992 resultados para Coelho Nova Zelândia


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The Oil industry in Brazil has gone through several stages during the economical, political and social historical process. However, the significative changes have happened in the last fifteen years, due to market opening arising from the relaxation of the state monopoly over the Oil deposits and its derivatives. The edition of the Constitutional Amendment #9, changing the first paragraph of the 177th item of the Federal Constitution, marked the end of a stiffness about the monopoly that the Brazilian state kept in relation to the exploration and research of Oil and Gas. The economical order was fundamental to actualize the idea contained in the #9 Amendment, since its contents has the power to set up measures to be adopted by public power in order to organize the economical relations from a social viewpoint. The new brazilian Oil scenery, called pre-salt, presents itself in a way to amaze the economical markets, in addition to creating a new perspective to the social sector. This work will identify, in this new scenario, the need for change in the legal system. Nevertheless, this subject must not be treated in a thoughtless way: being an exhaustible good, we shall not forget that the future generations also must benefit from the exploration of natural resources recently discovered. The settlement of a new regulatory mark, including the change in the concession contract model to production and sharing is one of the suggested solutions as a bill in the National Congress, in an attempt to ensure the sovereignty of the nation. The constitutionality of a new regulatory mark is questioned, starting from an analysis of the state monopoly, grounding the comprehnsions in the brazilian constitutions, the relevance of the creation of Petrobras for self-assertion of the state about the monopoly of Oil and derivatives, and its posture after the Constitutional Amendment nº 9 (1995), when a company stops having control of the state monopoly, beginning to compete in a fairly way with other companies. The market opening and private initiative are emphasized from the viewpoint of the Constitutional Principles of the Economical and Social Order. The relaxation of the monopoly regarding the exploratory activity in the Federal Constitution doesn't deprive from the Union the ownerships of underground goods, enabling to this federal entity to contract, directly or by concession of exploration of goods, to state-owned or private companies. The existing oil in the pre-salt layer transforms the scenario from very high risk to low risk, which gives the Union the possibility of defining another way of exploring this resources in the best interests of the Public Administration


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Analysis of the elements of the Constitutional Order of the letter 1988 politics, with emphasis in the principles of this, a study on the intervention of the State in the private initiative by means of the Law of Recovery of Companies and Bankruptcies (law 11.101/05). New enterprise vision is admitted, over all in the interdependence between economic and social factors. Study on the globalization and the interdependence of economic and legal sciences in the construction of a legal optics in the search for the economic and social development, with the recognition of the interference of the Economy in the Right and its uneven importance. Still, we delineate the state intervention in the economic scope, of company and in the judicial recovery, as well as the consequences of such intervention in the involved credits in the judicial recovery and patrimony of the debtor in recovery. For such task, the elements of the Judicial Recovery, its principles and adequacy of these to the related ones in the chapter had been analyzed that turns on the national economic Order, describing the formal procedure for concession of the benefit of the Judicial Recovery and the principles in existing them. The forms of intervention of the State in the private economy were not disrespected, relating its direct and indirect performance as half of preservation of interests writings in the constitutional scope as public interest and preservation of the National economic Order. The regulating agencies as of direct state intervention were half not disrespected of the study for the relevance of the subject. It is revised national bibliography with incursions in French, Portuguese and North American comparative jurisprudence. One contributes in the aspect of the paper of the Judiciary Power in the protection of the companies in crisis and the social and economic impacts, over all in relation to the rights of the worked ones, credit and enterprise


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The object of the present dissertation is to analyze the behavior of the public finances of the districts of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), taking as reference a period fundamentally previous to the implementation of the Fiscal Responsibility Law LRF, comparatively to the first years, immediately after the advent of the mentioned institutional milestone. The central hypothesis of this study proposes that, from the institutions' viewpoint, the LRF sets securely consistent rules, in the orchestration of the behavior of the municipal revenues and expenses. These regulations, on the other hand, might be effective and reach the districts of the RN indiscriminately, apart from stabilizing tendencies and which are sustainable in the long run. In spite of this, the indicators calculated reveal that the districts researched show, during all the period under analysis, a diminished capacity of self-tax collection , and consequently, a high participation of the intergovernmental transfers in the composition of the current revenues. This behavior indicates that the goal of strengthening the municipal public finances, forecast in the LRF, tends to be only partially accomplished, due to the fiscal decentralism. The analysis and interpretation of the data are conducted from the literature of institutionalist orientation and in descriptive statistical tools applied to the municipal strata of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Further on, it's used the econometrical method Pooled OLS, which demands the elimination of the municipal strata in order to allow the use of the model, in the attempt to strengthen and/or ratify the results of the research. Finally, the evidence reached in the dissertation show that the LRF brings better conditions to the potiguar municipal public finances, predominantly to the economically stronger districts; whereas the less dynamic municipal entities show rather divergent evidence, that is, their economies seem to be more oriented to a more pronounced state participation; therefore, it generates in the state of RN a certain antithesis in the results reached in the dissertation


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The present study has as goal to analyze the aplicability of the computational technology as mediator in the english-speaking teaching in the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte-CEFET/RN. The object of study was centered in the use of the computer incorporated in the teaching of English by four institution groups. The research was ruled metodologically in the study of case, adopting a qualitative and quantitative boarding of interpretative-reflexive mark. We support ourselves on a bibliographical literature revision that cares of the use of the computational technology matter into the class-room, aiming an education new practice, regarding the current reality conceptions in what we live in the technological education. We also use a referencial for a pedagogical action, trying to offer subsidies for a practice that provides the knowledges generation through the interaction, aiming a subject reflexive and critical education. For materialization of this study, we used esrutuctured action, as interviews for the teachers and students, besides the observations of the dayly in class-room, in order to get the necessary datas for analysis. During this study, we oserved that the use of the computer, while pedagogical support instrument in the english-speaking teaching, has acted like mediator of the teaching-learning process. The results demonstrate use of the computer use has been each more a practice adopted by other institution languages teachers. The conclusions confirm the hypothesis showed at the beginning of the work and evidence that the teachers are warden of forming thinking, reflexive and critical subjects. For that, they need to be prepared to face situations in which they can take the pedagogical practice to tune with the technological advances, consequently providing an effective technological education


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Avaliou-se a eficácia do herbicida glifosato potássico, comparado ao sulfosato e ao glifosato amínico, utilizados como padrões comerciais. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em um pomar de laranja da variedade Pêra-rio, infestado por grama-seda (Cynodon dactylon) com aproximadamente 25 cm de altura, em 70% da área. O experimento foi instalado no município de Taiúva-SP, em solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, distrófico, de textura arenosa, com relevo suave ondulado. Os tratamentos testados foram: glifosato potássico (ZAPP Qi) a 1,05; 2,10 e 2,50 kg e.a./ha, sulfosato (ZAPP) e glifosato amínico (ROUNDUP CS) a 1,98 e 2,16 kg e.a./ha, respectivamente, além da testemunha sem capina. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em pós-emergência da planta daninha, com pulverizador costal, à pressão constante (mantida por CO2 comprimido) de 2,5 kg/cm², munido de barra com seis bicos de jato plano (leque) DG 11002, com um consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L/ha. Os melhores resultados de controle foram obtidos com 2,5 kg e.a./ha do glifosato potássico, que também garantiu menor brotação da grama-seda. No entanto, a dosagem de 2,10 kg e.a./ha deste mesmo herbicida não foi menos eficaz que o sulfosato e o glifosato, com 1,98 e 2,16 kg e.a./ha, respectivamente.


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The present study investigates Internet as technological interaction in the school environment as a resource of the teaching-learning process. It aims to discuss the lack of synchronicity between proposals of educational access for Internet use and types of access and interaction applied by youngsters. For the development of this research, I resorted to a qualitative, descriptive and explanatory research focused on a group whose subjects are youngsters from eleven to fifteen years of age in a catholic school which belongs to a group of private teaching schools in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state. As methodological option it focus on a group and the observation of its participation, discourse analysis and ethnography, considering facts and data of the pedagogical practice concerning the focused theme, besides the attempt to know the youngsters everyday at school and the relationship between them and juvenile cultures. It recognizes the existence of two moments of the focused group: the first related to internet use like technological interaction; the second concerns to the way Internet is problematic as technological interaction in classroom learning. While contacting with youngsters, the study discusses the concepts of Media Environments, Culture, Identity, Network, Consumption and Citizenship. It recognizes that it is relevant for the school to consider Internet a pedagogical tool, directed not just at research, but mostly as learning environment and as learning construction in a collaborative way. It points out the need of approach between school and media environment, reevaluating the pedagogical practice, offering a new evaluation proposal (self-evaluation). It suggests a renewal in the teacher's pedagogical practice in the classroom and using Internet, valuing the connection between technological interaction and communication as motivation elements of student s learning construction and their effective participation in decisions involving citizenship. It gives priority to educational work directed at the establishment of dialogic relationship between codes, learning and contents, leading to the new findings domain in the media environment, enabling the development of abilities and performances directed at the recognition and consumption of information from a critical reading of the media


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A goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) é uma espécie que vem se tornando de grande importância em diversas regiões do Brasil, principalmente no Estado de São Paulo, maior produtor nacional. Desde 1985, a UNESP/FCAV, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, vem desenvolvendo um programa de melhoramento genético da goiabeira, com o objetivo de obter plantas com boas características agronômicas e com frutos que possam ser destinados tanto à industrialização quanto ao consumo na forma de fruta fresca. Partindo-se de 219 plantas, oriundas de diversos cruzamentos, e após dez anos de avaliação, chegou-se à cultivar Século XXI, cujas principais características são: planta muito produtiva com ciclo precoce (130 dias da floração à colheita), frutos grandes, com polpa espessa, róseo-avermelhada, ótimo sabor e com poucas e pequenas sementes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com objetivo de determinar o consumo e a digestibilidade in vivo, bem como a composição química de dietas com níveis crescentes (0, 50 e 100%) de feno de catingueira (FC), utilizaram-se 15 ovinos Morada Nova, durante um período de 22 dias. Foi usado delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e cinco repetições. O FC apresentou 91,5% de matéria seca (MS), 93,89% de matéria orgânica (MO), 11,25% de proteína (PB), 4,31% de extrato etéreo (EE), 45,47% de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), 37,08% de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), 8,39% de hemicelulose (HE), 24,37% de celulose (CE), 12,52% de lignina e 6,30% de tanino condensado. Os consumos de MO e MS, em g/dia, g/kg0,75 e %PV; energia bruta (EB), em kcal/kg/dia e kcal/kg0,75; e dos componentes da parede celular foram reduzidos linearmente pelo aumento de FC na dieta. Os consumos de PB, proteína digestível (PD) e EE aumentaram linearmente com o aumento do FC na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB e EB das dietas não foram afetados pela inclusão do FC. No entanto, observou-se redução linear para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da FDN, FDA, CE e EE e efeito quadrático para o coeficiente de digestibilidade da HE. Os consumos médios de MS e PB verificados nos níveis intermediários de FC atenderam as exigências de mantença dos animais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para se determinar a composição corporal e as exigências nutricionais de cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P), magnésio (Mg), sódio (Na) e potássio de ovinos da raça Morada Nova. Foram utilizados 30 cordeiros com peso vivo (PV) médio inicial de 15 kg e 70 dias de idade. Seis cordeiros foram abatidos aos 15 kg, para determinação da composição corporal inicial (animais-referência) pela metodologia do abate comparativo; seis foram abatidos aos 20 kg (abate intermediário) e os demais distribuídos em seis grupos de três animais (um para cada dieta), de acordo com as relações volumoso(V):concentrado(C): 1) 40V:60C; 2) 55V:45C; e 3) 70V:30C. Os animais, em cada grupo, foram abatidos quando o cordeiro que recebia a dieta com maior teor de concentrado atingiu 25 kg de PV. A composição corporal variou de 14,33 a 12,42 g de Ca; 8,12 a 7,15 g de P; 0,47 a 0,46 g de Mg; 1,60 a 1,40 g de Na e de 2,30 a 2,23 g de K por kg de peso de corpo vazio. As exigências líquidas de ganho variaram de 13,54 a 11,74 mg de Ca; 7,96 a 7,02 mg de P; 0,57 a 0,55 mg de Mg; 1,54 a 1,35 mg de Na e de 2,75 a 2,68 mg de K por g de ganho de PV. As exigências dietéticas diárias de macrominerais para cordeiros dos 15 aos 25 kg de PV, ganhando 100 g/dia, variaram de 2,76 a 3,12 g de Ca; 1,91 a 2,95 de g de P; 0,60 a 0,77 g de Mg; 0,60 a 0,86 g de Na e de 1,51 a 2,63 g de K.


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Este trabalho foi realizado objetivando-se determinar a composição corporal de proteína, gordura e energia e as exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia para mantença e ganho de peso de ovinos Morada Nova. Foram utilizados 30 cordeiros com peso vivo (PV) médio inicial de 15 kg. Para determinação da composição corporal, pela metodologia do abate comparativo, seis cordeiros (animais-referência) foram abatidos aos 15 kg, seis aos 20 kg (abate intermediário) e os demais foram distribuídos em seis grupos (um para cada dieta) de três animais, de acordo com a relação volumoso(V):concentrado(C): 40:60, 55:45 e 70:30. Os cordeiros em cada grupo foram abatidos quando o que recebia a dieta com maior teor de concentrado atingiu 25 kg de PV. A composição corporal variou de 181,53 a 178,74 g de proteína; 72,37 a 131,11 g de gordura e 1,81 a 2,34 Mcal de energia por kg de peso de corpo vazio (PCV). As exigências líquidas de ganho variaram de 222,30 a 218,6 g de proteína e de 3,30 a 4,28 Mcal de energia por kg de PV ganho. As perdas endógenas de nitrogênio foram de 0,332 g/kg0,75/dia. A exigência líquida de energia para mantença, estimada pela produção de calor em jejum, foi de 52,49 kcal/kg0,75 de PCV. As exigências de proteína e energia metabolizável para cordeiros dos 15 aos 25 kg de PV, com ganho de peso diário de 100 g, oscilaram de 53,46 a 60,19 g/dia e de 1,47 a 2,00 Mcal/dia, respectivamente.


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Três experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização de probióticos na dieta de frangos de corte sobre as características da cama reutilizada e das lesões de peito, joelho e coxim plantar. Foram utilizados em cada experimento 800 pintos machos de um dia, da linhagem comercial Ross, alojados em 20 boxes, em densidade populacional de 10 aves/m². O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos distribuídos em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 (cama nova ou reutilizada x rações com ou sem probiótico). O probiótico utilizado nas dietas foi composto por Bacillus subtilis e B. coagulans (2x10(9) e 1x10(7) ufc, respectivamente). Aos 42 dias de idade, quatro aves de cada boxe foram abatidas para análise das lesões de peito, joelho e coxim plantar. A cama de cada boxe foi amostrada para determinação dos teores de MS e nitrogênio, do potencial de volatilização de amônia e do pH. A cama reutilizada apresentou maior teor de MS, maiores valores de pH e potencial de volatilização de amônia e menor teor de nitrogênio. O probiótico usado nas rações resultou em maior potencial de volatilização de amônia. As lesões de coxim plantar e joelho foram maiores quando utilizada cama nova. As camas reutilizadas por dois, três e quatro ciclos causaram menores lesões de joelho e coxim plantar. O probiótico não promoveu efeito benéfico sobre a cama reutilizada.


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The automatic speech recognition by machine has been the target of researchers in the past five decades. In this period have been numerous advances, such as in the field of recognition of isolated words (commands), which has very high rates of recognition, currently. However, we are still far from developing a system that could have a performance similar to the human being (automatic continuous speech recognition). One of the great challenges of searches for continuous speech recognition is the large amount of pattern. The modern languages such as English, French, Spanish and Portuguese have approximately 500,000 words or patterns to be identified. The purpose of this study is to use smaller units than the word such as phonemes, syllables and difones units as the basis for the speech recognition, aiming to recognize any words without necessarily using them. The main goal is to reduce the restriction imposed by the excessive amount of patterns. In order to validate this proposal, the system was tested in the isolated word recognition in dependent-case. The phonemes characteristics of the Brazil s Portuguese language were used to developed the hierarchy decision system. These decisions are made through the use of neural networks SVM (Support Vector Machines). The main speech features used were obtained from the Wavelet Packet Transform. The descriptors MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) are also used in this work. It was concluded that the method proposed in this work, showed good results in the steps of recognition of vowels, consonants (syllables) and words when compared with other existing methods in literature


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da relação volumoso:concentrado sobre a composição tecidual e os rendimentos de carcaça e de cortes comerciais de cordeiros Morada Nova em confinamento, utilizaram-se 18 cordeiros com peso vivo (PV) inicial de 15 kg, distribuídos em seis grupos de três animais (um em cada dieta), de acordo com a relação volumoso(V):concentrado(C): 40:60, 55:45 e 70:30. Foram avaliados os pesos de corpo vazio (PCV), de carcaça quente (PCQ) e de carcaça fria (PCF), a partir dos quais foram calculados os rendimentos biológico (RB), de carcaça quente (RCQ) e de carcaça fria (RCF) e a perda de peso por resfriamento (PPR). A carcaça foi dividida em cinco cortes cárneos (perna, lombo, costelas, paleta e pescoço), os quais foram pesados para cálculo de seus rendimentos em relação ao peso da meia-carcaça. A perna foi dissecada em músculo, osso e gordura e os pesos desses tecidos foram expressos em peso absoluto e em porcentagem da perna. Calcularam-se as relações músculo:osso e músculo:gordura, o índice de musculosidade da perna (IMP) e a área de olho-de-lombo (AOL). O aumento de 30 para 60% de concentrado na dieta elevou os rendimentos de carcaça quente e carcaça fria, assim como o rendimento biológico. Os crescentes teores de concentrado na dieta não afetaram a porcentagem de músculo na perna, mas proporcionaram maior deposição de gordura e maior área de olho-de-lombo.