935 resultados para Conférence De Consensus
The term "Smart Product" has become commonly used in recent years. This is because there has been an increasing interest in these kinds of products as part of the consumer goods industry, impacting everyday life and industry. Nevertheless, the term "Smart Product" is used with different meanings in different contexts and application domains. The use of the term "Smart Product" with different meanings and underlying semantics can create important misunderstandings and dissent. The aim of this paper is to analyze the different definitions of Smart Product available in the literature, and to explore and analyze their commonalities and differences, in order to provide a consensus definition that satisfies, and can therefore be used by, all parties. To embrace the identified definitions, the concept of "Smart Thing" is introduced. The methodology used was a systematic literature review. The definition is expressed as an ontology.
There is controversy regarding the use of the similarity functions proposed in the literature to compare generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers since conflicting similarity values are sometimes output for the same pair of fuzzy numbers. In this paper we propose a similarity function aimed at establishing a consensus. It accounts for the different approaches of all the similarity functions. It also has better properties and can easily incorporate new parameters for future improvements. The analysis is carried out on the basis of a large and representative set of pairs of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
In classical distributed systems, each process has a unique identity. Today, new distributed systems have emerged where a unique identity is not always possible to be assigned to each process. For example, in many sensor networks a unique identity is not possible to be included in each device due to its small storage capacity, reduced computational power, or the huge number of devices to be identified. In these cases, we have to work with anonymous distributed systems where processes cannot be identified. Consensus cannot be solved in classical and anonymous asynchronous distributed systems where processes can crash. To bypass this impossibility result, failure detectors are added to these systems. It is known that ? is the weakest failure detector class for solving consensus in classical asynchronous systems when amajority of processes never crashes. Although A? was introduced as an anonymous version of ?, to find the weakest failure detector in anonymous systems to solve consensus when amajority of processes never crashes is nowadays an open question. Furthermore, A? has the important drawback that it is not implementable. Very recently, A? has been introduced as a counterpart of ? for anonymous systems. In this paper, we show that the A? failure detector class is strictly weaker than A? (i.e., A? provides less information about process crashes than A?). We also present in this paper the first implementation of A? (hence, we also show that A? is implementable), and, finally, we include the first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems augmented with A? and where a majority of processes does not crash.
Neuronal morphology is hugely variable across brain regions and species, and their classification strategies are a matter of intense debate in neuroscience. GABAergic cortical interneurons have been a challenge because it is difficult to find a set of morphological properties which clearly define neuronal types. A group of 48 neuroscience experts around the world were asked to classify a set of 320 cortical GABAergic interneurons according to the main features of their three-dimensional morphological reconstructions. A methodology for building a model which captures the opinions of all the experts was proposed. First, one Bayesian network was learned for each expert, and we proposed an algorithm for clustering Bayesian networks corresponding to experts with similar behaviors. Then, a Bayesian network which represents the opinions of each group of experts was induced. Finally, a consensus Bayesian multinet which models the opinions of the whole group of experts was built. A thorough analysis of the consensus model identified different behaviors between the experts when classifying the interneurons in the experiment. A set of characterizing morphological traits for the neuronal types was defined by performing inference in the Bayesian multinet. These findings were used to validate the model and to gain some insights into neuron morphology.
Autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements, which function as the cis-acting chromosomal replicators in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, depend upon an essential copy of the 11-bp ARS consensus sequence (ACS) for activity. Analysis of the chromosome III replicator ARS309 unexpectedly revealed that its essential ACS differs from the canonical ACS at two positions. One of the changes observed in ARS309 inactivates other ARS elements. This atypical ACS binds the origin recognition complex efficiently and is required for chromosomal replication origin activity. Comparison of the essential ACS of ARS309 with the essential regions of other ARS elements revealed an expanded 17-bp conserved sequence that efficiently predicts the essential core of ARS elements.
p53 tumor suppressor protein negatively regulates cell growth, mainly through the transactivation of its downstream target genes. As a sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor, p53 specifically binds to a 20-bp consensus motif 5′-PuPuPuC(A/T) (T/A)GPyPyPyPuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPy-3′. We have now identified, partially purified, and characterized an additional ≈40-kDa nuclear protein, p53CP (p53 competing protein), that specifically binds to the consensus p53 binding sites found in several p53 downstream target genes, including Waf-1, Gadd45, Mdm2, Bax, and RGC. The minimal sequence requirement for binding is a 14-bp motif, 5′-CTTGCTTGAACAGG-3′ [5′-C(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPyPuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)G-3′], which includes the central nucleotides of the typical p53 binding site with one mismatch. p53CP and p53 (complexed with antibody) showed a similar binding specificity to Waf-1 site but differences in Gadd45 and T3SF binding. Like p53, p53CP also binds both double- and single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides. Important to note, cell cycle blockers and DNA damaging reagents, which induce p53 binding activity, were found to inhibit p53CP binding in p53-positive, but not in p53-negative, cells. This finding suggested a p53-dependent coordinate regulation of p53 and p53CP in response to external stimuli. p53CP therefore could be a third member of the p53 family, in addition to p53 and p73, a newly identified p53 homolog. p53CP, if sequestering p53 from its DNA binding sites through competitive binding, may provide a novel mechanism of p53 inactivation. Alternatively, p53CP may have p53-like functions by binding and transactivating p53 downstream target genes. Cloning of the p53CP gene ultimately will resolve this issue.
IFNγ, once called the macrophage-activating factor, stimulates many genes in macrophages, ultimately leading to the elicitation of innate immunity. IFNγ's functions depend on the activation of STAT1, which stimulates transcription of IFNγ-inducible genes through the GAS element. The IFN consensus sequence binding protein (icsbγ or IFN regulatory factor 8), encoding a transcription factor of the IFN regulatory factor family, is one of such IFNγ-inducible genes in macrophages. We found that macrophages from ICSBP−/− mice were defective in inducing some IFNγ-responsive genes, even though they were capable of activating STAT1 in response to IFNγ. Accordingly, IFNγ activation of luciferase reporters fused to the GAS element was severely impaired in ICSBP−/− macrophages, but transfection of ICSBP resulted in marked stimulation of these reporters. Consistent with its role in activating IFNγ-responsive promoters, ICSBP stimulated reporter activity in a GAS-specific manner, even in the absence of IFNγ treatment, and in STAT1 negative cells. Indicative of a mechanism for this stimulation, DNA affinity binding assays revealed that endogenous ICSBP was recruited to a multiprotein complex that bound to GAS. These results suggest that ICSBP, when induced by IFNγ through STAT1, in turn generates a second wave of transcription from GAS-containing promoters, thereby contributing to the elicitation of IFNγ's unique activities in immune cells.
STACK is a tool for detection and visualisation of expressed transcript variation in the context of developmental and pathological states. The datasystem organises and reconstructs human transcripts from available public data in the context of expression state. The expression state of a transcript can include developmental state, pathological association, site of expression and isoform of expressed transcript. STACK consensus transcripts are reconstructed from clusters that capture and reflect the growing evidence of transcript diversity. The comprehensive capture of transcript variants is achieved by the use of a novel clustering approach that is tolerant of sub-sequence diversity and does not rely on pairwise alignment. This is in contrast with other gene indexing projects. STACK is generated at least four times a year and represents the exhaustive processing of all publicly available human EST data extracted from GenBank. This processed information can be explored through 15 tissue-specific categories, a disease-related category and a whole-body index and is accessible via WWW at http://www.sanbi.ac.za/Dbases.html. STACK represents a broadly applicable resource, as it is the only reconstructed transcript database for which the tools for its generation are also broadly available (http://www.sanbi.ac.za/CODES).
X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) is a heritable disorder of the ED-1 gene disrupting the morphogenesis of ectodermal structures. The ED-1 gene product, ectodysplasin-A (EDA), is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member and is synthesized as a membrane-anchored precursor protein with the TNF core motif located in the C-terminal domain. The stalk region of EDA contains the sequence -Arg-Val-Arg-Arg156-Asn-Lys-Arg159-, representing overlapping consensus cleavage sites (Arg-X-Lys/Arg-Arg↓) for the proprotein convertase furin. Missense mutations in four of the five basic residues within this sequence account for ≈20% of all known XLHED cases, with mutations occurring most frequently at Arg156, which is shared by the two consensus furin sites. These analyses suggest that cleavage at the furin site(s) in the stalk region is required for the EDA-mediated cell-to-cell signaling that regulates the morphogenesis of ectodermal appendages. Here we show that the 50-kDa EDA parent molecule is cleaved at -Arg156Asn-Lys-Arg159↓- to release the soluble C-terminal fragment containing the TNF core domain. This cleavage appears to be catalyzed by furin, as release of the TNF domain was blocked either by expression of the furin inhibitor α1-PDX or by expression of EDA in furin-deficient LoVo cells. These results demonstrate that mutation of a functional furin cleavage site in a developmental signaling molecule is a basis for human disease (XLHED) and raise the possibility that furin cleavage may regulate the ability of EDA to act as a juxtacrine or paracrine factor.
Tissue and cell-type specific expression of the rat osteocalcin (rOC) gene involves the interplay of multiple transcriptional regulatory factors. In this report we demonstrate that AML-1 (acute myeloid leukemia-1), a DNA-binding protein whose genes are disrupted by chromosomal translocations in several human leukemias, interacts with a sequence essential for enhancing tissue-restricted expression of the rOC gene. Deletion analysis of rOC promoter-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase constructs demonstrates that an AML-1-binding sequence within the proximal promoter (-138 to -130 nt) contributes to 75% of the level of osteocalcin gene expression. The activation potential of the AML-1-binding sequence has been established by overexpressing AML-1 in osteoblastic as well as in nonosseous cell lines. Overexpression not only enhances rOC promoter activity in osteoblasts but also mediates OC promoter activity in a nonosseous human fibroblastic cell line. A probe containing this site forms a sequence specific protein-DNA complex with nuclear extracts from osteoblastic cells but not from nonosseous cells. Antisera supershift experiments indicate the presence of AML-1 and its partner protein core-binding factor beta in this osteoblast-restricted complex. Mutations of the critical AML-1-binding nucleotides abrogate formation of the complex and strongly diminish promoter activity. These results indicate that an AML-1 related protein is functional in cells of the osteoblastic lineage and that the AML-1-binding site is a regulatory element important for osteoblast-specific transcriptional activation of the rOC gene.
A key event in Ras-mediated signal transduction and transformation involves Ras interaction with its downstream effector targets. Although substantial evidence has established that the Raf-1 serine/threonine kinase is a critical effector of Ras function, there is increasing evidence that Ras function is mediated through interaction with multiple effectors to trigger Raf-independent signaling pathways. In addition to the two Ras GTPase activating proteins (GAPs; p120- and NF1-GAP), other candidate effectors include activators of the Ras-related Ral proteins (RalGDS and RGL) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Interaction between Ras and its effectors requires an intact Ras effector domain and involves preferential recognition of active Ras-GTP. Surprisingly, these functionally diverse effectors lack significant sequence homology and no consensus Ras binding sequence has been described. We have now identified a consensus Ras binding sequence shared among a subset of Ras effectors. We have also shown that peptides containing this sequence from Raf-1 (RKTFLKLA) and NF1-GAP (RRFFLDIA) block NF1-GAP stimulation of Ras GTPase activity and Ras-mediated activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. In summary, the identification of a consensus Ras-GTP binding sequence establishes a structural basis for the ability of diverse effector proteins to interact with Ras-GTP. Furthermore, our demonstration that peptides that contain Ras-GTP binding sequences can block Ras function provides a step toward the development of anti-Ras agents.
Alu repeats are interspersed repetitive DNA elements specific to primates that are present in 500,000 to 1 million copies. We show here that an Alu sequence encodes functional binding sites for retinoic acid receptors, which are members of the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors. The consensus sequences for the evolutionarily recent Alu subclasses contain three hexamer half sites, related to the consensus AGGTCA, arranged as direct repeats with a spacing of 2 bp, which is consistent with the binding specificities of retinoic acid receptors. An analysis was made of the DNA binding and transactivation potential of these sites from an Alu sequence that has been previously implicated in the regulation of the keratin K18 gene. These Alu double half sites are shown to bind bacterially synthesized retinoic acid receptors as assayed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. These sites are further shown to function as a retinoic acid response element in transiently transfected CV-1 cells, increasing transcription of a reporter gene by a factor of approximately 35-fold. This transactivation requires cotransfection with vectors expressing retinoic acid receptors, as well as the presence of all-trans-retinoic acid, which is consistent with the known function of retinoic acid receptors as ligand-inducible transcription factors. The random insertion of potentially thousands of Alu repeats containing retinoic acid response elements throughout the primate genome is likely to have altered the expression of numerous genes, thereby contributing to evolutionary potential.
The WW domain has previously been described as a motif of 38 semiconserved residues found in seemingly unrelated proteins, such as dystrophin, Yes-associated protein (YAP), and two transcriptional regulators, Rsp-5 and FE65. The molecular function of the WW domain has been unknown until this time. Using a functional screen of a cDNA expression library, we have identified two putative ligands of the WW domain of YAP, which we named WBP-1 and WBP-2. Peptide sequence comparison between the two partial clones revealed a homologous region consisting of a proline-rich domain followed by a tyrosine residue (with the shared sequence PPPPY), which we shall call the PY motif. Binding assays and site-specific mutagenesis have shown that the PY motif binds with relatively high affinity and specificity to the WW domain of YAP, with the preliminary consensus XPPXY being critical for binding. Herein, we have implicated the WW domain with a role in mediating protein-protein interactions, as a variant of the paradigm set by Src homology 3 domains and their proline-rich ligands.