999 resultados para Carótica interna
The growth in thickness of monocotyledon stems can be either primary, or primary and secondary. Most of the authors consider this thickening as a result of the PTM (Primary Thickening Meristem) and the STM (Secondary Thickening Meristem) activity. There are differences in the interpretation of which meristem would be responsible for primary thickening. In Cordyline fruticosa the procambium forms two types of vascular bundles: collateral leaf traces (with proto and metaxylem and proto and metaphloem), and concentric cauline bundles (with metaxylem and metaphloem). The procambium also forms the pericycle, the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder consisting of smaller and less intensely colored cells that are divided irregularly to form new vascular bundles. The pericycle continues the procambial activity, but only produces concentric cauline bundles. It was possible to conclude that the pericycle is responsible for the primary thickening of this species. Further away from the apex, the pericyclic cells undergo periclinal divisions and produce a meristematic layer: the secondary thickening meristem. The analysis of serial sections shows that the pericycle and STM are continuous in this species, and it is clear that the STM originates in the pericycle.The endodermis is acknowledged only as the innermost layer of the cortex.
A taxonomic revision of two nominal species of freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon previously considered valid, Potamotrygon falkneri Castex & Maciel, 1963 and Potamotrygon castexi Castello & Yagolkowski, 1969, was conducted based on a detailed analysis of external and internal morphology, including a morphometric and meristic study of specimens from the recorded range of both species. The taxonomic status of the nominal species P. menchacai Achenbach, 1967, treated by previous authors as a junior synonym of P. falkneri, was also evaluated. These nominal species, which constitute what has been called the falkneri-castexi complex, were found to represent examples of chromatic variation present in a single species, given that intermediate patterns of coloration are common and the remaining characters analyzed are not consistent enough for separation at the specific level. Consequently, Potamotrygon falkneri is considered valid, whereas the nominal species Potamotrygon castexi and Potamotrygon menchacai are concluded to be junior synonyms of P. falkneri. Additionally, a putative new species is identified from the río Madre de Díos in Peru, which has some characters that do not correspond to P. falkneri. This species, known from few individuals, is here provisionally treated as Potamotrygon sp.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to translate the Structured Clinical Interview for Mood Spectrum into Brazilian Portuguese, measuring its reliability, validity, and defining scores for bipolar disorders. METHOD: Questionnaire was translated (into Brazilian Portuguese) and back-translated into English. Sample consisted of 47 subjects with bipolar disorder, 47 with major depressive disorder, 18 with schizophrenia and 22 controls. Inter-rater reliability was tested in 20 subjects with bipolar disorder and MDD. Internal consistency was measured using the Kuder Richardson formula. Forward stepwise discriminant analysis was performed. Scores were compared between groups; manic (M), depressive (D) and total (T) threshold scores were calculated through receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. RESULTS: Kuder Richardson coefficients were between 0.86 and 0.94. Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.96 (CI 95 % 0.93-0.97). Subjects with bipolar disorder had higher M and T, and similar D scores, when compared to major depressive disorder (ANOVA, p < 0.001). The sub-domains that best discriminated unipolar and bipolar subjects were manic energy and manic mood. M had the best area under the curve (0.909), and values of M equal to or greater than 30 yielded 91.5% sensitivity and 74.5% specificity. CONCLUSION: Structured Clinical Interview for Mood Spectrum has good reliability and validity. Cut-off of 30 best differentiates subjects with bipolar disorder vs. unipolar depression. A cutoff score of 30 or higher in the mania sub-domain is appropriate to help make a distinction between subjects with bipolar disorder and those with unipolar depression.
An important approach to cancer therapy is the design of small molecule modulators that interfere with microtubule dynamics through their specific binding to the ²-subunit of tubulin. In the present work, comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) studies were conducted on a series of discodermolide analogs with antimitotic properties. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained (CoMFA(i), q² =0.68, r²=0.94; CoMFA(ii), q² = 0.63, r²= 0.91), indicating the good internal and external consistency of the models generated using two independent structural alignment strategies. The models were externally validated employing a test set, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results. The final QSAR models and the 3D contour maps provided important insights into the chemical and structural basis involved in the molecular recognition process of this family of discodermolide analogs, and should be useful for the design of new specific ²-tubulin modulators with potent anticancer activity.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo construir e validar uma escala de crenças parentais e práticas de cuidado na primeira infância para o contexto brasileiro. Após a construção teórica dos itens, a versão final da escala foi aplicada em dois estudos com populações distintas (estudo preliminar - 250 mães; estudo final - 600 mães), visando avaliar a frequência de comportamento e o grau de importância atribuído às práticas. Para as análises psicométricas, foram realizadas: análise fatorial e o cálculo da consistência interna. Em ambos os estudos a análise fatorial resultou em dois fatores, sendo o primeiro denominado "cuidados primários" e o segundo "estimulação". Os alfas de Cronbach apresentaram-se satisfatórios, variando de 0,68 a 0,83. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram a validade e precisão da escala, a qual poderá ser utilizada em futuras pesquisas, bem como em práticas de intervenção familiar, principalmente durante os primeiros anos de vida das crianças.
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar as alterações físico-químicas proporcionadas pelo tratamento de centros tendinosos diafragmáticos homólogos em solução alcalina seguida de liofilização, para implantação na fáscia interna do músculo reto do abdome de eqüinos. As amostras foram tratadas em períodos de 24, 48, 72, 120 e 144 horas, liofilizadas e analisadas quanto à homogeneidade, flexibilidade e resistência à sutura das amostras. Posteriormente foram caracterizadas por calorimetria exploratória diferencial e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Para a implantação nos eqüinos, foram utilizadas amostras tratadas por 72 horas seguidas de liofilização, amostras conservadas em glicerina 98% e amostras apenas liofilizadas, que foram retiradas após uma, nove e 18 semanas para avaliar a existência de aderências. Verificou-se que a homogeneidade e a flexibilidade são diretamente proporcionais ao aumento do tempo de tratamento em solução alcalina, enquanto que a resistência é inversamente proporcional ao aumento de tempo, sendo o tratamento por 72 horas intermediário para estas características. A calorimetria exploratória diferencial mostrou que o tratamento não desnatura o colágeno presente nas amostras. Na microscopia eletrônica de varredura, observou-se que o aumento de tempo de tratamento proporciona expansão de zonas menos densas do material. Em relação à formação de aderências, as amostras apenas liofilizadas apresentaram grau máximo na formação da classificação proposta, seguida pelas amostras conservadas em glicerina 98% com grau médio e as amostras tratadas em solução alcalina e liofilizadas, que foram classificadas em grau mínimo. Concluiu-se que o tratamento por 72 horas seria mais apropriado para implantação e que a integração tissular com a parede abdominal foi melhor em relação às amostras apenas liofilizadas e às conservadas em glicerina.
Concrete modules were deployed on the bottom of the 11, 18 and 30 meters isobaths along a cross-shelf hydrographic gradient off Paraná State, Southern Brazil, with the purpose of studying the colonization of sessile epilithic macroinvertebrates on artificial surfaces. After one year of submersion a total of 63 species of epilithic organisms were identified, dominated by Ostrea puelchana, Chthamalus bisinuatus, Balanus cf spongicola, Astrangia cf rathbuni, Didemnum spp, poryphers and bryozoans. Diversity index and percent cover at reef stations placed at 11, 18 and 30 meters isobaths were respectively 2.28 and 66.7%, 2.79 and 96.6% and 1.66 and 77.4%. Differences of general community structure among the three assemblages were not clearly related to the general environmental conditions at the bottom layers near the reef stations. Turbidity and larval abundance are discussed as important factors affecting colonization processes. Results indicate that depths between 15-20 meters are more suitable for the implementation of large scale artificial reef systems in the inner shelf off Paraná and, possibly, throughout the inner shelves off southern Brazil with similar hydrographic conditions.
A new species of sand-dwelling catfish genus Pygidianops, P. amphioxus, is described from the Negro and lower Amazon basins. The new species differs from its three congeners in the elongate eel-like body, the short barbels, and the small caudal fin, continuous with the body, among other traits of internal anatomy. The absence of anal fin further distinguishes P. amphioxus from all other Pygidianops species except P. magoi and the presence of eyes from all except P. cuao. The new Pygidianops seems to be the sister species to P. magoi, the two species sharing a unique mesethmoid with a dorsally-bent tip lacking cornua, and a produced articular process in the palatine for the articulation with the neurocranium. Pygidianops amphioxus is a permanent and highly-specialized inhabitant of psammic environments. Additional characters are proposed as synapomorphies of Pygidianops, including a hypertrophied symphyseal joint and associated ligament in the lower jaw; an elongate, laterally-directed, process on the dorsal surface of the premaxilla; and a rotated lower jaw, where the surface normally facing laterally in other glanapterygines is instead directed ventrally. These and other characters are incorporated into a revised phylogenetic diagnosis of Pygidianops.
A new species of the formerly monotypic genus Trichogenes is described from a high-altitude stream of the rio Itapemirim system, an isolated Atlantic drainage in the State of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Trichogenes claviger, new species, differs from all other trichomycterids by the sexually dimorphic posterior process of the opercle, much elongated in males; the terminal mouth; the deeply bifurcated anterior neural spines and the presence of a large anterodorsal claw-like process on the neural arches of the anterior four free vertebrae. The new species also differs from its only congener, T. longipinnis, by a number of additional traits, including the the lack of branched anal-fin rays in specimens of any size; the broader than long posterior nostril; the deeper head (head depth 72.9-86.6% HL); the presence of a fine dark line along the base of the anal fin; the lack of dark spots on cheeks; the shape of the interopercle; the presence of odontodes on a bony expansion on the posterodorsal margin of the interopercle; the fewer vertebrae (35); the absence of an antorbital; and the fewer pleural ribs (eight). Small juveniles of the new species are also strikingly different from those of all other Trichomycteridae, including T. longipinnis, having a very large lateral eye, an upturned mouth, and compressed head. Trichogenes claviger occurs in shaded sectors of a blackwater sluggish stream with sandy substrate and patchy accumulations of vegetable debris, a habitat markedly different from the rocky torrential environment known for T. longipinnis. A comparison of the internal anatomy of the two species provides the basis for a hypothesis of a monophyletic Trichogenes. Data from the new species further support a sister-group relationship between Trichogeninae and Copionodontinae, as well as the position of that clade as sister group to all remaining Trichomycteridae.
OBJETIVO: Validar uma escala de auto-eficácia para adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS, levando em consideração a perspectiva dos pais/responsáveis, e avaliar a sua reprodutibilidade. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no Hospital-Dia do Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS de São Paulo. Foram entrevistados os pais/responsáveis de 54 crianças e adolescentes de 6 meses a 20 anos que passaram em consulta de rotina pelo serviço. Os dados de auto-eficácia foram levantados pela escala de auto-eficácia para seguir prescrição anti-retroviral (AE), que foi calculada de duas maneiras: análise fatorial e fórmula já definida. A consistência interna da escala foi verificada pelo coeficiente ade Cronbach. A validade foi avaliada pela comparação das médias dos escores entre grupos de pacientes aderentes e não aderentes ao tratamento anti-retroviral (teste de Mann-Whitney) e cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os escores e parâmetros clínicos. A reprodutibilidade foi verificada por meio do teste de Wilcoxon, pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e pelo gráfico de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: A escala de AE apresentou boa consistência interna (a= 0,87) e boa reprodutibilidade (CCI = 0,69 e CCI = 0,75). Quanto à validade, a escala de AE conseguiu discriminar pacientes aderentes e não aderentes ao tratamento anti-retroviral (p = 0,002) e apresentou correlação significativa com a contagem de CD4 (r = 0,28; p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: A escala de AE pode ser utilizada para avaliar a adesão à terapia anti-retroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/AIDS, levando em consideração a perspectiva dos pais/cuidadores.
Apesar dos elevados riscos à saúde e capacidade para o trabalho dos eletricitários, há carência de estudos sobre o tema no Brasil. O objetivo desse estudo é identificar o perfil de saúde e capacidade para o trabalho de eletricitários de São Paulo. Foi feito um estudo transversal junto a 475 trabalhadores de uma empresa do setor eletricitário. A coleta de dados foi por meio de questionários sobre capacidade para o trabalho, estado de saúde, estresse no trabalho, atividade física, dependência ao tabaco e ao álcool. A consistência interna das escalas foi avaliada usando o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Foi feita análise descritiva por meio das médias, desvios-padrão, valores mínimos e máximos dos escores e proporções para as variáveis qualitativas. O estado de saúde dos trabalhadores apresentou pontuação elevada nas dimensões analisadas, com médias entre 72,8 a 91,2 (escore de 0,0 a 100,0 pontos). A capacidade para o trabalho teve pontuação elevada, com média de 41,8 (escore de 7,0 a 49,0 pontos). Concluiu-se que os trabalhadores da população de estudo apresentaram elevados padrões do estado de saúde e da capacidade para o trabalho. Sugere-se o desenvolvimento de estudos longitudinais para avaliar relações causais e a existência de efeito do trabalhador sadio.
The objective of this study is to describe preliminary results from the cross-cultural adaptation of the Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire, used to measure health related quality of life (HRQL) in Brazilian children aged between 5 and 11 with HIV/AIDS. The cross-cultural model evaluated the Concept, Item, Semantic and Measurement Equivalences (internal consistency and intra-observer reliability). Evaluation of the conceptual, item, semantic equivalences showed that the Portuguese version is pertinent for the Brazilian context. Four of seven domains showed internal consistency above 0.70 (α: 0.76-0.90) and five of seven revealed intra-observer reliability (ricc: 0.41-0.70). This first Portuguese version of the HRQL questionnaire can be understood as a valuable tool for assessing children's HRQL, but further studies with large samples and more robust analyses are recommended before use in the Brazilian context.
The aim of this study was to translate, validate and verify the reliability of the Body Area Scale (BAS). Participants were 386 teenagers, enrolled in a private school. Translation into Portuguese was conducted. The instrument was evaluated for internal consistency and construct validation analysis. Reproducibility was evaluated using the Wilcoxon test and the coefficient of interclass correlation. The BAS demonstrated good values for internal consistency (0.90 and 0.88) and was able to discriminate boys and girls according to nutritional state (p = 0.020 and p = 0.026, respectively). BAS scores correlated with adolescents' BMI (r = 0.14, p = 0.055; r = 0.23, p = 0.001) and WC (r =0.13, p = 0.083; r = 0.22, 0.002). Reliability was confirmed by the coefficient of inter-class correlation (0.35, p < 0.001; 0.60, p < 0.001) for boys and girls, respectively. The instrument performed well in terms of understanding and time of completion. BAS was successfully translated into Portuguese and presented good validity when applied to adolescents.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão brasileira de índice de capacidade para o trabalho. MÉTODOS:Estudo transversal com amostra de 475 trabalhadores de empresa do setor elétrico no estado de São Paulo (dez municípios em Campinas e região), realizado em 2005. Foram avaliados os seguintes aspectos da versão brasileira do Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho: validade de construto, por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória e da capacidade discriminante; validade de critério, correlacionado o escore do índice com medidas de saúde auto-referidas; e confiabilidade, por meio da análise da consistência interna utilizando o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: A análise fatorial indicou três fatores do construto capacidade para o trabalho: questões relativas aos "recursos mentais" (20,6% da variância), à autopercepção da capacidade para o trabalho (18,9% da variância) e à presença de doenças e limitações decorrentes do estado de saúde (18,4% da variância). O índice discriminou os trabalhadores segundo nível de absenteísmo, identificando média estatisticamente significativa (p<0,001) entre aqueles com absenteísmo elevado (37,2 pontos) e baixo (42,3 pontos). A análise de critério mostrou correlação do índice com todas as dimensões do estado de saúde analisadas (p<0,0001). O índice apresentou boa confiabilidade com coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (0,72). CONCLUSÕES: A versão brasileira do Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho mostrou propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias quanto à validade de construto, de critério e de confiabilidade, representando uma opção adequada para avaliação da capacidade para o trabalho em abordagens individuais e inquéritos populacionais.
OBJECTIVES: to produce evidence of the validity and reliability of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) - a tool for measuring an individual's attitude towards his or her body image. METHODS: the study covered 386 young people of both sexes aged between 10 and 18 from a private school and used self-applied questionnaires and anthropometric evaluation. It evaluated the internal consistency, the discriminant validity for differences from the means, according to nutritional status (underweight, eutrophic, overweight and obese), the concurrent validity by way of Spearman's correlation coefficient between the scale and the Body Mass Index (BMI), the waist-hip circumference ratio (WHR) and the waist circumference (WC). Reliability was tested using Wilcoxon's Test, the intraclass correlation coefficient and the Bland-Altman figures. RESULTS: the BSQ displayed good internal consistency (±=0.96) and was capable of discriminating among the total population, boys and girls, according to nutritional status (p<0.001). It correlated with the BMI (r=0.41; p<0.001), WHR (r=-0.10; p=0.043) and WC (r=0.24; p<0.001) and its reliability was confirmed by intraclass correlation (r=0.91; p<0.001) for the total population. The questionnaire was easy to understand and could be completed quickly. CONCLUSIONS: the BSQ presented good results, thereby providing evidence of its validity and reliability. It is therefore recommended for evaluation of body image attitudes among adolescents.