982 resultados para Complex impedance measurements
We study the peculiar dynamical features of a fractional derivative of complex-order network. The network is composed of two unidirectional rings of cells, coupled through a "buffer" cell. The network has a Z3 × Z5 cyclic symmetry group. The complex derivative Dα±jβ, with α, β ∈ R+ is a generalization of the concept of integer order derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. Each cell is modeled by the Chen oscillator. Numerical simulations of the coupled cell system associated with the network expose patterns such as equilibria, periodic orbits, relaxation oscillations, quasiperiodic motion, and chaos, in one or in two rings of cells. In addition, fixing β = 0.8, we perceive differences in the qualitative behavior of the system, as the parameter c ∈ [13, 24] of the Chen oscillator and/or the real part of the fractional derivative, α ∈ {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0}, are varied. Some patterns produced by the coupled system are constrained by the network architecture, but other features are only understood in the light of the internal dynamics of each cell, in this case, the Chen oscillator. What is more important, architecture and/or internal dynamics?
The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) includes large and dense deployment of interconnected smart sensing and monitoring devices. This vast deployment necessitates collection and processing of large volume of measurement data. However, collecting all the measured data from individual devices on such a scale may be impractical and time consuming. Moreover, processing these measurements requires complex algorithms to extract useful information. Thus, it becomes imperative to devise distributed information processing mechanisms that identify application-specific features in a timely manner and with a low overhead. In this article, we present a feature extraction mechanism for dense networks that takes advantage of dominance-based medium access control (MAC) protocols to (i) efficiently obtain global extrema of the sensed quantities, (ii) extract local extrema, and (iii) detect the boundaries of events, by using simple transforms that nodes employ on their local data. We extend our results for a large dense network with multiple broadcast domains (MBD). We discuss and compare two approaches for addressing the challenges with MBD and we show through extensive evaluations that our proposed distributed MBD approach is fast and efficient at retrieving the most valuable measurements, independent of the number sensor nodes in the network.
With the objective to study the variation of optical properties of rat muscle during optical clearing, we have performed a set of optical measurements from that kind of tissue. The measurements performed were total transmittance, collimated transmittance, specular reflectance and total reflectance. This set of measurements is sufficient to determine diffuse reflectance and absorbance of the sample, also necessary to estimate the optical properties. All the performed measurements and calculated quantities will be used later in inverse Monte Carlo (IMC) simulations to determine the evolution of the optical properties of muscle during treatments with ethylene glycol and glucose. The results obtained with the measurements already provide some information about the optical clearing treatments applied to the muscle and translate the mechanisms of turning the tissue more transparent and sequence of regimes of optical clearing.
Between April 2003 and May 2009 phlebotomine sandflies were collected in Parque do Sabiá complex, Uberlândia municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using CDC and Shannon traps. The objective was to associate the sandfly species captured to the risk of the transmission of leishmaniasis in the municipality. The 126 captured specimens belonging to six species of phlebotomine, among which Lutzomyia (Psychodopygus) davisi (Root, 1934) predominated with 113 specimens (89.7%). The remaining captured species were Lutzomyia (Pintomyia) mamedei Oliveira, Afonso, Dias & Brazil, 1994 - five specimens (3.9%); Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) flaviscutellata (Mangabeira, 1942) - four specimens (3.2%); Lutzomyia lenti (Mangabeira, 1938) - two specimens (1.6%); Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima, 1932) - one specimen (0.8%); and Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) - one specimen (0.8%). The collection of species that may be involved in the transmission of Leishmania reveals the need for continuous entomological surveillance.
Aim: The objective was to describe an outbreak of bloodstream infections by Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) in bone marrow transplant and hematology outpatients.Methods: On February 15, 2008 a Bcc outbreak was suspected. 24 cases were identified. Demographic and clinical data were evaluated. Environment and healthcare workers' (HCW) hands were cultured. Species were determined and typed. Reinforcement of hand hygiene, central venous catheter (CVC) care, infusion therapy, and maintenance of laminar flow cabinet were undertaken. 16 different HCWs had cared for the CVCs. Multi-dose heparin and saline were prepared on counter common to both units.Findings: 14 patients had B. multivorans(one patient had also B. cenopacia), six non-multivorans Bcc and one did not belong to Bcc. Clone A B. multivorans occurred in 12 patients (from Hematology); in 10 their CVC had been used on February 11/12. Environmental and HCW cultures were negative. All patients were treated with meropenem, and ceftazidime lock-therapy. Eight patients (30%) were hospitalized. No deaths occurred. After control measures (multidose vial for single patient; CVC lock with ceftazidime; cleaning of laminar flow cabinet; hand hygiene improvement; use of cabinet to store prepared medication), no new cases occurred.Conclusions: This polyclonal outbreak may be explained by a common source containing multiple species of Bcc, maybe the laminar flow cabinet common to both units. There may have been contamination by B. multivorans (clone A) of multi-dose vials.
Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido à introdução de novos dispositivos de medição da poluição do ar baseados na utilização de sensores de baixo custo. A utilização menos complexa destes sistemas, possibilita a obtenção de dados com elevada resolução temporal e espacial, abrindo novas oportunidades para diferentes metodologias de estudos de monitorização da poluição do ar. Apesar de apresentarem capacidades analíticas distantes dos métodos de referência, a utilização destes sensores tem sido sugerida e incentivada pela União Europeia no âmbito das medições indicativas previstas na Diretiva 2008/50/CE, com uma incerteza expandida máxima de 25%. O trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da disciplina de Projeto consistiu na escolha, caracterização e utilização em medições reais de um sensor de qualidade do ar, integrado num equipamento protótipo desenvolvido com esse fim, visando obtenção uma estimativa da incerteza de medição associada à utilização deste dispositivo através da aplicação da metodologia de demonstração de equivalência de métodos de medição de qualidade do ar definida pela União Europeia. A pesquisa bibliográfica realizada permitiu constatar que o monóxido de carbono é neste momento o parâmetro de qualidade do ar que permite ser medido de forma mais exata através da utilização de sensores, nomeadamente o sensor eletroquímico da marca Alphasense, modelo COB4, amplamente utilizado em projetos de desenvolvimento neste cotexto de monitorização ambiental. O sensor foi integrado num sistema de medição com o objetivo de poder ser utlizado em condições de autonomia de fornecimento de energia elétrica, aquisição interna dos dados, tendo em consideração ser o mais pequeno possível e de baixo custo. Foi utlizado um sistema baseado na placa Arduino Uno com gravação de dados em cartão de memória SD, baterias e painel solar, permitindo para além do registo das tensões elétricas do sensor, a obtenção dos valores de temperatura, humidade relativa e pressão atmosférica, com um custo global a rondar os 300 euros. Numa primeira fase foram executados um conjunto de testes laboratoriais que permitiram a determinação de várias características de desempenho em dois sensores iguais: tempo de resposta, a equação modelo do sensor, avaliação da repetibilidade, desvio de curto e longo termo, interferência da temperatura e histerese. Os resultados demonstraram um comportamento dos sensores muito linear, com um tempo de resposta inferior a um minuto e com uma equação modelo do sensor dependente da variação da temperatura. A estimativa da incerteza expandida laboratorial ficou, para ambos os sensores, abaixo dos 10%. Após a realização de duas campanhas reais de medição de CO em que os valores foram muito baixos, foi realizada uma campanha de quinze dias num parque de estacionamento subterrâneo que permitiu a obtenção de concentrações suficientemente elevadas e a comparação dos resultados dos sensores com o método de referência em toda a gama de medição (0 a 12 mol.mol-1). Os valores de concentração obtidos pelos dois sensores demonstraram uma excelente correlação com o método de referência (r2≥0,998), obtendo-se resultados para a estimativa da incerteza expandida de campo inferiores aos obtidos para a incerteza laboratorial, cumprindo o objetivo de qualidade de dados definido para as medições indicativas de incerteza expandida máxima de 25%. Os resultados observados durante o trabalho realizado permitiram confirmar o bom desempenho que este tipo de sensor pode ter no âmbito de medições de poluição do ar com um caracter mais indicativo.
RESUMO Tratando-se a asma de uma doença respiratória, desde há várias décadas que tem sido abordada a hipótese de que factores ambientais, nomeadamente os relacionados com a qualidade do ar inalado, possam contribuir para o seu agravamento. Para além dos aeroalergenos, outros factores ambientais como a poluição atmosférica estarão associados às doenças respiratórias. O ar respirado contém uma variedade de poluentes atmosféricos, provenientes quer de fontes naturais quer de origem antropogénica, nomeadamente de actividades industriais, domésticas ou das emissões de veículos. Estes poluentes, tradicionalmente considerados como um problema de foro ambiental, têm sido cada vez mais encarados como um problema de saúde pública. Também a qualidade do ar interior, tem sido associada a queixas respiratórias, não só em termos ocupacionais mas também em exposições domésticas. Dentro dos principais poluentes, encontramos a matéria particulada (como as PM10), o O3, NO2, e os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs). Se é verdade que os três primeiros têm como principais fontes de exposição a combustão fóssil associada aos veículos automóveis, já os COVs (como o benzeno, tolueno, xileno, etilbenzeno e formaldeído) são poluentes mais característicos do ar interior. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes à agressão dos poluentes do ar não se encontram convenientemente esclarecidos. Pensa-se que após a sua inalação, induzam um grau crescente de stress oxidativo que será responsável pelo desenvolvimento da inflamação das vias aéreas. A progressão do stress oxidativo e da inflamação, associarse- ão posteriormente a lesão local (pulmonar) e sistémica. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar os efeitos da exposição individual a diversos poluentes, do ar exterior e interior, sobre as vias aéreas, recorrendo a parâmetros funcionais, inflamatórios e do estudo do stress oxidativo. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se um estudo de painel na cidade de Viseu, em que foram acompanhadas durante 18 meses, 51 crianças com história de sibilância, identificadas pelo questionário do estudo ISAAC. As crianças foram avaliadas em quatro Visitas (quatro medidas repetidas), através de diversos exames, que incluíram execução de espirometria com broncodilatação, medição ambulatória do PEF, medição de FENO e estudo do pH no condensado brônquico do ar exalado. O estudo dos 8-isoprostanos no condensado brônquico foi efectuado somente em duas Visitas, e o do doseamento de malonaldeído urinário somente na última Visita. Para além da avaliação do grau de infestação de ácaros do pó do colchão, para cada criança foi calculado o valor de exposição individual a PM10, O3, NO2, benzeno, tolueno, xileno, etilbenzeno e formaldeído, através de uma complexa metodologia que envolveu técnicas de modelação associadas a medições directas do ar interior (na casa e escola da criança) e do ar exterior. Para a análise de dados foram utilizadas equações de estimação generalizadas com uma matriz de correlação de trabalho uniforme, com excepção do estudo das associações entre poluentes, 8-isoprostanos e malonaldeído. Verificou-se na análise multivariável a existência de uma associação entre o agravamento dos parâmetros espirométricos e a exposição aumentada a PM10, NO2, benzeno, tolueno e etilbenzeno. Foram também encontradas associações entre diminuição do pH do EBC e exposição crescente a PM10, NO2, benzeno e etilbenzeno e associações entre valores aumentados de FENO e exposição a etilbenzeno e tolueno. O benzeno, o tolueno e o etilbenzeno foram associados com maior recurso a broncodilatador nos 6 meses anteriores à Visita e o tolueno com deslocações ao serviço de urgência. Os resultados dos modelos de regressão que incluíram o efeito do poluente ajustado para o grau de infestação de ácaros do pó foram, de uma forma geral, idênticos ao da análise multivariável anterior, com excepção das associações para com o FENO. Nos modelos de exposição com dois poluentes, com o FEV1 como variável resposta, somente o benzeno persistiu com significado estatístico. No modelo com dois poluentes tendo o pH do EBC como variável resposta, somente persistiram as PM10. Os 8-isoprostanos correlacionaram-se com alguns COVs, designadamente etilbenzeno, xileno, tolueno e benzeno. Os valores de malonaldeído urinário não se correlacionaram com os valores de poluentes. Verificou-se no entanto que de uma forma geral, e em particular mais uma vez para os COVs, as crianças mais expostas a poluentes, apresentaram valores superiores de malonaldeído na urina. Verificou-se que os poluentes do ar em geral, e os COVs em particular, se associaram com uma deterioração das vias aéreas. A exposição crescente a poluentes associou-se não só com obstrução brônquica, mas também com FENO aumentado e maior acidez das vias aéreas. A exposição crescente a COVs correlacionou-se com um maior stress oxidativo das vias aéreas (medido pelos 8-isoprostanos). As crianças com exposição superior a COVs apresentaram maiores valores de malonaldeído urinário. Este trabalho sugere uma associação entre exposição a poluentes, inflamação das vias aéreas e stress oxidativo. Vem reforçar o interesse dos poluentes do ar, nomeadamente os associados a ambientes interiores, frequentemente esquecidos e que poderão ser explicativos do agravamento duma criança com sibilância.-----------ABSTRACT: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that could be influenced by environmental factors, as allergens and air pollutants. The air breathed contains a diversity of air pollutants, both from natural or anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric pollution, traditionally considered an environmental problem, is nowadays looked as an important public health problem. Indoor air pollutants are also related with respiratory diseases, not only in terms of occupational exposures but also in domestic activities. Particulate matter (such as PM10), O3, NO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the main air pollutants. The main source for PM10, O3, NO2 exposure is traffic exhaust while for VOCs (such as benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene and phormaldehyde) the main sources for exposure are located in indoor environments. The pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the aggression of air pollutants are not properly understood. It is thought that after inhalation, air pollutants could induce oxidative stress, which would be responsible for airways inflammation. The progression of oxidative stress and airways inflammation, would contribute for the local and systemic effects of the air pollutants. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of individual exposure to various pollutants over the airways, through lung function tests, inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers. In this sense, we developed a panel study in the city of Viseu, that included 51 children with a history of wheezing. Those children that were identified by the ISAAC questionnaire, were followed for 18 months. Children were assessed four times (four repeated measures) through the following tests: spirometry with bronchodilation test, PEF study, FENO evaluation and exhaled breath condensate pH measurement. 8-isoprostane in the exhaled breath condensate were also measured but only in two visits. Urinary malonaldehyde measurement was performed only in the last visit. Besides the assessment of the house dust mite infestation, we calculated for each child the value of individual exposure to a wide range of pollutants: PM10, O3, NO2, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene and formaldehyde. This strategy used a complex methodology that included air pollution modelling techniques and direct measurements indoors (homes and schools) and outdoors. Generalized estimating equations with an exchangeable working correlation matrix were used for the analysis of the data. Exceptions were for the study of associations between air pollutants, malonaldehyde and 8-isoprostanes. In the multivariate analysis we found an association between worsening of spirometric outcomes and increased exposure to PM10, NO2, benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene. In the multivariate analysis we found also negative associations between EBC pH and exposure to PM10, NO2, benzene, ethylbenzene and positive associations between FENO and exposure to ethylbenzene and toluene. Benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene were associated with increased use of bronchodilator in the 6 months prior to the visit and toluene with emergency department visits. Results of the regression models that included also the effect of the pollutant adjusted for the degree of infestation to house dust mites, were identical to the previous models. Exceptions were for FENO associations. In the two-pollutant models, with the FEV1 as dependent variable, only benzene persisted with statistical significance. In the two pollutant model with pH of EBC as dependent variable, only PM10 persisted. 8-isoprostanes were well correlated with some VOCs, namely with ethylbenzene, xylene, toluene and benzene. Urinary malonaldehyde did not present any correlation with air pollutants exposure. However, those children more exposed to air pollutants (namely to VOCs), presented higher values of malonaldehyde. It was found that air pollutants in general, and namely VOCs, were associated with deterioration of the airways. The increased exposure to air pollutants was associated not only with airways obstruction, but also with increased FENO and higher acidity of the airways. The increased exposure to VOCs was correlated with increased airways oxidative stress (measured by 8-isoprostane). Children with higher levels of exposure to VOCs had higher values of urinary malonaldehyde. This study suggests a relation between air pollution, airways inflammation and oxidative stress. It suggests also that attention should be dedicated to air quality as air pollutants could cause airways deterioration.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, Perfil Ciências da Conservação Especialização em Arte Contemporânea
Introduction: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) has improved and extended the lives of thousands of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world. However, this treatment can lead to the development of adverse reactions such as lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome (LLS) and its associated risks. Objective: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of self-reported lipodystrophy and nutritional status by anthropometric measurements in patients with HIV/AIDS. Methods: An observational study of 227 adult patients in the Secondary Immunodeficiencies Outpatient Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (3002 ADEE-HCFMUSP). The sample was divided into three groups; Group 1 = 92 patients on HAART and with self-reported lipodystrophy, Group 2 = 70 patients on HAART without self-reported lipodystrophy and Group 3 = 65 patients not taking HAART. The nutritional status of individuals in the study sample was determined by body mass index (BMI) and percentage of body fat (% BF). The cardiovascular risk and diseases associated with abdominal obesity were determined by waist/hip ratio (WHR) and waist circumference (WC). Results: The prevalence of self-reported lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome was 33% among women and 59% among men. Anthropometry showed depletion of fat mass in the evaluation of the triceps (TSF) in the treatment groups with HAART and was statistically independent of gender; for men p = 0.001, and for women p = 0.007. Similar results were found in the measurement of skin folds of the upper and lower body (p = 0.001 and p = 0.003 respectively). In assessing the nutritional status of groups by BMI and % BF, excess weight and body fat were more prevalent among women compared to men (p = 0.726). The WHR and WC revealed risks for cardiovascular and other diseases associated with abdominal obesity for women on HAART and with self-reported LLS (p = 0.005) and (p = 0.011). Conclusions: Anthropometric measurements were useful in the confirmation of the prevalence of LLS. BMI alone does not appear to be a good parameter for assessing the nutritional status of HIV-infected patients on HAART and with LLS. Other anthropometric measurements are needed to evaluate patients with the lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome.
SUMMARY Sporothrix schenckiiwas reclassified as a complex encompassing six cryptic species, which calls for the reassessment of clinical and epidemiological data of these new species. We evaluated the susceptibility of Sporothrix albicans (n = 1) , S. brasiliensis (n = 6) , S. globosa (n = 1), S. mexicana(n = 1) and S. schenckii(n = 36) to terbinafine (TRB) alone and in combination with itraconazole (ITZ), ketoconazole (KTZ), and voriconazole (VRZ) by a checkerboard microdilution method and determined the enzymatic profile of these species with the API-ZYM kit. Most interactions were additive (27.5%, 32.5% and 5%) or indifferent (70%, 50% and 52.5%) for TRB+KTZ, TRB+ITZ and TRB+VRZ, respectively. Antagonisms were observed in 42.5% of isolates for the TRB+VRZ combination. Based on enzymatic profiling, the Sporothrix schenckii strains were categorized into 14 biotypes. Leucine arylamidase (LA) activity was observed only for S. albicans and S. mexicana. The species S. globosaand S. mexicanawere the only species without β-glucosidase (GS) activity. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of virulence and resistance among species of the genus Sporothrixin further studies.
J Biol Inorg Chem (2011) 16:1241–1254 DOI 10.1007/s00775-011-0812-9
Biochemistry. 2008 Oct 14;47(41):10852-62. doi: 10.1021/bi801375q
J Biol Inorg Chem (2003) 8: 777–786 DOI 10.1007/s00775-003-0479-y
Modelling of ventilation is strongly dependent on the physical characteristics of the building of which precise evaluation is a complex and time consuming task. In the frame of a research project, two children day care centres (CDCC) have been selected in order to measure the envelope air permeability, the flow rate of mechanical ventilation systems and indoor and outdoor temperature. The data obtained was used as input to the computer code CONTAM for ventilation simulations. The results obtained were compared with direct measurements of ventilation flow from short term measurements with CO2 tracer gas and medium term measurements with perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) gas decay method. After validation, in order to analyse the main parameters that affect ventilation, the model was used to predict the ventilation rates for a wide range of conditions. The purpose of this assessment was to find the best practices to improve natural ventilation. A simple analytical method to predict the ventilation flow rate of rooms is also presented. The method is based on the estimation of wind effect on the room through the evaluation of an average factor and on the assessment of relevant cross section of gaps and openings combined in series or in parallel. It is shown that it may be applied with acceptable accuracy for this type of buildings when ventilation is due essentially to wind action.