995 resultados para Campo político do Rio de Janeiro


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.


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The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.


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The present research comprehends a case study, through which we analyzed the Programa de Implantação da Escola de Contas do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Program of Implantation of the School of Public Finance of the Public Finance Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro - as a progressive educational strategy from the model of corporate university, considering the ten key components (steps) identified by Meister (1999) in his research. The qualitative approach has proved the most adequate for this study, as, regarding data interpretation and investigation process, the subjectivity of the researcher was taken into account, since he himself was designated to the Commission of Implantation of the School of Public Finance and is, presently, general Academic Coordinator of the Escola de Contas e Gestão (ECG) - School of Public Finance and Management, the main goal (product) of the mentioned program. As to the results, the study has shown that the Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ) has not equally emphasized the ten key components (steps) for the success in the construction of a corporate university, but none of them was neglected. Considering the way it presently works, it is also concluded that the ECG is relevant for the actuation of the TCE-RJ, but is not yet as connected to the performance as it should be. Fundamentally, the ECG still has to develop a personnel development system driven by personnel management through competences, performing a diagnosis of the essential organizational competences, mapping the existing ones, identifying the breaches and analyzing which of theses competences may be developed by means of their activities. Likewise, the ECG also needs to develop a methodology to assess the result as well as the impact of its activities. These circumstances, however, will be used to guide future studies and represent a new starting point.


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This research aimed at evaluating the efficiency of a specific model of operational auditing, created to audit municipal health systems, which are part of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the AOSMS. Thus, it attempted to find out whether they represent a valid method of auditing the performance of SUS in the State of Rio de Janeiro based on the isolated or combined utilization of efficiency and efficacy criteria, and to finalize, how the AOSMS may contribute to the improvement of the municipal management of SUS. The study is based on two references axes, as follows: criteria and paradigms of operational auditing according to what International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) understands about this methodology and the evaluation method of health services proposed by Avedis Donabedian, based on the triad structure, process and result. The work consisted initially in verifying compatibility and evaluating potential of the parameters that constitute the AOSMS with the adopted references, in the light of the basic principles that inform the Brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde and afterwards in the submission of these parameters to the analytic categories created in this study with the intent of checking its adequacy and pertinacity to analyze public health systems. In order to reach its objective the research used the case study strategy of the TCE-RJ experience of holding operational audit in 39 municipal health systems in the State of Rio de Janeiro developed between 2000 and 2007. The result confirmed the hypothesis of the study and revealed how the AOSMS, considered as a valid methodology for its finality, may contribute for the improvement of the municipal management of SUS, reaffirming the potential of operational auditing to proceed with the evaluation of the performance of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the angle of external control, considering however that its application in Brazil, because of the external control model constitutionally adopted, must pass through due sociological reduction2.


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Este trabalho acadêmico versa sobre o Programa Delegacia Legal, uma política pública voltada para a modernização da polícia civil fluminense. A pesquisa realizada teve por objetivo analisar a percepção de dois dos principais atores considerados no processo de formulação desta política: o policial e o cidadão. Desta forma, foram objetos de análise a polícia civil do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com enfoque para as delegacias já inseridas no Programa, o policial civil que atua nestas unidades e o cidadão que reside no seu entorno. Nesta dissertação foram respondidas duas questões centrais: qual é a percepção do policial civil fluminense sobre a importância do Programa Delegacia Legal para o desempenho de suas atividades e para sua instituição; e, qual é a percepção do cidadão que reside no entorno de uma delegacia legal sobre a polícia civil e o Programa Delegacia Legal. A fim de cumprir os objetivos da pesquisa, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com policiais e cidadãos, buscando a visão do policial civil em relação às diversas mudanças implementas pelo Programa, que alteraram de forma significativa o seu modelo de atuação, e a compreensão da percepção da comunidade em relação às políticas implementadas em seu entorno, principalmente pelo atual descrédito da sociedade quanto à capacidade do gerenciamento da criminalidade pelas instituições policiais. Por fim, para verificar empiricamente as opiniões dos policiais e cidadãos em relação ao Programa, foram aplicados questionários em 15 (quinze) unidades policiais e seus respectivos entornos. O resultado da pesquisa revelou que a pouca participação do policial no processo de formulação do Programa Delegacia Legal acarretou em uma maior resistência interna às mudanças implementadas. Entretanto, este já foi institucionalizado, devido aos benefícios que essas mudanças vêm trazendo para a atividade policial. Já na pesquisa realizada no entorno, pôde-se perceber que as mudanças não resultaram, ainda, em impactos significativamente positivos na percepção da sociedade.


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O trabalho analisa a viabilidade de implementação de uma política pública na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro que leve em conta a descentralização municipal na área de Cultura O Brasil entra no Terceiro Milênio realizando a Reforma do Estado com reflexões de ações que estão sendo veiculadas no mundo inteiro. O fortalecimento do poder local apresenta-se como facilitador para a implementação de políticas públicas. A dinamização de uma política na área de Cultura baseada na descentralização municipal, visando à geração de maior emprego e renda nos bairros cariocas contribuirá, significativamente, para a redução de problemas sociais no Rio de Janeiro. No que tange à área Cultural, são propostas iniciativas inovadores que contemplem a realidade brasileira, valorizem talentos, reduzam custos supérfluos, proporcionem o incremento contínuo de público e platéia, disseminem cultura e o acesso popular à mesma. Devem ser modelos que contemplem as demandas das categorias profissionais afetadas às áreas de Arte e Cultura porém, o direcionamento de recursos públicos deve visar ao aumento do nível das comunidades da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O desenvolvimento de novos talentos ¿ de cunho popular ou erudito ¿ conjugado com a valorização de produtos culturais do folclore brasileiro e da arte popular devem ser permanentes estratégias da Política Cultural na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.


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This present study aims the human being¿s change aptness in the Judicial Power of The State of Rio de Janeiro, considering the Judiciary¿s historical, organizational and institutional characteristics. The introduced study is guided by the objective that social relations within some institutions have educational features and how these relations can generate knowledge. The analysis relates the maintenance or the rupture of the paradigms that the institution stimulates to be adopted by the human beings when they need to face reality.


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This work objectives to investigate how the public policies of urbanization and land regularization of the Program of Urbanization of Informal Settlements - PROAP, in Rio de Janeiro allow the social inclusion and the rescue of the citizenship of the poor populations. To reach this objective the two programs of PROAP were analyzed into two communities both beneficed by each one of these programs. First, the social exclusion and how it reflects itself in the form of appropriation of the territory and in the type of housing was deeply analyzed. It leads the analysis of the public policies. As a next step, a brief historical analysis was made to include the PROAP in the historical context, and this was analyzed in each one of its stages. Finally, through a qualitative approaching, the slum of Vigário Geral and the irregular settlement of Ana Gonzaga have been researched, both were chose by their singular characteristics and, according to speech of the inhabitants, it was evaluated how the Program contributes in the social inclusion in these communities.


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This study discusses the preparation and execution of the Municipal Annual Budget Law of the City of Rio de Janeiro. It tries to show how the City historically evolved and how its administrative structure was built, leading to the offer of public services to a residing population of approximately six million people today. By using processes of supplementary credits to the Budget, comparing results of the budget execution along a four-year period and with charts related to these years, answers are searched to explain the reasons for amendments to the Annual Budget Law, which modify it and change part of its initial objectives, in spite of hours of previous planning work dedicated to its preparation. This research shows a City in its context and puts together a few data, through a survey of budget management actions, to report on the administrative complexity of metropolis like Rio de Janeiro, although without the intent of being definitive in terms of exhausting the issue.


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Esta disertación es producto de una pesquisa participativa, y su objetivo es describir el Sistema de Capacitación que se realiza en la Academia de la Policia Civil deI Estado de Rio de Janeiro, para los dectetives de tercera classe. EI processo retratado incluye el análisis de la historia de la Institución hasta la propuesta para la elaboración y recomendaciónes de un Sistema de Capacitación para el tercer milenio com el fin de formar un dectetive voltado para la prestación de servicio a la comunidad.


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As Brazil wants to be perceived as a competitor in providing computer applications and system development services in the global market, the concept of Software Factory gains importance. The metaphor for the 'Factory', when applied to the activity of software development, is used to describe organizations which produce software with a minimum quality standard and at competitive costs. However, the term 'Factory' recalls Fordist concepts, which have been challenged for a few decades in the manufacturing industry. This study analyzed university curricula and how students and teachers perceive the concept of Software Factory and assessed them in relation to the Fordism ------------ post-Fordism /continuum/. It was observed that some of the teachers who have influence over curricula define Software Factories according to Fordist concepts. It was also observed that, despite opportunities for improvements, curricula are adequately structured with regards to the skills a professional at these organizations must possess. We conclude that education provided at the programs being analyzed is adequate, but that it must be supplemented by companies or by the professionals themselves so that the knowledge acquired in the programs may be put in practice.


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The high degree of flexibility has been pointed as one of the outstanding characteristics of the Brazilian job market. Employability is being a frequent discussion issue among the professionals of the human resources area. The Human Capital Theory and the contemporary discussion concerning Employability argue the relationship of the educational practice and of the production practice in a capitalist economical-social structure as a whole. The education consequences in the individuals' life are reflected in several ways, direct and indirectly. Our objective is to evaluate, with statistics methods, and in that universe of consequences, the explanatory events of the relationships between education-wage and education¿job. The main reason of this work is to evaluate the relationship between education, wage and Employability from a structural model perspective, seeking to compare and to contrast two effective theories: the one from the human capital and other from the Employability. To make this analysis, a database of individuals that are working at the formal work market in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area, had been used. The results showed the education importance on the wage level, as well as, on the Employability factor, whose values and highest taxes correspond to the individuals graduated on the university.