940 resultados para Clusters multiuso
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) isolates by DNA fingerprinting has contributed to tuberculosis (TB) control. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of MTB isolates from Tehran province in Iran. METHODS MTB isolates from 60 Iranian and 10 Afghan TB patients were fingerprinted by standard IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and spoligotyping. RESULTS The copy number of IS6110 ranged from 10-24 per isolate. The isolates were classified into 22 clusters showing ≥ 80% similarity by RFLP analysis. Fourteen multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates were grouped into 4 IS6110-RFLP clusters, with 10 isolates [71% (95% CI: 45-89%)] in 1 cluster, suggesting a possible epidemiological linkage. Eighteen Iranian isolates showed ≥ 80% similarity with Afghan isolates. There were no strains with identical fingerprints. Spoligotyping of 70 isolates produced 23 distinct patterns. Sixty (85.7%) isolates were grouped into 13 clusters, while the remaining 10 isolates (14.2%) were not clustered. Ural (formerly Haarlem4) (n = 22, 31.4%) was the most common family followed by Central Asian strain (CAS) (n = 18, 25.7%) and T (n = 9, 12.8%) families. Only 1strain was characterized as having the Beijing genotype. Among 60 Iranian and 10 Afghan MTB isolates, 25% (95% CI: 16-37) and 70% (95% CI: 39-89) were categorized as Ural lineage, respectively. CONCLUSIONS A higher prevalence of Ural family MTB isolates among Afghan patients than among Iranian patients suggests the possible transmission of this lineage following the immigration of Afghans to Iran.
O mercado das bebidas comerciais em Portugal tem aumentado ano após ano, sendo uma das principais fontes de hidratação não só da população portuguesa como europeia. Em contrapartida, sumos e néctares, analogamente ao arroz e à água, podem apresentar quantidades que embora sejam vestigiais, poderão ser expressivas relativamente a alguns contaminantes (arsénio, cádmio e chumbo), prejudiciais ao Homem, existentes no organismo humano através da bioacumulação. O estudo inicia-se com a realização de um questionário à população estudantil da FCT-UNL sobre os hábitos de consumo, que contou com a participação de mais de 500 alunos. Paralelamente e com um total de 23 sumos analisados pelo INSA, ao nível de 12 diferentes tipos de elementos químicos seguiram-se à análise estatística multivariada, com o intuito de separar sumos e néctares de acordo com os elementos químicos. Para este estudo utilizaram-se as análises de componentes principais e de clusters, considerando três abordagens diferentes ao tratamento do limite de quantificação. Tendo este estudo conduzido a resultados similares entre as abordagens, o passo seguinte centrou-se na análise dos sumos de laranja que contrariamente apresentam resultados díspares. Com o objectivo de quantificar o teor dos contaminantes presentes nos alimentos que fazem parte dos hábitos de consumo dos estudantes combinou-se a informação proveniente dos inquéritos com a informação da composição dos contaminantes e estimou-se a ingestão diária dos três químicos. Os valores estimados para a dose de ingestão tolerável provisória, no presente trabalho determinado numa base diária, ficam muito aquém dos valores toleráveis provisórios de ingestão tabelados, apresentando assim baixos níveis de nocividade para os alunos.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION This study presents two decades of epidemiological data on tuberculosis (TB), in order to understanding the disease profile and its spatiotemporal dynamics. METHODS This descriptive study was performed in the City of Olinda/Pernambuco, Brazil, from 1991-2010, and it analyzed new patients with TB living in the city. We used the χ²-test with a p-value <0.05 to identify differences in trends. Incidence and cluster distribution were identified using spatial scan statistics. RESULTS In total, 6202 new cases were recorded during the two decades. The highest incidence occurred in 1995 (110 cases/100,000 inhabitants), and the lowest occurred in 2009 (65 cases/100,000 inhabitants) (β=-1.44; R²=0.43; p=0.0018). The highest mortality occurred in 1998 (16 deaths/100,000 inhabitants), and the lowest occurred in 2008 (5 deaths/100,000 inhabitants) (β=-0.19; R²=0.17; p=0.07). There was a male predominance (65%), and ages ranged from 20-49 years (65%). There was a substantial increase in the number of patients that were cured after treatment (60% to 67%; p<0.001) as well as those tested for HIV (1.9% to 58.5%; p<0.001). During the first decade, clusters with p-values <0.05 included 29% of the total notified cases, and in the second decade, that percentage was 12%. CONCLUSIONS We observed a decreasing trend in incidence, which was significant, and mortality rates, which was not significant. The increased number of laboratory tests performed reflects advances in surveillance, and a reduction in the proportion of cases in primary clusters suggests, among other things, that the disease is spreading across the region.
A avaliação de fornecedores é cada vez mais um processo bem definido dentro de organizações em que a qualidade dos fornecimentos é exigente. O mercado desenvolveu-se e evoluiu de forma a criar ligações mais próximas entre clientes e fornecedores, as relações de parceria entre ambas as partes são cada vez mais necessárias ao bom funcionamento das compras. Cada setor de atividade tem as suas particularidades, no entanto de forma geral todas as empresas avaliam com base no preço, prazos de entrega e qualidade dos produtos. No processo de compra, a escolha de um novo fornecedor é muitas vezes difícil pela inexistência de informação credível que sustente a adjudicação. O benchmarking das empresas é fundamental para a criação de um diretório com um ranking, que permite ao mercado contratar correndo menores riscos. O benchmarking resultante da avaliação de todas as empresas sobre todas as empresas só é possível quando as avaliações são resultantes da mesma base de critérios. Este estudo pretende identificar quais são os critérios mais usados pelo mercado, quais as importâncias que estes têm para as empresas em função do seu setor da atividade. A conclusão deste estudo irá alimentar a plataforma de avaliação e qualificação de fornecedores, BestSupplier, de forma a permitir ao mercado uma consulta mais clara e transparente. O estudo foi feito através de inquéritos realizados às empresas, onde resultaram dados que permitiram fazer uma análise de frequências, determinando assim quis os critérios mais usados de forma geral e as respetivas importâncias associadas. Complementarmente foi feita a análise de clusters, que permitiu perceber os comportamentos dos setores face às suas necessidades.
Foundations’ importance in the actual economy has been increasingly recognized. This work project assesses the impact of the new legal framework in the foundations’ financial reporting and offers a financial statement analysis of the Portuguese foundational sector. It unveils links between financial performance and characteristics of foundations, and profiles foundations in three clusters, each with different approaches to disclosure, volunteer workforce, and taxes. It is concluded that foundations are not respecting the benefits trusted to them, calling for a tighter control to their financial reporting, and that even though that slowly, the sector is expected to continue growing.
Qualquer assunto relacionado com a saúde é sempre um tema sensível, pela importância que tem junto da população, já que interage diretamente com o bem-estar das pessoas e, essencialmente, com a sensação de segurança que as estas pretendem ter na prestação dos cuidados básicos de saúde. Dados estatísticos mostram que a população está cada vez mais envelhecida, reforçando a importância da existência de bons centros hospitalares e de um bom Sistema Nacional de Saúde (SNS) (Plano Nacional de Saúde, 2010). Em Portugal, caso os pacientes necessitem de cuidados mais urgentes, podem recorrer ao Serviço de Urgências disponibilizado para toda a população através do SNS. No entanto, a gestão e planeamento deste serviço é complexa, dado este serviço ser frequentemente utilizado por pacientes que não necessitam de cuidados urgentes, levando a que os hospitais deixem de conseguir dar a resposta esperada, implicando a prestação por vezes um serviço de menor qualidade. Neste sentido, analisaram-se dados de um hospital do norte do país com o intuito de perceber o ponto de situação das urgências, de forma a encontrar padrões relevantes através da análise de clusters e de regras de associação. Começando pela análise de clusters, utilizaram-se apenas as variáveis que foram consideradas importantes para o problema, resultando da análise final 3 clusters. O primeiro cluster é constituído por elementos do sexo masculino de todas as idades, o segundo cluster por elementos do sexo masculino mais jovens e por elementos do sexo feminino até aos 60 anos e o terceiro cluster apenas por elementos do sexo feminino a partir dos 40 anos. No final verificaram-se muitas semelhanças entre os clusters 1 e 3, pois ambos continham os pacientes mais idosos, havendo um padrão comum no seu comportamento. No ano 2012 não houve registo de nenhuma epidemia, não havendo por isso nenhuma doença que se destacasse comparativamente às restantes. Concluiu-se também que na maior parte dos casos houve a necessidade de uma intervenção urgente (pulseira de cor Amarela), no entanto a maioria dos pacientes observados conseguiu regressar às suas habitações após as consultas nas Urgências Hospitalares, sem intervenções médicas adicionais. Relativamente às regras de associação, houve a necessidade de transformar e eliminar algumas variáveis que enviesassem o estudo. Após o processo da criação das regras de associação, percebeu-se que as regras eram muito similares entre si, apresentando uma maior confiança nas variáveis que apareceram em maior número (“Pacientes com pulseira de cor Amarela”, “distrito do Porto” ou “Alta Médica para a Residência”).
Wharton's jelly stem cells (WJSCs) are a potential source of transplantable stem cells in cartilage-regenerative strategies, due to their highly proliferative and multilineage differentiation capacity. We hypothesized that a non-direct co-culture system with human articular chondrocytes (hACs) could enhance the potential chondrogenic phenotype of hWJSCs during the expansion phase compared to those expanded in monoculture conditions. Primary hWJSCs were cultured in the bottom of a multiwell plate separated by a porous transwell membrane insert seeded with hACs. No statistically significant differences in hWJSCs duplication number were observed under either of the culture conditions during the expansion phase. hWJSCs under co-culture conditions show upregulations of collagen type I and II, COMP, TGFβ1 and aggrecan, as well as of the main cartilage transcription factor, SOX9, when compared to those cultured in the absence of chondrocytes. Chondrogenic differentiation of hWJSCs, previously expanded in co-culture and monoculture conditions, was evaluated for each cellular passage using the micromass culture model. Cells expanded in co-culture showed higher accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) compared to cells in monoculture, and immunohistochemistry for localization of collagen type I revealed a strong detection signal when hWJSCs were expanded under monoculture conditions. In contrast, type II collagen was detected when cells were expanded under co-culture conditions, where numerous round-shaped cell clusters were observed. Using a micromass differentiation model, hWJSCs, previously exposed to soluble factors secreted by hACs, were able to express higher levels of chondrogenic genes with deposition of cartilage extracellular matrix components, suggesting their use as an alternative cell source for treating degenerated cartilage.
This study, which involved a target population comprised by 292 workers of different industrial areas (metalmechanics, foundry, chemical, wood, food), aimed to verify the association between energy expenditure-EE, physical activity level-PAL and body composition (Body Mass Index-BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio-WHR and Waist To Height Ratio, WTHR) of participants. The work was completed with the description of the variables relating to the gender of the individuals (male and female) and the activities carried out in the two sectors of industrial work (administrative sector and productive sector). In this research, the statistical technique of principal components analysis (PCA) and the hierarchical analysis of clusters (HCA) were used. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data were collected as well as the level of physical activity and energy expenditure were assessed. The vast majority of individuals who spend greater energy expenditure and has more intense physical activity were male. Most of these workers are in the production sector. We can confirm that that both, gender and labor activity, are factors that have influence on the EE and the PAL.
Usually, data warehousing populating processes are data-oriented workflows composed by dozens of granular tasks that are responsible for the integration of data coming from different data sources. Specific subset of these tasks can be grouped on a collection together with their relationships in order to form higher- level constructs. Increasing task granularity allows for the generalization of processes, simplifying their views and providing methods to carry out expertise to new applications. Well-proven practices can be used to describe general solutions that use basic skeletons configured and instantiated according to a set of specific integration requirements. Patterns can be applied to ETL processes aiming to simplify not only a possible conceptual representation but also to reduce the gap that often exists between two design perspectives. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of an ETL pattern-based approach using task clustering, analyzing a real world ETL scenario through the definitions of two commonly used clusters of tasks: a data lookup cluster and a data conciliation and integration cluster.
The jet energy scale (JES) and its systematic uncertainty are determined for jets measured with the ATLAS detector using proton–proton collision data with a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb −1 . Jets are reconstructed from energy deposits forming topological clusters of calorimeter cells using the anti- kt algorithm with distance parameters R=0.4 or R=0.6 , and are calibrated using MC simulations. A residual JES correction is applied to account for differences between data and MC simulations. This correction and its systematic uncertainty are estimated using a combination of in situ techniques exploiting the transverse momentum balance between a jet and a reference object such as a photon or a Z boson, for 20≤pjetT<1000 GeV and pseudorapidities |η|<4.5 . The effect of multiple proton–proton interactions is corrected for, and an uncertainty is evaluated using in situ techniques. The smallest JES uncertainty of less than 1 % is found in the central calorimeter region ( |η|<1.2 ) for jets with 55≤pjetT<500 GeV . For central jets at lower pT , the uncertainty is about 3 %. A consistent JES estimate is found using measurements of the calorimeter response of single hadrons in proton–proton collisions and test-beam data, which also provide the estimate for pjetT>1 TeV. The calibration of forward jets is derived from dijet pT balance measurements. The resulting uncertainty reaches its largest value of 6 % for low- pT jets at |η|=4.5 . Additional JES uncertainties due to specific event topologies, such as close-by jets or selections of event samples with an enhanced content of jets originating from light quarks or gluons, are also discussed. The magnitude of these uncertainties depends on the event sample used in a given physics analysis, but typically amounts to 0.5–3 %.
Electroactive polymers are one of the most interesting class of polymers used as smart materials in various applications, such as the development of sensors and actuators for biomedical applications in areas such as smart prosthesis, implantable biosensors and biomechanical signal monitoring, among others. For acquiring or applying the electrical signal from/to the piezoelectric material, suitable electrodes can be produced from Ti based coatings with tailored multifunctional properties, conductivity and antibacterial characteristics, through Ag inclusions. This work reports on Ag-TiNx electrodes, deposited by d. c. and pulsed magnetron sputtering at room temperature on poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, the all-round best piezoelectric polymer.. Composition of the electrodes was assessed by microanalysis X-ray system (EDS - energy dispersive spectrometer). The XRD results revealed that the deposition conditions preserve the polymer structure and suggested the presence of crystalline fcc-TiN phase and fcc-Ag phase in samples with N2 flow above 3 sccm. According to the results obtained from SEM analysis, the coatings are homogeneous and Ag clusters were found for samples with nitrogen flow above 3 sccm. With increasing nitrogen flow, the sheet resistivity tend to be lower than the samples without nitrogen, leading also to a decrease of the piezoelectric response. It is concluded that the deposition conditions do significantly affect the piezoelectric polymer, which maintain its characteristics for sensor/actuator applications.
A violência entre pares na adolescência: desenvolvimento e implementação de um programa de prevenção
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia da Justiça).
Stents are rigid and perforated tubular structures, which are inserted into blood vessels in order to prevent or inhibit the constriction of blood flow, restoring the normal blood flow, when blood vessels are clogged, being used in 70% of angioplasties. These medical devices assume great importance in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) which are the leading cause of death worldwide. In the European Union CVD account for 40% of deaths and assume an estimated annual cost of 196 billion euros[1]. Stents must possess certain requirements, in order to, adequately, perform its function, such as biocompatibility (so that its use does not c ause damage on the health of its user), mechanical strength, radiopacity (so that it is easy to view), longitudinal flexibility, ease of handling, corrosion resistance and having high strength and high radial expansion ability to recover. Stents can be made of different materials, but metals, particularly stainless steel, are the most common. However, metallic stents present several dRawbacks such as corrosion and restenosis, leading to health complications for the patient, or even death. In order to minimize these disadvantages, new materials, like fibrous materials, have been used [2]. Monofilaments present high potential for stents development because, in addition to its biocompatibility, these materials allow the application of various surface treatments, such as antibacterial coatings. Furthermore, monofilament exhibit excellent mechanical properties, like greater stiffness and good results when subjected to compression, tensile and bending forces, since these forces will be directly supported by the monofilament [3]. To minimize the reaction of the human body and Limit the adhesion of microorganisms to the stent surface, some coatings have been developed, including the use of novel metals with antimicrobial properties, like silver. The main objective of this study was the development of fibrous stents, incorporation of silver oxide nanocoating. For the development of the stent, polyester monofilaments with 0.27mm of diameter were used in braiding technology, with a mandrel diameter of 6mm and a braiding angle of 35⁰. The mechanical behaviour of the stent were evaluated by mechanical testing under longitudinal and radial compression, bending. The results of compressive strength tests are according with value from literature: 1.13 to 2.9 N for radial compression and 0. 16-5.28N to longitudinal compression. From literature is also possible to verify that stents must present 75% of unchanged diameter during the bending test and must possess a porosity between 70% and 80% [4]. The produced polyester stent presents values of 1.29N for radial compression, 0.23N for longitudinal compression, 80% of porosity and 85.5% of unchanged diameter, during bending tests. For the antibacterial functionalization, silver oxide nanocoatings were prepared, through reactive magnetron g, with an Ag target in an Ar +O2 atmosphere. In order to evaluate the nanostructure and morphology of the coatings, d ifferent technique s like X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS were used. From the analyses of XRD it is possible to verify that the peaks corresponds to planes of Ag2 O and MATERIAIS 2015 Porto, 21-23 June, 2015 characterize a cubic phase. The presence of Ag2 O is corroborated by XPS spectrum, where it is possible to observe silver, not only, in oxide state, but a lso in mettalic state, and it is possible to verify the presence of silver clusters, confirmed by SEM analysis. Films’ roughness and topography, parameters influencing the wettability of the surface and microorganism adhesion, were measured by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and it was observed that the roughness is very low (under 10 nm). Coatings’ hydrophobicity and surface tension parameters were determined by contact angle measurement, and it was verified the hydrophobic behavior of the coatings. For antibacterial tests were used Staphylococcus epidermidis strain (IE186) and Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC 6538), and halo inhibition zone tests were realized. Ag+release rates were studied by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP -MS). The obtained results suggest that silver oxide coatings do not modify significantly surface properties of the substrate, like hydrophobicity and roughness, and present antimicrobial properties for both bacteria used.
Grande parte dos estudos produzidos sobre a liderança escolar tem incidido na análise da relação entre os processos de liderança, a aprendizagem e o sucesso. Embora esta convergência de enfoque (liderança/sucesso) encubra abordagens teóricas, disciplinares e metodológicas muito diferenciadas, é evidente a presença de uma perspetiva unidirecional, mais focada nas políticas e nas práticas de liderança e menos na forma como estas são entendidas pelos alunos. Neste artigo, propomos um enfoque invertido, focado nas representações dos alunos sobre os processos de liderança. Do ponto de vista metodológico, recorremos aos dados recolhidos no âmbito de quatro estudos de caso realizados em escolas/agrupamentos com ensino secundário, resultantes da administração de um inquérito por questionário e da realização de focus group a alunos com resultados académicos de excelência e a alunos não incluídos neste nível de desempenho. Elegemos como referência analítica um estudo de caso de longa duração, a partir do qual colocamos em confronto os dados recolhidos nos outros três contextos estudados. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para a existência de relações e diferenças significativas entre a cultura organizacional da escola e os estilos de liderança, sendo destacada a importância do papel do Diretor na condução do ideário de excelência da escola.
Problema apresentado pelo Hospital de Braga no 109th European Study Group with Industry 10 a 15 de maio de 2015. Departamento de Produção e Sistemas Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho Guimarães Portugal 24 de julho de 2015