923 resultados para Child education center


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The objectives of this dissertation were to evaluate health outcomes, quality improvement measures, and the long-term cost-effectiveness and impact on diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications of a community health worker-led culturally tailored diabetes education and management intervention provided to uninsured Mexican Americans in an urban faith-based clinic. A prospective, randomized controlled repeated measures design was employed to compare the intervention effects between: (1) an intervention group (n=90) that participated in the Community Diabetes Education (CoDE) program along with usual medical care; and (2) a wait-listed comparison group (n=90) that received only usual medical care. Changes in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and secondary outcomes (lipid status, blood pressure and body mass index) were assessed using linear mixed-models and an intention-to-treat approach. The CoDE group experienced greater reduction in HbA1c (-1.6%, p<.001) than the control group (-.9%, p<.001) over the 12 month study period. After adjusting for group-by-time interaction, antidiabetic medication use at baseline, changes made to the antidiabetic regime over the study period, duration of diabetes and baseline HbA1c, a statistically significant intervention effect on HbA1c (-.7%, p=.02) was observed for CoDE participants. Process and outcome quality measures were evaluated using multiple mixed-effects logistic regression models. Assessment of quality indicators revealed that the CoDE intervention group was significantly more likely to have received a dilated retinal examination than the control group, and 53% achieved a HbA1c below 7% compared with 38% of control group subjects. Long-term cost-effectiveness and impact on diabetes-related health outcomes were estimated through simulation modeling using the rigorously validated Archimedes Model. Over a 20 year time horizon, CoDE participants were forecasted to have less proliferative diabetic retinopathy, fewer foot ulcers, and reduced numbers of foot amputations than control group subjects who received usual medical care. An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $355 per quality-adjusted life-year gained was estimated for CoDE intervention participants over the same time period. The results from the three areas of program evaluation: impact on short-term health outcomes, quantification of improvement in quality of diabetes care, and projection of long-term cost-effectiveness and impact on diabetes-related health outcomes provide evidence that a community health worker can be a valuable resource to reduce diabetes disparities for uninsured Mexican Americans. This evidence supports formal integration of community health workers as members of the diabetes care team.^


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Black and Hispanic youth experience the largest burden of sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy, and childbirth (Hamilton, Martin, & Ventura, 2011). Minority youth are disporportionately more likely to sexually debut at every age and debut before the age of 13 compared to whites (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). However, there is little known about pre-coital sexual activity or protective parental factors in early adolscent minority youth. Parental factors such as parent-child communication and parental monitoring influence adolescent sexual behaviors and pre-coital sexual behaviors in early adolescence. Three distinct methods were used in this dissertation. Study one used qualitative methods, semi-structured, in-depth, individual interviews, to explore parent-child communication in African American mother-early adolescent son dyads. Study two used quantitative methods, secondary data analysis of a cross sectional study, to conduct a moderation analysis. For study three, I conducted a systematic review of parent-based adolescent sexual health interventions. Study one found that mothers feel comfortable talking about sex with adolescents, provide a two-prong sexual health message, and want their sons to tell their when they are thinking of having sex. Study found that parental monitoring moderates the relation between parent-child communication and pre-coital sexual behaviors. Study three found that interventions use a variety of theory, methods, and strategies and that no parent-based programs target faith-based organizations, mother-son or father-daughter dyads, or parents of LGBTQ youth. Adolescent sexual health interventions should consider addressing youth-to-parent disclosure of sexual activity or intentions to debut, addressing both parent-child sexual health communication and parental monitoring, and using a theoretical framework.^


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Child Maltreatment Prevention – Finding Common Ground with Unintentional Injury Prevention


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The Philippines has achieved a relatively high standard of education. Previous researches, most of which deal with Luzon Island, have indicated that rural poverty alleviation began partly due to the increased investment in education. However, the suburban areas beyond Luzon Island have rarely been studied. This study examines a case from rural Mindanao, and investigates the determinants and factors associated with children's education, with a special focus on delays in schooling, which may be a cause of dropout and holdover incidences, as well as exploring gender-specific differential patterns. The result shows that after controlling other socioeconomic attributes, (1) delays in schooling, as well as years completed, are more favorable for girls than boys; (2) the level of maternal education is equally associated with the child(ren)’s education level regardless of their gender; and (3) paternal education is preferentially and favorably influential to the same-gender child(ren), i.e., son(s). To reduce the boy-unfriendly gender bias in primary education, this study suggests two future tasks, i.e., providing boy-specific interventions to enhance the magnitude of the father-son educational virtuous circle, and comparing the magnitude of gender-equal maternal education influence and boy-preferential paternal education influence to specify which effect is larger.


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World Health Organization actively stresses the importance of health, nutrition and well-being of the mother to foster children development. This issue is critical in the rural areas of developing countries where monitoring of health status of children is hardly performed since population suffers from a lack of access to health care. The aim of this research is to design, implement and deploy an e-health information and communication system to support health care in 26 rural communities of Cusmapa, Nicaragua. The final solution consists of an hybrid WiMAX/WiFi architecture that provides good quality communications through VoIP taking advantage of low cost WiFi mobile devices. Thus, a WiMAX base station was installed in the health center to provide a radio link with the rural health post "El Carrizo" sited 7,4 km. in line of sight. This service makes possible personal broadband voice and data communication facilities with the health center based on WiFi enabled devices such as laptops and cellular phones without communications cost. A free software PBX was installed at "San José de Cusmapa" health care site to enable communications for physicians, nurses and a technician through mobile telephones with IEEE 802.11 b/g protocol and SIP provided by the project. Additionally, the rural health post staff (midwives, brigade) received two mobile phones with these same features. In a complementary way, the deployed health information system is ready to analyze the distribution of maternal-child population at risk and the distribution of diseases on a geographical baseline. The system works with four information layers: fertile women, children, people with disabilities and diseases. Thus, authorized staff can obtain reports about prenatal monitoring tasks, status of the communities, malnutrition, and immunization control. Data need to be updated by health care staff in order to timely detect the source of problem to implement measures addressed to alleviate and improve health status population permanently. Ongoing research is focused on a mobile platform that collects and automatically updates in the information system, the height and weight of the children locally gathered in the remote communities. This research is being granted by the program Millennium Rural Communities of the Technical University of Madrid.


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Esta investigación surge a raíz de la experiencia profesional del autor, maestro especialista de Educación Física en el C.E.I.P. “Alhambra” de Madrid, cuando de manera progresiva, aprecia que el tenis de mesa puede ser un deporte muy interesante de desarrollar en las sesiones de Educación Física y de promover dentro de los tiempos de recreo. El autor cree que este deporte desarrolla una serie de objetivos motrices, afectivos, cognitivos y sociales que pueden contribuir a la adquisición de las competencias básicas y al desarrollo integral de los alumnos. Es entonces cuando recibe formación sobre el deporte de tenis de mesa y busca los medios necesarios de financiación para que se dote al centro del material necesario. Así la Junta municipal del distrito de Fuencarral-El Pardo instala en el patio del colegio tres mesas de exterior y, con los recursos del colegio y la ayuda de la Asociación de padres y madres (AMPA), se consiguen cinco mesas de interior plegables y todo el material necesario (redes, raquetas, pelotas, etc.). Tras introducir este deporte desde 3º a 6º de Educación Primaria promueve un campeonato en el colegio cuyo índice de participación ronda el 90% del alumnado, estos resultados crean al autor ciertas incertidumbres que son la motivación y punto de partida para realizar esta investigación que analice si la práctica del tenis de mesa puede resultar idónea en la etapa de Educación Primaria. Introducción La legislación actual en materia de educación, Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (LOE) modificada por la Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa. (LOMCE), otorga una gran relevancia al deporte en general. "El deporte es una actividad saludable, divertida y formativa que puede tener profundos beneficios no sólo para su salud y su bienestar sino también para el desarrollo personal integral físico, psicológico y psicosocial del niño, además de sobre su desarrollo deportivo" (Pradas, 2009, p. 151), es pues, un momento idóneo para analizar qué deportes se practican en los colegios o por qué se practican unos más que otros. "El tenis de mesa además de ser un deporte para todos, se presenta como un juego atractivo, en donde su práctica resulta muy divertida a cualquier edad, tanto para niños como para adultos, principalmente porque presenta unas reglas de juego simples, no encerrando peligro alguno para la integridad física de sus practicantes durante su juego" (Pradas, 2009, p. 83). Es un deporte que "está abierto a todos, sin distinción de edad o sexo, tanto como deporte de alto nivel como de práctica familiar o social" (Gatien, 1993, p. 16). No obstante, "son escasas las obras sobre tenis de mesa. Pocos libros, tanto de divulgación como de reflexión sobre el tenis de mesa, adornan los estantes de las librerías y las bibliotecas" (Erb, 1999, p.14) y añade “así pues, el medio escolar padece de falta de obras explicativas y pedagógicas referidas a este tema" (Erb, 1999, p.14 ) En particular, se pretenden conseguir cinco objetivos divididos en tres categorías (el centro, el profesorado y el deporte. • A nivel de Centro: - Conocer el porcentaje de colegios que disponen de espacios y materiales adecuados para la práctica del tenis de mesa, así como identificar, de las distintas Direcciones de Área Territoriales (DAT), cuál tiene los colegios mejor dotados tanto en instalaciones como en materiales para desarrollar programas de promoción del tenis de mesa. - Averiguar las posibles causas por las que el tenis de mesa no se practica tanto como otros deportes, analizando los impedimentos que limitan la implantación del tenis de mesa como un deporte habitual en los centros de Educación Primaria. Analizar la opinión del profesorado en cuanto a los materiales y las instalaciones necesarios para el tenis de mesa. • A nivel de profesorado: - Analizar el nivel de conocimiento que tienen los profesionales que imparten la asignatura de Educación Física sobre el tenis de mesa, así como sus necesidades para incluir unidades didácticas de tenis de mesa en sus programaciones didácticas. - Conocer el perfil de profesor ideal que recomienda la utilización del tenis de mesa y averiguar el interés del profesorado por recibir formación específica del tenis de mesa. • A nivel de deporte: - Analizar la opinión de los profesionales sobre la idoneidad del tenis de mesa en la Educación Primaria atendiendo a los objetivos que persigue, a las competencias que desarrolla, a los contenidos, criterios de evaluación y estándares de aprendizaje que se pueden trabajar y a las lesiones que se producen. Metodología La investigación se caracterizó por utilizar una metodología inductiva, al surgir de la experiencia profesional del autor, también fue transversal al analizar la realidad en un momento concreto y de tipo cuantitativa. La población objeto de estudio fue la totalidad de los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid, siendo los profesores de Educación Física los encargados de facilitar los datos solicitados. Estos datos se obtuvieron utilizando como instrumento de toma de datos el cuestionario auto administrado con preguntas cerradas de opción múltiple previamente validado por un panel de 5 expertos. Las variables indirectas fueron: el género del profesorado, la edad del profesorado, la experiencia profesional y el tipo de destino. El proceso de la toma de datos supuso un lapso de tiempo de 3 meses, desde mayo de 2015 hasta julio de 2015, en este tiempo hubo dos fases de recogida de datos, una online a través del correo electrónico institucional de los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid y otra “in situ” con cuestionarios de lápiz y papel. En cuanto a los datos que se obtuvieron, sobre una población de 798 colegios, se consiguió una muestra de 276, esto supuso una tasa de respuesta del 34,59%, asumiendo la situación más desfavorable posible (p=q) y un nivel de confianza del 95%, para el total de los 276 cuestionarios cumplimentados, el error máximo fue del ±4,78%. Resultados En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, se establecieron de acuerdo a tres dimensiones: A nivel de Centro, a nivel de Profesorado y a nivel del Deporte y pretendieron averiguar si se alcanzaron los cinco objetivos planteados. Tras el análisis de los resultados, se apreció que los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid disponían de las suficientes instalaciones para el tenis de mesa, en cambio, faltaban materiales específicos y formación por parte del profesorado, así como recursos didácticos y un programa de promoción del tenis de mesa. Se apreció un manifiesto interés por parte del profesorado en recibir formación específica de tenis de mesa pues la mayoría recomendaba la utilización del tenis de mesa dentro de la asignatura de Educación Física en Educación Primaria. Por último, los resultados mostraron la cantidad de objetivos motrices, afectivos, cognitivos y sociales que desarrolla el tenis de mesa así como su contribución a la adquisición de las competencias básicas y al objetivo “k” de la Educación Primaria, que indica “Valorar la higiene y la salud, conocer y respetar el cuerpo humano, y utilizar la Educación Física y el deporte como medios para favorecer el desarrollo personal y social”, además, se mostró el bajo índice de lesiones que provoca. Discusión y conclusiones El tenis de mesa es un deporte idóneo para ser practicado y enseñado en la asignatura de Educación Física en la etapa de Educación Primaria debido a la gran cantidad de contenidos que son susceptibles de ser trabajados a través de este deporte y debido a la gran cantidad de valores, individuales y sociales que se pueden fomentar con la práctica del tenis de mesa. Las causas de que hasta ahora, el tenis de mesa no sea un deporte practicado de forma habitual en los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid a pesar de trabajar muchos contenidos específicos de la asignatura de Educación Física puede deberse a factores externos al deporte del tenis de mesa y susceptibles de ser solucionados con una adecuada inversión en materiales específicos, formación del profesorado y recursos didácticos. Si se dota a los centros de los materiales y recursos didácticos necesarios y dando formación al profesorado, éste introduciría unidades didácticas de tenis de mesa dentro de sus programaciones anuales. La federación española y madrileña de tenis de mesa, deberían desarrollar un programa de promoción dotando de materiales y recursos a los centros, tal y como lo han hecho otras federaciones como la de voleibol, bádminton o de baloncesto, entre otras. ABSTRACT This research arises from the professional experience of the author, specialized teacher of physical education in the CEIP "Alhambra" in Madrid, where progressively, appreciates that table tennis can be a very interesting sport to develop in physical education sessions and promote within the playtimes. The author believes that this sport develops a range of motor, affective, cognitive and social objectives that can contribute to the acquisition of basic skills and the integral development of students. It is then when receives training on the sport of table tennis and seeks ways of funding in order to outfit the center with necessary equipment. The Municipal District of Fuencarral-El Pardo installed three outdoor tables in the schoolyard and with the resources of the school and the support of the Association of Parents (AMPA), five indoor folding tables are achieved as well as all the necessary material (nets, rackets, balls, etc.). After introduce the sport from 3rd to 6th grade of primary education, promotes a championship in the school where the participation rate is around 90% of students, these results create the uncertainties to the author that are the motivation and starting point for this research to analyze whether the practice of table tennis can be ideal at the stage of primary education. Introduction The current legislation on education, Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, on Education (LOE) as amended by Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, to improve educational quality (LOMCE), attaches great importance to the sport in general, "Sport is a healthy, funny and educational activity that can have great benefits not only for their health and well-being but also for the physical, psychological and psychosocial comprehensive personal child development besides on their sports development "(Pradas, 2009, p. 151), is therefore an ideal moment to analyze which sports are practiced in schools or why are practiced some more than others. "The table tennis as well as being a sport for everyone, is presented as an attractive game, where its practice is funny at any age, both children and adults, mainly because it has simple game rules, not enclosing danger for the physical integrity of its practitioners during their game" (Pradas, 2009, p. 83). It is a sport that is "open to all, regardless of age or sex, as high-level sport, as family or social practice" (Gatien, 1993, p. 16). However, "there are few books on table tennis. Few books, both reflexion or popularization about table tennis, adorn the shelves of bookstores and libraries." (Erb, 1999, p.14) and add "So, the school environment suffers from lack of explanatory and educational work related to this issue." (Erb, 1999, p.14) In particular, it is intended to achieve the following objectives within the Community of Madrid: • To determine the percentage of schools that have spaces and materials suitable for practicing table tennis and identify, from the different Directorates of Land Area (DAT), which has the best equipped schools in both facilities and materials to develop programs to promote table tennis. • Find out the possible causes that explained why table tennis is not practiced as much as other sports, analyzing impediments that limit the implementation of table tennis as a regular sport in primary schools. Analyze the opinion of teachers in terms of materials and facilities needed for table tennis. • Analyze the level of knowledge about table tennis among professionals who teach the subject of Physical Education and their needs to include teaching units about table tennis in their teaching programs. • Knowing the profile of the ideal teacher who recommends the use of table tennis and figure out the interest of teachers to receive specific training of table tennis. • Analyze the professional opinion on the suitability of table tennis in Primary Education taking into account the objectives pursued, to develop the skills, content, evaluation criteria and learning standards that can work and injuries involved. Methodology The investigation was characterized by using an inductive methodology, arising from the professional experience of the author, was also transverse to analyze reality in a particular time and quantitative type. The population under study were all the state schools in Madrid region, being the physical education teachers responsible for providing the requested data. These data were obtained using as data collection instrument a self-administered questionnaire with multiple choice questions, because it facilitates the analysis thereof. In terms of obtained data, on a population of 798 schools, a sample of 276 was achieved, this represented a response rate of 34.59%, assuming the worst case scenario (p = q) and a level 95% confidence for the total of the 276 completed questionnaires, the maximum error was ± 4.78%. Results In terms of the results, they were set according to three dimensions: center level, professorate level and Sport level and trying to find out whether the five objectives were achieved. After analyzing the results, it was found that schools possessed sufficient facilities for table tennis, however, lacked specific materials and training by teachers, as well as teaching resources and a program to promote table tennis. A clear interest was noticed by teachers in order to receive specific training in table tennis since most recommended the use of table tennis in the subject of physical education in primary education. Finally, the results proved the number of motor, affective, cognitive and social objectives developed by table tennis and its contribution to the acquisition of basic skills and the objective "k" of primary education, in addition to the low rate of injury it causes. Discussion and conclusions Table tennis is an ideal sport to be practiced and taught in the subject of Physical Education in Primary Education due to the large amount of content that are likely to be worked through this sport and due to the large number of individual and social values that can foster the practice of table tennis. The causes of that so far, table tennis is not a sport practiced regularly in schools despite working many specific contents of the subject of Physical Education may be due to factors outside the sport of table tennis and subject to solved with adequate investment in specific materials, teacher training and educational resources. By endowing the centers with the necessary teaching materials and resources and providing training to teachers, they would introduce teaching units of table tennis within their annual programs. Madrid and the Spanish Federation of table tennis should develop a promotional program by endowing materials and resources to the centers, as did other federations such as badminton and basketball, among others.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar


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ABSTRACT This study is an account of the literacy-related human environment a Chinese girl experienced as the first person in the history of her family who was able to read prior to entry into elementary school. Temporally speaking, the study spanned more than a decade from the initial, tentative research question to the formal, primary research question. Spatially speaking, it crossed three cultures: the Chinese, Korean, and American cultures. The study was inspired by the Zero Project in China, known as the "Project of Quality Education and Implementation for Children Aged Zero (fetus) to Six." The significance of the content issue in a child's literacy curriculum was explored in an interdisciplinary way. Case study served as a holistic research approach and provided the researcher with free temporal and spatial distance to pursue the indefinably multi-dimensional intricacies of a child's early literacy acquisition among generations in the family. Interpretation of the case was based on the relevant concepts within the scope of the researcher's knowledge of Chinese culture. Major findings revealed that the child's literacy acquisition was inseparably related to her parents' background as well as their awareness of and attitudes towards literacy, and that the foundation of all this was the harmony of the family. Through the lens of generational attitudes towards literacy and especially the lens of the researcher's multicultural life experiences, this study contributes to the field of curriculum studies in general and early literacy curriculum in particular by stimulating people to reconsider what to read to children, besides how to read to them. It calls attention once again to the classic curriculum question, "What knowledge is of most worth?" as well as what is the most essential spiritual food human beings need besides physical needs. This study suggests that Chinese philosophy should be included in a child's early literacy curriculum in China and calls for dialogues on the content issue of curriculum to gain a deeper understanding of human nature so that humans might co-live peacefully with all beings in the universe.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine how child psychologists' specialized training inhuman development may make them more prone to stigmatize the parents of their young clients. The stigmatization of parents may lead to fewer parents seeking treatment for their children and to poorer treatment outcomes for those who work with a child psychologist. The process of stigmatization is summarized to provide context for the method through which parents receive stigma. A commonly used theory of child development, Erik Erikson's stages of ego development, is outlined to provide background on how child psychologists may interpret and evaluate a child'sdevelopment. Child psychologists' may identify parenting practices that seem to hinder or stunt children's emotional development, which would make the psychologist more aptto stigmatize and isolate parents from the treatment process. To demonstrate the unique ways in which a child psychologist may stigmatize parents of children at different developmental stages two case studies are included. Finally, a theoretical model of treatment is described that may be more inclusive, and less stigmatizing of parents. This model outlines how the parents' concerns about and observations of their children should be validated and reflected in the treatment process. This treatment modality would allow for child psychologists to more actively involve parents in treatment and provide more education and support around their children's unique emotional development needs. Through this treatment model and child psychologists' awareness of and attempts to reduce the stigmatization of parents, treatment outcomes for young clients may improve.


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This study is designed to investigate the relationships between marital communication, the quality of parents' ability to assist their children in joint problem-solving, and children's independent mastery attempts and perceived competence at problem-solving, and behavioral indicators of self-esteem. Couples' skill at regulating their own and their children's negative affect within the marital and parent-child family subsystems is hypothesized to predict the quality of their assistance, or scaffolding behavior, to their children during joint problem-solving. Further, the quality of parental scaffolding behavior is expected to predict children's independent mastery attempts, levels of perceived competence at problemsolving, and behavioral indicators of self-esteem. Families for the study will be those with children between 3 1/2 to six years of age recruited from subjects participating in a longitudinal study of communication in marriage being conducted at the Denver Center for Marital and Family Studies. Families will participate in three interaction tasks designed to tap parental scaffolding behavior during problemsolving with their children. Children will be administered self-report measures to tap their perceived competence at such problem-solving as those in the interaction tasks and parents will complete a questionnaire tapping the behavioral indicators of their child's self-esteem. Family interaction data will be coded with the use of a microanalytic coding system developed by this study, the Parent-Child Interaction Coding System. Marital communication data at three time points, premaritally, during the transition to parenthood , and concurrently, will be obtained from couples' interactions from the longitudinal study. The clinical significance of this study includes implications for training couples how to effectively regulate negative affect and offer their children sensitive assistance during joint problem-solving.


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Diversity-based designing, or the goal of ensuring that web-based information is accessible to as many diverse users as possible, has received growing international acceptance in recent years, with many countries introducing legislation to enforce it. This paper analyses web content accessibility levels in Spanish education portals according to the international guidelines established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Additionally, it suggests the calculation of an inaccessibility rate as a tool for measuring the degree of non-compliance with WAI Guidelines 2.0 as well as illustrating the significant gap that separates people with disabilities from digital education environments (with a 7.77% average). A total of twenty-one educational web portals with two different web depth levels (42 sampling units) were assessed for this purpose using the automated analysis tool Web Accessibility Test 2.0 (TAW, for its initials in Spanish). The present study reveals a general trend towards non-compliance with the technical accessibility recommendations issued by the W3C-WAI group (97.62% of the websites examined present mistakes in Level A conformance). Furthermore, despite the increasingly high number of legal and regulatory measures about accessibility, their practical application still remains unsatisfactory. A greater level of involvement must be assumed in order to raise awareness and enhance training efforts towards accessibility in the context of collective Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), since this represents not only a necessity but also an ethical, social, political and legal commitment to be assumed by society.


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El perfeccionismo es un rasgo de la personalidad caracterizado por la imposición a uno mismo de unas normas de desempeño poco realistas, la motivación por ser perfeccionista y la percepción del entorno como demasiado exigente y crítico. Este estudio tuvo por objeto analizar la literatura científica sobre perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes, publicada en 4 bases de datos (Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO y Education Resources Information Center), entre el año 2004 y el 2014. Se obtuvieron 325 documentos que fueron analizados con base en distintos indicadores bibliométricos, como el análisis de la producción temporal, las revistas y autores más productivos sobre el tópico y el índice de coautoría, así como un análisis y discusión de las características de la población, los principales instrumentos empleados y las temáticas identificadas. Se halló una tendencia a elaborar los trabajos en colaboración y un número considerable de grandes productores (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Andrew P. Hill y Bart Soenens). Destacaron la Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale y la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale como los 2 instrumentos más empleados para evaluar el perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes. Igualmente, prevalecieron los estudios realizados en adolescentes frente a aquellos con participantes de población infantil. Se observó que la mayor parte de los documentos analizados se centraron en analizar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y la psicopatología. Por último, se discuten las temáticas identificadas, las limitaciones encontradas y los aspectos consolidados, sirviendo como referencia para la realización de futuros estudios sobre el campo del perfeccionismo durante la infancia y la adolescencia.


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This paper examines recent policies and politics of services, in particular child care services in European welfare states. It is argued that social (care) services are becoming an increasingly political issue in postindustrial societies and are at the very center of welfare-state restructuring. Some countries have recently developed new policy pro­ grams for child care-but there are important differences among these programs. To understand these differences as well as some common features, the paper argues that it is necessary to examine the institutional organization of child care and short-term political factors as well as the rationales articulated in political debates to support or im­ pede various policies. The paper concludes that a comprehensive system of child care provisions is still far off in most countries, despite a rhetoric of choice and postindustrial care and labor-market patterns.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar


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Enquadramento – A febre na criança é reconhecida como uma manifestação de doença e encarada por muitos pais com uma conotação negativa, causando grande ansiedade e obsessão pela apirexia. Objetivos – Determinar o nível do conhecimento dos pais/acompanhantes perante a criança com febre; verificar se as variáveis sociodemográficas, contextuais da febre e de caraterização da criança interferem no conhecimento dos pais/acompanhantes perante a criança com febre. Métodos – Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 360 pais/acompanhantes de crianças na consulta de Saúde Infantil, em instituições de saúde públicas, na região centro de Portugal. Recorreu-se a um questionário de autopreenchimento, com caracterização sociodemográfica, da febre, da criança e do conhecimento sobre a febre. Resultados – Amostra com idade média de 34.7 anos ± 7.9, maioritariamente feminina (51.7%). Com fracos conhecimentos perante a criança com febre prevalecem os participantes com idade ≥ 38 anos (36.2%), que coabitam com companheiro(a) (77.0%), em zona rural (69.3%) e com escolaridade até ao 3º ciclo (53.9%). Os participantes com idade até 37 anos (68,2%), com companheiro(a) (89.0%), residentes em zona urbana (53.0%) e com o ensino superior (43.3%) revelaram bons conhecimentos. As principais fontes de informação sobre a febre foram o médico (65.8%) e o enfermeiro (50.6%). As mulheres, os acompanhantes de crianças com menos idade e com melhores atitudes revelaram melhores conhecimentos perante a criança com febre. Conclusão: Os resultados apontam para a importância da realização de sessões de educação para a saúde aos pais/acompanhantes, de modo a aumentar o conhecimento perante a febre na criança. Palavras-chave: Conhecimento - Febre - Criança.