937 resultados para Circadian Rhythm


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A utilização de ecossistemas naturais como meta a ser atingida e a seleção de indicadores para monitoramento dos projetos são temas controversos na ciência e na prática da restauração. Analisamos a vegetação ripária em quatro remanescentes de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, para verificar se alguns atributos dessas comunidades se repetem em diferentes locais, podendo ser referência para esta região fitogeográfica. Instalamos dez parcelas de 100 m² em cada local, amostramos plantas lenhosas com altura ≥ 0,5 m, divididas em estrato regenerante (DAP < 5 cm) e estrato arbóreo (DAP ≥ 5 cm) e classificamos as espécies com base em atributos funcionais, raridade e status de ameaça. Contabilizamos lianas, pteridófitas e árvores com epífitas. As variáveis estruturais de densidade (estrato arbóreo e regenerante e árvores com epífitas), área basal e cobertura de copas não diferiram entre locais. Foram pouco variáveis entre as áreas a riqueza rarefeita para 100 indivíduos no estrato arbóreo, a riqueza total estimada por Jackknife e as proporções de espécies raras, tolerantes à sombra, de crescimento lento e zoocóricas. Porém, analisando-se a proporção de indivíduos na comunidade, somente a tolerância à sombra foi pouco variável. Para as outras variáveis analisadas não existem padrões que possam ser considerados referência para esta região fitogeográfica. No entanto, ainda que para algumas variáveis existam padrões, sua utilização como meta da restauração depende de: 1) prazos longos para monitoramento de projetos e, sobretudo, 2) estudos que demonstrem que os ecossistemas restaurados podem, um dia, igualar aos ecossistemas pré-existentes.


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Subarachnoid infusion of most contrast mediums and the steps involved in performing a cervical myelography have adverse affects that can discourage its use in the radiographic diagnosis of spinal cord diseases. Thus, the cardiovascular and respiratory alterations associated with neck flexion, subarachnoid puncture, and cerebrospinal fluid drainage during subarachnoid infusion of ioversol (320mgI/mL) in dogs under general anesthesia using isoflurane were evaluated. The dogs received subarachnoid infusion of autologous cerebrospinal fluid kept at 38°C - control group (GC); ioversol 0.3mL/kg at 25°C (GI25) and ioversol 0.3mL/kg heated to 38°C (GI38). Each dog had its heart rate (HR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), respiratory rate (RR), oxyhemoglobin saturation (SaO2) and electrocardiography readings (PR and QT intervals) recorded. Group comparisons showed no statistical difference regarding neck positioning, subarachnoid puncture, and subarachnoid infusion of contrast medium on HR, RR and SaO2, cardiac rhythm or conduction. However, isoflurane significantly increased PR and QT intervals. Based on these findings, it is concluded that the steps involved in cervical myelography and the use of ioversol 320mgI/mL at 0.3mL/kg (25ºC and 38ºC) during cervical myelography did not result in relevant cardiovascular and respiratory alterations, except for an elevation in arterial pressure after injection of ioversol.


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The foraging activity of Geotrigona mombuca Smith, 1863 was studied under natural conditions aiming to verify the influence of seasonal changes on daily flight activity and annual cycle of the colony. Daily flight activity was monitored for a year based on the observation and counting of foragers leaving and entering the hive, as well as the kind of material transported and meteorological factors such as day time, temperature and relative humidity. The influence of seasonal changes was evidenced by alterations on daily rhythm of flight activity and by differences on transportation of food resources, building material and garbage. These data indicate that forager behavior is related to daily microclimate conditions and it is synchronized with the requirements of colony annual cycle, which determines an intense pollen collection in the summer. Thus, the recomposition of the intranidal population in spring and summer can be ensured, which is characterized both for a higher intensity of flight activity and increase in garbage and resin transport, as well as the swarming process in the spring. In this way, an action targeting the preservation or management of the species in a natural environment should consider that survival and reproduction of the colony depends greatly on the amount of available pollen in late winter.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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PURPOSE: To investigate the sedative and clinical effects of the pharmacopuncture with xylazine, compared to the conventional dose of a intramuscular injection in dogs.METHODS: Twelve dogs were randomly distributed in two groups of six animals and treated as follows: control group (X-IM): 1mg kg(-1) of xylazine given intramuscularly (IM); pharmacopuncture group (X-Yintang): 0.1mg kg(-1) of xylazine diluted to 0.5 mL of saline injected into the Yin Tang acupoint. Heart rate, cardiac rhythm (ECG), systolic arterial blood pressure (SABP), respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT), blood glucose concentration, degree of sedation and adverse effects were evaluated.RESULTS: Sedative effect was observed in both groups. The degree of sedation was greater in X-IM only at 15 min when compared with X-Yintang group. Cardiovascular established was observed in X-Yintang group, while marked reduction in the HR and increased incidence of ECG abnormalities were detected in X-IM. In both treatment groups, minimal changes were observed in relation to SABP, RR, RT and blood glucose. High incidence (66%) of vomiting was observed in X-IM, while this adverse effect was absent in X-Yintang.CONCLUSION: Pharmacopuncture with xylazine induced clinically relevant sedative effects in dogs, with the advantage of reduction of undesirable side effects associated with alpha(2)-agonists, including bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, and emesis.


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Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the influence of methadone on cardiorespiratory parameters, electrocardiogram and clinical sedation in dogs. Further possible side effects are reported.Study designProspective experimental cross-over study.DogsEight, 1-4-year-old, various breeds of dogs of both genders weighing 9-36kg.MethodsEach dog was treated three times: methadone 0.3mgkg(-1) (M0.3), 0.5mgkg(-1) (M0.5) and 1.0mgkg(-1) (M1.0) intramuscularly. Respiratory rate, heart rate and arterial blood pressure were recorded as well as electrocardiographic evaluation of lead II. Clinical sedation in each treatment received a score (0-3) after drug administration and at 30minute intervals until scores and measurements returned to baseline values.ResultsA significant decrease in heart rate was seen with each dose of methadone and bradycardia (HR<60bpm) was noted in a few dogs at each dose. A clinically significant arrhythmia occurred in one dog at 1mgkg(-1) that required reversal with butorphanol. There was no significant difference in SAP, MAP and DAP between treatments. Some side effects such as salivation, defecation, vocalization and panting, after administration of methadone were observed. There were no differences in mean values of heart rate, P-wave and QRS complex duration and QT interval between treatments.Conclusion and clinical relevanceMethadone administration was associated with panting and a decrease in heart rate at all doses tested in this study. The cardiac rhythm should be monitored carefully in dogs when methadone is administered on its own, especially at higher doses.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The work is guided by the detailing of the Itajaí river basin, SC, rainfall dynamics at the annual, seasonal and monthly levels, allowing us to identify different responses that each location gives to the regional atmospheric circulation, particularly the rainfall. In this sense, we are aiming at approaching the concept of rhythm, which must be obtained at the daily level. The analysis at different climate scales was possible through isohyetal maps, trend lines, and Schroeder pluviographs. Moreover, we established the flow rate of the air masses by means of the Venn diagram. This data made it possible to assess the behavior of rains on that site and the reason why it is the stage of major flooding, as occurred in November 2008. The relatively mountainous topography combined with the frequent invasions of the Atlantic Polar Front, which often stop over the region, generate events of that magnitude, with high volumes accumulated in short periods of time. Such extreme events reinforce the idea of the search for the succession of types of weather to the detriment of averages that tend to abstract the reality