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The capacity of the surface glycoproteins of enveloped viruses to mediate virus/cell binding and membrane fusion requires a proper thiol/disulfide balance. Chemical manipulation of their redox state using reducing agents or free sulfhydryl reagents affects virus/cell interaction. Conversely, natural thiol/disulfide rearrangements often occur during the cell interaction to trigger fusogenicity, hence the virus entry. We examined the relationship between the redox state of the 20 cysteine residues of the SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus) Spike glycoprotein S1 subdomain and its functional properties. Mature S1 exhibited similar to 4 unpaired cysteines, and chemically reduced S1 displaying up to similar to 6 additional unpaired cysteines still bound ACE2 and enabled fusion. In addition, virus/cell membrane fusion occurred in the presence of sulfhydryl-blocking reagents and oxidoreductase inhibitors. Thus, in contrast to various viruses including HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) examined in parallel, the functions of the SARS-CoV Spike glycoprotein exhibit a significant and surprising independence of redox state, which may contribute to the wide host range of the virus. These data suggest clues for molecularly engineering vaccine immunogens.


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GP catalyzes the phosphorylation of glycogen to Glc-1-P. Because of its fundamental role in the metabolism of glycogen, GP has been the target for a systematic structure-assisted design of inhibitory compounds, which could be of value in the therapeutic treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The most potent catalytic-site inhibitor of GP identified to date is spirohydantoin of glucopyranose (hydan). In this work, we employ MD free energy simulations to calculate the relative binding affinities for GP of hydan and two spirohydantoin analogues, methyl-hydan and n-hydan, in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by a methyl- or amino group, respectively. The results are compared with the experimental relative affinities of these ligands, estimated by kinetic measurements of the ligand inhibition constants. The calculated binding affinity for methyl-hydan (relative to hydan) is 3.75 +/- 1.4 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the experimental value (3.6 +/- 0.2 kcal/mol). For n-hydan, the calculated value is 1.0 +/- 1.1 kcal/mol, somewhat smaller than the experimental result (2.3 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol). A free energy decomposition analysis shows that hydan makes optimum interactions with protein residues and specific water molecules in the catalytic site. In the other two ligands, structural perturbations of the active site by the additional methyl- or amino group reduce the corresponding binding affinities. The computed binding free energies are sensitive to the preference of a specific water molecule for two well-defined positions in the catalytic site. The behavior of this water is analyzed in detail, and the free energy profile for the translocation of the water between the two positions is evaluated. The results provide insights into the role of water molecules in modulating ligand binding affinities. A comparison of the interactions between a set of ligands and their surrounding groups in X-ray structures is often used in the interpretation of binding free energy differences and in guiding the design of new ligands. For the systems in this work, such an approach fails to estimate the order of relative binding strengths, in contrast to the rigorous free energy treatment.


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Differential protein expression analysis based on modification of selected amino acids with labelling reagents has become the major method of choice for quantitative proteomics. One such methodology, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE), uses a matched set of fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl (NHS) ester cyanine dyes to label lysine residues in different samples which can be run simultaneously on the same gels. Here we report the use of iodoacetylated cyanine (ICy) dyes (for labelling of cysteine thiols, for 2-D DIGE-based redox proteomics. Characterisation of ICy dye labelling in relation to its stoichiometry, sensitivity and specificity is described, as well as comparison of ICy dye with NHS-Cy dye labelling and several protein staining methods. We have optimised conditions for labelling of nonreduced, denatured samples and report increased sensitivity for a subset of thiol-containing proteins, allowing accurate monitoring of redox-dependent thiol modifications and expression changes. Cysteine labelling was then combined with lysine labelling in a multiplex 2-D DIGE proteomic study of redox-dependent and ErbB2-dependent changes in epithelial cells exposed to oxidative stress. This study identifies differentially modified proteins involved in cellular redox regulation, protein folding, proliferative suppression, glycolysis and cytoskeletal organisation, revealing the complexity of the response to oxidative stress and the impact that overexpression of ErbB2 has on this response.


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Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is currently exploited as a target for inhibition of hepatic glycogenolysis under high glucose conditions. Spirohydantoin of glucopyranose and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine have been identified as the most potent inhibitors of GP that bind at the catalytic site. Four spirohydantoin and three beta-D-glucopyranosylamine analogs have been designed, synthesized and tested for inhibition of GP in kinetic experiments. Depending on the functional group introduced, the K(i) values varied from 16.5 microM to 1200 microM. In order to rationalize the kinetic results, we determined the crystal structures of the analogs in complex with GP. All the inhibitors bound at the catalytic site of the enzyme, by making direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the protein and by inducing minor movements of the side chains of Asp283 and Asn284, of the 280s loop that blocks access of the substrate glycogen to the catalytic site, and changes in the water structure in the vicinity of the site. The differences observed in the Ki values of the analogs can be interpreted in terms of variations in hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions, desolvation effects, ligand conformational entropy, and displacement of water molecules on ligand binding to the catalytic site.


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The cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes and the Cdk inhibitors (CDKI) are crucial regulators of cell cycle progression in all eukaryotic cells. Using rat cardiac myocytes as a model system, this chapter provides a detailed account of methods that can be employed to measure both cyclin/Cdk activity in cells and the extent of CDKI inhibitory activity present in a particular cell type.


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To further elucidate the role of proteases capable of cleaving N-terminal proopiomelanocortin (N-POMC)-derived peptides, we have cloned two cDNAs encoding isoforms of the airway trypsin-like protease (AT) from mouse (MAT) and rat ( RAT), respectively. The open reading frames comprise 417 amino acids (aa) and 279 aa. The mouse AT gene was located at chromosome 5E1 and contains 10 exons. The longer isoform, which we designated MAT1 and RAT1, has a simple type II transmembrane protein structure, consisting of a short cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane domain, a SEA (63-kDa sea urchin sperm protein, enteropeptidase, agrin) module, and a serine protease domain. The human homolog of MAT1 and RAT1 is the human AT ( HAT). The shorter isoform, designated MAT2 and RAT2, which contains an alternative N terminus, was formerly described in the rat as adrenal secretory serine protease (AsP) and has been shown to be involved in the processing of N-POMC-derived peptides. In contrast to the long isoform, neither MAT2 and RAT2 ( AsP) contain a transmembrane domain nor a SEA domain but an N-terminal signal peptide to direct the enzyme to the secretory pathway. The C terminus, covering the catalytic triad, is identical in both isoforms. Immunohistochemically, MAT/RAT was predominantly expressed in tissues of the upper gastrointestinal and the respiratory tract - but also in the adrenal gland. Moreover, isoform-specific RT-PCR and quantitative PCR analysis revealed a complex expression pattern of the two isoforms with differences between mice and rats. These findings indicate a multifunctional role of these proteases beyond adrenal proliferation.


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Expression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag protein in insect cells using baculovirus vectors leads to the abundant production of virus-like particles (VLPs) that represent the immature form of the virus. When Gag-Pol is included, however, VLP production is abolished, a result attributed to premature protease activation degrading the intracellular pool of Gag precursor before particle assembly can occur. As large-scale synthesis of mature noninfectious VLPs would be useful, we have sought to control HIV protease activity in insect cells to give a balance of Gag and Gag-Pol that is compatible with mature particle formation. We show here that intermediate levels of protease activity in insect cells can be attained through site-directed mutagenesis of the protease and through antiprotease drug treatment. However, despite Gag cleavage patterns that mimicked those seen in mammalian cells, VLP synthesis exhibited an essentially all-or-none response in which VLP synthesis occurred but was immature or failed completely. Our data are consistent with a requirement for specific cellular factors in addition to the correct ratio of Gag and Gag-Pol for assembly of mature retrovirus particles in heterologous cell types. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The adrenal cortex is a dynamic organ in which the cells of the outer cortex continually divide. It is well known that this cellular proliferation is dependent on constant stimulation from peptides derived from the ACTH precursor pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) because disruption of pituitary corticotroph function results in rapid atrophy of the gland. Previous results from our laboratory have suggested that the adrenal mitogen is a fragment derived from the N-terminal of POMC not containing the gamma-MSH sequence. Because such a peptide is not generated during processing of POMC in the pituitary, we proposed that the mitogen is generated from circulating pro-gamma-MSH by an adrenal protease. Using degenerate oligonucleotides, we identified a secreted serine protease expressed by the adrenal gland that we named adrenal secretory protease (ASP). In the adrenal cortex, expression of ASP is limited to the outer zona glomerulosa/fasciculata, the region where cortical cells are believed to be derived, and is significantly up-regulated during compensatory growth. Y1 adrenocortical cells transfected with a vector expressing an antisense RNA (and thus having reduced levels of endogenous ASP) were found to grow slower than sense controls while also losing their ability to utilize exogenous pro-gamma-MSH in the media supporting a role for ASP in adrenal growth. Digestion of an N-POMC peptide substrate encompassing the residues around the dibasic cleavage site at positions 49/50 with affinity-purified ASP showed cleavage not to occur at the dibasic site but two residues downstream leading us to propose the identity of the adrenal mitogen to be N-POMC (1-52).


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Platelets play a substantial role in cardiovascular disease, and for many years there has been a search for dietary components that are able to inhibit platelet function and therefore decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Platelets can be inhibited by alcohol, dietary fats and some antioxidants, including a group of compounds, the polyphenols, found in fruits and vegetables. A number of these compounds have been shown to inhibit platelet function both in vitro and in vivo. In the present study the effects of the hydroxycinnamates and the flavonoid quercetin on platelet activation and cell signalling in vitro were investigated. The hydroxycinnamates inhibited platelet function, although not at levels that can be achieved in human plasma by dietary intervention. However, quercetin inhibited platelet aggregation at levels lower than those previously reported. Quercetin was also found to inhibit intracellular Ca mobilisation and whole-cell tyrosine protein phosphorylation in platelets, which are both processes essential for platelet activation. The effect of polyphenols on platelet aggregation in vivo was also investigated. Twenty subjects followed a low-polyphenol diet for 3 d before and also during supplementation. All subjects were supplemented with a polyphenol-rich meal every lunchtime for 5 d. Platelet aggregation and plasma flavonols were measured at baseline and after 5 d of dietary supplementation. Total plasma flavonoids increased significantly after the dietary intervention period (P = 0.001). However, no significant changes in ex vivo platelet aggregation were observed. Further investigation of the effects of individual polyphenolic compounds on platelet function, both in vitro and in vivo, is required in order to elucidate their role in the relationship between diet and the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) may play a role in atherogenesis. We have investigated some of the mechanisms by which the thiol cysteine and the disulphide cystine can influence the oxidation of LDL by copper ions. Cysteine or cystine (100 PM) inhibited the oxidation of native LDL by copper in a simple phosphate buffer. One of the mechanisms by which cysteine (or more likely its oxidation products in the presence of copper) and cystine inhibited LDL oxidation was by decreasing the binding of copper to LDL (97% inhibition). Cysteine, but not cystine, rapidly reduced Cu2+ to Cu+. This may help to explain the antioxidant effect of cysteine as it may limit the amount of Cu2+ that is available to convert alpha-tocopherol in LDL into the prooxidant alpha-tocopherol radical. Cysteine (but not cystine) had a prooxidant effect, however, toward partially oxidised LDL in the presence of a low copper concentration, which may have been due to the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in partially oxidised LDL by Cu+ generated by cysteine. To prove that cysteine can cause the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL, we enriched LDL with lipid hydroperoxides using an azo initiator in the absence of copper. Cysteine, but not cystine, increased the rate of lipid hydroperoxide decomposition to thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the presence of copper. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Differential protein expression analysis based on modification of selected amino acids with labelling reagents has become the major method of choice for quantitative proteomics. One such methodology, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE), uses a matched set of fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl (NHS) ester cyanine dyes to label lysine residues in different samples which can be run simultaneously on the same gels. Here we report the use of iodoacetylated cyanine (ICy) dyes (for labelling of cysteine thiols, for 2-D DIGE-based redox proteomics. Characterisation of ICy dye labelling in relation to its stoichiometry, sensitivity and specificity is described, as well as comparison of ICy dye with NHS-Cy dye labelling and several protein staining methods. We have optimised conditions for labelling of nonreduced, denatured samples and report increased sensitivity for a subset of thiol-containing proteins, allowing accurate monitoring of redox-dependent thiol modifications and expression changes, Cysteine labelling was then combined with lysine labelling in a multiplex 2-D DIGE proteomic study of redox-dependent and ErbB2-dependent changes in epithelial cells exposed to oxidative stress. This study identifies differentially modified proteins involved in cellular redox regulation, protein folding, proliferative suppression, glycolysis and cytoskeletal organisation, revealing the complexity of the response to oxidative stress and the impact that overexpression of ErbB2 has on this response.


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This review provides a discussion of recent developments in the asymmetric hetero Diels-Alder reaction (AHDAR), with particular emphasis on the synthesis of carbohydrates, their derivatives, and inhibitors of carbohydrate processing enzymes.


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Potent angiotensin l-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide mixtures were obtained from the hydrolysis of beta-lactoglobulin (beta Lg) using Protease N Amano, a food-grade commercial proteolytic preparation. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out for 8 h at two different temperatures and neutral pH. Based on their ACE inhibitory activity, samples of 6 h of digestion were chosen for further analysis. The temperature used for the hydrolysis had a marked influence on the type of peptides produced and their concentration in the hydrolysate. Protease N Amano was found to produce very complex peptide mixtures; however, the partially fractionated hydrolysates had already very potent ACE inhibitory activity. The novel heptapeptide SAPLRVY was isolated and characterised. It corresponded to beta Lg f(36-42) and had an IC50 value of 8 mu m, which is considerably lower than the most potent ACE inhibitory peptides derived from bovine beta Lg reported so far. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rat kidney glutamine transaminase K (GTK) exhibits broad specificity both as an aminotransferase and as a cysteine S-conjugate beta-lyase. The beta-lyase reaction products are pyruvate, ammonium and a sulfhydryl-containing fragment. We show here that recombinant human GTK (rhGTK) also exhibits broad specificity both as an aminotransferase and as a cysteine S-conjugate beta-lyase. S-(1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl)-L-CySteine is an excellent aminotransferase and beta-lyase substrate of rhGTK. Moderate aminotransferase and beta-lyase activities occur with the chemopreventive agent Se-methyl-L-selenocysteine. L-3-(2-Naphthyl)alanine, L-3-(1-naphthyl)alanine, 5-S-L-cysteinyldopamine and 5-S-L-cysteinyl-L-DOPA are measurable aminotransferase substrates, indicating that the active site can accommodate large aromatic amino acids. The alpha-keto acids generated by transamination/L-amino acid oxidase activity of the two catechol cysteine S-conjugates are unstable. A slow rhGTK-catalyzed beta-elimination reaction, as measured by pyruvate formation, was demonstrated with 5-S-L-CysteinyIdopamine, but not with 5-S-L-CySteinyl-L-DOPA. The importance of transamination, oxidation and beta-elimination reactions involving 5-S-L-cysteinyldopamine, 5-S-L-cysteinyt-L-DOPA and Se-methyl-L-selenocysteirte in human tissues and their biological relevance are discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aims: The study of peptidase, esterase and caseinolytic activity of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, Debaryomyces hansenii and Sacchromyces cerevisiae isolates from Feta cheese brine. Methods and Results: Cell-free extracts from four strains of Lact. paracasei subsp. paracasei, four strains of D. hansenii and three strains of S. cerevisiae, isolated from Feta cheese brine were tested for their proteolytic and esterase enzyme activities. Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei strains had intracellular aminopeptidase, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, endopeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities. Esterases were detected in three of four strains of lactobacilli and their activities were smaller with higher molecular weight fatty acids. The strains of yeasts did not exhibit endopeptidase as well as dipeptidase activities except on Pro-Leu. Their intracellular proteolytic activity was higher than that of lactobacilli. Esterases from yeasts preferentially degraded short chain fatty acids. Lactobacilli degraded preferentially beta-casein. Caseinolytic activity of yeasts was higher than that of lactobacilli. Conclusions: The results suggest that Lact. paracasei subsp. paracasei and yeasts may contribute to the development of flavour in Feta cheese. Significance and impact of the Study: Selected strains could be used as adjunct starters to make high quality Feta cheese.