948 resultados para Cities and towns - Growth - Vietnam


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Plant performance is significantly influenced by prevailing light and temperature conditions during plant growth and development. For plants exposed to natural fluctuations in abiotic environmental conditions it is however laborious and cumbersome to experimentally assign any contribution of individual environmental factors to plant responses. This study aimed at analyzing the interplay between light, temperature and internode growth based on model approaches. We extended the light-sensitive virtual plant model L-Cucumber by implementing a common Arrhenius function for appearance rates, growth rates, and growth durations. For two greenhouse experiments, the temperature-sensitive model approach resulted in a precise prediction of cucumber mean internode lengths and number of internodes, as well as in accurately predicted patterns of individual internode lengths along the main stem. In addition, a system's analysis revealed that environmental data averaged over the experimental period were not necessarily related to internode performance. Finally, the need for a species-specific parameterization of the temperature response function and related aspects in modeling temperature effects on plant development and growth is discussed.


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The concepts of smart city and social innovation in combination with the increasing use of ICT by citizens and public authorities could enhance the involvement of people on the decisions that directly affect their daily life. A case study approach was adopted to illustrate the potential of civic crowdfunding for increasing the participation and collaboration between citizens, firms and government. The analysis of two exemplary cases shows that civic crowdfunding platforms could be used by public administration to engage communities in the search of solutions to local problems. Likewise, it could be used to reinforce the community ties and to leverage the bonds among the stakeholders and the partners of the community ecosystem.


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The Kwoiek Area of British Columbia contains a pendant or screen of metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks almost entirely surrounded by a portion of the Coast Range Batholith, and intruded by several dozen stocks. The major metamorphic effects were produced by the quartz diorite batholithic rocks, with minor and later effects by the quartz diorite stocks. The sequence of important metamorphic reactions in the metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, ranging in grade from chlorite to sillimanite, is:

1. chlorite + carbonate + muscovite → epidote + biotite

2. chlorite + carbonate → actinolite + epidote

3. chlorite + muscovite → garnet + biotite

4. chlorite + epidote → garnet + hornblende

5. chlorite + muscovite → garnet + staurolite + biotite

6. chlorite + muscovite → aluminum silicate + biotite

7. muscovite + staurolite → garnet + aluminum silicate + biotite

8. staurolite → garnet + aluminum silicate

Continuous reactions, occurring between reactions 5 and 7, are:

A. chlorite + (high Ti) biotite + Al2O3 (from plagioclase?)→ garnet + staurolite + (low Ti) biotite + O2

B. muscovite (phengitic) → garnet + staurolite +muscovite (less phengitic) + O2 (?)

Detailed electron microprobe work on garnet, staurolite, biotite, and chlorite shows that:

(1) The garnet porphyroblasts are zoned according to a depletion model, called the Rayleigh depletion model, which assumes equilibrium between the edge of a growing garnet and the minerals which are unzoned, notably biotite, chlorite, and muscovite, but which assumes disequilibrium within the garnet.

(2) The staurolite porphyroblasts are also zoned, and from their zoning patterns reactions A, B, and 5 are documented. Progressive reduction of iron with increasing grade of metamorphism is also inferred from the staurolite zoning patterns.

(3) During a late period of falling temperature garnet continued to grow and the biotite and chlorite reequilibrated. The biotite, chlorite, and garnet edge compositions can vary from point to point in a given thin section, indicating that the volume of equilibrium at the final stage of metamorphism was only a few cubic microns.

(4) The horizon within the garnet that grew at maximum temperature can be identified. The Mg/Fe ratio of this horizon, if the garnet composition is a limiting composition in the Al2O3 - K2O - FeO - MgO tetrahedron, increases systematically with increasing metamorphic grade. Biotite and chlorite compositions also show a general increase in Mg/Fe ratio with increasing metamorphic grade, but staurolite appears to show the reverse effect.

(5) The Mg/Fe ratio at the maximum temperature horizon of the garnet porphyroblasts is a function of its Mn content as evidenced from the study of five garnet-bearing rocks, collected from one outcrop area, with the same assemblage but with differing proportions of minerals.

An important implication of zoned minerals is that the effective composition of a system in a phase lies on the join between the homogeneous minerals (if there are two) and not within three-or- four-phase fields when a zoned mineral, such as garnet or staurolite, is present in the assemblage.

Study of the three aluminum silicates found in the Kwoiek Area showed that a constant pressure change in polymorphs from andalusite to kyanite to sillimanite took place with increasing temperature. This transition series is best explained by the metastable formation of andalusite.

Photographic materials on pages 15, 121, 160, 162, and 164 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.


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This article explores how the liberal tradition of political thought has dealt with the prospect of limits to economic growth and how it should approach this issue in the future. Using Andrew Moravcsik’s explanatory liberal theory, it finds that the commitment of governments to growth stems primarily from the aggregation of societal preferences for the social goods that growth produces. The arguments of liberal thinkers who have grappled with the issue of growth are then examined to gain a deeper theoretical understanding of the relationship between liberal democracy and growth. These include John Stuart Mill, for whom a non-growing economy was essential for overcoming the tension between liberty and equality; Ronald Dworkin who argues that growth is a derivative means to further more fundamental ends; and Marcel Wissenburg who suggests that it is legitimate for liberal democracies to limit the preference for growth if it risks undermining liberal norms and institutions. Using
these theoretical insights, it is argued that environmental degradation, which is partly driven by growth, now threatens the fundamental liberal commitments of many liberals, including some forms of
state neutralism, utilitarianism, inalienable individual rights and above all human autonomy. Therefore, liberal democratic states not only can, but must move towards a post-growth economy to secure these objectives into the future.


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O Seminário Estratégico "A Reinvenção do Dinheiro e a Emergência das Moedas Criativas" reunirá 15 especialistas de diferentes áreas para discutir as transformações contemporâneas implicadas na digitalização do dinheiro e na emergência resultante de novos circuitos de monetização da produção, do consumo, da distribuição, do financiamento e da reciclagem de todos os bens e serviços, assim como da própria informação.O debate marca o lançamento da campanha MIL CLICKS de monetização de projetos de Media and Information Literacy (MIL) pela UNESCO na USP, plataforma desenhada pelo grupo de pesquisa Cidade do Conhecimento em parceria com Dentsu Aegis Network e UNESCO, integrada à Global MIL Week UNESCO 2016 na Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP (2 a 6 de novembro de 2016).


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UAVs could one day save the lives of lost civilians and those sent to find them, and a competition in outback Australia is proving how soon that day might come. We have all seen news stories of people who ventured beyond the day-to-day reach of the community and got lost: search parties are formed, aircraft drafted in, and often large sums of money expended in the quest to find them.


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Wild carnivores are becoming increasing common in urban areas. In Australia, dingoes exist, in most large cities and towns within their extended range. However, little empirical data is available to inform dingo management or address potential dingo–human conflicts during urban planning. From GPS tracking data, the nine dingoes, predominately juvenile and female, we tracked lived within 700 m of residential homes at all times and frequently crossed roads, visited backyards and traversed built-up areas. Home range sizes ranged between 0.37 km2 and 100.32 km2. Dingoes were mostly nocturnal, averaging 591 m/h between dusk and dawn. Juvenile and adult dingoes spent up to 19% and 72% of their time in urban habitats. Fresh scats from most areas surveyed tested positive to a variety of common zoonoses. These data suggest dingoes are capable of exploiting peri-urban areas and might contribute to human health and safety risks, the significance of which remains unknown.


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Contains Board of Directors minutes (1903, 1907), Executive Committee minutes (1907), Removal Committee minutes (1903-1917), Annual Reports (1910, 1913), Monthly Reports (1901-1919), Monthly Bulletins (1914-1915), studies of those removed, Bressler's "The Removal Work, Including Galveston," and several papers relating to the IRO and immigration. Financial papers include a budget (1914), comparative per capita cost figures (1909-1922), audits (1915-1918), receipts and expenditures (1918-1922), investment records, bank balances (1907-1922), removal work cash book (1904-1911), office expenses cash account (1903-1906), and the financial records of other agencies working with the IRO (1906). Includes also removal case records of first the Jewish Agricultural Society (1899-1900), and then of the IRO (1901-1922) when it took over its work, family reunion case records (1901-1904), and the follow-up records of persons removed to various cities (1903-1914). Contains also the correspondence of traveling agents' contacts throughout the U.S. from 1905-1914, among them Stanley Bero, Henry P. Goldstein, Philip Seman, and Morris D. Waldman.


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Ejemplar dedicado a: Élites sociales y poder territorial.


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A proposta desta tese é problematizar, isto é, produzir questões, sobre a noção de alteridade, esta tomada em seu sentido amplo do outro que não eu que nos dicionários tem como sinônimos: diferente, diverso, distinto e estranho. Mais especificamente, essa problematização se dará articulada com as transformações, também históricas, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, escolhida por sua importância, em função de ter abrigado, desde o final do século XVIII até 1960, a sede do governo do Brasil, configurando-se como irradiadora das políticas governamentais para os outros estados e capitais. Trata-se, então, de uma pesquisa histórica que não privilegia a linearidade de acontecimentos, o que poderia nos levar a pensar que o passado nos determina de forma inexorável. Em nossa perspectiva, a história das estratégias que produziram as rotulações sobre a alteridade os outros, índios, negros escravos e mestiços postas em ação nos períodos colonial, imperial e republicano e, na contemporaneiade, pode nos levar a questionar nossa atualidade e as formas pelas quais lidamos com a alteridade, os outros, os estranhos e também com a cidade. A história que queremos contar, enfim, utiliza a própria história como modo de questionarmos nossa própria identidade e nossa contemporaneidade, de modo que nos provoque a pensar e a inventar formas singulares de lidar com os espaços urbanos e com os outros/estranhos.


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Classified business directory of the principal cities and towns of the Province of Ontario, some 200 in number.


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L’article parteix de la hipòtesi de l’existència d'un nou concepte de ciutat. Aquesta ha passat de ser d'una naturalesa nodal o focal a ser-ho de funcionament, de concepte i percepció difusos. L'objectiu principal és determinar l’amplitud d'aquesta ciutat, utilitzant com a paràmetre principal la mobilitat laboral obligada. Es parla de ciutat real, d’àrees de cohesió a Catalunya, i de ciutats reals estructuradores del territori català


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Descripció i anàlisi de l’evolució del paisatge de l’Alt Empordà relacionada amb l’evolució de la carretera C-260 de Figueres a Roses, ara convertida en autovia


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Portugal viveu um dos períodos mais sombrios da sua História no Século XX, com o regime autoritário liderado por António de Oliveira Salazar, que governou o país com «mão de ferro» durante mais de três décadas, concretamente entre 1933 e 1968, uma vez que se considera que há alteração de regime sempre que muda o referencial e a Constituição do Estado Novo é de 1933. Para além da ausência de democracia e liberdade, o povo português conviveu com a fome e a ignorância durante décadas, foi perseguido e torturado nas prisões continentais e ultramarinas, nomeadamente no Tarrafal, que se localiza no arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Em 18 de janeiro de 1934, o movimento operário português saiu à rua em várias cidades e vilas de Portugal, entre as quais a Marinha Grande. Na origem do movimento revolucionário esteve a decisão do Presidente do Conselho, através da Constituição de 1933, de impedir o funcionamento de sindicatos livres. Contudo, aquela que se previa ser unicamente uma greve geral contra a decisão do regime acabou por ir mais além, sobretudo na cidade vidreira, onde o quartel da GNR foi tomado, tal como a estação dos Correios, existindo ainda hoje dúvidas sobre a constituição de um soviete. Mais de sete décadas após o ato insurrecional continua muito por esclarecer. Esta Dissertação visa, precisamente, obter respostas a questões tão diversas como quem esteve realmente por detrás do 18 de janeiro de 1934 na Marinha Grande, que consequências teve para a política do Estado Novo e, finalmente, que importância teve na conjuntura. Importa ainda esclarecer por que razão esta derrota do movimento operário português é hoje recordada, com pompa e circunstância, na Marinha Grande, como se tivesse sido uma vitória. De facto, na atualidade, fala-se de uma jornada heroica, mas o Partido Comunista Português praticamente ignorou esse movimento até abril de 1974 e o seu líder à época, Bento Gonçalves (1971, p. 138), apelidou-o de “anarqueirada”.


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