977 resultados para CYSTEINE PROTEASES


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The technique of rapid acidification and alkylation can be used to characterise the redox status of oxidoreductases, and to determine numbers of free cysteine residues within substrate proteins. We have previously used this method to analyse interacting components of the MHC class I pathway, namely ERp57 and tapasin. Here, we have applied rapid acidification alkylation as a novel approach to analysing the redox status of MHC class I molecules. This analysis of the redox status of the MHC class I molecules HLA-A2 and HLA-B27, which is strongly associated with a group of inflammatory arthritic disorders referred to as Spondyloarthropathies, revealed structural and conformational information. We propose that this assay provides a useful tool in the study of in vivo MHC class I structure. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Disulfide bonding contributes to the function and antigenicity of many viral envelope glycoproteins. We assessed here its significance for the hepatitis C virus E2 envelope protein and a counterpart deleted for hypervariable region-1 (HVR1). All 18 cysteine residues of the antigens were involved in disulfides. Chemical reduction of up to half of these disulfides was compatible with anti-E2 monoclonal antibody reaction, CD81 receptor binding, and viral entry, whereas complete reduction abrogated these properties. The addition of 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid had no effect on viral entry. Thus, E2 function is only weakly dependent on its redox status, and cell entry does not require redox catalysts, in contrast to a number of enveloped viruses. Because E2 is a major neutralizing antibody target, we examined the effect of disulfide bonding on E2 antigenicity. We show that reduction of three disulfides, as well as deletion of HVR1, improved antibody binding for half of the patient sera tested, whereas it had no effect on the remainder. Small scale immunization of mice with reduced E2 antigens greatly improved serum reactivity with reduced forms of E2 when compared with immunization using native E2, whereas deletion of HVR1 only marginally affected the ability of the serum to bind the redox intermediates. Immunization with reduced E2 also showed an improved neutralizing antibody response, suggesting that potential epitopes are masked on the disulfide-bonded antigen and that mild reduction may increase the breadth of the antibody response. Although E2 function is surprisingly independent of its redox status, its disulfide bonds mask antigenic domains. E2 redox manipulation may contribute to improved vaccine design.


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Nitric oxide regulates many important cellular processes including motility and invasion. Many of its effects are mediated through the modification of specific cysteine residues in target proteins, a process called S-nitrosylation. Here we show that S-nitrosylation of proteins occurs at the leading edge of migrating trophoblasts and can be attributed to the specific enrichment of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS/NOS2) in this region. Localisation of iNOS to the leading edge is co-incidental with a site of extensive actin polymerisation and is only observed in actively migrating cells. In contrast endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS/NOS3) shows distribution that is distinct and non-colocalised with iNOS, suggesting that the protein S-nitrosylation observed at the leading edge is caused only by iNOS and not eNOS. We have identified MMP-9 as a potential target for S-nitrosylation in these cells and demonstrate that it co-localises with iNOS at the leading edge of migrating cells. We further demonstrate that iNOS plays an important role in promoting trophoblast invasion, which is an essential process in the establishment of a successful pregnancy.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus infection and growth are dependent on initiating signaling and enzyme actions upon viral entry into the host cell. Proteins packaged during virus assembly may subsequently form the first line of attack and host manipulation upon infection. A complete characterization of virion components is therefore important to understanding the dynamics of early stages of infection. Mass spectrometry and kinase profiling techniques identified nearly 200 incorporated host and viral proteins. We used published interaction data to identify hubs of connectivity with potential significance for virion formation. Surprisingly, the hub with the most potential connections was not the viral M protein but the nonstructurall protein 3 (nsp3), which is one of the novel virion components identified by mass spectrometry. Based on new experimental data and a bioinformatics analysis across the Coronaviridae, we propose a higher-resolution functional domain architecture for nsp3 that determines the interaction capacity of this protein. Using recombinant protein domains expressed in Escherichia coli, we identified two additional RNA-binding domains of nsp3. One of these domains is located within the previously described SARS-unique domain, and there is a nucleic acid chaperone-like domain located immediately downstream of the papain-like proteinase domain. We also identified a novel cysteine-coordinated metal ion-binding domain. Analyses of interdomain interactions and provisional functional annotation of the remaining, so-far-uncharacterized domains are presented. Overall, the ensemble of data surveyed here paint a more complete picture of nsp3 as a conserved component of the viral protein processing machinery, which is intimately associated with viral RNA in its role as a virion component.


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Statistical approaches have been applied to examine amino acid pairing preferences within parallel beta-sheets. The main chain hydrogen bonding pattern in parallel beta-sheets means that, for each residue pair, only one of the residues is involved in main chain hydrogen bonding with the strand containing the partner residue. We call this the hydrogen bonded (HB) residue and the partner residue the non-hydrogen bonded (nHB) residue, and differentiate between the favorability of a pair and that of its reverse pair, e.g. Asn(HB)-Thr(nHB)versus Thr(HB)-Asn(nHB). Significantly (p < or = 0.000001) favoured pairings were rationalised using stereochemical arguments. For instance, Asn(HB)-Thr(nHB) and Arg(HB)-Thr(nHB) were favoured pairs, where the residues adopted favoured chi1 rotamer positions that allowed side-chain interactions to occur. In contrast, Thr(HB)-Asn(nHB) and Thr(HB)-Arg(nHB) were not significantly favoured, and could only form side-chain interactions if the residues involved adopted less favourable chi1 conformations. The favourability of hydrophobic pairs e.g. Ile(HB)-Ile(nHB), Val(HB)-Val(nHB) and Leu(HB)-Ile(nHB) was explained by the residues adopting their most preferred chi1 and chi2 conformations, which enabled them to form nested arrangements. Cysteine-cysteine pairs are significantly favoured, although these do not form intrasheet disulphide bridges. Interactions between positively and negatively charged residues were asymmetrically preferred: those with the negatively charged residue at the HB position were more favoured. This trend was accounted for by the presence of general electrostatic interactions, which, based on analysis of distances between charged atoms, were likely to be stronger when the negatively charged residue is the HB partner. The Arg(HB)-Asp(nHB) interaction was an exception to this trend and its favorability was rationalised by the formation of specific side-chain interactions. This research provides rules that could be applied to protein structure prediction, comparative modelling and protein engineering and design. The methods used to analyse the pairing preferences are automated and detailed results are available (http://www.rubic.rdg.ac.uk/betapairprefsparallel/).


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Statistical approaches have been applied to examine amino acid pairing preferences within parallel beta-sheets. The main chain hydrogen bonding pattern in parallel beta-sheets means that, for each residue pair, only one of the residues is involved in main chain hydrogen bonding with the strand containing the partner residue. We call this the hydrogen bonded (HB) residue and the partner residue the non-hydrogen bonded (nHB) residue, and differentiate between the favourability of a pair and that of its reverse pair, e.g. Asn(HB)-Thr(nHB) versus Thr(HB)-Asn(nHB). Significantly (p <= 0.000001) favoured pairings were rationalised using stereochemical arguments. For instance, Asn(HB)-Thr(nHB) and Arg(HB)-Thr(nHB) were favoured pairs, where the residues adopted favoured chi(1) rotamer positions that allowed side-chain interactions to occur. In contrast, Thr(HB)-Asn(nHB) and Thr(HB)-Arg(nHB) were not significantly favoured, and could only form side-chain interactions if the residues involved adopted less favourable chi(1) conformations. The favourability of hydrophobic pairs e.g. Ile(HB)-Ile(nHB), Val(HB)-Val(nHB) and Leu(HB)-Ile(nHB) was explained by the residues adopting their most preferred chi(1) and chi(2) conformations, which enabled them to form nested arrangements. Cysteine-cysteine pairs are significantly favoured, although these do not form intrasheet disulphide bridges. Interactions between positively and negatively charged residues were asymmetrically preferred: those with the negatively charged residue at the HB position were more favoured. This trend was accounted for by the presence of general electrostatic interactions, which, based on analysis of distances between charged atoms, were likely to be stronger when the negatively charged residue is the HB partner. The Arg(HB)-Asp(nHB) interaction was an exception to this trend and its favourability was rationalised by the formation of specific side-chain interactions. This research provides rules that could be applied to protein structure prediction, comparative modelling and protein engineering and design. The methods used to analyse the pairing preferences are automated and detailed results are available (http:// www.rubic.rdg.ac.uk/betapairprefsparallel/). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The capacity of the surface glycoproteins of enveloped viruses to mediate virus/cell binding and membrane fusion requires a proper thiol/disulfide balance. Chemical manipulation of their redox state using reducing agents or free sulfhydryl reagents affects virus/cell interaction. Conversely, natural thiol/disulfide rearrangements often occur during the cell interaction to trigger fusogenicity, hence the virus entry. We examined the relationship between the redox state of the 20 cysteine residues of the SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus) Spike glycoprotein S1 subdomain and its functional properties. Mature S1 exhibited similar to 4 unpaired cysteines, and chemically reduced S1 displaying up to similar to 6 additional unpaired cysteines still bound ACE2 and enabled fusion. In addition, virus/cell membrane fusion occurred in the presence of sulfhydryl-blocking reagents and oxidoreductase inhibitors. Thus, in contrast to various viruses including HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) examined in parallel, the functions of the SARS-CoV Spike glycoprotein exhibit a significant and surprising independence of redox state, which may contribute to the wide host range of the virus. These data suggest clues for molecularly engineering vaccine immunogens.


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We used two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis to determine early changes in the stress-response pathways that precede focal adhesion disorganization linked to the onset of apoptosis of renal epithelial cells. Treatment of LLC-PK1 cells with the model nephrotoxicant 1,2-(dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (DCVC) resulted in a >1.5-fold up- and down-regulation of 14 and 9 proteins, respectively, preceding the onset of apoptosis. Proteins included those involved in metabolism, i.e. aconitase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, and those related to stress responses and cytoskeletal reorganization, i.e. cofilin, Hsp27, and alpha-b-crystallin. The most prominent changes were found for Hsp27, which was related to a pI shift in association with an altered phosphorylation status of serine residue 82. Although both p38 and JNK were activated by DCVC, only inhibition of p38 with SB203580 reduced Hsp27 phosphorylation, which was associated with accelerated reorganization of focal adhesions, cell detachment, and apoptosis. In contrast, inhibition of JNK with SP600125 maintained cell adhesion as well as protection against apoptosis. Active JNK co-localized at focal adhesions after DCVC treatment in a FAK-dependent manner. Inhibition of active JNK localization at focal adhesions did not prevent DCVC-induced phosphorylation of Hsp27. Overexpression of a phosphorylation-defective mutant Hsp27 acted as a dominant negative and accelerated the DCVC-induced changes in the focal adhesions as well as the onset of apoptosis. Our data fit a model whereby early p38 activation results in a rapid phosphorylation of Hsp27, a requirement for proper maintenance of cell adhesion, thus suppressing renal epithelial cell apoptosis.


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To further elucidate the role of proteases capable of cleaving N-terminal proopiomelanocortin (N-POMC)-derived peptides, we have cloned two cDNAs encoding isoforms of the airway trypsin-like protease (AT) from mouse (MAT) and rat ( RAT), respectively. The open reading frames comprise 417 amino acids (aa) and 279 aa. The mouse AT gene was located at chromosome 5E1 and contains 10 exons. The longer isoform, which we designated MAT1 and RAT1, has a simple type II transmembrane protein structure, consisting of a short cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane domain, a SEA (63-kDa sea urchin sperm protein, enteropeptidase, agrin) module, and a serine protease domain. The human homolog of MAT1 and RAT1 is the human AT ( HAT). The shorter isoform, designated MAT2 and RAT2, which contains an alternative N terminus, was formerly described in the rat as adrenal secretory serine protease (AsP) and has been shown to be involved in the processing of N-POMC-derived peptides. In contrast to the long isoform, neither MAT2 and RAT2 ( AsP) contain a transmembrane domain nor a SEA domain but an N-terminal signal peptide to direct the enzyme to the secretory pathway. The C terminus, covering the catalytic triad, is identical in both isoforms. Immunohistochemically, MAT/RAT was predominantly expressed in tissues of the upper gastrointestinal and the respiratory tract - but also in the adrenal gland. Moreover, isoform-specific RT-PCR and quantitative PCR analysis revealed a complex expression pattern of the two isoforms with differences between mice and rats. These findings indicate a multifunctional role of these proteases beyond adrenal proliferation.


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Serine acetyltransferase (SAT) catalyzes the first step of cysteine synthesis in microorganisms and higher plants. Here we present the 2.2 Angstrom crystal structure of SAT from Escherichia coli, which is a dimer of trimers, in complex with cysteine. The SAT monomer consists of an amino-terminal alpha-helical domain and a carboxyl- terminal left-handed beta-helix. We identify His(158) and Asp(143) as essential residues that form a catalytic triad with the substrate for acetyl transfer. This structure shows the mechanism by which cysteine inhibits SAT activity and thus controls its own synthesis. Cysteine is found to bind at the serine substrate site and not the acetyl-CoA site that had been reported previously. On the basis of the geometry around the cysteine binding site, we are able to suggest a mechanism for the O-acetylation of serine by SAT. We also compare the structure of SAT with other left-handed beta-helical structures.


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The mechanism of action and properties of a solid-phase ligand library made of hexapeptides (combinatorial peptide ligand libraries or CPLL, for capturing the "hidden proteome", i.e. the low- and very low-abundance proteins Constituting the vast majority of species in any proteome. as applied to plant tissues, are reviewed here. Plant tissues are notoriously recalcitrant to protein extraction and to proteome analysis, Firstly, rigid plant cell walls need to be mechanically disrupted to release the cell content and, in addition to their poor protein yield, plant tissues are rich in proteases and oxidative enzymes, contain phenolic Compounds, starches, oils, pigments and secondary metabolites that massively contaminate protein extracts. In addition, complex matrices of polysaccharides, including large amount of anionic pectins, are present. All these species compete with the binding of proteins to the CPLL beads, impeding proper capture and identification I detection of low-abundance species. When properly pre-treated, plant tissue extracts are amenable to capture by the CPLL beads revealing thus many new species among them low-abundance proteins. Examples are given on the treatment of leaf proteins, of corn seed extracts and of exudate proteins (latex from Hevea brasiliensis). In all cases, the detection of unique gene products via CPLL Capture is at least twice that of control, untreated sample. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We used two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis to determine early changes in the stress-response pathways that precede focal adhesion disorganization linked to the onset of apoptosis of renal epithelial cells. Treatment of LLC-PK1 cells with the model nephrotoxicant 1,2-(dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine ( DCVC) resulted in a > 1.5-fold up- and down-regulation of 14 and 9 proteins, respectively, preceding the onset of apoptosis. Proteins included those involved in metabolism, i.e. aconitase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, and those related to stress responses and cytoskeletal reorganization, i.e. cofilin, Hsp27, and alpha-b-crystallin. The most prominent changes were found for Hsp27, which was related to a pI shift in association with an altered phosphorylation status of serine residue 82. Although both p38 and JNK were activated by DCVC, only inhibition of p38 with SB203580 reduced Hsp27 phosphorylation, which was associated with accelerated reorganization of focal adhesions, cell detachment, and apoptosis. In contrast, inhibition of JNK with SP600125 maintained cell adhesion as well as protection against apoptosis. Active JNK co-localized at focal adhesions after DCVC treatment in a FAK-dependent manner. Inhibition of active JNK localization at focal adhesions did not prevent DCVC-induced phosphorylation of Hsp27. Overexpression of a phosphorylation-defective mutant Hsp27 acted as a dominant negative and accelerated the DCVC-induced changes in the focal adhesions as well as the onset of apoptosis. Our data fit a model whereby early p38 activation results in a rapid phosphorylation of Hsp27, a requirement for proper maintenance of cell adhesion, thus suppressing renal epithelial cell apoptosis.


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Intrinsically chiral metal and mineral surfaces show enantioselective behaviour without modifiers. Examples are artificial high-Miller-index surfaces of metal single crystals with cubic bulk lattice symmetry, which have no mirror planes and are therefore chiral, or surfaces of naturally occurring crystallites of some common minerals, such as alpha-quartz or calcite. Recent findings with regards to the surface geometry, reactivity and thermal stability of intrinsically chiral surfaces are discussed. A number of enantioselective effects have been reported in connection with the adsorption of small chiral molecules (e.g. alanine, cysteine) on intrinsically chiral surfaces under well-defined conditions. From a combination of experimental surface science techniques and theoretical ab initio model calculations it emerges that these effects are due to a combination of attractive and repulsive adsorbate-substrate and inter-adsorbate interactions.


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The adsorption of L-CySteine and L-methionine amino acids on a chiral Cu{5 3 1} surface was investigated with high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and carbon K-edge near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) Spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. XPS shows that at 300 K L-cysteine adsorbs through two oxygen, a nitrogen and a sulfur atom, in a four point 'quadrangular footprint', whereas L-methionine adsorbs through only two oxygen and a nitrogen atom in a 'triangular footprint'. NEWS was used to clarify the adsorption geometry of both molecules, which suggests a binding orientation to the top layer and second layer atoms in two different orientations associated with adsorption sites on {1 1 0} and {3 1 1} microfacets; of the Cu{5 3 1} surface. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mechanisms of nigral cell injury in Parkinson's disease remain unclear, although a combination of increased oxidative stress, the formation of catecholamine-quinones and the subsequent formation of neurotoxic cysteinyl-catecholamine conjugates may contribute. In the present study, peroxynitrite was observed to generate both 2-S- and 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine and a dihydrobenzothiazine species, DHBT-1, following the reaction of dopamine with L-cysteine. The formation of 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine and DHBT-1 in the presence of peroxynitrite induced significant neuronal injury. Pre-treatment of cortical neurons with pelargonidin, quercetin, hesperetin, caffeic acid, the 4'-O-Me derivatives of catechin and epicatechin (0.1-3.0 mu M) resulted in concentration dependant protection against 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine-induced neurotoxicity. These data suggest that polyphenols may protect against neuronal injury induced by endogenous neurotoxins relevant to the aetiology of the Parkinson disease. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.