935 resultados para Complete Genome Sequence
Recent large-scale analyses of mainly full-length cDNA libraries generated from a variety of mouse tissues indicated that almost half of all representative cloned sequences did flat contain ail apparent protein-coding sequence, and were putatively derived from non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes. However, many of these clones were singletons and the majority were unspliced, raising the possibility that they may be derived from genomic DNA or unprocessed pre-rnRNA contamination during library construction, or alternatively represent nonspecific transcriptional noise. Here we Show, using reverse transcriptase-dependent PCR, microarray, and Northern blot analyses, that many of these clones were derived from genuine transcripts Of unknown function whose expression appears to be regulated. The ncRNA transcripts have larger exons and fewer introns than protein-coding transcripts. Analysis of the genomic landscape around these sequences indicates that some cDNA clones were produced not from terminal poly(A) tracts but internal priming sites within longer transcripts, only a minority of which is encompassed by known genes. A significant proportion of these transcripts exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns, as well as dynamic changes in their expression in macrophages following lipopolysaccharide Stimulation. Taken together, the data provide strong support for the conclusion that ncRNAs are an important, regulated component of the mammalian transcriptome.
High-quality data about protein structures and their gene sequences are essential to the understanding of the relationship between protein folding and protein coding sequences. Firstly we constructed the EcoPDB database, which is a high-quality database of Escherichia coli genes and their corresponding PDB structures. Based on EcoPDB, we presented a novel approach based on information theory to investigate the correlation between cysteine synonymous codon usages and local amino acids flanking cysteines, the correlation between cysteine synonymous codon usages and synonymous codon usages of local amino acids flanking cysteines, as well as the correlation between cysteine synonymous codon usages and the disulfide bonding states of cysteines in the E. coli genome. The results indicate that the nearest neighboring residues and their synonymous codons of the C-terminus have the greatest influence on the usages of the synonymous codons of cysteines and the usage of the synonymous codons has a specific correlation with the disulfide bond formation of cysteines in proteins. The correlations may result from the regulation mechanism of protein structures at gene sequence level and reflect the biological function restriction that cysteines pair to form disulfide bonds. The results may also be helpful in identifying residues that are important for synonymous codon selection of cysteines to introduce disulfide bridges in protein engineering and molecular biology. The approach presented in this paper can also be utilized as a complementary computational method and be applicable to analyse the synonymous codon usages in other model organisms. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mammalian promoters can be separated into two classes, conserved TATA box-enriched promoters, which initiate at a welldefined site, and more plastic, broad and evolvable CpG-rich promoters. We have sequenced tags corresponding to several hundred thousand transcription start sites (TSSs) in the mouse and human genomes, allowing precise analysis of the sequence architecture and evolution of distinct promoter classes. Different tissues and families of genes differentially use distinct types of promoters. Our tagging methods allow quantitative analysis of promoter usage in different tissues and show that differentially regulated alternative TSSs are a common feature in protein-coding genes and commonly generate alternative N termini. Among the TSSs, we identified new start sites associated with the majority of exons and with 3' UTRs. These data permit genome-scale identification of tissue-specific promoters and analysis of the cis-acting elements associated with them.
DNA approaches are now being used routinely for accurate identification of Echinococcus and Taenia species, subspecies and strains, and in molecular epidemiological surveys of echinococcosis/taeniasis in different geographical settings and host assemblages. The publication of the complete sequences of the mitochondrial (int) genomes of E. granulosus, E. multilocularis, T solium and Asian Taenia, and the availability of mtDNA sequences for a number of other taeniid genotypes, has provided additional genetic information that can be used for more in depth phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of these parasites. This very rich sequence information has provided a solid molecular basis, along with a range of different biological, epidemiological, biochemical and other molecular-genetic criteria, for revising the taxonomy of the genus Echinococcus and for estimating the evolutionary time of divergence of the various taxa. Furthermore, the accumulating genetic data has allowed the development of PCR-based tests for unambiguous identification of Echinococcus eggs in the faeces of definitive hosts and in the environment. Molecular phylogenies derived from mtDNA sequence comparisons of geographically distributed samples of T solium provide molecular evidence for two genotypes, one being restricted to Asia, with the other occurring in Africa and America. Whether the two genetic forms of T solium differ in important phenotypic characteristics remains to be determined. As well, minor DNA sequence differences have been reported between isolates of T saginata and Asian Taenia. There has been considerable discussion over a number of years regarding the taxonomic position of Asian Taenia and whether it should be regarded as a genotype, strain, subspecies or sister species of T saginata. The available molecular genetic data do not support independent species status for Asian Taenia and T saginata. What is in agreement is that both taxa are closely related to each other but distantly related to T solium. This is important in public health terms as it predicts that cysticercosis in humans attributable to Asian Taenia does not occur, because cysticercosis is unknown in T saginata. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The gene content of a mitochondrial (mt) genome, i.e., 37 genes and a large noncoding region (LNR), is usually conserved in Metazoa. The arrangement of these genes and the LNR is generally conserved at low taxonomic levels but varies substantially at high levels. We report here a variation in mt gene content and gene arrangement among chigger mites of the genus Leptotrombidium. We found previously that the mt genome of Leptotrombidium pallidum has an extra gene for large-subunit rRNA (rrnL), a pseudo-gene for small-subunit rRNA (PrrnS), and three extra LNRs, additional to the 37 genes and an LNR typical of Metazoa. Further, the arrangement of mt genes of L. pallidum differs drastically from that of the hypothetical ancestor of the arthropods. To find to what extent the novel gene content and gene arrangement occurred in Leptotrombidium, we sequenced the entire or partial mt genomes of three other species, L. akamushi, L. deliense, and L. fletcheri. These three species share the arrangement of all genes with L. pallidum, except trnQ (for tRNA-glutamine). Unlike L. pallidum, however, these three species do not have extra rrnL or PrrnS and have only one extra LNR. By comparison between Leptotrombidium species and the ancestor of the arthropods, we propose that (1) the type of mt genome present in L. pallidum evolved from the type present in the other three Leptotrombidium species, and (2) three molecular mechanisms were involved in the evolution of mt gene content and gene arrangement in Leptotrombidium species.
Our previous studies using trans-complementation analysis of Kunjin virus (KUN) full-length cDNA clones harboring in-frame deletions in the NS3 gene demonstrated the inability of these defective complemented RNAs to be packaged into virus particles (W. J. Liu, P. L. Sedlak, N. Kondratieva, and A. A. Khromykh, J. Virol. 76:10766-10775). In this study we aimed to establish whether this requirement for NS3 in RNA packaging is determined by the secondary RNA structure of the NS3 gene or by the essential role of the translated NS3 gene product. Multiple silent mutations of three computer-predicted stable RNA structures in the NS3 coding region of KUN replicon RNA aimed at disrupting RNA secondary structure without affecting amino acid sequence did not affect RNA replication and packaging into virus-like particles in the packaging cell line, thus demonstrating that the predicted conserved RNA structures in the NS3 gene do not play a role in RNA replication and/or packaging. In contrast, double frameshift mutations in the NS3 coding region of full-length KUN RNA, producing scrambled NS3 protein but retaining secondary RNA structure, resulted in the loss of ability of these defective RNAs to be packaged into virus particles in complementation experiments in KUN replicon-expressing cells. Furthermore, the more robust complementation-packaging system based on established stable cell lines producing large amounts of complemented replicating NS3-deficient replicon RNAs and infection with KUN virus to provide structural proteins also failed to detect any secreted virus-like particles containing packaged NS3-deficient replicon RNAs. These results have now firmly established the requirement of KUN NS3 protein translated in cis for genome packaging into virus particles.
Complex systems techniques provide a powerful tool to study the emergent properties of networks of interacting genes. In this study we extract models of genetic regulatory networks from an artificial genome, represented by a sequence of nucleotides, and analyse how variations in the connectivity and degree of inhibition of the extracted networks affects the resulting classes of behaviours. For low connectivity systems were found to be very stable. Only with higher connectivity was a significant occurrence of chaos found. Most interestingly, the peak in occurrence of chaos occurs perched on the edge of a phase transition in the occurrence of attractors.
Gli organismi vegetali mostrano una notevole capacità di adattamento alle condizioni di stress e lo studio delle componenti molecolari alla base dell'adattamento in colture cerealicole di interesse alimentare, come il frumento, è di particolare interesse per lo studio di varietà che consentano una buona produzione con basso input anche in condizioni ambientali non ottimali. L'esposizione delle colture cerealicole a stress termico durante determinate fasi del ciclo vitale influisce negativamente sulla resa e sulla qualità, a questo fine è necessario chiarire le basi genetiche e molecolari della termotolleranza per identificare geni e alleli vantaggiosi da impiegare in programmi di incrocio volti al miglioramento genetico. Numerosi studi dimostrano il coinvolgimento delle sHSP a localizzazione cloroplastica (in frumento sHSP26) nel meccanismo di acquisizione della termotolleranza e la loro interazione con diverse componenti del fotosistema II (PSII) che determinerebbe un’azione protettiva in condizioni di stress termico e altri tipi di stress. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di caratterizzare in frumento duro nuove varianti alleliche correlate alla tolleranza a stress termico mediate l'utilizzo del TILLING (Target Induced Local Lesion In Genome), un approccio di genetica inversa che prevede la mutagenesi e l'identificazione delle mutazioni indotte in siti di interesse. Durante la tesi sono state isolate e caratterizzate 3 sequenze geniche complete per smallHsp26 denominate TdHsp26-A1; TdHsp26-A2; TdHsp26-B1 e un putativo pseudogene denominato TdHsp26-A3. I geni isolati sono stati usati come target in analisi di TILLING in due popolazioni di frumento duro mutagenizzate con EMS (EtilMetanoSulfonato). Nel nostro studio sono stati impiegati due differenti approcci di TILLING: un approccio di TILLING classico mediante screening con High Resolution Melting (HRM) e un approccio innovativo che sfrutta un database di TILLING recentemente sviluppato. La popolazione di mutanti cv. Kronos è stata analizzata per la presenza di mutazioni in tutti e tre i geni individuati mediante ricerca online nel database di TILLING, il quale sfrutta la tecnica dell’exome capture sulla popolazione di TILLING seguito da sequenziamento ad alta processività. Attraverso questa tecnica sono state individuate, nella popolazione mutagenizzata di frumento duro cv. Kronos, 36 linee recanti mutazioni missenso. Contemporaneamente lo screening con HRM, effettuato su 960 genotipi della libreria di TILLING di frumento duro cv. Cham1 ha consentito di individuare mutazioni in una regione di 211bp di interesse funzionale del gene TdHsp26-B1, tra le quali 3 linee mutanti recanti mutazioni missenso in omozigosi. Alcune mutazioni missenso individuate sui due geni TdHsp26-A1 e TdHsp26-B1 sono state confermate in vivo nelle piante delle rispettive linee mutanti generando marcatori codominanti KASP (Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR) con cui è stato possibile verificare anche il grado di zigosità di tali mutazioni. Al fine di ridurre il numero di mutazioni non desiderate nelle linee risultate più interessanti, è stato eseguito il re-incrocio dei mutanti con i relativi parentali wild type ed inoltre sono stati generati alcuni doppi mutanti che consentiranno di comprendere meglio i meccanismi molecolari presieduti da questa classe genica. Gli individui F1 degli incroci sono stati poi genotipizzati con i medesimi marcatori KASP specifici per la mutazione di interesse per verificare la buona riuscita dell’incrocio. Questo approccio ha permesso di individuare ed implementare risorse genetiche utili ad intraprendere studi funzionali relativi al ruolo di smallHSP plastidiche implicate nella acquisizione di termotolleranza in frumento duro e di generare marcatori potenzialmente utili in futuri programmi di breeding.
The genome of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis was shown to possess three IS3-like insertion elements, designated IS1230A, B and C, and each was cloned and their respective deoxynucleotide sequences determined. Mutations in elements IS1230A and B resulted in frameshifts in the open reading frames that encoded a putative transposase to be inactive. IS1230C was truncated at nucleotide 774 relative to IS1230B and therefore did not possess the 3' terminal inverted repeat. The three IS1230 derivatives were closely related to each other based on nucleotide sequence similarity. IS1230A was located adjacent to the sef operon encoding SEF14 fimbriae located at minute 97 of the genome of S. Enteritidis. IS1230B was located adjacent to the umuDC operon at minute 42.5 on the genome, itself located near to one terminus of an 815-kb genome inversion of S. Enteritidis relative to S. Typhimurium. IS1230C was located next to attB, the bacteriophage P22 attachment site, and proB, encoding gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase. A truncated 3' remnant of IS1230, designated IS1230T, was identified in a clinical isolate of S. Typhimurium DT193 strain 2391. This element was located next to attB adjacent to which were bacteriophage P22-like sequences. Southern hybridisation of total genomic DNA from eighteen phage types of S. Enteritidis and eighteen definitive types of S. Typhimurium showed similar, if not identical, restriction fragment profiles in the respective serovars when probed with IS1230A.
It is proved that if the increasing sequence {kn} n=0..∞ n=0 of nonnegative integers has density greater than 1/2 and D is an arbitrary simply connected subregion of C\R then the system of Hermite associated functions Gkn(z) n=0..∞ is complete in the space H(D) of complex functions holomorphic in D.
The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) genome contains multiple, highly conserved structural RNA domains that play key roles in essential viral processes. Interference with the function of these RNA domains either by disrupting their structures or by blocking their interaction with viral or cellular factors may seriously compromise HIV-1 viability. RNA aptamers are amongst the most promising synthetic molecules able to interact with structural domains of viral genomes. However, aptamer shortening up to their minimal active domain is usually necessary for scaling up production, what requires very time-consuming, trial-and-error approaches. Here we report on the in vitro selection of 64 nt-long specific aptamers against the complete 5' -untranslated region of HIV-1 genome, which inhibit more than 75% of HIV-1 production in a human cell line. The analysis of the selected sequences and structures allowed for the identification of a highly conserved 16 nt-long stem-loop motif containing a common 8 nt-long apical loop. Based on this result, an in silico designed 16 nt-long RNA aptamer, termed RNApt16, was synthesized, with sequence 5'-CCCCGGCAAGGAGGGG-3-'. The HIV-1 inhibition efficiency of such an aptamer was close to 85%, thus constituting the shortest RNA molecule so far described that efficiently interferes with HIV-1 replication.
DNA serves as a target molecule for several types of enzymes and may assume a wide variety of structural motifs depending upon the local sequence. The BssHII restriction site (GC)3 resides in a 9bp region of alternating pyrimidine and purine residues within the &phis;X174 genome. Such sequences are known to demonstrate non-canonical helical behavior under the appropriate conditions. The kinetics of BssHII cleavage was investigated in supercoiled and linear plasmid DNA, and in a 323bp DNA fragment obtained via amplification of &phis;X174. The rate of enzyme cleavage was enhanced in the supercoiled form and in the presence of 50μM cobalt hexamine. Similarly, cobalt hexamine was also found to enhance TaqI activity directly adjacent to the (GC)3 region. ^ Initial DNA polymerase I binding studies (including a gel mobility shift assay and a protection assay) indicated a notable interaction between DNA polymerase I and the BssHII site. An in-depth study revealed that equilibrium binding of DNA polymerase I to the T7 RNA polymerase promoter was comparable to that of the (GC)3 site, however the strongest interaction was observed with a cruciform containing region. Increasing the ionic strength of the solution environment, including the addition of DNA polymerase I reaction buffer significantly decreased the equilibrium dissociation constant values. ^ It is suggested that the region within or around the BssHII site experiences a conformational change generating a novel structure under the influence of supercoiled tension or 50μM cobalt hexamine. It is proposed that this transition may enhance enzyme activity and binding by providing an initial enzyme-docking site—the rate-limiting step in restriction enzyme kinetics. The high binding potential of DNA polymerase I for each of the motifs described, is hypothesized to be due to recognition of the structural DNA anomalies by the 3′–5′ exonuclease domain. ^
Acknowledgements This study was funded by a Natural Environment Research Council grant (NERC, project code: NBAF704). FML is funded by a NERC Doctoral Training Grant (Project Reference: NE/L50175X/1). RLS was an undergraduate student at the University of Aberdeen and benefitted from financial support from the School of Biological Sciences. DJM is indebted to Dr. Steven Weiss (University of Graz, Austria), Dr. Takashi Yada (National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan), Dr. Robert Devlin (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada), Prof. Samuel Martin (University of Aberdeen, UK), Mr. Neil Lincoln (Environment Agency, UK) and Prof. Colin Adams/Mr. Stuart Wilson (University of Glasgow, UK) for providing salmonid material or assisting with its sampling. We are grateful to staff at the Centre for Genomics Research (University of Liverpool, UK) (i.e. NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility – Liverpool; NBAF-Liverpool) for performing sequence capture/Illumina sequencing and providing us with details on associated methods that were incorporated into the manuscript. Finally, we are grateful to the organizers of the Society of Experimental Biology Satellite meeting 'Genome-powered perspectives in integrative physiology and evolutionary biology' (held in Prague, July 2015) for inviting us to contribute to this special edition of Marine Genomics and hosting a really stimulating meeting.