922 resultados para Body image in adolescence - Psychological aspects


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Evidence from past research suggests that behaviours and characteristics related to body dissatisfaction may be associated with greater instability of perceptual body image, possibly due to problems in the integration of body-related multisensory information. We investigated whether people with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a condition characterised by body image disturbances, demonstrated enhanced susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion (RHI), which arises as a result of multisensory integration processes when a rubber hand and the participant's hidden real hand are stimulated in synchrony. Overall, differences in RHI experience between the BDD group and healthy and schizophrenia control groups (n = 17 in each) were not significant. RHI strength, however, was positively associated with body dissatisfaction and related tendencies. For the healthy control group, proprioceptive drift towards the rubber hand was observed following synchronous but not asynchronous stimulation, a typical pattern when inducing the RHI. Similar drifts in proprioceptive awareness occurred for the BDD group irrespective of whether stimulation was synchronous or not. These results are discussed in terms of possible abnormalities in visual processing and multisensory integration among people with BDD.


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It has been argued that pornography is the most prominent sex educator for young people today (Flood, M. (2010). Young men using pornography. In E. Boyle (Ed.), Everyday Pornography (pp. 164–178). Oxford: Routledge). Research indicates that first exposure to pornography can be as young as 11 years of age. There is evidence that exposure to pornography is shaping young people’s sexual expectations and practices (H€aggstro ̈ m-Nordin et al. 2005). Many young people are learning what sex looks like from what they – or their partner or peers – observe in pornography. Significantly,pornography is normalizing sex acts that most women do not enjoy and may experience as degrading, painful, or violating. This raises serious implications for young people’s capacity to develop a sexuality that incorporates mutual pleasure, respect, and negotiation of free and full consent.While the results are complex and nuanced, research into the effects of pornography consumption provides reliable evidence that exposure to pornography increases aggressive attitudes and behavior towards women for some viewers (Malamuth et al. Annual Review of Sex Research 11, 26–91, 2000). Pornography consumption also has been found to be associated with sexual health risk taking and can impact negatively on body image and sense of self (Dean, L. (2007). Young Men, Pornography and Sexual Health Promotion, MA Research, Brighton University, Brighton, in possession of the author), and as such is a serious health and well-being issue, particularly for young women.This chapter explores preservice teachers’ reactions to pornography education using two examples from teaching of an elective Teaching Sexuality in the Middle Years, in 2011. These examples explore the complex emotions such teaching can generate and the challenges faced by preservice teachers when they are encouraged to confront the gendered and violent consequences of the normalization of pornography in a coeducational setting.


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BACKGROUND: Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can have adverse health outcomes for mother and infant throughout pregnancy. However, few studies have identified the psychosocial factors that contribute to women gaining excessive weight during pregnancy. AIM: To review the existing literature that explores the impact of psychosocial risk factors (psychological distress, body image dissatisfaction, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem) on excessive gestational weight gain. METHODS: A systematic review of peer-reviewed English articles using Academic Search Complete, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, MEDLINE Complete, PsycINFO, Informit, Web of Science, and Scopus was conducted. Quantitative studies that investigated psychosocial factors of excessive GWG, published between 2000 and 2014 were included. Studies investigating mothers with a low risk of mental health issues and normally-developing foetuses were eligible for inclusion. From the total of 474 articles located, 12 articles were identified as relevant and were subsequently reviewed in full. FINDINGS: Significant associations were found between depression, body image dissatisfaction, and social support with excessive gestational weight gain. No significant relationships were reported between anxiety, stress, self-efficacy, or self-esteem and excessive gestational weight gain. CONCLUSION: The relationship between psychosocial factors and weight gain in pregnancy is complex; however depression, body dissatisfaction and social support appear to have a direct relationship with excessive gestational weight gain. Further research is needed to identify how screening for, and responding to, psychosocial risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain can be successfully incorporated into current antenatal care.


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The flight range of migrating birds depends crucially on the amount of fuel stored by the bird prior to migration or taken up en route at stop-over sites. However, an increase in body mass is associated with an increase in energetic costs, counteracting the benefit of fuel stores. Water imbalance, occurring when water loss exceeds metabolic water production, may constitute another less well recognised problem limiting flight range. The main route of water loss during flight is via the lungs; the rate of loss depends on ambient temperature, relative humidity and ventilatory flow and increases with altitude. Metabolite production results in an increased plasma osmolality, also endangering the proper functioning of the organism during flight. Energetic constraints and water-balance problems may interact in determining several aspects of flight behaviour, such as altitude of flight, mode of flight, lap distance and stop-over duration. To circumvent energetic and water-balance problems, a bird could migrate in short hops instead of long leaps if crossing of large ecological barriers can be avoided. However, although necessitating larger fuel stores and being more expensive, migration by long leaps may sometimes be faster than by short hops. Time constraints are also an important factor in explaining why soaring, which conserves energy and water, occurs exclusively in very large species: small birds can soar at low speeds only. Good navigational skills involving accurate orientation and assessment of altitude and air and ground speed assist in avoiding physiological stress during migration.


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OBJECTIVE: The frequency and emotional response to bullying victimisation are known to be associated with adolescent mental ill health. A potentially important under-investigated factor is the form of bullying. Four common forms of bullying behaviours are name-calling, physical threats or harm, rumour spreading and social exclusion. To more comprehensively understand bullying victimisation in adolescence, we examined the association of all three factors (frequency, emotional response, form) to psychological distress and emotional wellbeing. METHOD: A stratified, random sample of adolescents (n = 10, 273; mean age = 14.33 years, standard deviation = 1.68 years) completed validated measures of bullying victimisation (Gatehouse Bullying Questionnaire), psychological distress (K10) and emotional wellbeing (Mental Health Inventory) in classroom time. Associations between the form of bullying victimisation and mental health outcomes were examined. RESULTS: Adolescents reported a high prevalence of all four forms of bullying: teased or called names (30.6%), rumour spreading (17.9%), social exclusion (14.3%) and physical threats or harm (10.7%). Victimisation was independently associated with significantly higher levels of psychological distress and reduced levels of emotional wellbeing for all forms of bullying. In particular, social exclusion had a strong association with mental ill health. Adolescents who experienced frequent bullying that was upsetting reported higher psychological distress and reduced emotional wellbeing. CONCLUSION: Different forms of bullying victimisation were independently associated with psychological distress and reduced emotional wellbeing. In particular, frequent and upsetting social exclusion requires a targeted and measured response by school communities and health practitioners.


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Intuitive eating has been proposed as an eating style that fosters a positive attitude towards food, the body, and physical activity. A systematic review of the literature was undertaken to examine intuitive eating in relation to disordered eating, body image, emotional functioning, and other psychosocial correlates in adult women. Articles were identified through Academic Search Complete, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Health Source (Nursing and Academic Edition), Medline Complete, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, PubMed and Scopus. Eligible studies were those that examined women aged 18 years and older, measured intuitive eating, and assessed a psychosocial correlate of intuitive eating. Twenty-four cross-sectional studies, published between 2006 and September 2015, met eligibility criteria. Intuitive eating was associated with less disordered eating, a more positive body image, greater emotional functioning, and a number of other psychosocial correlates that have been examined less extensively. However, given that all studies used cross-sectional designs, no conclusions regarding the direction of the relationship between intuitive eating and psychosocial correlates can be drawn. Participants in the majority of studies were university students in the United States so findings cannot be generalised to the wider population of female adults. Prospective studies are now needed to verify these cross-sectional findings, and show if intuitive eating may reduce disordered eating and body image concerns, and promote women's psychological health and well-being.


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STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: Determine the effectiveness a resistive exercise countermeasure with whole-body vibration in relation to lumbo-pelvic muscle and spinal morphology changes during simulated spaceflight (bed-rest). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Spinal lengthening, flattening of the spinal curves, increases in disc size, and muscle atrophy are commonly seen in spaceflight simulation. This may represent a risk for low back injury. Consideration of exercise countermeasures against these changes is critical for success of long-term spaceflight missions. METHODS: Twenty healthy male subjects underwent 8-weeks of bed-rest with 6-months follow-up and were randomly allocated to an inactive control or countermeasure exercise group. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbo-pelvic region was conducted at regular time-points during and after bed-rest. Using uniplanar images at L4, cross-sectional areas of the multifidus, lumbar erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, psoas, anterolateral abdominal, and rectus abdominis muscles were measured. Sagittal scans were used to assess lumbar spine morphology (length, sagittal disc area and height, and intervertebral angles). RESULTS: The countermeasure group exhibited less multifidus muscle atrophy (P = 0.024) and its atrophy did not persist long-term as in the control group (up to 3-months; P < 0.006). Spinal lengthening (P = 0.03) and increases in disc area (P = 0.041) were also reduced. Significant partial correlations (P < 0.001) existed between spinal morphology and muscle cross-sectional area changes. CONCLUSION: The resistive vibration exercise countermeasure reduced, but did not entirely prevent, multifidus muscle atrophy and passive spinal tissue deconditioning during bed-rest. Atrophy of the multifidus muscles was persistent long-term in the inactive subjects. Future work could consider closer attention to spinal posture during exercise and optimizing exercise dose.


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Objective: Olanzapine is the most commonly prescribed atypical antipsychotic medication in Australia. Research reports an average weight gain of between 4.5 and 7 kg in the 3 months following its commencement. Trying to minimize this weight gain in a population with an already high prevalence of obesity, mortality and morbidity is of clinical and social importance. This randomized controlled trial investigated the impact of individual nutrition education provided by a dietitian on weight gain in the 3 and 6 months following the commencement of olanzapine.

Method: Fifty-one individuals (29 females, 22 males) who had started on olanzapine in the previous 3 months (mean length of 27 days ± 20) were recruited through Peninsula Health Psychiatric Services and were randomly assigned to either the intervention (n = 29) or the control group (n = 22). Individuals in the intervention group received six 1 hour nutrition education sessions over a 3-month period. Weight, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI) and qualitative measures of exercise levels, quality of life, health and body image were collected at baseline at 3 and 6 months.

Results: After 3 months, the control group had gained significantly more weight than the treatment group (6.0 kg vs 2.0 kg, p ≤ 0.002). Weight gain of more than 7% of initial weight occurred in 64% of the control group compared to 13% of the treatment group. The control group's BMI increased significantly more than the treatment group's (2 kg/m2vs 0.7 kg/m2, p ≤ 0.03). The treatment group reported significantly greater improvements in moderate exercise levels, quality of life, health and body image compared to the controls. At 6 months, the control group continued to show significantly more weight gain since baseline than the treatment group (9.9 kg vs 2.0 kg, p ≤ 0.013) and consequently had significantly greater increases in BMI (3.2 kg/m2vs 0.8 kg/m2, p ≤ 0.017).


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De acordo com um recente relatório da Organização Mundial de Saúde, a obesidade atingiu proporções epidêmicas em todo o mundo. Hoje a obesidade é muito comum e está começando a substituir a desnutrição e as doenças infecciosas. A obesidade está relacionada com doenças crônico-degenerativas e com sérias conseqüências psicológicas para o indivíduo. A obesidade é uma doença complexa e heterogênea, influenciada por diversos genes, no entanto, a combinação dos genes envolvidos no desenvolvimento de formas de obesidade ainda não foi definitivamente determinada (REILLY et al, 2002). A obesidade, ou o aumento da adiposidade, é geralmente atribuída a um desequilíbrio entre a energia ingerida (padrão alimentar) e a energia gasta (atividade física e metabolismo basal). Assim, o manejo da obesidade consiste em tornar esse balanço energético negativo, sendo o exercício considerado um dos aspectos principais, associado com mudanças alimentares e de estilo de vida saudáveis (ESCRIVÃO & LOPEZ, 1998). Dietas são, na maioria das vezes, transitórias. Então, a mudança de hábito alimentar e de atividade física são os aspectos principais, especialmente na criança, uma vez que a manutenção de peso irá proporcionar uma melhora dramática da composição corporal, já que o crescimento linear ainda existe. Mas, qualquer mudança de hábito necessita da colaboração da família (HILL et al, 1993). Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal comparar um programa de educação em obesidade infantil com o atendimento ambulatorial para manejo de obesidade infantil quanto a mudanças de hábitos alimentares e de atividade física e aquisição de conhecimentos em dieta saudável. Foi desenvolvido inicialmente um programa de educação em obesidade infantil e posteriormente comparado com o atendimento ambulatorial habitual. O presente estudo constou de um ensaio clínico randomizado entre crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 7 e 13 anos incompletos que tivessem IMC compatível para obesidade, de acordo com a idade e sexo, segundo classificação de COLE et al (2002). Os sujeitos foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos. Cada grupo foi acompanhado por oito meses, sendo que o primeiro e o oitavo encontro serviram para responder questionários que avaliavam aspectos gerais, hábitos alimentares e de atividade física, conhecimentos gerais sobre dieta saudável e avaliação corporal. O grupo ambulatorial teve atendimento mensal com aferição de peso e orientações gerais quanto alimentação e atividade física. O grupo programa tinha encontro mensal, em grupo, seus participantes assistiam a uma aula expositiva e, posteriormente, eram divididos em grupos para atividades monitoradas, e os pais e/ou responsáveis ficavam discutindo suas dificuldades e como mudar hábitos. As 38 crianças inicialmente apresentavam algumas diferenças quanto a atividade física, mas após a intervenção elas se assemelharam, apresentando ambas tendência a desfechos favoráveis. O grupo programa passou a fazer mais atividade física e caminhar, e reduziu sedentarismo. O grupo programa foi mais efetivo em reduzir colesterol total. Houve também uma melhora do hábito alimentar do grupo programa, com menor consumo de massa + arroz, bebida láctea + leite, leite, salsicha + frios e sanduíche + bauru. Assim, conclui-se que as intervenções foram semelhantes e de sucesso, podendo-se aplicar mais o programa, que pode envolver menos profissionais, mais sujeitos e ser realizado em qualquer local, especialmente nas escolas, que são, na realidade, o local de mudança.


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In this thesis I investigate the extent to which companies can build a more communal environment out of their fan pages while also evaluating the corresponding brand value that may come from having such a communal environment. My research is comprised in three articles: in the first article, I describe how the brand image is created or augmented in the fan page environment, therefore providing demonstrable evidence of value creation. In the second article, I describe how individuals use fan page semiotic elements to communicate their identities. Finally, in the third article, I describe the possible communal characteristics of a fan page and the conditions that enable it to evolve to the virtual brand community concept. As a result, I will contribute to the marketing literature on the use of Facebook for communicating brand identity, on the co-creation of the brand image in social media context, and on the conceptual definition of fan pages as a communal environment.


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Ornamental fish may be severely affected by a stressful environment. Stressors impair the immune response, reproduction and growth rate; thus, the identification of possible stressors will aid to improve the overall quality of ornamental fish. The aim of this study was to determine whole-body cortisol of adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, following visual or direct contact with a predator species. Zebrafish were distributed in three groups: the first group, which consisted of zebrafish reared completely isolated of the predator, was considered the negative control; the second group, in which the predator, Parachromis managuensis was stocked together with zebrafish, was considered the positive control; the third group consisted of zebrafish stocked in a glass aquarium, with direct visual contact with the predator. The mean whole-body cortisol concentration in zebrafish from the negative control was 6.78 +/- 1.12 ng g(-1), a concentration statistically lower than that found in zebrafish having visual contact with the predator (9.26 +/- 0.88 ng g(-1)) which, in turn, was statistically lower than the mean whole-body cortisol of the positive control group (12.35 +/- 1.59 ng g(-1)). The higher whole-body cortisol concentration found in fish from the positive control can be attributed to the detection, by the zebrafish, of relevant risk situations that may involve a combination of chemical, olfactory and visual cues. One of the functions of elevated cortisol is to mobilize energy from body resources to cope with stress. The elevation of whole-body cortisol in fish subjected to visual contact with the predator involves only the visual cue in the recognition of predation risk. We hypothesized that the zebrafish could recognize predator characteristics in P managuensis, such as length, shape, color and behavior. Nonetheless, the elevation of whole-body cortisol in zebrafish suggested that the visual contact of the predator may elicit a stress response in prey fish. This assertion has a strong practical application concerning the species distribution in ornamental fish markets in which prey species should not be allowed to see predator species. Minimizing visual contact between prey and predator fish may improve the quality, viability and welfare of small fish in ornamental fish markets. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The theme that fits the perspective of this thesis comes from the interest of treating, in the Epicurean corpus, about the importance of the body and its manners of realization for understanding the thought of Epicurus of Samos. Based on the inferences contained in the texts that remained from Epicurus, we did an analysis of the aspects that characterize Epicurism as a thought that makes repeated references to the body as an instance of sensitivity. It was necessary, therefore, to discuss how the body is linked to the possibility of thought, and how the latter can be admitted as a body element. It is further understood that the atomistic physics converges to the idea that asserts natural phenomena as likely to be contained and explained by the observations that come from the senses which are manifested through the body. For this reason, it was also pertinent to reflect on the admission of the body as a key element for the interpretation of Epicurean thought, even under the constitution of language. The Epicurean construction about body image was also used for the interpretation and questioning of the dynamics that define the relationships between individuals, characterizing the koinonía of the garden through the notion of corporeal unity. It was defined, therefore, that the characterization of the action field of individuals who lived in the Epicurean garden revolves around the use of logos, with the dialogues coming from the exercise of philosophy for therapeutic purposes, which were able to introduce a specific mode of political action marked by the absence of strange interests of the notion of philía


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A interação entre arte e ciência foi intensa durante o Renascimento, sofrendo declínio nos anos posteriores com retomada significativa no século XX, principalmente com o uso de técnicas de identificação, datação de obras de arte e o desenvolvimento de novos materiais. O relacionamento entre artes plásticas e Cirurgia da Mão mantêm-se intenso , sendo freqüente o uso de reproduções artísticas da mão nas ilustrações de textos científicos. Objetivando compreender o papel da mão nas artes plásticas, reproduções de obras de artes (esculturas e pinturas) representativas de vários estilos ou períodos da história da arte foram analisadas com enfoque no estudo das mãos. Detalhes anatômicos, relacionamento com outras estruturas do corpo humano, papel na composição e aspectos simbólicos das mãos foram estudados no contexto histórico e artístico de obras de arte do período paleolítico (pré-história) até o século XX. A representação da mão nas artes plásticas está diretamente relacionada ao estilo ou período da obra e à capacidade individual de interpretação e execução do artista.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate quality of life in a population that attended a specific community event on health care education, and to investigate the association of their quality of life with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors INTRODUCTION: Interest in health-related quality of life is growing worldwide as a consequence of increasing rates of chronic disease. However, little is known about the association between quality of life and cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: This study included 332 individuals. Demographics, blood pressure, body mass index, and casual glycemia were evaluated. The brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire on quality of life was given to them. The medians of the scores obtained for the physical, psychological, emotional, and environmental domains were used as cutoffs to define higher and lower scores. A multinomial logistic regression model was used to define the parameters associated with lower scores. RESULTS: Diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity were associated with lower scores in the physical domain. Dyslipidemia was also associeted with lower scores in the psychological domain. Male gender and regular physical activity had protective effects on quality of life. Aging was inversely associated with decreased quality of life in the environmental domain. CONCLUSION: The presence of cardiovascular risk factors is related to a decreased quality of life. Conversely, male gender and regular physical activity had protective effects on quality of life. These findings suggest that exercising should be further promoted by health-related public programs, with a special focus on women.


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Adolescência é época de crise, mudança, readaptação ao novo corpo e de novas atitudes frente a vida. Se somarmos a isso o significado da gravidez, dos pontos de vista pessoal, social e familiar, compreenderemos como a gestação pode ser um evento difícil para a adolescente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar onde as adolescentes grávidas buscam apoio. Evidenciou-se que as entrevistadas puderam contar com o apoio da família, principalmente dos pais e, com menos freqüência com o do pai do bebê, bem como a aceitação da gravidez, sua relação com o abandono escolar, a visão idealizada dessas garotas acerca da gestação e expectativas futuras, a preocupação com aspectos biológicos e a despreocupação com problemas concretos.