951 resultados para Calcium-Binding Proteins


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Overexpression of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) A2 and B1 has been observed in a variety of tumour types, however, it is unknown whether this dysregulation is a consequence of, or a driving force for, unregulated cell proliferation. We have shown that the levels of hnRNPs A1, A2 and B1, but not A3, are modulated during the cell cycle of Colo16 squamous carcinoma cells and HaCaT immortalized keratinocytes, suggesting that A1, A2 and B1 are needed at particular cell cycle stages. However, the levels of hnRNP A1, A2 and B1 mRNAs were constant, indicating that regulation of protein levels was controlled at the level of translation. RNAi suppression of hnRNP At or A3 alone did not affect the proliferation of Colo16 cells but the proliferation rate was significantly reduced when both were suppressed simultaneously, or when either was suppressed together with hnRNP A2. Reducing hnRNP A2 expression in Colo16 and HaCaT cells by RNAi led to a non-apoptotic-related decrease in cell proliferation, reinforcing the view that this protein is required for cell proliferation. Suppression of hnRNP A2 in Colo16 cells was associated with increased p21 levels but p53 levels remained unchanged. In addition, expression of BRCA1 was downregulated, at both mRNA and protein levels. The observed effects of hnRNP A2 and its isoforms on cell proliferation and their correlation with BRCA1 and p21 expression suggest that these hnRNP proteins play a role in cell proliferation.


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To simulate the process of calcification in hydrogel implants, particularly calcification inside hydrogels, in vitro experiments using two compartment permeation cells have been performed. PHEMA hydrogel membranes were synthesized by free radical polymerization in bulk. The permeability and diffusion coefficient for Ca2+ ions at 37 ° C were determined using Fick's laws of diffusion. It was evident that Ca2+ ions either from CaCl2 or SBF solutions may diffuse through PHEMA hydrogel membranes. The fort-nation of calcium phosphate deposits inside the hydrogel was observed and attributed to a heterogeneous nucleation from diffusing calcium and phosphate ions. The morphology of the deposits both on the surface and inside the hydrogels was found to be similar, i.e. spherical aggregates with a diameter of less than one micron. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The molecular processes underlying alcohol dependence are not fully understood. Many characteristic behaviours result from neuroadaptations in the mesocorticolimbic system. In addition, alcoholism is associated with a distinct neuropathology. To elucidate the molecular basis of these features, we compared the RNA expression profile of the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex of human brain from matched individual alcoholic and control cases using cDNA microarrays. Approximately 6% of genes with a marked alcohol response were common to the two brain regions. Alcohol-responsive genes were grouped into 11 functional categories. Predominant alcohol-responsive genes in the prefrontal cortex were those encoding DNA-binding proteins including transcription factors and repair proteins. There was also a down-regulation of genes encoding mitochondrial proteins, which could result in disrupted mitochondrial function and energy production leading to oxidative stress. Other alcohol-responsive genes in the prefrontal cortex were associated with neuroprotection/apoptosis. In contrast, in the nucleus accumbens, alcohol-responsive genes were associated with vesicle formation and regulation of cell architecture, which suggests a neuroadaptation to chronic alcohol exposure at the level of synaptic structure and function. Our data are in keeping with the previously reported alcoholism-related pathology characteristic of the prefrontal cortex, but suggest a persistent decrease in neurotransmission and changes in plasticity in the nucleus accumbens of the alcoholic.


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The gastrointestinal tracts of multi-cellular blood-feeding parasites are targets for vaccines and drugs. Recently, recombinant vaccines that interrupt the digestion of blood in the hookworm gut have shown efficacy, so we explored the intestinal transcriptomes of the human and canine hookworms, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma caninum, respectively. We used Laser Microdissection Microscopy to dissect gut tissue from the parasites, extracted the RNA and generated cDNA libraries. A total of 480 expressed sequence tags were sequenced from each library and assembled into contigs, accounting for 268 N. americanus genes and 276 A. caninum genes. Only 17% of N. americanus and 36% of A. caninum contigs were assigned Gene Ontology classifications. Twenty-six (9.8%) N. americanus and 18 (6.5%) A. caninum contigs did not have homologues in any databases including dbEST-of these novel clones, seven N. americanus and three A. caninum contigs had Open Reading Frames with predicted secretory signal peptides. The most abundant transcripts corresponded to mRNAs encoding cholesterol-and fatty acid-binding proteins, C-type lectins, Activation-Associated Secretory Proteins, and proteases of different mechanistic classes, particularly astacin-like metallopeptidases. Expressed sequence tags corresponding to known and potential recombinant vaccines were identified and these included homologues of proteases, anti-clotting factors, defensins and integral membrane proteins involved in cell adhesion. (c) 2006 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc Published by Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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The regulation of osteoclast differentiation in the bone microenvironment is critical for normal bone remodeling, as well as for various human bone diseases. Over the last decade, our knowledge of how osteoclast differentiation occurs has progressed rapidly. We highlight some of the major advances in understanding how cell signaling and transcription are integrated to direct the differentiation of this cell type. These studies used genetic, molecular, and biochemical approaches. Additionally, we summarize data obtained from studies of osteoclast differentiation that used the functional genomic approach of global gene profiling applied to osteoclast differentiation. This genomic data confirms results from studies using the classical experimental approaches and also may suggest new modes by which osteoclast differentiation and function can be modulated. Two conclusions that emerge are that osteoclast differentiation depends on a combination of fairly ubiquitously expressed transcription factors rather than unique osteoclast factors, and that the overlay of cell signaling pathways on this set of transcription factors provides a powerful mechanism to fine tune the differentiation program in response to the local bone microenvironment.


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We have developed a sensitive, non-radioactive method to assess the interaction of transcription factors/DNA-binding proteins with DNA. We have modified the traditional radiolabeled DNA gel mobility shift assay to incorporate a DNA probe end-labeled with a Texas-red fluorophore and a DNA-binding protein tagged with the green fluorescent protein to monitor precisely DNA-protein complexation by native gel electrophoresis. We have applied this method to the DNA-binding proteins telomere release factor-1 and the sex-determining region-Y, demonstrating that the method is sensitive (able to detect 100 fmol of fluorescently labeled DNA), permits direct visualization of both the DNA probe and the DNA-binding protein, and enables quantitative analysis of DNA and protein complexation, and thereby an estimation of the stoichiometry of protein-DNA binding.


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Lipophorin is the major lipid carrier in insects, but various observations indicate that lipophorin is also involved in immune reactions. To examine a possible role of lipophorin in defence reactions, we mixed hemolymph plasma from Galleria mellonella with LPS and noticed that lipophorin forms detergent-insoluble aggregates, while most other plasma proteins are not affected. Lipophorin particles isolated by low-density gradient centrifugation retained LPS-induced aggregation properties, which suggested to us that these immune-reactive particles are able to recognise LPS and respond by forming insoluble aggregates. Antibodies against LPS-binding proteins, such as immulectin-2 and beta-1,3-glucan binding protein, cross-reacted with proteins associated with purified lipophorin particles. To examine whether LPS-mediated aggregates inactivate LPS, we added LPS-lipophorin mixtures to purified lipophorin particles and monitored aggregate formation. Under these conditions lipophorin did not form insoluble aggregates, which indicates that lipophorin particles sequester LPS into non-toxic aggregates. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in the prevention of cardiovascular disease appears equivocal, however the use of more potent antioxidant combinations than those traditionally used may exert a more positive effect. We have shown previously that supplementation of vitamin E and α-lipoic acid increases cardiac performance during post-ischemia reperfusion in older rats and increases Bcl-2 levels in endothelial cells. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of vitamin E and α-lipoic acid supplementation on myocardial gene expression with a view to determine their mechanism of action. Young male rats received either a control (n=7) or vitamin E and α-lipoic acid supplemented diet (n=8) for 14 weeks. RNA from myocardial tissue was then amplified and samples were pooled within groups and competitively hybridized to 5K oligonucleotide rat microarrays. The relative expression of each gene was then compared to the control sample. Animals that received the antioxidant-supplemented diet exhibited upregulation (>1.5×) of 13 genes in the myocardium with 2 genes downregulated.� �Upregulated genes include those involved in cell growth and maintenance (LynB, Csf1r, Akt2, Tp53), cell signaling (LynB, Csf1r) and signal transduction (Pacsin2, Csf1r). Downregulated genes encode thyroid (Thrsp) and F-actin binding proteins (Nexilin).


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Although the actin cytoskeleton and the translation machinery are considered to be separate cellular complexes, growing evidence supports overlapping regulation of the two systems. Because of its interaction with actin, the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) is proposed to be a regulator or link between these processes. Using a genetic approach with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, specific regions of eEF1A responsible for actin interactions and bundling were identified. Five new mutations were identified along one face of eEF1A. Dramatic changes in cell growth, cell morphology, and actin cable and patch formation as well as a unique effect on total translation in strains expressing the F308L or S405P eEF1A mutant form were observed. The translation effects do not correlate with reduced translation elongation but instead include an initiation defect. Biochemical analysis of the eEF1A mutant forms demonstrated reduced actin-bundling activity in vitro. Reduced total translation and/or the accumulation of 80S ribosomes in strains with either a mutation or a null allele of genes encoding actin itself or actin-regulating proteins Tpm1p, Mdm20p, and Bnirp/Bni1p was observed. Our data demonstrate that eEF1A, other actin binding proteins, and actin mutants affect translation initiation through the actin cytoskeleton.


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A simple protein-DNA interaction analysis has been developed using a high-affinity/high-specificity zinc finger protein. In essence, purified protein samples are immobilized directly onto the surface of microplate wells, and fluorescently labeled DNA is added in solution. After incubation and washing, bound DNA is detected in a standard microplate reader. The minimum sensitivity of the assay is approximately 0.2 nM DNA. Since the detection of bound DNA is noninvasive and the protein-DNA interaction is not disrupted during detection, iterative readings may be taken from the same well, after successive alterations in interaction conditions, if required. In this respect, the assay may therefore be considered real time and permits appropriate interaction conditions to be determined quantitatively. The assay format is ideally suited to investigate the interactions of purified unlabeled DNA binding proteins in a high-throughput format.


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A simple protein-DNA interaction analysis has been developed using both a high-affinity/high-specificity zinc finger protein and a low-specificity zinc finger protein with nonspecific DNA binding capability. The latter protein is designed to mimic background binding by proteins generated in randomized or shuffled gene libraries. In essence, DNA is immobilized onto the surface of microplate wells via streptavidin capture, and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled protein is added in solution as part of a crude cell lysate or protein mixture. After incubation and washing, bound protein is detected in a standard microplate reader. The minimum sensitivity of the assay is approximately 0.4 nM protein. The assay format is ideally suited to investigate the interactions of DNA binding proteins from within crude cell extracts and/or mixtures of proteins that may be encountered in protein libraries generated by codon randomization or gene shuffling.


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AM-112[1′R,5R,6R)-3-(4-amino-1,1-dimethyl-butyl)-6-(1′- hydroxyethyl)oxapenem-3-carboxylatel is a novel oxapenem compound which possesses potent β-lactamase-inhibitory properties. Fifty-percent inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) of AM-112 for class A enzymes were between 0.16 and 2.24 μM for three enzymes, compared to IC50s of 0.008 to 0.12 μM for clavulanic acid. Against class C and class D enzymes, however, the activity of AM-112 was between 1,000- and 100,000-fold greater than that of clavulanic acid. AM-112 had affinity for the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of Escherichia coli DC0, with PBP2 being inhibited by the lowest concentration of AM-112 tested, 0.1 μg/ml. Ceftazidime was combined with AM-112 at 1:1 and 2:1 ratios in MIC determination studies against a panel of β-lactamase-producing organisms. These studies demonstrated that AM-112 was effective at protecting ceftazidime against extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing strains and derepressed class C enzyme producers, reducing ceftazidime MICs by 16- and 2,048-fold. Similar results were obtained when AM-112 was combined with ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, or cefepime in a 1:2 ratio. Protection of ceftazidime with AM-112 was maintained against Enterobacter cloacae P99 and Klebsiella pneumoniae SHV-5 in a murine intraperitoneal sepsis model. The 50% effective dose of ceftazidime against E. cloacae P99 and K. pneumoniae SHV-5 was reduced from >100 and 160 mg/kg of body weight to 2 and 33.6 mg/kg, respectively, when it was combined with AM-112 at a 1:1 ratio. AM-112 demonstrates potential as a new β-lactamase inhibitor.


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One of the objectives of the molecular biological study of glaucoma is to establish how the disease develops as a result of the production of aberrant gene products. Many of the genes associated with glaucoma code for proteins which are likely to be directly or indirectly involved in the development and/or function of cells within the trabecular meshwork. The identification of specific defects in these genes is likely to lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in PCG and glaucoma in general and to the development of alternative therapies to surgery. The CYP1B1 gene in particular, which is a linked to congenital glaucoma, and is expressed in the trabecular meshwork, codes for a member of the cytochrome P450 group of proteins. These iron binding proteins constitute a family of enzymes involved in the processes of xenobiotic metabolism, growth, and development. The discovery of the CYP1B1 gene in PCG emphases the importance of abnormalities in the molecular structure of proteins expressed in cells of the trabecular network as a cause of PCG. The identification of specific genetic defects leads to the possibility of more widespread screening for PCG especially in affected families and hence, the possibility of the identification of asymptomatic carriers of the disease. Early identification of 'at risk' parents may then enable earlier detection of PCG and intervention in the infant.


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Cachexia is a wasting syndrome often associated with malignancy, characterised by alterations in host metabolism and significant catabolism of host adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. The MAC16 murine adenocarcinoma is profoundly cachexigenic, inducing host weight-loss at relatively small tumour burden without the induction of anorexia. A 4DkDa factor capable of inducing lipolysis in vitro via an activation of adenylate cyclase (AC) has been isolated from the MAC16 tumour, and the urine of cachectic cancer patients, using a series of ion exchange and gel exclusion chromatography procedures. This lipid-mobilising factor (LMF) has been demonstrated to stimulate lipolysis in adipocytes dose-dependently via a signal transduction pathway involving, possibly, β3-adrenoceptors. Oral administration of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) attenuated the progression of cachexia, but not the production of LMF, in MAC16 tumour-bearing mice, and was significantly incorporated into plasma phospholipids, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. EPA supplemented cancer patients also demonstrated significantly increased plasma EPA concentrations. Decreased plasma membrane AC activity in response to LMF was observed in adipocytes isolated from mice receiving EPA. Incubation in vitro of adipocytes, or plasma membranes, with PUFAs significantly altered membrane fatty acid composition and attenuated the induction of both lipolysis, and AC activity, by LMF. The inhibitory actions of EPA, but not docosahexaenoic acid, are probably the consequence of an interaction with guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G-proteins). Progression of the cachectic state induced an up-regulation of adipocyte membrane expression of stimulatory G-proteins, allied with a concomitant down-regulation of inhibitory G-proteins, thus facilitating the catabolic actions of LMF, implying some tumour-mediated effect. A reversal of such alterations was observed upon oral administration of EPA, suggesting that the primary mechanism of action of this fatty acid is an inhibition of the end organ effects of LMF.