952 resultados para Creative Work


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This work investigates applying introspective reasoning to improve the performance of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems, in both reactive and proactive fashion, by guiding learning to improve how a CBR system applies its cases and by identifying possible future system deficiencies. First we present our reactive approach, a new introspective reasoning model which enables CBR systems to autonomously learn to improve multiple facets of their reasoning processes in response to poor quality solutions. We illustrate our model’s benefits with experimental results from tests in an industrial design application. Then as for our proactive approach, we introduce a novel method for identifying regions in a case-base where the system gives low confidence solutions to possible future problems. Experimentation is provided for Zoology and Robo-Soccer domains and we argue how encountered regions of dubiosity help us to analyze the case-bases of a given CBR system.


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ABSTRACT The measure and estimation of income levels in Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) goes back a long way. Using different approaches and focusing on different municipalities, there is a lot of work in the field. The majority of the literature has focused on the estimation of income levels using variables related to consumption. The empirical evidence on wage differentials has shown an important growth during 80’s and 90’s especially in United Kingdom and USA. Less is known on spatial distribution of inequality. This paper presents a new data set for analyzing spatial distribution of wage income. This data is obtained by matching Wage Structure Survey (WSS) with data from Census disaggregated by census tracts. In this way we have a unique data set with wage incomes for every census track for 36 municipalities belonging to BMA. We develop a descriptive analysis of spatial distribution, testing for spatial autocorrelation and use the family of Generalised Entropy Indices to measure inequality. Properties of the index allow us to decompose inequality into inter and intra-municipality measures. Since we have two cross-sectional data for WSS (1995-2002) we can also analyze the evolution of the inequality in this period of economic growth. Key words: spatial distribution of wages, spatial autocorrelation, inequality indices.


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En este trabajo se describe la miniaturización del diseño de un desfasador de cuadratura mediante líneas de transmisión metamaterial en tecnología microstrip. Para conseguir la miniaturización del diseño se utiliza la topología Spiral Resonator (SR). Los desfasadores de cuadratura han sido diseñados, fabricados y medidos. Mediante este proceso se ha consiguido un dispositivo metamaterial que presenta una reducción de un 77% del tamaño respecto a las líneas convencionales.


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El sistema desarrollado en este trabajo permite la detección de fatiga del músculo de un paciente. Las señales electromiográficas generadas por el músculo son detectadas mediante electrodos superficiales, que sirven de entrada al circuito hacia los diferentes canales de entrada. Tras una primera etapa de amplificación, las señales son filtradas por un filtro pasabanda. Las señales acondicionadas se digitalizan mediante un conversor analógico digital que está conectado a un microcontrolador. Éste establece la comunicación con el PC enviándole los datos a través del puerto serie. Finalmente, mediante un programa implementado en Labview se procesan los datos y se determina la existencia o no de fatiga muscular.


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The study was performed in the installations of OCAS, a Steel Research Centre of ArcelorMittal. Taking M32 steel (3.25%Si+0.9%Al) as the basis chemical composition and three different thicknesses (0.35, 0.5 and 0.65mm), different annealing conditions (temperature and time) have been applied in the laboratory simulator at St. Chély, France. The aim was to link annealing parameters, grain size and energy loss. It was determined the optimum annealing parameters to reach the lowest power losses for three different grades of non-oriented fully processed electrical steel. In addition, M250-50 samples having different magnetic behaviour (high and low losses) but the same grain size and texture, have been analyzed in terms of TEM observations of their precipitates, in the University of Marseille. The results reveal that a high amount of medium and big precipitates (&10 nm) worsen the magnetic properties of the material. The small precipitates (&10nm) do not have a strong influence on the magnetic properties. The presence of precipitates can have a great influence on the power losses and further work is clearly necessary.


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Este documento explica la metodología de trabajo utilizada durante el desarrollo de este proyecto. El resultado obtenido ha sido un producto que forma parte del portal web Luxury Porperties. Luxury Properties es una marca comercial, creada por la compañía Luxury Dreams, para identificar un portal web especializado en las propiedades de lujo. Para desarrollar este concepto, la empresa compró el dominio luxuryproperties.es con el objetivo de crear un sistema que implemente toda la lógica de negocio necesaria para la publicidad y mercadeo de sus productos. Al final del documento se encuentran las recomendaciones y las futuras valoraciones a tener en cuenta por el cliente en futuras ampliaciones del portal.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the James Cook University, Australia, between June to December 2007. Free convection in enclosed spaces is found widely in natural and industrial systems. It is a topic of primary interest because in many systems it provides the largest resistance to the heat transfer in comparison with other heat transfer modes. In such systems the convection is driven by a density gradient within the fluid, which, usually, is produced by a temperature difference between the fluid and surrounding walls. In the oil industry, the oil, which has High Prandtl, usually is stored and transported in large tanks at temperatures high enough to keep its viscosity and, thus the pumping requirements, to a reasonable level. A temperature difference between the fluid and the walls of the container may give rise to the unsteady buoyancy force and hence the unsteady natural convection. In the initial period of cooling the natural convection regime dominates over the conduction contribution. As the oil cools down it typically becomes more viscous and this increase of viscosity inhibits the convection. At this point the oil viscosity becomes very large and unloading of the tank becomes very difficult. For this reason it is of primary interest to be able to predict the cooling rate of the oil. The general objective of this work is to develop and validate a simulation tool able to predict the cooling rates of high Prandtl fluid considering the variable viscosity effects.


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Labour market regulations aimed at enhancing job-security are dominant in several OECD countries. These regulations seek to reduce dismissals of workers and fluctuations in employment. The main theoretical contribution is to gauge the effects of such regulations on labour demand across establishment sizes. In order to achieve this, we investigate an optimising model of labour demand under uncertainty through the application of real option theory. We also consider other forms of employment which increase the flexibility of the labour market. In particular, we are modelling the contribution of temporary employment agencies (Zeitarbeit) allowing for quick personnel adjustments in client firms. The calibration results indicate that labour market rigidities may be crucial for understanding sluggishness in firms´ labour demand and the emergence and growth of temporary work.


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S’ha optimitzat un motor de veu natural per a dispositius mòbils com una PDA o un telèfon mòbil basat en un sistema operatiu Windows. La finalitat d’aquest treball és la d’ajudar a fer més fàcil la utilització d’aquests aparells a gent invident i que pugui acabar sent una donació a la ONCE.


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El treball realitzat dóna una visió global sobre els sistemes de vídeo sota demanda i la problemàtica associada al seu desenvolupament. Es mostra quines solucions s'han adoptat per abordar aquesta problemàtica a l'hora de dissenyar un sistema de VoD i, en particular, el treball se centra en l'anàlisi i desenvolupament del corresponent servidor de control.


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En este proyecto se han visto dos sistemas de computación distribuida diferentes entre ellos: Condor y BOINC. Se exploran las posibilidades para poder conseguir que ambos sistemas logren trabajar conjuntamente, escogiendo la parte más efectiva de cada uno de los sistemas con el fin de complementarse.


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El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar una plataforma de ensayos para la simulación de vuelos de vehículos aeroespaciales. La plataforma permitirá diseñar y evaluar los algoritmos de navegación, guiado y control de los vehículos aeroespaciales modelados en la plataforma de simulación, focalizando el trabajo de los ingenieros en el modelado de vehículos y en el desarrollo de sistemas de control digital. La memoria recoge las fases de un proyecto de ingeniería del software, describiendo el plan de proyecto, el análisis del sistema, la especificación de requisitos y el diseño del mismo.


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The present work carries out an analysis about which elements of the socioaffective structure take more importance for different male team sports coaches. Data obtaining carries out by using a survey applied directly by interview. In the first part, the interviewed coaches were asked to point out the indicators of the stated structure they considered more important, using a previous selection. In the second part, using a qualitative technique, the interviewed coaches were asked to explain own strategies to work, to control or to evaluate the indicators they pointed out as important in the first part. Analysis show that most of the coaches gave great importance to this structure (80% of the values are over 4 points on a top 5 points scale), and all of them had their own strategies to deal with the structure in their sports.


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El projecte consisteix en una aplicació que facilita la gestió d'un taller de reparació de vehicles, adquirint especial importància la planificació, control i seguiment dels treballs que porten a terme els operaris. L’aplicatiu es desenvoluparà en entorn web i pretendrà aproximar-se al nivell de prestacions que una aplicació tradicional d'escriptori, gràcies a l'ús de tecnologies Web 2.0 com AJAX, però amb tot el valor afegit que implica una aplicació web.