916 resultados para Conversion to Islam


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Influence of stocking density on the production of freshwater catfish Pangasius pangasius with formulated feed in ponds was studied. The fish fry were collected from the Meghna river near Chandpur which is a natural breeding ground of this fish. Three stocking densities chosen during this experiment were 5000, 8000 and 11000 fry/ha with an initial weight of 42.57 ±2.51 g. The formulated feed was prepared in the laboratory which contained 45% fish meal, 30% mustard oil cake, 15% wheat bran and 10% rice bran to supply 40.48% protein in feed. The growth of P. pangasius in terms of net weight gain was 409.49, 266.49 and 236.37 g at the 5000/ha, 8000/ha and 11000/ha stocking densities respectively, which was statistically significant (p<0.05). High food conversion ratio (FCR) was also observed during this research study which ranged between 7.06 to 7.72. A production of 2.6 tons/ha at the stocking density of 11000/ha; 2.13 tons/ha at the stocking density of 8000/ha and 2.04 tons/ha at the stocking density of 5000/ha was obtained, while the growth of individual fish at the end of experiment was in opposite order. The result of this experiment indicates that stocking density has significant influence on the culture potential of freshwater catfish P.pangasius.


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The evolutionary process of converting low-lying paddy fields into fish farms and its impact on agrarian communities in some selected areas of Mymensingh district were studied. This study was conducted through participatory rural appraisal (PRA) covering 12 villages from each of selected upazillas viz. Fulpur and Haluaghat of Mymensing [sic] district. A total of 12 PRA sessions were conducted where 90 farmers participated during 29 July to 26 August 2004. It is seen that the use of low-lying paddy fields was mostly confined to Broadcast Aman (B. Aman) rice production until 1960s. With the introduction of modern rice farming technology, the farmers started to produce Boro rice in Rabi season and B. Aman rice in Kharif season. With the passage of time, aquaculture technologies have been evolved and the farmers realized that fish farming is more profitable than rice cultivation, and then they started to utilize their paddy fields for alternate rice-fish farming and rice-cum-fish farming. Now a days, aquaculture based crop production system is in practice in more than 25% of the low-lying paddy fields. Conversion of rice fields in to fish ponds has brought up a change in the livelihood patterns of the rural farmers. The areas where the farmers involved themselves in the new production systems were fingerling collection, transportation and marketing of fry and fingerlings. During 1960s to 1970s, a few people used to culture fish in the permanent ponds for their own consumption, the species produced were rohu, catla, mrigal, ghainna, long whiskered catfish, freshwater shark (boal), snake head (shol) etc. Small fishes like climbing perch, stinging catfish, walking catfish, barb, minnows etc. were available in the rice fields during monsoon season. In 1980s to mid 1990s, some rice fields were converted into fish ponds and the people started to produce fish for commercial purposes. When rice-fish farming became profitable, a large number of people started converting their rice fields in to rice-fish culture ponds. Culture of some exotic fishes like silver carp, tilapia, grass carp, silver barb etc. also started in the paddy fields. Higher income from fish farming contributed positively in improving the housing, sanitation and education system in the study areas. It is seen that the medium and medium high lands were only used for alternate rice fish farming. The net income was high in any fish based cropping system that motivated the farmers to introduce fish based cropping system in the low-lying inland areas. As a result, the regional as well as communal income disparities occurred. However, the extraction of ground water became common during the dry period as the water was used for both rice and fish farming. Mass conversion of paddy fields into rice-fish culture ponds caused water logging in the study areas. In most cases, the participated farmers mentioned that they could be easily benefited by producing fish with T. Aman or only fish during the monsoon season. They agreed that this was an impressive technology to them and they could generate employment opportunities throughout the year. Finally, the social, economic and technical problems which are acting as constraints to rapid expansion of fish production system were reported from the interviewee.


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An 8 weeks feeding trial was conducted in a static indoor rearing system to investigate protein to energy ratio (PIE ratio) in walking catfish Clarias batrachus. Six fishmeal based diets of two protein levels (25 and 35%), each with three lipid levels (5, 10 and 15%) resulted in P/E ratios ranging from 13.57 to 21.97 mg protein kJˉ¹ gross energy (GE) were fed to 50 fish in triplicate. Fish were fed 6% of their body weight three times per day adjusted fortnightly. Significantly higher (p<0.05) growth rates in terms of weight gain, % weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) were evident in fish fed with higher protein diet. The highest growth rate was found by fish fed 35% protein, 17.06 kJˉ¹GE with a P/E ratio of 20.55 mg protein kJˉ¹GE. Significantly better (p<0.05) feed conversion ratio (FCR) was also evident in fish fed with higher protein diet and best FCR was found by fish fed 35% protein, 10% lipid, 17.06 kJˉ¹GE with a P/E ratio of 20.55 mg protein kJˉ¹GE. Significantly indifferent (p>0.05) values of protein utilisation were found in between the both (higher and lower) protein diets. Higher lipid deposition (p<0.05) in whole body was observed with increasing dietary lipid level at each protein diet and as higher (p<0.05) for the lower protein diets. The study reveals that C. batrachus performed best the diet containing 35%, 17.06 kJ gˉ¹ and 20.55 mg protein kJ gˉ¹ GE protein, gross energy and P/E ratio respectively.


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The paper discusses the recommended strategies regarding the further conversion of mangrove forests to fishponds and the management of existing fishponds for the culture of various aquatic species based on economic feasibility analysis. Strategy for the management of Philippine mangrove and the guidelines for the selection of mangrove areas for preservation, conservation and fishpond development are also presented.


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The article presents the impact of mangrove conversion on fisheries and on coastal areas. The mangrove areas which serve as nursery grounds for important species of fish and crustaceans are also rich feeding ground for many species from various trophic levels. Thus, the destruction of mangroves could affect the availability of fry and broodstock and, consequently, aquaculture production and fisheries. While in coastal areas, the destruction of mangroves increased the risk of coastal erosion from storm surges and winds, accelerates the erosion of riverbanks, exposes acid sulfate soils, leading to poor production and mass mortality of stocks, and affects the freshwater supply through salt intrusion upstream among others.


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We present a map of the transformation of energy in China as a Sankey diagram. After a review of previous work, and a statement of methodology, our main work has been the identification, evaluation, and treatment of appropriate data sources. This data is used to construct the Sankey diagram, in which flows of energy are traced from energy sources through end-use conversion devices, passive systems and final services to demand drivers. The resulting diagram provides a convenient and clear snapshot of existing energy transformations in China which can usefully be compared with a similar global analysis and which emphasises the potential for improvements in energy efficiency in 'passive systems'. More broadly, it gives a basis for examining and communicating future energy scenarios, including changes to demand, changes to the supply mix, changes in efficiency and alternative provision of existing services. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper presents a novel way to speed up the evaluation time of a boosting classifier. We make a shallow (flat) network deep (hierarchical) by growing a tree from decision regions of a given boosting classifier. The tree provides many short paths for speeding up while preserving the reasonably smooth decision regions of the boosting classifier for good generalisation. For converting a boosting classifier into a decision tree, we formulate a Boolean optimization problem, which has been previously studied for circuit design but limited to a small number of binary variables. In this work, a novel optimisation method is proposed for, firstly, several tens of variables i.e. weak-learners of a boosting classifier, and then any larger number of weak-learners by using a two-stage cascade. Experiments on the synthetic and face image data sets show that the obtained tree achieves a significant speed up both over a standard boosting classifier and the Fast-exit-a previously described method for speeding-up boosting classification, at the same accuracy. The proposed method as a general meta-algorithm is also useful for a boosting cascade, where it speeds up individual stage classifiers by different gains. The proposed method is further demonstrated for fast-moving object tracking and segmentation problems. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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In this paper, a synthetic mixture of ZrO2 and Fe 2O3 was prepared by coprecipitation for use in chemical looping and hydrogen production. Cycling experiments in a fluidized bed showed that a material composed of 30 mol % ZrO2 and 70 mol % Fe 2O3 was capable of producing hydrogen with a consistent yield of 90 mol % of the stoichiometric amount over 20 cycles of reduction and oxidation at 1123 K. Here, the iron oxide was subjected to cycles consisting of nearly 100% reduction to Fe followed by reoxidation (with steam or CO 2 and then air) to Fe2O3. There was no contamination by CO of the hydrogen produced, at a lower detection limit of 500 ppm, when the conversion of Fe3O4 to Fe was kept below 90 mol %. A preliminary investigation of the reaction kinetics confirmed that the ZrO2 support does not inhibit rates of reaction compared with those observed with iron oxide alone. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Recent progress in material science has proved that high-temperature superconductors, such as bulk melt-processed yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) single domains, have a great potential to trap significant magnetic fields. In this paper, we will describe a novel method of YBCO magnetization that only requires the applied field to be at the level of a permanent magnet. Instead of applying a pulsed high magnetic field on the YBCO, a thermally actuated material (TAM), such as Mg0.15}hbox{Cu}0.15} hbox{Zn0.7 Ti0.04}Fe1.96boxO4, has been used as an intermedium to create a travelling magnetic field by changing the local temperature so that the local permeability is changed to build up the magnetization of the YBCO gradually after multiple pumping cycles. It is well known that the relative permeability of ferrite is a function of temperature and its electromagnetic properties can be greatly changed by adding dopants such as Mg or Ti; therefore, it is considered to be the most promising TAM for future flux pumping technology. Ferrite samples were fabricated by means of the conventional ceramic method with different dopants. Zinc and iron oxides were used as raw materials. The samples were sintered at 1100 C, 1200 C} , and 1300 C. The relative permeability of the samples was measured at temperatures ranging from 77 to 300 K. This work investigates the variation of the magnetic properties of ferrites with different heat treatments and doping elements and gives a smart insight into finding better ferrites suitable for flux pumping technology. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Photon cutting with efficiencies up to 400% is demonstrated in Erx Y2-x Si2 O7 films grown on Si and its concentration dependence is analyzed. The cutting is the result of cross-energy-transfer processes occurring within a single rare earth (Er3+) acting as both sensitizer and activator. Similarities with upconversion are revealed and possible applications in solar cells are discussed. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Structural and optical properties of Y2-xErxSi 2O7 thin films have been studied. For higher Er content mechanisms related to Er-Er interactions increase optical efficiency. Moreover the influence of up-conversion has been estimated. ©2009 IEEE.


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Several options of fuel assembly design are investigated for a BWR core operating in a closed self-sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. The designs rely on an axially heterogeneous fuel assembly structure consisting of a single axial fissile zone "sandwiched" between two fertile blanket zones, in order to improve fertile to fissile conversion ratio. The main objective of the study was to identify the most promising assembly design parameters, dimensions of fissile and fertile zones, for achieving net breeding of 233U. The design challenge, in this respect, is that the fuel breeding potential is at odds with axial power peaking and the core minimum critical power ratio (CPR), hence limiting the maximum achievable core power rating. Calculations were performed with the BGCore system, which consists of the MCNP code coupled with fuel depletion and thermo-hydraulic feedback modules. A single 3-dimensional fuel assembly having reflective radial boundaries was modeled applying simplified restrictions on the maximum centerline fuel temperature and the CPR. It was found that axially heterogeneous fuel assembly design with a single fissile zone can potentially achieve net breeding, while matching conventional BWR core power rating under certain restrictions to the core loading pattern design. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on fuel design optimization of a PWR operating in a self sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. Monte Carlo simulated annealing method was used in order to identify the fuel assembly configuration with the most attractive breeding performance. In previous studies, it was shown that breeding may be achieved by employing heterogeneous Seed-Blanket fuel geometry. The arrangement of seed and blanket pins within the assemblies may be determined by varying the designed parameters based on basic reactor physics phenomena which affect breeding. However, the amount of free parameters may still prove to be prohibitively large in order to systematically explore the design space for optimal solution. Therefore, the Monte Carlo annealing algorithm for neutronic optimization is applied in order to identify the most favorable design. The objective of simulated annealing optimization is to find a set of design parameters, which maximizes some given performance function (such as relative period of net breeding) under specified constraints (such as fuel cycle length). The first objective of the study was to demonstrate that the simulated annealing optimization algorithm will lead to the same fuel pins arrangement as was obtained in the previous studies which used only basic physics phenomena as guidance for optimization. In the second part of this work, the simulated annealing method was used to optimize fuel pins arrangement in much larger fuel assembly, where the basic physics intuition does not yield clearly optimal configuration. The simulated annealing method was found to be very efficient in selecting the optimal design in both cases. In the future, this method will be used for optimization of fuel assembly design with larger number of free parameters in order to determine the most favorable trade-off between the breeding performance and core average power density.


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This paper reports on an investigation into fuel design choices of a pressurized water reactor operating in a self-sustainable Th- 233U fuel cycle. In order to evaluate feasibility of this concept, two types of fuel assembly lattices were considered: square and hexagonal. The hexagonal lattice may offer some advantages over the square one. For example, the fertile blanket fuel can be packed more tightly reducing the blanket volume fraction in the core and potentially allowing to achieve higher core average power density. The calculations were carried out with Monte-Carlo based BGCore code system and the results were compared to those obtained with Serpent Monte-Carlo code and deterministic transport code BOXER. One of the major design challenges associated with the SB concept is high power peaking due to the high concentration of fissile material in the seed region. The second objective of this work is to estimate the maximum achievable core power density by evaluation of limiting thermal hydraulic parameters. The analysis showed that both fuel assembly designs have a potential of achieving net breeding. Although hexagonal lattice was found to be somewhat more favorable because it allows achieving higher power density, while having breeding performance comparable to the square lattice case. © Carl Hanser Verlag München.


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This study explores the basic possibility of achieving a self-sustainable Th-U233 fuel cycle that can be adopted in the current generation of Pressurized Water Reactors. This study outlines some fuel design strategies to achieve (or to approach as closely as possible) a sustainable fuel cycle. Major design tradeoffs in the core design are discussed. Preliminary neutronic analysis performed on the fuel assembly level with BOXER computer code suggests that net breeding of U233 is feasible in principle within a typical PWR operating envelope. However, some reduction in the core power density and/or shorter than typical fuel cycle length would most likely be required in order to achieve such performance.