917 resultados para Clinical prevention
- P -General population, nonsmoking children (aged 5 to 12) and adolescents (aged 13 to 18) with their parents - I -Interventions with children and family members intended to deter tobacco use. Any components to change parenting behaviour, parental or sibling smoking behaviour, or family communication and interaction. - C -Usual practice, or a program of no family intervention - O -Smoking status of children who reported no use of tobacco at baseline.
Radishes are most commonly consumed as a root vegetable, although radish leaves are occasionally used in salads and cooking. While both the radish root and shoot contain glucosinolates with anti-cancer potential, the glucosinolate profile of the root and the shoot are very different. Whereas the root contains mainly glucodehydroerucin (2.8 mol/gFW) (also known as glucoraphasatin), the main glucosinolate components of the shoot are glucoraphanin (2.8 mol/gFW) and glucoraphenin (2.1 mol/gFW). Upon hydrolysis, the latter glucosinolates produce sulforaphane and sulforaphene respectively, both potent inducers of mammalian phase 2 enzymes. Previously, radishes have been dismissed as having minimal anti-cancer potential based on studies with radish roots. However, depending on the cultivar, radish shoots can have up to 45 times the capacity of roots to induce phase 2 enzymes. In fact, shoots of a number of radish cultivars (eg. 'Black Spanish') have similar or greater anti-cancer potential than broccoli florets, a vegetable that has received considerable interest in this area.
Suun kautta annosteltava kalsiumherkistäjä parantaa sydämen vajaatoimintaan liittyvää pumppausvajetta kokeellisissa sydämen vajaatoimintamalleissa Huolimatta viime vuosikymmenien lääketieteellisestä kehityksestä krooninen sydämen vajaatoiminta on silti edelleen vakava, elämänlaatua voimakkaasti rajoittava sairaus. Kalsiumherkistäjät ovat uusi, sydämen pumppausvoimaa lisäävä lääkeryhmä. Levosimendaani, kotimaista alkuperää oleva kalsiumherkistäjä, on kliinisessä käytössä akuutin vajaatoiminnan hoitoon suonensisäisesti ja lyhytaikaisesti annosteltavana valmisteena. Levosimendaanilla on aktiivinen metaboliitti, OR-1896, jonka oletetaan olevan vuorokauden mittaisen levosimendaani-infuusion jälkeen havaittujen useita päiviä kestävien hyödyllisisten vaikutuksisten takana. Levosimendaanin kroonisen, suun kautta tapahtuvan annostelun vaikutuksista tieto on vähäisempää, mutta sillä näyttää olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia potilaiden raportoimana. FM Marjut Louhelainen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan suun kautta annosteltavan levosimendaanin ja sen pitkäkestoisen aktiivisen metaboliitin vaikutuksia kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käyttämällä sekä hypertensiivisen sydäntaudin että 2 tyypin diabeteksen komplisoimaan sydäninfarktin kokeellisia malleja. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi vajaatoimintaan johtavia molekyylitason tapahtumia sydänlihaksessa. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että krooninen suun kautta annosteltu hoito sekä kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanilla että sen aktiivisella metaboliitilla estää hypertensiiviseen sydämen vajaatoiminnan aikaasaamaa sydämen uudelleenmuovaantumista ja siihen liittyvää kuolleisuutta. Nämä vaikutukset välittyivät vähentyneen sydänlihassoluhypertrofian, solukuolleisuuden ja neurohumaraalisen aktivaation kautta. Levosimendaanin ja OR-1896:n osoitettiin myös parantavan sydämen pumppausfunktiota tyyppi 2 diabeteksen komplisoimassa sydäninfarktissa. Ei-diabeettiseen tilanteeseen verrattuna diabetekseen liittyvä infarktin jälkeinen vajaatoiminnan kehitys oli yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen tulehdukseen, fibroosiin, solukuolemaan, neurohumoraaliseen aktivaatioon ja ennenaikaiseen kudoksen vanhenemiseen. Sekä levosimendaani, että OR-1869 vähensivät tulehduksen, fibroosin ja solukuoleman merkkejä ja vaimensi neurohumoraalista aktivaatiota. OR-1896 myös vähensi solujen vanhenemiseen liittyvien merkkiaineiden ilmentymistä. Väitöskirjassa todettiin, että suun kautta annosteltuna sekä levosimendaani, että sen aktiivinen metaboliitti OR-1896, omaavat terapeuttista potentiaalia sekä hypertensiivisen sydäntaudin hoitoon että sydäninfarktin jälkeisen vajaatoiminnan estoon. FM Marjut Louhelaisen farmakologian alaan kuuluva väitöskirja Effects of oral calcium sensitizers on experimental heart failure tarkastetaan Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa perjantaina 29.01.2010 klo 12 (Biomedicum Helsinki, luentosali 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki). Vastaväittäjänä toimii professori Raimo Tuominen, Helsingin yliopiston Farmasian tiedekunnasta ja kustoksena professori Eero Mervaala Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisestä tiedekunnasta.
Diet high in dairy products is inversely associated with body mass index, risk of metabolic syndrome and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in several populations. Also a number of intervention studies support the role of increased dairy intake in the prevention and treatment of obesity. Dairy calcium has been suggested to account for the effect of dairy on body weight, but it has been repeatedly shown that the effect of dairy is superior to the effect of supplemental calcium. Dairy proteins are postulated to either enhance the effect of calcium or have an independent effect on body weight, but studies in the area are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of dairy proteins and calcium in the prevention and treatment of diet-induced obesity in C57Bl/6J mice. The effect of dairy proteins and calcium on the liver and adipose tissue was also investigated in order to characterise the potential mechanisms explaining the reduction of risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. A high-calcium diet (1.8%) in combination with dietary whey protein inhibited body weight and fat gain and accelerated body weight and fat loss in high-fat-fed C57Bl/6J mice during long-term studies of 14 to 21 weeks. α-lactalbumin, one of the major whey proteins, was the most effective whey protein fraction showing significantly accelerated weight and fat loss during energy restriction and reduced the amount of visceral fat gain during ad libitum feeding after weight loss. The microarray data suggest sensitisation of insulin signalling in the adipose tissue as a result of a calcium-rich whey protein diet. Lipidomic analysis revealed that weight loss on whey protein-based high-calcium diet was characterised by significant decreases in diabetogenic diacylglycerols and lipotoxic ceramide species. The calcium supplementation led to a small, but statistically significant decrease in fat absorption independent of the protein source of the diet. This augments, but does not fully explain the effects of the studied diets on body weight. A whey protein-containing high-calcium diet had a protective effect against a high-fat diet-induced decline of β3 adrenergic receptor expression in adipose tissue. In addition, a high-calcium diet with whey protein increased the adipose tissue leptin expression which is decreased in this obesity-prone mouse strain. These changes are likely to contribute to the inhibition of weight gain. The potential sensitisation of insulin signalling in adipose tissue together with the less lipotoxic and diabetogenic hepatic lipid profile suggest a novel mechanistic link to explain why increased dairy intake is associated with a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in epidemiological studies. Taken together, the intake of a high-calcium diet with dairy proteins has a body weight lowering effect in high-fat-fed C57Bl/6J mice. High-calcium diets containing whey protein prevent weight gain and enhance weight loss, α-lactalbumin being the most effective whey protein fraction. Whey proteins and calcium have also beneficial effects on hepatic lipid profile and adipose tissue gene expression, which suggest a novel mechanistic link to explain the epidemiological findings on dairy intake and metabolic syndrome. The clinical relevance of these findings and the precise mechanisms of action remain an intriguing field of future research.
Probiooteilla kantakohtaisia vaikutuksia ihmisen immuunijärjestelmään terveillä aikuisilla Probiooteilla on kantakohtaisia tulehduksen välittäjäaineita vähentäviä vaikutuksia ja probioottien yhdistelmien vaikutukset eroavat yksittäisten kantojen vaikutuksista selviää TtM Riina Kekkosen tuoreesta väitöstutkimuksesta. TtM Riina Kekkonen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan eri probioottikantojen vaikutuksia immuunivasteeseen valkosolumallissa sekä terveillä aikuisilla lumekontrolloiduissa kliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Aikaisemmin probioottien vaikutuksia on tutkittu lähinnä allergian ja erilaisten vatsavaivojen ehkäisyssä ja hoidossa. Probiootteja sisältäviä tuotteita käyttävät kuluttajat ovat kuitenkin useimmiten terveitä aikuisia, ja probioottien vaikutus terveiden aikuisten immuunijärjestelmään on ollut puutteellisesti selvitettyä. Valkosolumallissa probioottikantojen havaittiin poikkeavan toisistaan niiden kyvyssä aktivoida immuunivasteen välittäjäaineiden, sytokiinien, tuotantoa. Anti-inflammatorisia, eli tulehdusta lievittäviä vaikutuksia nähtiin lähinnä Bifidobacterium ja Propionibacterium sukuihin kuuluvilla kannoilla. Streptococcus ja Leuconostoc sukuihin kuuluvat kannat puolestaan aktivoivat Th1 tyyppistä, soluvälitteistä immuunivastetta. Eri probioottien kombinaatiot eivät saaneet aikaan voimakkaampaa aktivaatiota yksittäisiin kantoihin verrattuna, joka viittaa probioottien keskinäiseen kilpailuun niiden ollessa kontaktissa ihmisen solujen kanssa. Probioottikantojen valinta kliinisiin tutkimuksiin tehtiin niiden anti-inflammatoristen ominaisuuksien perusteella. Parhaita anti-inflammatorisia kantoja olivat B. lactis ssp. animalis Bb12 ja P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS, joiden lisäksi tutkimuksiin valittiin myös L. rhamnosus GG (LGG) hyvin tutkittuna referenssikantana. Solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisen työn tuloksiin, koska LGG näytti omaavan parhaat anti-inflammatoriset ominaisuudet kliinisissä tutkimuksissa vaikka solutyössä sen aikaansaamat vasteet olivat melko vaimeita. Kolmen viikon kliinisessä tutkimuksessa terveillä aikuisilla LGG alensi mm. tulehdusta kuvaavan C-reaktiivisen proteiinin ja inflammatoristen sytokiinien määrää. Pidemmässä kolmen kuukauden pituisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa LGG:llä ei ollut vaikutusta terveiden aikuisten infektiosairastavuuteen, mutta LGG lyhensi vatsavaivojen kestoa. Probioottien vaikutukset immuunijärjestelmään näyttävät olevan kantakohtaisia ja erityisesti Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG:llä havaittiin anti-inflammatorisia vaikutuksia. Valkosolumallia ei tulisi käyttää ainoana probioottikantojen skriinausmenetelmänä niiden immunologisia vaikutuksia selvitettäessä, koska solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisten tutkimusten tuloksiin. Sen sijaan veren perifeeristen lymfosyyttien eristäminen ja niiden aktivoitumisen selvittäminen lyhytaikaisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa voisi toimia suhteellisen helppona skiinausmenetelmänä.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death and disability in Western countries and a growing health problem in the developing world. The genetic component of both coronary heart disease (CHD) and ischemic stroke events has been established in twin studies, and the traits predisposing to CVD, such as hypertension, dyslipidemias, obesity, diabetes, and smoking behavior, are all partly hereditary. Better understanding of the pathophysiology of CVD-related traits could help to target disease prevention and clinical treatment to individuals at an especially high disease risk and provide novel pharmaceutical interventions. This thesis aimed to clarify the genetic background of CVD at a population level using large Nordic population cohorts and a candidate gene approach. The first study concentrated on the allelic diversity of the thrombomodulin (THBD) gene in two Finnish cohorts, FINRISK-92 and FINRISK-97. The results from this study implied that THBD variants do not substantially contribute to CVD risk. In the second study, three other candidate genes were added to the analyses. The study investigated the epistatic effects of coagulation factor V (F5), intercellular adhesion molecule -1 (ICAM1), protein C (PROC), and THBD in the same FINRISK cohorts. The results were encouraging; we were able to identify several single SNPs and SNP combinations associating with CVD and mortality. Interestingly, THBD variants appeared in the associating SNP combinations despite the negative results from Study I, suggesting that THBD contributes to CVD through gene-gene interactions. In the third study, upstream transcription factor -1 (USF1) was analyzed in a cohort of Swedish men. USF1 was associated with metabolic syndrome, characterized by accumulation of different CVD risk factors. A putative protective and a putative risk variant were identified. A direct association with CVD was not observed. The longitudinal nature of the study also clarified the effect of USF1 variants on CVD risk factors followed in four examinations throughout adulthood. The three studies provided valuable information on the study of complex traits, highlighting the use of large study samples, the importance of replication, and the full coverage of the major allelic variants of the target genes to assure reliable findings. Although the genetic basis of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke remains unknown, single genetic findings may facilitate the recognition of high-risk subgroups.
In cancer, a subpopulation of malignant cells expresses markers of normal stem cells. These cells have the potential of initiating tumor growth and therefore also tumor recurrence. Thus, these cells are called cancer stem cells. A myriad of markers have been applied to identify these cells, but no single marker can be found exclusively in cancer stem cells. In many types of cancer, clinical recurrence and tumor progression are the main causes of mortality, despite intense oncological treatment. It has been proposed that the presence of cancer stem cells causes this resistance to therapy. The scope of this thesis is to investigate the role of stem cell markers and genes in the clinical setting. Especially, the aim was to elucidate the clinical significance of stem cell markers as novel prognostic and diagnostic tools in cancer. Tumor biopsy material from central nervous system tumors (oligodendroglioma, astrocytoma and glioblatoma), neural crest derived tumors (pheochromocytomas) and oral carcinoma was screened for stem cell markers. Initially, 15 stem cell markers were screened in a test series of gliomas. The markers applied for expanded tumor analyses (in 305 cases of glioma, 42 cases of pheochromocytoma, and 73 cases of oral carcinoma) were BMI-1, Snail, p16, mdm2, and c-Myc. Data on marker expression was compared with clinical and pathological parameters. In gliomas, BMI-1 expression was found in nearly all tumors analyzed, but the frequency of BMI-1 expressing cells was highly variable, ranging from 1 to 100%. In oligodendroglioma, BMI-1 expression was identified as a prognostic marker independent of tumor grade and clinical parameters. In pheochromocytoma, Snail expression was shown to distinguish between the metastatic and non-metastatic forms of the tumor. Snail expression was seen only in metastatic tumors, whereas non-metastatic tumors did not commonly express Snail. Finally, in oral carcinoma, BMI-1 expression was seen in roughly 80% of tumors, and Snail expression was high or very high in all cases. The lack of BMI-1 expression was associated with early relapse in oral carcinoma.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus helveticus fermented milk (peptide milk) containing the casein-derived tripeptides Isoleucyl-prolyl-proline (Ile-Pro-Pro) and Valyl-prolyl-proline (Val-Pro-Pro) on blood pressure and vascular function in hypertensive subjects. The peptide milk lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure in long-term use in hypertensive subjects when blood pressure was measured by using 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM). The blood pressure lowering effect was seen with the dose of 50 mg of tripeptides, and a tendency for lowering blood pressure was also observed when the dose was 5 mg. No adverse effects compared to the placebo group were reported or detected in laboratory analysis. The effect of the peptide milk on arterial stiffness was shown using two different methods, the ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) and pulse wave analysis (PWA). According to the AASI, arterial stiffness was significantly reduced in the peptide milk group compared to the baseline level, but the difference was not significant compared to the placebo group. PWA showed that the peptide milk reduced arterial stiffness significantly compared to the placebo group. Endothelium-independent relaxation (nitroglycerin) and endothelium-dependent relaxation (salbutamol) did not differ between the groups. The blood pressure lowering mechanisms of the tripeptides and the kinetics of Ile-Pro-Pro were investigated using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Sprague-Dawley rats. Previous studies have suggested that the blood pressure lowering effect of the tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro is based on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, but the present findings did not agree with these previous studies. It was shown in SHR that calcium, potassium and magnesium may also have an important role in attenuating the development of hypertension as part of the peptide milk effect. In addition, the present study suggests indirectly that improved endothelial nitric oxide release capacity is not the mechanism by which peptide milk mediates its favourable circulatory effects. The kinetics of Ile-Pro-Pro were studied using adult Sprague-Dawley rats. The results showed that orally administered Ile-Pro-Pro is absorbed at least partly intact from the gastrointestinal tract. Radiolabelled Ile-Pro-Pro was distributed in different tissues and considerable radioactivity levels were found in tissues related to the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), adrenals, aorta and kidneys. Ile-Pro-Pro does not bind to plasma proteins, and therefore it is possible that its blood pressure lowering effect is mediated by free Ile-Pro-Pro. In conclusion, consumption of the peptide milk lowers blood pressure and reduces arterial stiffness in hypertensive subjects. Ile-Pro-Pro can be absorbed partly intact from the gastrointestinal tract and might accumulate in tissues related to the RAS. The precise blood pressure lowering mechanism of peptide milk remains to be studied.
Role models incite admiration and provide inspiration, contributing to learning as students aspire to emulate their example. The attributes of physician role models for medical trainees are well documented, but they remain largely unexplored in the context of veterinary medical training. The aim of the current study was to describe the attributes that final-year veterinary students (N=213) at the University of Queensland identified when reflecting on their clinical role models. Clinical role model descriptions provided by students were analyzed using concept-mapping software (Leximancer v. 2.25). The most frequent and highly connected concepts used by students when describing their role model(s) included clients, vet, and animal. Role models were described as good communicators who were skilled at managing relationships with clients, patients, and staff. They had exemplary knowledge, skills, and abilities, and they were methodical and conducted well-structured consultations. They were well respected and, in turn, demonstrated respect for clients, colleagues, staff, and students alike. They were also good teachers and able to tailor explanations to suit both clients and students. Findings from this study may serve to assist with faculty development and as a basis for further research in this area.
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli is the primary cause of urinary tract infections, which affects over 60% of women during their lifetime. UPEC exhibits a number of virulence traits that facilitate colonization of the bladder, including inhibition of cytokine production by bladder epithelial cells. The goal of this study was to identify the mechanism of this inhibition. We observed that cytokine suppression was associated with rapid cytotoxicity toward epithelial cells. We found that cytotoxicity, cytokine suppression and alpha-hemolysin production were all tightly linked in clinical isolates. We screened a UPEC fosmid library and identified clones that gained the cytotoxicity and cytokine-suppression phenotypes. Both clones contained fosmids encoding a PAI II(J96)-like domain and expressed the alpha-hemolysin (hlyA) encoded therein. Mutation of the fosmid-encoded hly operon abolished cytotoxicity and cytokine suppression. Similarly, mutation of the chromosomal hlyCABD operon of UPEC isolate F11 also abolished these phenotypes, and they could be restored by introducing the PAI II(J96)-like domain-encoding fosmid. We also examined the role of alpha-hemolysin in cytokine production both in the murine UTI model as well as patient specimens. We conclude that E. coli utilizes alpha-hemolysin to inhibit epithelial cytokine production in vitro. Its contribution to inflammation during infection requires further study.
This research examined the implementation of clinical information system technology in a large Saudi Arabian health care organisation. The research was underpinned by symbolic interactionism and grounded theory methods informed data collection and analysis. Observations, a review of policy documents and 38 interviews with registered nurses produced in-depth data. Analysis generated three abstracted concepts that explained how imported technology increased practice and health care complexity rather than enhance quality patient care. The core category, Disseminating Change, also depicted a hierarchical and patriarchal culture that shaped the implementation process at the levels of government, organisation and the individual.
The main targets of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are CD4 receptors of CD4+ lymphocytes and many other cells such as monocytes/macrophages, megakaryocytes, peripheral blood dendritic cells, follicular dendritic cells (DC), epidermal Langerhans cells, and astrocytes. Infection and killing of CD4+ lymphocytes or false reaction of the body to HIV infection and the spontaneous apoptosis of CD4+ lymphocytes decrease CD4+ lymphocyte counts leading to immunosuppression, further disease progression, and appearance of opportunistic infections and malignancies. Oral manifestations are considered to be among the first signs of HIV infection. Enhanced degradation of extracellular matrix and basement membrane components in oral diseases including periodontitis is caused by Zn-dependent enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The levels and degrees of activation of MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8, -9, -25, -26, tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMP)-1 and -2, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) and collagenolytic/gelatinolytic activities, and also Ig A, -G, and -M, total protein, and albumin levels in a two-year follow-up were studied from salivary samples. The expression of MMP-7, -8, -9, -25, and -26 immunoreactivities in gingival tissue specimens were studied. Healthy HIV-negative subjects served as controls. All studied clinical periodontal parameters and microbiological evaluation of the periodontopathogens showed that periodontal health of the HIV-positive patients was moderately decreased in comparison to the healthy controls. The levels of Candida in the periodontal pockets and salivary MPO increased with the severity of HIV infection. Immunoreactivities and levels of MMPs and TIMPs, and MMP activities (collagenase, gelatinase) were enhanced in the HIV-positive patient salivary samples relative to the healthy controls regardless of the phase of HIV infection. However, these parameters did not reflect periodontal status in a similar way as in the generally healthy periodontitis patients. Salivary total protein, albumin, IgA, -G, and -M levels were significantly higher in all phases of HIV infection compared to the controls, and salivary total protein, IgG and IgM levels remained higher after two years follow-up, partly correlating with the disease progression and which may reflect the leakage of serum components into the mouth and thus a decreased mucosal barrier. Salivary analyses of MMPs and TIMPs with immunohistochemical analyses showed that HIV infection could predispose to periodontal destruction when compared with healthy controls or the body s defence reactions associated with HIV infection may have been reflected or mediated by MMPs.
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and psychosocial factors reportedly associate. The underlying factors remain partially obscure, however, and further studies are required to clarify the relationships. The aims of this study were thus to assess in a non-patient working population the prevalence of TMD and related symptoms, and to clinically diagnose and follow the natural courses of TMD over a one-year period. In addition, possible comorbidity of temporomandibular and/or neck muscle pain and perceived stress and their impact on work performance were investigated, as well as how various psychosocial aspects relate to TMD. A questionnaire was mailed to all 30- to 55-year-old employees of the Finnish Broadcasting Company Ltd. whose employment in the Helsinki area had lasted at least five years (n = 1784). Of the 1339 subjects, who returned the questionnaire, 241 were examined according to the RDC/TMD and standard neck muscle palpation methods. Clinical signs of temporomandibular and/or neck muscle pain were found in 118 subjects. One-year follow-up TMD examinations were conducted on 211 subjects. The prevalence of frequent painless TMJ-related symptoms was 10%, orofacial pain 7%, neck pain 38%, and headache 15%. TMD diagnoses were: myofascial pain (13%), disc displacements (16%), and arthralgia, osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis (4%). Chronic myofascial pain was present in 7% and chronic disc displacement with reduction in 11% of the subjects. Symptoms were significantly associated with almost all the studied psychosocial symptoms. Reduced work performance was significantly positively associated with continuous pain, severity of pain, and health stress perception, and according to logistic regression, somatization with the probability of having chronic myofascial pain. It could be concluded based on the results of this study among a non-patient working population that TMD and related symptoms are common and associated with psychosocial factors. Moreover, myofascial pain and disc displacement with reduction are the most common diagnoses of TMD. In addition, self-reported health related stress, and continuous pain in temporomandibular and/or neck muscles are associated with reduced work performance, and somatization is significantly associated with chronic myofascial pain.