994 resultados para Communication rights
Parents allocate food resources to their offspring in proportion to the intensity of begging behaviour. Begging encompasses several activities including vocalizations that should honestly signal need and jostling for the position in the nest where parents predictably deliver food items. Although siblings are known to adjust begging level to each other, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. We examined this issue in experimental two-chick broods of the barn owl, Tyto alba, a species in which siblings communicate vocally with each other in the prolonged absence of parents. The function of sib-sib vocal communication, so-called sibling negotiation, is to resolve conflicts over which individual will have priority of access to the next delivered indivisible food item. We found that when a nestling produced longer negotiation calls and stood closer to the nestbox entrance in the absence of parents, its sibling vocally negotiated at a lower rate. Additionally, when an individual produced more negotiation calls in the absence of parents, its sibling begged less intensely at the parent's return, with begging being the key factor that determined which nestling obtained a food item. We conclude that position in the nest and the duration of negotiation calls produced in the absence of parents influence the rate of producing negotiation calls, which in turn influences the rate at which siblings beg for food from their parents. Adjusting begging behaviour could therefore depend on complex sib-sib interactions taking place in the prolonged absence of parents.
How communication systems emerge and remain stable is an important question in both cognitive science and evolutionary biology. For communication to arise, not only must individuals cooperate by signaling reliable information, but they must also coordinate and perpetuate signals. Most studies on the emergence of communication in humans typically consider scenarios where individuals implicitly share the same interests. Likewise, most studies on human cooperation consider scenarios where shared conventions of signals and meanings cannot be developed de novo. Here, we combined both approaches with an economic experiment where participants could develop a common language, but under different conditions fostering or hindering cooperation. Participants endeavored to acquire a resource through a learning task in a computer-based environment. After this task, participants had the option to transmit a signal (a color) to a fellow group member, who would subsequently play the same learning task. We varied the way participants competed with each other (either global scale or local scale) and the cost of transmitting a signal (either costly or noncostly) and tracked the way in which signals were used as communication among players. Under global competition, players signaled more often and more consistently, scored higher individual payoffs, and established shared associations of signals and meanings. In addition, costly signals were also more likely to be used under global competition; whereas under local competition, fewer signals were sent and no effective communication system was developed. Our results demonstrate that communication involves both a coordination and a cooperative dilemma and show the importance of studying language evolution under different conditions influencing human cooperation.
The subject of communication between palliative care physicians and their patients regarding their diagnosis and prognosis has not been extensively researched. The purpose of this survey was to compare the attitudes and beliefs of palliative care specialists regarding communication with the terminally ill in Europe, South America, and Canada. A sample of palliative care physicians from South America (Argentina and Brazil), French-speaking Europe, and Canada were identified, and posted a questionnaire. Physicians who stated that they practised palliative care at least 30% of their time were considered evaluable as palliative care specialists. Of a total of 272 questionnaires, 228 were returned (84%); and 182/228 (81%) respondents were considered to be palliative care specialists. Palliative care physicians in all three regions believed that cancer patients should be informed of their diagnosis and the terminal nature of their illness. Physicians reported that at least 60% of their patients knew their diagnosis and the terminal stage of their illness in 52% and 24% of cases in South America, and 69% and 38% of cases in Europe, respectively. All physicians agreed that 'do not resuscitate' orders should be present, and should be discussed with the patient in all cases. While 93% of Canadian physicians stated that at least 60% of their patients wanted to know about the terminal stage of their illness, only 18% of South American, and 26% of European physicians said this (P < 0.001). Similar results were found when the physicians were asked the percentage of families who want patients to know the terminal stage of their illness. However, almost all of the physicians agreed that if they had terminal cancer they would like to know. There was a significant association between patient based decision-making and female sex (P = 0.007), older age (P = 0.04), and physicians from Canada and South America (P < 0.001). Finally, in their daily decision making, South American physicians were significantly more likely to support beneficence and justice as compared with autonomy. Canadian physicians were more likely to support autonomy as compared with beneficence. In summary, our findings suggest that there are major regional differences in the attitudes and beliefs of physicians regarding communication at the end of life. More research is badly needed on the attitudes and beliefs of patients, families, and health care professionals in different regions of the world.
Infants use their social competence very early to communicate not only in dyads but also in triads, in particular in the triangle they form with their mother and father. The development of this triangular communication is largely shaped by the ways the parents support or undermine each other in relation to their child. Whereas triangular communication is facilitated in "two for one" alliances, it is recruited in the service of regulating the parents' conflicts in "two against one" coalitions. These processes are manifest in toddlerhood and may be traced back to the coparenting alliance in formation during pregnancy.
Après une revue de la littérature concernant les médias utilisés dans le cadre de campagne de prévention, le matériel d'exposition est présenté. Le contenu et les moyens mis en oeuvre ne sont traités que dans la mesure où ils influencent directement la présentation du matériel. Enfin pour clore ce travail, une discussion concernant les possibilités et difficultés d'évaluation de ces actions de diffusion de l'information. [Auteur, p. 2]
This is the fourth edition of the Nanosafety Cluster compendium. It documents the status of important projects on nanomaterial toxicity and exposure monitoring, integrated risk management, research infrastructure and coordination and support activities. The compendium is not intended to be a guidance document for human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies, as such guidance documents already exist and are widely available. Neither is the compendium intended to be a medium for the publication of scientific papers and research results, as this task is covered by scientific conferences and the peer reviewed press. The compendium aims to bring researchers closer together and show them the potential for synergy in their work. It is a means to establish links and communication between them during the actual research phase and well before the publication of their results. It thus focuses on the communication of projects' strategic aims, extensively covers specific work objectives and the methods used in research, and documents human capacities and available laboratory infrastructure. As such, the compendium supports collaboration on common goals and the joint elaboration of future plans, whilst compromising neither the potential for scientific publication, nor intellectual property rights.
In numerical linear algebra, students encounter earlythe iterative power method, which finds eigenvectors of a matrixfrom an arbitrary starting point through repeated normalizationand multiplications by the matrix itself. In practice, more sophisticatedmethods are used nowadays, threatening to make the powermethod a historical and pedagogic footnote. However, in the contextof communication over a time-division duplex (TDD) multipleinputmultiple-output (MIMO) channel, the power method takes aspecial position. It can be viewed as an intrinsic part of the uplinkand downlink communication switching, enabling estimationof the eigenmodes of the channel without extra overhead. Generalizingthe method to vector subspaces, communication in thesubspaces with the best receive and transmit signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) is made possible. In exploring this intrinsic subspace convergence(ISC), we show that several published and new schemes canbe cast into a common framework where all members benefit fromthe ISC.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää informaatio- ja kommunikaatioyhteiskunnan vaikutusta paperin kulutukseen maailmanlaajuisesti. Tarkoituksena on löytää informaatio- ja kommunikaatioyhteiskuntaa kuvaavia mittareita, joiden avulla voidaan vertailla kehittyneitä ja kehittyviä markkina-alueita keskenään. Tutkimusongelmaan haetaan ratkaisua tutkimalla sekä kirjallisuutta että tilastoja, ja vertaamalla niitä esitettyihin teorioihin informaatio- ja kommunikaatioyhteiskunnan kehityksestä. Tutkielman avulla pyritään arvioimaan ja kuvaamaantoimintaympäristön muutoksia paperin kulutuksen suhteen pitkällä aikavälillä informaatio- ja kommunikaatioyhteiskunnan näkökulmasta.
This paper aims to present an ePortfolio project led for two years in a multilingual and interdisciplinary Master's program in public discourse and communication analysis offered by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Globally, the project - named Learn to communicate skills - offers a reflection about academic skills and their transferability to the professional world. More precisely, the aim of the project is to make students aware of the importance of reflexive learning to make their skills transferable to other contexts.
Societies exchange knowledge, ideas and merchandise throughout their territories. Topography plays a fundamental role in the trajectory of such movements whilst helping to explain the distribution of human constructions. Standard GIS functions have been employed widely to simulate communication routes between settlements, but the straight application of published least cost route models proved inadequate for Mediterranean alluvial plain areas in which seasonal floods become an important factor to acknowledge. The objective of this study is the production of a new model, using topographic and hydrologic factors as variables from which it would be possible to simulate a route, and test it against known Roman itineraries. The selected Roman stretches are Girona – Coll de Pannisars and Tarragona – Montblanc. The new model shows the need to consider each case individually but also stresses the hydrologic factor, expressed in seasonal floods, as being of prime importance in the creation and development of Roman roads in Mediterranean alluvial plains.