ciclo al mese per tre mesi. Il follow up è stato effetuatio ogni 3 mesi durante il primo anno e poi ogni 12 mesi. Durante il follow up sono stati monitorati pressione arteriosa, funzione renale, marcatori diretti ed indiretti di attività della malattia e indici di flogosi. RISULTATI: attraverso l'analisi dei parametri ematochimici indici di attività di malattia, e monitorando l'eventuale progressione della malattia renale, è stato possibile dimostrare che l' ECP può rappresentare per casi selezionati di pazienti una valida ulteriore opzione terapeutica. Secondo i risultati preliminari tale trattamento risulta inoltre caratterizzato da un eccellente profilo di sicurezza . CONCLUSIONI: I risultati osservati suggeriscono che l’ECP è un trattamento efficace per i pazienti con glomenulonefriti con sindrome nefrosica, soprattutto in coloro che presentano ancora una buona funzionalità renale. Valutazioni cliniche aggiuntive dovranno aiuteranno a definire meglio la popolazione di pazienti in cui ECP sia più efficace e raccomandabile.
Atmosphärische Aerosolpartikel haben einen Einfluss sowohl auf das Klima als auch auf die menschliche Gesundheit, wobei sowohl die Größe, als auch die chemische Zusammensetzung der Partikel maßgeblich sind. Um insbesondere die chemische Zusammensetzung der Partikel in Abhängigkeit ihrer Quellen besser zu verstehen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen thermisch verdampfbarer Partikel im Submikrometerbereich durchgeführt. Hierzu wurden sowohl die Massenspektren einzelner Partikel, als auch die von Ensembles von Partikeln mit dem Aerodyne Aerosolmassenspektrometer (AMS) in mehreren Feldmesskampagnen untersucht. Für die Messung von Einzelpartikelmassenspektren wurde das AMS zunächst durch den Einbau eines optischen Partikeldetektors (light scattering probe) modifiziert und anschließend eingehend charakterisiert. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass mit dem Gerät im Partikelgrößenbereich von etwa 400-750 nm (untere Grenze bedingt durch die Detektionseffizienz des optischen Detektors, obere Grenze durch die Transmissionseffizienz des Aerosoleinlasssystems) quantitative Einzelpartikelmessungen möglich sind. Zudem wurde die Analyse der erhaltenen Messdaten systematisiert, und durch Einsatz von Standardspektren ein Sortieralgorithmus für die Einzelpartikelmassenspektren entwickelt, der erfolgreich auf Daten von Feldmesskampagnen angewandt werden konnte. Mit diesem Sortieralgorithmus sind zudem quantitative Aussagen über die verschiedenen Partikelbestandteile möglich. Im Sommer 2009 und im Winter 2010 fanden im Großraum Paris zwei einmonatige Feldmesskampagnen statt, bei denen unter anderem der Einfluss der Abluftfahne der Megastadt auf seine Vororte untersucht wurde. Erhöhte Konzentrationen sekundär gebildeter Aerosolkomponenten (Nitrat, Sulfat, oxidiertes organisches Aerosol (OOA)) waren insbesondere beim Herantransport kontinentaler Luftmassen zu beobachten. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die beobachteten Konzentrationen der Tracer primärer Emissionen NOx, BC (black carbon) und HOA (hydrocarbonlike organic aerosol) neben der lokalen Quellstärke insbesondere durch die herrschende Windgeschwindigkeit beeinflusst. Aus dem Vergleich der Messungen an drei Stationen konnte der Einfluss der Megastadt Paris auf seine Vororte (unter Annahme gleicher lokaler Emissionen an den zwei Vorort-Stationen) zu 0,1-0,7 µg m-3 BC, 0,3-1,1 µg m-3 HOA, und 3-5 ppb NOx abgeschätzt werden. Zudem konnten für zwei Stationen aus den Ensemble- bzw. den Einzelpartikelmessungen unabhängig voneinander zwei verschiedene HOA-Typen unterschieden werden, die den Quellen „Kochen“ und „Autoabgase“ zugeordnet wurden. Der Anteil der Partikel aus den Quellen „Kochen“ bzw. „Autoabgase“ am Gesamt-HOA betrug 65,5 % und 34,5 % für die Ensemblemessungen in der Innenstadt (nahe vieler Restaurants), und für die Einzelpartikelmessungen in einem Vorort 59 % bzw. 41 % (bezogen auf die Partikelanzahl, welche hier der Masse etwa proportional ist). Die Analyse der Einzelpartikelmassenspektren erbrachte zudem neue Erkenntnisse über den Mischungszustand der Einzelpartikel. So konnte belegt werden, dass Nitrat, Sulfat und OOA intern gemischt sind, HOA-Partikel aber als externe Mischung mit diesen vorliegen. Zudem konnte anhand der Tagesgänge der Masse pro Partikel von OOA, Nitrat und Sulfat und der Anzahl der diese Substanzen enthaltenden Partikel gezeigt werden, dass der im Ensemblemodus beobachtete fehlende Tagesgang der Sulfat-Massenkonzentration wahrscheinlich durch die gegensätzlichen Effekte der Modulation der Partikelanzahlkonzentration durch die sich verändernde Mischungsschichthöhe und der variierenden Masse an Sulfat pro Partikel (mittägliche photochemische Neuproduktion und Kondensation auf existierende Partikel) erklärt werden kann. Für OOA ist eine ähnliche Erklärung des Ensemblemodus-Tagesganges jedoch nur teilweise möglich; weitere Arbeit ist daher nötig, um auch für diese Substanzklasse belastbare Aussagen aus dem Vergleich der Ensemble- und Einzelpartikelmessungen zu erhalten. Im Rahmen einer Labormesskampagne an der AIDA-Kammer in Karlsruhe wurden Ensemble- und Einzelpartikelmassenspektren von Bakterien aufgenommen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es prinzipiell möglich ist, Bakterien in Außenluft mittels Einzelpartikelmessungen nachzuweisen, jedoch wahrscheinlich nur bei sehr hohen Anzahlkonzentrationen. Der Nachweis von Bakterien und anderen primären biologischen Aerosolpartikeln mit dem AMS sollte daher in weiterführenden Experimenten noch optimiert werden.
Gegenstand der Arbeit: Die distale Radiusfraktur ist der häufigste Bruch des Menschen. Neben etablierten Verfahren wie der dorsalen und palmaren Plattenosteosynthese gibt es seit Kurzem neuartige minimalinvasive Osteosynthesesysteme. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der biomechanischen Stabilität von zwei neuartigen Implantaten für die distale extraartikuläre Radiusfraktur. rnMethodik: Es handelt sich einerseits um das System XSCREW (Zimmer, Freiburg i. Br., Deutschland), eine kanülierte Schraube, die über den Processus styloideus eingeführt wird und mit bis zu neun Bohrdrähten im Knochen fixiert werden kann. Das Vergleichsimplantat DorsalNailPlate (HandInnovations, Miami, Florida, USA) ist ein Hybrid aus einer dorsalen Platte und einem Marknagel. Beide Systeme wurden an 8 paarigen frischen unfixierten Leichenradii unter Axialbelastung bis 100 N und Torsionsbelastung bis 1,5 Nm getestet. Die A3-Fraktur wurde durch eine standardisierte Keilosteotomie simuliert. Das Biomaterial wurde prä- und postinterventionell sowie nach einem Dauerbelastungstest unter 1000 Zyklen in Rotation mit 0,5 Hz untersucht. Ein Versagenstest mit steigendem Drehmoment beendete das Experiment. rnErgebnisse: Die XSCREW erreichte eine Axialsteifigkeit von 136 N/mm und eine Torsionssteifigkeit von 0,16 Nm/°. Die DNP erzielte hingegen axial 70 N/mm und torsional 0,06 Nm/°. Der Unterschied zwischen beiden Verfahren war nur für die Torsion eindeutig statistisch auffällig (p=0,012), jedoch nicht für die Axialsteifigkeit (p=0,054). Die ursprüngliche Axial- und Torsionssteifigkeit wurde durch die XSCREW signifikant besser wiederhergestellt als durch die DNP (p=0,012). Beide Verfahren erzielten nach der Intervention signifikant niedrigere Steifigkeiten als die intakten Knochen (p=0,012). Ein Präparat der DNP-Gruppe und vier Präparate der XSCREW-Gruppe überstanden den Dauerbelastungstest. Das Drehmoment bei Versagen war mit der XSCREW höher als mit der DNP, der Unterschied zwischen den Verfahren war signifikant (p=0,043). Die Schwachstellen beider Systeme lagen vorwiegend in der proximalen Verankerung im Knochen. Kirschner-Drähte bzw. Verriegelungsschrauben führten unter andauernder Belastung zu einer Spaltung der Kortikalis im Schaftbereich. Bedingt durch die Ausrichtung der distalen Verriegelungen können mit beiden Implantaten Schäden an der radiocarpalen bzw. radioulnaren Gelenkfläche entstehen. rnZusammenfassung: Die XSCREW ermöglicht insgesamt eine höhere mechanische Stabilität als die DNP. Beide Verfahren sind jedoch einer winkelstabilen palmaren Plattenosteosynthese insbesondere unter rotatorischer Dauerbelastung unterlegen und erreichen nicht die Stabilität eines anderen neuartigen minimalinvasiven Systems.
Die Winden-Glasflügelzikade Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae, Glasflügelzikaden) nutzte in Deutschland ursprünglich die Ackerwinde Convolvulus arvensis als Wirtspflanze, allerdings nahm in den letzten zwei Dekaden die Abundanz auf der Großen Brennnessel Urtica dioica stark zu, zusammen mit der Inzidenz der Schwarzholzkrankheit Bois noir auf Weinreben. Bois noir wird durch ein Phytoplasma verursacht, das durch H. obsoletus von C. arvensis und U. dioica auf Weinreben übertragen wird. Es stellte sich daher die Frage, ob H. obsoletus Wirtsrassen entwickelt hat, die möglicherweise die Bois noir-Epidemiologie beeinflussen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden folgende Fragestellungen bearbeitet: rn(1) Gibt es in Deutschland und Europa genetisch unterscheidbare Wirtsrassen von H. obsoletus auf den beiden Wirtspflanzen C. arvensis und U. dioica? Es wurden sieben Mikrosatellitenmarker entwickelt und etabliert, um H. obsoletus Populationen aus Deutschland und Europa genetisch zu analysieren. Es zeigte sich eine deutliche Differenzierung zwischen Populationen von beiden Wirtspflanzen in Deutschland, jedoch nicht in den historischen Ursprungsgebieten der deutschen Populationen, in der Schweiz, Italien oder Slovenien.rn(2) Wo sind die deutschen Wirtsrassen von H. obsoletus entstanden? Eine Einwanderung von südlichen, bereits an U. dioica angepassten Individuen stand einer lokalen Wirtsrassenevolution gegenüber. Die engere genetische Verwandtschaft der deutschen Population auf U. dioica zu denen auf C. arvensis, im Vergleich zu den übrigen Populationen auf U. dioica, impliziert einen lokalen Prozess im nördlichen Verbreitungsgebiet. Eine Immigration südlicher Tiere scheint nicht zur Diversifizierung beigetragen zu haben, führte aber möglicherweise einen U. dioica-spezifischen Phytoplasma-Stamm ein. Durch Wirtsrassenevolution entwickelten sich spezifische, vektorbasierte epidemiologische Kreisläufe der Schwarzholzkrankheit Bois noir. rn(3) Welche Präferenzen zeigen die beiden Wirtsrassen von H. obsoletus für die Wirtspflanzen C. arvensis und U. dioica und unterscheiden sich diese? Die Präferenz von H. obsoletus aus beiden deutschen Wirtsrassen in Bezug auf den Geruch der Wirtspflanzen wurde in einem Y-Olfaktometer untersucht, zusätzlich wurden beide Pflanzen direkt zur Wahl gestellt. Bei beiden Untersuchungen zeigte die Population von C. arvensis eine signifikante Präferenz für ihre native Wirtspflanze. Die Population von U. dioica wies dagegen keine Präferenz für den Geruch einer Wirtspflanze auf, bevorzugte im direkten Test jedoch signifikant ihre native Wirtspflanze. Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Anpassung an den „neuen“ Wirt noch nicht vollständig ist.rn
Concomitant with the extensive growth and differentiation of the mammary epithelium during pregnancy and lactation, and epithelial involution after weaning, the vasculature of the mammary gland undergoes repeated cycles of expansion and regression. Vascular expansion is effected by sprouting angiogenesis, intussusception and conceivably also vasculogenesis. The capacity of the epithelial cells to stimulate vascular growth and differentiation is dependent on the constellation of systemic and local hormones and growth factors as well as the changing demands for oxygenation and nutrient supply. This results in the release of angiogenic factors which stimulate endothelial cell growth and regulate vascular architecture. In contrast to the angiogenic phase of the mammary gland cycle, little is known about the control of vascular regression although this would possibly offer new insights into therapeutic possibilities against breast cancer. In this review we summarize knowledge regarding the mechanisms regulating the vasculature of the mammary gland and delineate the importance of the vasculature in the attainment of organ function. In addition, we discuss the angiogenic mechanisms observed during mammary carcinogenesis and their consequences for breast cancer therapy.
We report the results of a prospective, randomized phase 3 trial evaluating autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (ASCT) versus intensive consolidation chemotherapy in newly diagnosed AML patients in complete remission (CR1). Patients with AML (16-60 years) in CR1 after 2 cycles of intensive chemotherapy and not eligible for allogeneic SCT were randomized between intensive chemotherapy with etoposide and mitoxantrone or ASCT ater high-dose cyclophosphamide and busulfan. Of patients randomized (chemotherapy, n = 259; ASCT, n = 258), more than 90% received their assigned treatment. The 2 groups were comparable with regard to prognostic factors. The ASCT group showed a markedly reduced relapse rate (58% vs 70%, P = .02) and better relapse-free survival at 5 years (38% vs 29%, P = .065, hazard ratio = 0.82; 95% confidence interval, 0.66-1.1) with nonrelapse mortality of 4% versus 1% in the chemotherapy arm (P = .02). Overall survival was similar (44% vs 41% at 5 years, P = .86) because of more opportunities for salvage with second-line chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation in patients relapsing on the chemotherapy arm. This large study shows a relapse advantage for ASCT as postremission therapy but similar survival because more relapsing patients on the chemotherapy arm were salvaged with a late transplantation for relapse. This trial is registered at www.trialregister.nl as #NTR230 and #NTR291.
Pulmonary disease is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF). Most patients with CF die from respiratory failure with extensive airway destruction. Airway remodelling, defined as structural airway wall changes, begins early in life in CF but the sequence of remodelling events in the disease process is poorly understood. Airway remodelling in CF has traditionally been thought to be solely the consequence of repeated cycles of inflammation and infection. However, new evidence obtained from developmental, physiological and histopathological studies suggests that there might instead be multiple mechanisms leading to airway remodelling in CF including (1) changes related to infection and inflammation; (2) changes specific to CF as a result of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) dysfunction in the airway wall, independent of infection and inflammation; and (3) protective responses to (1) and/or (2). Recent advances in bronchoscopic techniques have allowed airway mucosal (endobronchial) biopsies to be taken in children and even infants. Endobronchial biopsy studies may provide insight into the role and relative contribution of the different mechanisms of airway remodelling in CF, with the main limitation that they assess only changes in proximal large airways and not in peripheral small airways from where CF disease is thought to originate. Findings from biopsy studies could encourage the development of novel therapeutic strategies targeting structural changes in addition to infection and inflammation.
OBJECTIVE: Only a few studies have investigated variations of different markers for inflammatory processes during the physiological menstrual cycle. The results are conflicting, particularly concerning the correlation between the marker leptin and steroid hormones. The aim of the study was to investigate the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and leptin in the serum of healthy, normally ovulating women and to correlate these with each other and with the hormones of the gonadal axis. A cycle-dependence of the markers studied would imply an exact timing of the blood sampling for clinical needs. DESIGN: Observational study investigating the two inflammatory markers CRP and leptin in relation to the hormonal pattern of the gonadal axis during the normal cycle. METHODS: Ovulatory cycles of 36 healthy, young, normo-androgenic women, having a normal body mass index were evaluated. Serum concentrations of leptin and CRP, as well as of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, 17beta-oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin (PRL) and free testosterone were measured every 1-2 days during one full cycle. RESULTS: Serum levels of leptin and CRP behaved differently during ovulatory cycles, with higher concentrations for leptin only during certain phases. Significant correlations were found in the follicular phase between leptin and PRL and leptin and free testosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Leptin levels change during the menstrual cycle. Leptin levels are more stable on cycle days 1-5 than later in the cycle. For precise cycle-independent measurements, these fluctuations have to be taken into account. There is no similar cyclic pattern for CRP.
In honeybees (Apis niellifera), the process of nectar collection is considered a straightforward example of task partitioning with two subtasks or two intersecting cycles of activity: (1) foraging and (2) storing of nectar, linked via its transfer between foragers and food processors. Many observations suggest, however, that nectar colleclion and processing in honeybees is a complex process, involving workers of other sub-castes and depending on variables such as resource profitability or the amount of stored honey. It has been observed that food processor bees often distribute food to other hive bees after receiving it from incoming foragers, instead of storing it immediately in honey cells. While there is little information about the sub-caste affiliation and the behaviour of these second-order receivers, this stage may be important for the rapid distribution of nutrients and related information. To investigate the identity of these second-order receivers, we quantified behaviours following nectar transfer and compared these behaviours with the behaviour of average worker hive-bees. Furthermore, we tested whether food quality (sugar concentration) affects the behaviour of the second-order receivers. Of all identified second-order receivers, 59.3% performed nurse duties, 18.5% performed food-processor duties and 22.2% performed forager duties. After food intake, these bees were more active, had more trophallaxes (especially offering contacts) compared to average workers and they were found mainly in the brood area, independent of food quality. Our results show that the liquid food can be distributed rapidly among many bees of the three main worker sub-castes, without being stored in honey cells first. Furthermore, the results suggest that the rapid distribution of food partly depends on the high activity of second-order receivers.
BACKGROUND: We evaluated previously established regimens of capecitabine plus vinorelbine in older patients with advanced breast cancer stratified for presence versus absence of bone metastases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients > or =65 years who had received no prior chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer received up to six 21-day cycles of vinorelbine 20 mg/m(2) i.v. on days 1 + 8 with oral capecitabine on days 1-14 (1,000 vs. 1,250 mg/m(2) daily in patients with vs. without bone involvement). RESULTS: Median age was 72 years in patients with bone metastases (n = 47) and 75 years in patients without bone metastases (n = 23). Response rates were 43% (95% confidence interval, CI, 28.3-58.8) and 57% (95% CI = 34.5-76.8), respectively. Median time to progression was 4.3 (95% CI = 3.5-6.0 months) and 7.0 months (CI = 4.1-8.3), respectively. Neutropenia was the most common toxicity, with grade 3/4 occurring in 43 and 39%, respectively. Pulmonary embolism was seen in 5 and grade 3 thrombosis in 3 patients. Other toxicities were mild to moderate. CONCLUSIONS: These regimens of capecitabine and vinorelbine are active and well tolerated in patients with advanced breast cancer > or =65 years. Response rates were comparable to published results. The lower capecitabine doses appeared appropriate given the advanced age, bone involvement and prior radiotherapy.
Tenascin-C (TNC) is a mechano-regulated, morphogenic, extracellular matrix protein that is associated with tissue remodeling. The physiological role of TNC remains unclear because transgenic mice engineered for a TNC deficiency, via a defect in TNC secretion, show no major pathologies. We hypothesized that TNC-deficient mice would demonstrate defects in the repair of damaged leg muscles, which would be of functional significance because this tissue is subjected to frequent cycles of mechanical damage and regeneration. TNC-deficient mice demonstrated a blunted expression of the large TNC isoform and a selective atrophy of fast-muscle fibers associated with a defective, fast myogenic expression response to a damaging mechanical challenge. Transcript profiling mapped a set of de-adhesion, angiogenesis, and wound healing regulators as TNC expression targets in striated muscle. Expression of these regulators correlated with the residual expression of a damage-related 200-kDa protein, which resembled the small TNC isoform. Somatic knockin of TNC in fast-muscle fibers confirmed the activation of a complex expression program of interstitial and slow myofiber repair by myofiber-derived TNC. The results presented here show that a TNC-orchestrated molecular pathway integrates muscle repair into the load-dependent control of the striated muscle phenotype.
The Hamilton-Waterloo problem and its spouse-avoiding variant for uniform cycle sizes asks if Kv, where v is odd (or Kv - F, if v is even), can be decomposed into 2-factors in which each factor is made either entirely of m-cycles or entirely of n-cycles. This thesis examines the case in which r of the factors are made up of cycles of length 3 and s of the factors are made up of cycles of length 9, for any r and s. We also discuss a constructive solution to the general (m,n) case which fixes r and s.
Experimental work and analysis was done to investigate engine startup robustness and emissions of a flex-fuel spark ignition (SI) direct injection (DI) engine. The vaporization and other characteristics of ethanol fuel blends present a challenge at engine startup. Strategies to reduce the enrichment requirements for the first engine startup cycle and emissions for the second and third fired cycle at 25°C ± 1°C engine and intake air temperature were investigated. Research work was conducted on a single cylinder SIDI engine with gasoline and E85 fuels, to study the effect on first fired cycle of engine startup. Piston configurations that included a compression ratio change (11 vs 15.5) and piston geometry change (flattop vs bowl) were tested, along with changes in intake cam timing (95,110,125) and fuel pressure (0.4 MPa vs 3 MPa). The goal was to replicate the engine speed, manifold pressure, fuel pressure and testing temperature from an engine startup trace for investigating the first fired cycle for the engine. Results showed bowl piston was able to enable lower equivalence ratio engine starts with gasoline fuel, while also showing lower IMEP at the same equivalence ratio compared to flat top piston. With E85, bowl piston showed reduced IMEP as compression ratio increased at the same equivalence ratio. A preference for constant intake valve timing across fuels seemed to indicate that flattop piston might be a good flex-fuel piston. Significant improvements were seen with higher CR bowl piston with high fuel pressure starts, but showed no improvement with low fuel pressures. Simulation work was conducted to analyze initial three cycles of engine startup in GT-POWER for the same set of hardware used in the experimentations. A steady state validated model was modified for startup conditions. The results of which allowed an understanding of the relative residual levels and IMEP at the test points in the cam phasing space. This allowed selecting additional test points that enable use of higher residual levels, eliminating those with smaller trapped mass incapable of producing required IMEP for proper engine turnover. The second phase of experimental testing results for 2nd and 3rd startup cycle revealed both E10 and E85 prefer the same SOI of 240°bTDC at second and third startup cycle for the flat top piston and high injection pressures. E85 fuel optimal cam timing for startup showed that it tolerates more residuals compared to E10 fuel. Higher internal residuals drives down the Ø requirement for both fuels up to their combustion stability limit, this is thought to be direct benefit to vaporization due to increased cycle start temperature. Benefits are shown for an advance IMOP and retarded EMOP strategy at engine startup. Overall the amount of residuals preferred by an engine for E10 fuel at startup is thought to be constant across engine speed, thus could enable easier selection of optimized cam positions across the startup speeds.