995 resultados para Cellular


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Cell adhesion has a fundamental role in the proliferation and motility of normal cells and the metastasis of tumor cells. To identify signaling pathways activated by the adherence of tumor cells, we analyzed the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in mouse melanoma cells before and after attachment to substrata. We discovered that cellular adherence activated the protein-tyrosine kinase of the cell surface receptor Met, whose ligand is hepatocyte growth factor and scatter factor. The activation was exceedingly prompt, affected the great majority of Met in the cells, persisted so long as the cells remained adherent, and was rapidly reversed as soon as the cells were detached from substrata. Activation of Met required that cells be adherent but not that they spread on the substratum, and it occurred in the absence of any apparent ligand for the receptor. Ligand-independent activation of Met occurred in several varieties of tumor cells but not in normal endothelial cells that express the receptor. The activation of Met described here may represent a means by which cells respond to mechanical as opposed to biochemical stimuli.


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The three-dimensional structures of human parvovirus B19 VP2 capsids, alone and complexed with its cellular receptor, globoside, have been determined to 26 resolution. The B19 capsid structure, reconstructed from cryo-electron micrographs of vitrified specimens, has depressions on the icosahedral 2-fold and 3-fold axes, as well as a canyon-like region around the 5-fold axes. Similar results had previously been found in an 8 angstrom resolution map derived from x-ray diffraction data. Other parvoviral structures have a cylindrical channel along the 5-fold icosahedral axes, whereas density covers the 5-fold axes in B19. The glycolipid receptor molecules bind into the depressions on the 3-fold axes of the B19:globoside complex. A model of the tetrasaccharide component of globoside, organized as a trimeric fiber, fits well into the difference density representing the globoside receptor. Escape mutations to neutralizing antibodies map onto th capsid surface at regions immediately surrounding the globoside attachment sites. The proximity of the antigenic epitopes to the receptor site suggests that neutralization of virus infectivity is caused by preventing attachment of viruses to cells.


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The replication of double-stranded plasmids containing a single adduct was analyzed in vivo by means of a sequence heterology that marks the two DNA strands. The single adduct was located within the sequence heterology, making it possible to distinguish trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) events from damage avoidance events in which replication did not proceed through the lesion. When the SOS system of the host bacteria is not induced, the C8-guanine adduct formed by the carcinogen N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) yields less than 1% of TLS events, showing that replication does not readily proceed through the lesion. In contrast, the deacetylated adduct N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene yields approximately 70% of TLS events under both SOS-induced and uninduced conditions. These results for TLS in vivo are in good agreement with the observation that AAF blocks DNA replication in vitro, whereas aminofluorene does so only weakly. Induction of the SOS response causes an increase in TLS events through the AAF adduct (approximately 13%). The increase in TLS is accompanied by a proportional increase in the frequency of AAF-induced frameshift mutations. However, the polymerase frameshift error rate per TLS event was essentially constant throughout the SOS response. In an SOS-induced delta umuD/C strain, both US events and mutagenesis are totally abolished even though there is no decrease in plasmid survival. Error-free replication evidently proceeds efficiently by means of the damage avoidance pathway. We conclude that SOS mutagenesis results from increased TLS rather than from an increased frameshift error rate of the polymerase.


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Antibody-based therapies for cancer rely on the expression of defined antigens on neoplastic cells. However, most tumors display heterogeneity in the expression of such antigens. We demonstrate here that antibody-targeted interleukin 2 delivery overcomes this problem by induction of a host immune response. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the antibody-interleukin 2 fusion protein-induced eradication of established tumors is mediated by host immune cells, particularly CD8+ T cells. Because of this cellular immune response, antibody-directed interleukin 2 therapy is capable to address established metastases displaying substantial heterogeneity in expression of the targeted antigen. This effector mechanism further enables the induction of partial regressions of large subcutaneous tumors that exceeded more than 5% of the body weight. These observations indicate that antibody-directed cytokine delivery offers an effective new tool for cancer therapy.


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Upon stimulation with anti-CD3, suppressor T-cell (Ts) hybridomas and homologous transfectants of T-cell receptor a (TCRalpha) cDNA in the T-cell hybridoma formed a 55-kDa TCRalpha chain derivative that bound both the monoclonal anti-TCRalpha chain and polyclonal antibodies against glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF). The peptide is a subunit of antigen-specific suppressor T-cell factor (TsF), and is considered to be a posttranslationally-formed conjugate of TCRalpha chain with GIF peptide. The TCRalpha derivative is synthesized by the transfectant after stimulation with anti-CD3, and not derived from TCR present on the cell surface. Stimulation of the stable homologous transfectants with anti-CD3 induced translocation of the 13-kDa GIF peptide into endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When a helper Ts hybridoma or a stable transfectant of the same TCRalpha cDNA in a helper cell-derived TCRalpha- clone was stimulated with anti-CD3, translocation of GIF peptide was not detected, and these cells failed to secrete a TCRalpha derivative. However, further transfection of a chimeric cDNA encoding a procalcitonin-GIF fusion protein into the helper cell-derived stable transfectant of TCRalpha cDNA resulted in translocation of the GIF protein and formation of bioactive 55-kDa GIF. The results indicated that translocation of GIF peptide through ER is unique for Ts cells, and that this process is essential for the formation/secretion of the soluble form derivative of TCRalpha chain by T cells.


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Besides synthesizing nitric oxide (NO), purified neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) can produce superoxide (.O2-) at lower L-Arg concentrations. By using electron paramagnetic resonance spin-trapping techniques, we monitored NO and .O2- formation in nNOS-transfected human kidney 293 cells. In control transfected cells, the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 triggered NO generation but no .O2- was seen. With cells in L-Arg-free medium, we observed .O2- formation that increased as the cytosolic L-Arg levels decreased, while NO generation declined. .O2- formation was virtually abolished by the specific NOS blocker, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Nitrotyrosine, a specific nitration product of peroxynitrite, accumulated in L-Arg-depleted cells but not in control cells. Activation by A23187 was cytotoxic to L-Arg-depleted, but not to control cells, with marked lactate dehydrogenase release. The cytotoxicity was largely prevented by either superoxide dismutase or L-NAME. Thus, with reduced L-Arg availability NOS elicits cytotoxicity by generating .O2- and NO that interact to form the potent oxidant peroxynitrite. Regulating arginine levels may provide a therapeutic approach to disorders involving .O2-/NO-mediated cellular injury.


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The renal urea transporter (RUT) is responsible for urea accumulation in the renal medulla, and consequently plays a central role in the urinary concentrating mechanism. To study its cellular and subcellular localization, we prepared affinity-purified, peptide-derived polyclonal antibodies against rat RUT based on the cloned cDNA sequence. Immunoblots using membrane fractions from rat renal inner medulla revealed a solitary 97-kDa band. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated RUT labeling of the apical and subapical regions of inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells, with no labeling of outer medullary or cortical collecting ducts. Immunoelectron microscopy directly demonstrated labeling of the apical plasma membrane and of subapical intracellular vesicles of IMCD cells, but no labeling of the basolateral plasma membrane. Immunoblots demonstrated RUT labeling in both plasma membrane and intracellular vesicle-enriched membrane fractions from inner medulla, a subcellular distribution similar to that of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2. In the outer medulla, RUT labeling was seen in terminal portions of short-loop descending thin limbs. Aside from IMCD and descending thin limbs, no other structures were labeled in the kidney. These results suggest that: (i) the RUT provides the apical pathway for rapid, vasopressin-regulated urea transport in the IMCD, (ii) collecting duct urea transport may be increased by vasopressin by stimulation of trafficking of RUT-containing vesicles to the apical plasma membrane, and (iii) the rat urea transporter may provide a pathway for urea entry into the descending limbs of short-loop nephrons.


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Many stress proteins and their cognates function as molecular chaperones or as components of proteolytic systems. Viral infection can stimulate synthesis of stress proteins and particular associations of viral and stress proteins have been documented. However, demonstrations of functions for stress proteins in viral life cycles are few. We have initiated an investigation of the roles of stress proteins in eukaryotic viral life cycles using as a model the Ty3 retrovirus-like element of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During stress, Ty3 transposition is inhibited; Ty3 DNA is not synthesized and, although precursor proteins are detected, mature Ty3 proteins and virus-like particles (VLPs) do not accumulate. The same phenotype is observed in the constitutively stressed ssa1 ssa2 mutant, which lacks two cytoplasmic members of the hsp70 family of chaperones. Ty3 VLPs preformed under nonstress conditions are degraded more rapidly if cells are shifted from 30 degrees C to 37 degrees C. These results suggest that Ty3 VLPs are destroyed by cellular stress proteins. Elevated expression of the yeast UBP3 gene, which encodes a protease that removes ubiquitin from proteins, allows mature Ty3 proteins and VLPs to accumulate in the ssa1 ssa2 mutant, suggesting that, at least under stress conditions, ubiquitination plays a role in regulating Ty3 transposition.


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We have found a predator-prey association between the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and the free soil living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. C. elegans feeds on the amoebae and multiplies indefinitely when amoebae are the sole food source. In an environment created from soil, D. discoideum grows and develops, but not in the presence of C. elegans. During development, C. elegans feeds on amoebae until they aggregate and synthesize an extracellular matrix called the slime sheath. After the sheath forms, the aggregate and slug are protected. Adult nematodes ingest Dictyostelium spores, which pass through the gut of the worm without loss of structure and remain viable. Nematodes kill the amoebae but disperse the spores. The sheath that is constructed when the social amoebae aggregate and the spore coats of the individual cells may protect against this predator. Individual amoebae may also protect themselves by secreting compounds that repel nematodes.


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Myxococcus xanthus is a Gram-negative bacterium that aggregates to form fruiting bodies when nutrients are limiting. Previous studies showed that the frz mutants that are defective in chemotaxis exhibited irregular and infrequent patterns of cellular reversal. In contrast, wild-type cells, when examined individually, reverse relatively frequently, about once every 6 min. It is not known how the change of reversal frequency effects cellular aggregation during fruiting body formation in M. xanthus. In this study, we stained cells with a tetrazolium dye so that we could track the reversal frequencies of single cells and cells in groups. We found that developmental cells in large groups reverse much less than cells in small groups or as single cells. This reduced cellular reversal frequency is related to the frz signal transduction system and correlated with the methylation of FrzCD (a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein). Cells containing a mutation in the frz genes or in the genes required for social motility do not respond in this way. The reduction in cellular reversals as developmental cells accumulate in groups suggests a simple hypothesis for the aggregation of cells into discrete mounds during fruiting body formation. We also found that M. xanthus cells glide with equal frequency in the forward or reverse directions, indicating that cells do not contain a "head" or "tail."


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The Rev protein of HIV-1 is essential for the nuclear export of incompletely spliced viral mRNAs. This action depends on the mutationally defined Rev activation domain, which both binds the nucleoporin-like human cellular cofactor Rab/hRIP and also functions as a nuclear export signal. Protein kinase inhibitor alpha (PKI) also contains a potent nuclear export signal. However, PKI plays no role in nuclear RNA export and instead induces the nuclear export of a specific protein target, the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Here, it is demonstrated that the nuclear export signal of PKI not only binds the Rab/hRIP cofactor specifically but also can effectively substitute for the Rev activation domain in mediating the nuclear export of HIV-1 mRNAs. We conclude that HIV-1 Rev and PKI act through an identical nuclear export pathway and that Rev, rather than using a dedicated RNA export pathway, is instead acting as an adaptor that allows viral mRNAs to access a cellular protein export pathway.


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Development of antisense technology has focused in part on creating improved methods for delivering oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) to cells. In this report, we describe a cationic lipid that, when formulated with the fusogenic lipid dioleoylphosphatidyliethanolamine, greatly improves the cellular uptake properties of antisense ODNs, as well as plasmid DNA. This lipid formulation, termed GS 2888 cytofectin, (i) efficiently transfects ODNs and plasmids into many cell types in the presence or absence of 10% serum in the medium, (ii) uses a 4- to 10-fold lower concentration of the agent as compared to the commercially available Lipofectin liposome, and (iii) is > or = 20-fold more effective at eliciting antisense effects in the presence of serum when compared to Lipofectin. Here we show antisense effects using GS 2888 cytofectin together with C-5 propynyl pyrimidine phosphorothioate ODNs in which we achieve inhibition of gene expression using low nanomolar concentrations of ODN. This agent expands the utility of antisense ODNs for their use in understanding gene function and offers the potential for its use in DNA delivery applications in vivo.


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The mechanism(s) that regulates invasion of trophoblasts through the uterine epithelium during embryo implantation and nidation in hemochorial placental mammals is poorly understood. While limited trophoblast invasion is essential for the establishment of normal pregnancy, dysregulation of this process may contribute to the pathogenesis of choriocarcinoma, a highly invasive and lethal form of cancer arising from the trophoblasts. We have previously demonstrated that rabbit uteroglobin (UG), a cytokine-like, antiinflammatory protein, produced by the endometrial epithelium during pregnancy, has a potent antichemotactic effect on neutrophils and monocytes in vitro. Here, we report that recombinant human UG (hUG) dramatically suppresses invasion of human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells through an artificial basement membrane (Matrigel) in vitro but has no effect on that of human choriocarcinoma cells. We identified a previously unreported high-affinity, high molecular weight (approximately 190 kDa), nonglycosylated hUG-binding protein, readily detectable on human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells but totally lacking on choriocarcinoma cells. Taken together, these results raise the possibility that (i) hUG plays a critical role in regulating cellular invasiveness, at least in part, via its previously unrecognized cell surface binding site, and (ii) some of the numerous biological activities of proteins of the UG family, reported so far, may be mediated via this binding site.


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The free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide anion react to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a highly toxic oxidant species. In vivo formation of ONOO- has been demonstrated in shock and inflammation. Herein we provide evidence that cytotoxicity in cells exposed to ONOO- is mediated by DNA strand breakage and the subsequent activation of the DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS). Exposure to ONOO- (100 microM to 1 mM) inhibited mitochondrial respiration in cultured J774 macrophages and in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The loss of cellular respiration was rapid, peaking 1-3 h after ONOO- exposure, and reversible, with recovery after a period of 6-24 h. The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration was paralleled by a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breakage, reaching its maximum at 20-30 min after exposure to ONOO-. We observed a dose-dependent increase in the activity of PARS in cells exposed to ONOO-. Inhibitors of PARS such as 3-aminobenzamide (1 mM) prevented the inhibition of cellular respiration in cells exposed to ONOO-. Activation of PARS by ONOO--mediated DNA strand breakage resulted in a significant decrease in intracellular energy stores, as reflected by a decline of intracellular NAD+ and ATP content. 3-Aminobenzamide prevented the loss of NAD+ and ATP in cells exposed to ONOO-. In contrast, impairment of cellular respiration by the addition of the nitric oxide donors S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine or diethyltriamine nitric oxide complex, was not associated with the development of DNA strand breaks, in concentrations up to 1 mM, and was largely refractory to PARS inhibition. Our results suggest that DNA damage and activation of PARS, an energy-consuming futile repair cycle, play a central role in ONOO--mediated cellular injury.


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Three major characteristics of aging in animals are a slowdown of cell proliferation, an increase in residual bodies associated with age pigments, and a marked increase in the likelihood of neoplastic transformation. The 28 L subline of the NIH 3T3 line of mouse embryo fibroblasts exhibits all these characteristics when held at confluence for extended periods. The impairment of proliferation is the first behavioral characteristic detected in low density subcultures from the confluent cultures, and it persists through many cell generations of exponential multiplication. There is an equal degree of growth impairment among replicate cultures (lineages) recovered after each of 2 successive rounds of confluence, although heterogeneity appears after the third round. The growth impairment pervades the entire cell population of each lineage. The degree and duration of impairment increase with repeated rounds of confluence. A marked increase of residual bodies characteristic of age pigments occurs in the cytoplasm of all the cells kept under prolonged confluence. Neoplastic transformation first appears as foci of multilayered cells on a monolayered background of nontransformed cells. The transformed cells arise at different times in the lineages and originate from a very small fraction of the population. The transformed cells selectively overgrow the entire population in successive rounds of confluence leading to an increase in saturation density of each lineage at different times. Under cloning conditions, isolated colonies of transformed cells develop more slowly than colonies of nontransformed cells but eventually reach a higher population density. The regularity of persistent growth impairment among the lineages and the appearance of large numbers of residual bodies in all the cells of each population are more characteristic of an epigenetic process than of specific local mutations. although random chromosomal lesions cannot be ruled out. By contrast, the low frequency and stochastic character of neoplastic transformation are consistent with a conventional genetic origin. The advent in long-term confluent NIH 3T3 cultures of three cardinal characteristics of cellular aging in vivo recommends it as a model for aging cells.