907 resultados para CLAYS


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Natural stone has been a popular and reliable building material throughout history appearing in many historic monuments and in more recent buildings. Research into the intrinsic properties of specific stones is important because it gives us a greater understanding of the factors that limit and act on them. This can help prevent serious problems from occurring in our buildings bringing both esthetic benefits and financial savings. To this end, the main objective of this research has been to study the influence of the fabric and the mineral composition of two types of sandstone on their durability. The first is a red continental sandstone from the Buntsandstein Age called “Molinaza Roja”, which is quarried in Montoro (Cordoba). The second is quarried in Ronda (Malaga) and is sold under the trade name of “Arenisca Ronda”. It is a light pink-whitish calcarenite deposited during the Late Tortonian to Late Messinian. We characterized their petrological and petrophysical properties by studying their rock fabrics, porous systems and mechanical properties. In order to obtain a complete vision of the behavior of their rock fabrics, we also carried out two decay tests, the salt crystallization and the freeze–thaw tests. We then measured the effects on the textures of the altered samples during and after the decay tests and we evaluated the changes in the porous system. By comparing the results between intact and altered samples, we found that Arenisca Ronda is less durable because it has a high quantity of expandable clays (smectites) and a high percentage of pores in the 0.1–1 μm range, in which the pressure produced by salt crystallization is strongest. In Molinaza Roja the decay agents caused significant sanding due to loss of cohesion between the clasts, especially during the salt crystallization test. In both stones, the anisotropies (oriented textures) have an important role in their hydric and dynamic behavior and also affect their mechanical properties (especially in the compression resistance). No changes in color were detected.


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The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)


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La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.


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La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.


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The search for cleaner processes is one of the major challenges in modern chemical industries. In this context clay derived materials are environmentally friendly catalysts that can be easily tailored to optimize their catalytic activity for a precise reaction of interest. Furthermore, clay-based catalysts can be easily separated, recovered and reused and their versatility, low cost, high catalytic activity and/or selectivity render them very attractive materials. Considering that the stability towards water vapour is a crucial aspect for catalytic performance and reuse of the catalysts, we present a study of the pore structure stability, in the presence of water vapour, of clay catalysts prepared by acid activation with HCl solutions and ion-exchange with sodium, aluminium and iron, from a natural clay collected at Serra de Dentro (Porto Santo Island, Portugal) [1]. For elucidating the influence of water vapour on the pore structure stability, water vapour adsorption- -desorption isotherm, at 298 K, was determined on each sample by gravimetric method as well as n-pentane adsorption−desorption isotherms, at 298 K, which were determined before and after the corresponding water adsorption-desorption isotherms. Prior to the measurements, the samples were outgassed during 5 h at 473 K and the adsorptives were outgassed by repeated freeze–thaw cycles. The results to be reported in the communication allow us to state that, upon contact with water vapour, the less acid activated catalysts suffered some reduction in pore volume reflecting changes in the pore structure, while the more acid activated catalysts and those prepared by ion-exchange presented excellent stability upon one cycle of water vapour adsorption-desorption. The results are corroborated by nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms determined, at 77 K, before and after the water and n-pentane adsorption-desorption measurements.


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The micro-chemical/mineralogical composition of samples of grey-paste imitations of Italic Late Republican black gloss tableware displaying a particular kind of lozenge-shaped decoration (“Losanga pottery”) from Portuguese and Spanish archaeological sites in SW Iberia has been analysed by BSEM + EDS, μXRD, Powder XRD, Portable XRF and μRaman spectroscopy. “Losanga” decorated ceramics have been found throughout the Western Mediterranean. Most of the sherds display a green-brown to greyish-black engobe at the surface resembling the gloss found in Attic pottery from Classical Greece. The overall chemical, mineralogical and fossiliferous homogeneities of the ceramic paste show common features (low K-feldspar/plagioclase ratio, high Ca content, abundance of well-preserved fragments of foraminifera microfossils) that indicate low firing conditions in the kiln ranging from 650 to 900 °C. With respect to the ceramic body, analytical results confirm an enrichment in the surface gloss layer of iron, potassium and aluminium and a depletion in silicon and calcium; the very fine grain size of the surface coating suggests elutriation of iron oxide-rich clays as confirmed by the presence of magnetite, maghemite and goethite in μ-XRD scan. Chemical and mineralogical data also suggest that the firing process was performed in a 600–850 °C temperature range, adopting the well-known technique of alternating oxidizing and reducing firing conditions largely employed at the time. The analytical results, while compatible with the archaeological hypothesis of a common provenance of the raw materials for pottery production from the Guadalquivir valley workshops cannot be considered conclusive due to the similarity in the geological substrate in the two SW Iberian regions under study.


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The Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) was built up by three major phases of eruptions; the most voluminous of which, the Deccan Phase 2, encompassed the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (KT) boundary. Deccan eruptions have been implicated as a contributor to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, however, mechanism by which volcanic activity affected biota remains poorly understood. We applied a combination of rock magnetic techniques scanning electron microscopy to characterize mineral assemblages of three sections of intertrappean lacustrine sediments from the north-western Maharashtra Deccan Volcanic Provinces. Our results indicate that in sediments deposited during the early stages of the Deccan Phase 2, the Daïwal River and Dhapewada sequences, iron-bearing mineral association is dominated by detrital iron oxides (magnetite and hematite) sourced from the weathering of the surrounding basaltic bedrocks, with minor contribution form authigenic iron sulphides (framboidal pyrite, pyrrhotite and/or greigite). The sediments deposited during the final stages of Phase 2 (the Podgawan sequence) differ significantly in their characteristics. In particular, the Podgawan sediments have 1) very low magnetic susceptibility values, but higher terrigenous fraction (clays and shales) content; 2) more complex assemblage of magnetic minerals, 3) ubiquitous presence of Fe–Ca–Ce vanadates; and 4) unusual lithological variations in the middle part of the section (represented by a charcoal-rich level that is capped by a red clay layer containing fossilized bacterial colonies). We suggest that these unusual characteristics reflect increased acidity in the region during the deposition of the Podgawan sequence, likely due to cumulative effects of volcanic aerosols released during the Deccan Phase 2 eruptions. The combination of these features may be used to recognize episodes of increased acidity in the geological record. Our results also contribute to understanding of local vs. global effects of the Deccan volcanism.