982 resultados para Bmp Antagonist


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Thyroid hormones exert most of their physiological effects through two thyroid hormone receptor (TR) subtypes, TR alpha and TR beta, which associate with many transcriptional coregulators to mediate activation or repression of target genes. The search for selective TR beta ligands has been stimulated by the finding that several pharmacological actions mediated by TR beta might be beneficial in medical conditions such as obesity, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes. Here, we present a new methodology which employs surface plasmon resonance to investigate the interactions between TR beta ligand binding domain (LBD) complexes and peptides derived from the nuclear receptor interaction motifs of two of its coregulators, SRC2 and DAX1. The effect of several TR beta ligands, including the TR beta selective agonist GC-I and the TR beta selective antagonist NH-3, were investigated. We also determined the kinetic rate constants for the interaction of TR beta-T3 with both coregulators, and accessed the thermodynamic parameters for the interaction with DAX1. Our findings Suggest that flexibility plays an important role in the interaction between the receptor and its coregulators. and point out important aspects of experimental design that should be addressed when using TR beta LBD and its agonists. Furthermore, the methodology described here may be useful for the identification of new TR beta ligands. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Adenosine Is known to modulate neuronal activity within the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). The modulatory effect of adenosine A, receptors (A(1R)) on alpha(2)-adrenoceptors (Adr(2R)) was evaluated using quantitative radioautography within NTS subnuclei and using neuronal culture of normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Radioautography was used in a saturation experiment to measure Adr2R binding parameters (B(max), K(d)) In the presence of 3 different concentrations of N(6)-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA), an A(1R) agonist. Neuronal culture confirmed our radioautographic results. [(3)H]RX821002, an Adr(2R) antagonist, was used as a ligand for both approaches. The dorsomedial/dorsolateral subnucleus of WKY showed an increase in B(max) values (21%) Induced by 10 nmol/L of CPA. However, the subpostremal subnucleus showed a decrease in Kd values (24%) induced by 10 nmol/L of CPA. SHR showed the same pattern of changes as WKY within the same subnuclei; however, the modulatory effect of CPA was induced by I nmol/L (increased B(max), 17%; decreased K(d), 26%). Cell culture confirmed these results, because 10(-5) and 10(-7) mol/L of CPA promoted an Increase in [3H]RX821002 binding of WKY (53%) and SHR cells (48%), respectively. DPCPX, an AIR antagonist, was used to block the modulatory effect promoted by CPA with respect to Adr2R binding. In conclusion, our study shows for the first time an interaction between A(1R) that increases the binding of Adr2R within specific subnuclei of the NTS. This may be important In understanding the complex autonomic response induced by adenosine within the NTS. In addition, changes in interactions between receptors might be relevant to understanding the development of hypertension. (Hypertens Res 2008; 31: 2177-2186)


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The ionic liquids (ILs) 1-ethoxyethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [EtO-(CH(2))(2)MMI][Tf(2)N], and N-(ethoxyethyl)-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [EtO(CH(2))(2)MMor][Tf(2)N] were synthesized, and relevant properties, such as thermal stability, density, viscosity, electrochemical behavior, ionic conductivity, and self-diffusion coefficients for both ionic species, were measured and compared with those of their alkyl counterparts, 1-n-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [BMMI][Tf(2)N], and N-n-butyl-N-methylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide,[BMP][Tf(2)N] and N-n-butyl-N-methylmorpholinium bis(trilfuoromethanesulfonyl)imide [BMMor][Tf(2)N][. This comparison was done to evaluate the effects caused by the presence of the ether bond in either the side chain or in the organic cation ring. The salt, LiTf(2)N, was added to the systems to estimate IL behavior with regard to lithium cation transport. Pure [EtO(CH(2))(2)MMI][Tf(2)N] and their LiTf(2)N solutions showed low viscosity and the highest conductivity among the ILs studied. The H(R) (AC conductivity/NMR calculated conductivity ratio) values showed that, after addition of LiTf(2)N, ILs containing the ether bond seemed to have a greater number of charged species. Structural reasons could explain these high observed HR values for [EtO(CH(2))(2)MMor][Tf(2)N].


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Bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) is a secreted multifunctional growth factor of the TGF-beta superfamily, which is predominantly known for its osteoinductive properties and emerging potential for treatment of kidney diseases. The mature 34-38 kDa disulfide-linked homodimer protein plays a key role in the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into bone and cartilage. In this study, the full-length sequence of hBMP-7 was amplified and, then, cloned, expressed, and purified from the conditioned medium of 293T cells stably transfected with a lentiviral vector. The mature protein dimer form was properly secreted and recognized by anti-BMP-7 antibodies, and the protein was shown to be glycosilated by treatment with exoglycosidase, followed by western blotting. Moreover, the activity of the purified protein was demonstrated both in vitro, by alkaline phosphatase activity in C2C12 cells, and in vivo by induction of ectopic bone formation in Balb/c Nude mice after 21 days, respectively. This recombinant protein platform may be very useful for expression of different human cytokines and other proteins for medical applications.


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The innate immune reaction to tissue injury is a natural process, which can have detrimental effects in the absence of negative feedbacks by glucocorticoids (GCs). Although acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge is relatively harmless to the brain parenchyma of adult animals, the endotoxin is highly neurotoxic in animals that are treated with the GC receptor antagonist RU486. This study investigated the role of cytokines of the gp130-related family in these effects, because they are essential components of the inflammatory process that provide survival signals to neurons. Intracerebral LPS injection stimulated expression of several members of this family of cytokines, but oncostatin M (Osm) was the unique ligand to be completely inhibited by the RU486 treatment. OSM receptor (Osmr) is expressed mainly in astrocytes and endothelial cells following LPS administration and GCs are directly responsible for its transcriptional activation in the presence of the endotoxin. In a mouse model of demyelination, exogenous OSM significantly modulated the expression of genes involved in the mobilization of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), differentiation of oligodendrocyte, and production of myelin. In conclusion, the activation of OSM signaling is a mechanism activated by TLR4 in the presence of negative feedback by GCs on the innate immune system of the brain. OSM absence is associated with detrimental effects of LPS, whereas exogenous OSM favors repair response to demyelinated regions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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CI2H8BrN, monoclinic, Pl21/cl (No. 14), a = 7.555(6) Å, b =7.727(3) Å, c =16.643(2) Å, β =98.95(2)°, V =959.8 Å3 , Z =4, Rgt(F) =0.033, wRref(F2) =0.097, T =173 K.


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PMC42-LA cells display an epithelial phenotype: the cells congregate into pavement epithelial sheets in which E-cadherin and beta-catenin are localized at cell-cell borders. They abundantly express cytokeratins, although 5% to 10% of the cells also express the mesenchymal marker vimentin. Stimulation of PMC42-LA cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) leads to epithelio-mesenchymal transition-like changes including up-regulation of vimentin and down-regulation of E-cadherin. Vimentin expression is seen in virtually all cells, and this increase is abrogated by treatment of cells with an EGF receptor antagonist. The expression of the mesenchyme-associated extracellular matrix molecules fibronectin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan also increase in the presence of EGF. PMC42-LA cells adhere rapidly to collagen I, collagen IV, and laminin-1 substrates and markedly more slowly to fibronectin and vitronectin. EGF increases the speed of cell adhesion to most of these extracellular matrix molecules without altering the order of adhesive preference. EGF also caused a time-dependent increase in the motility of PMC42-LA cells, commensurate with the degree of vimentin staining. The increase in motility was at least partly chemokinetic, because it was evident both with and without chemoattractive stimuli. Although E-cadherin staining at cell-cell junctions disappeared in response to EGF, beta-catenin persisted at the cell periphery. Further analysis revealed that N-cadherin was present at the cell-cell junctions of untreated cells and that expression was increased after EGF treatment. N- and E-cadherin are not usually coexpressed in human carcinoma cell lines but can be coexpressed in embryonic tissues, and this may signify an epithelial cell population prone to epithelio-mesenchymal-like responses.


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The endocannabinoids, a recently discovered endogenous, lipid derived, signaling system regulating energy metabolism, have effects on central and peripheral energy metabolism predominantly via the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1). CB1 is expressed centrally in the hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens and peripherally in adipocytes and skeletal muscle. This study determined the effect of endocannabinoids on the expression of genes regulating energy metabolism in human skeletal muscle. Primary cultures of myotubes (lean and obese; n = 3/group) were treated with the cannabinoid receptor agonist, anandamide (AEA) (0.2 and 5 μM) and the CB1 specific antagonist AM251 (0.2 and 5 μM) separately and in combination for 24 h. The expression of mRNA for AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) alpha 1 (α1) and alpha 2 (α2), pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ co-activator-1α (PGC-1α) were determined using ‘Real Time’ RT-PCR. AMPKα1 mRNA increased in lean and obese myotubes in response to AM251 (P < 0.05). AEA inhibited the effect of AM251 on AMPKα1 mRNA levels in myotubes from lean and obese subjects (P < 0.05); the dose–response curve was shifted to the left in the obese. In response to AM251, irrespective of the presence of AEA, PDK4 expression was decreased in lean and obese myotubes (P < 0.05). Taken together these data suggest that endocannabinoids regulate pathways affecting skeletal muscle oxidation, effects particularly evident in myotubes from obese individuals.


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This study investigated vasodilator mechanisms in the dorsal aorta of the elephant fish, Callorhinchus milii, using anatomical and physiological approaches. Nitric oxide synthase could only be located in the perivascular nerve fibres and not the endothelium of the dorsal aorta, using NADPH histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. In vitro organ bath experiments demonstrated that a NO/soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) system appeared to be absent in the vascular smooth muscle, since the NO donors SNP (10−4 mol l−1) and SIN-1 (10−5 mol l−1) were without effect. Nicotine (3 × 10−4 mol l−1) mediated a vasodilation that was not affected by ODQ (10−5 mol l−1), l-NNA (10−4 mol l−1), indomethacin (10−5 mol l−1), or removal of the endothelium. In contrast, the voltage-gated sodium channel inhibitor, tetrodotoxin (10−5 mol l−1), significantly decreased the dilation induced by nicotine, suggesting that it contained a neural component. Pre-incubation of the dorsal aorta with the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist, CGRP8–37 (10−6 mol l1) also caused a significant decrease in the nicotine-induced dilation. We propose that nicotine is mediating a neurally-derived vasodilation in the dorsal aorta that is independent of NO, prostaglandins and the endothelium, and partly mediated by CGRP.


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This paper examines the physiological mechanisms responsible for differences in the amplitude of force fluctuations between young and old adults. Because muscle force is a consequence of motor unit activity, the potential mechanisms include both motor unit properties and the behavior of motor unit populations. The force fluctuations, however, depend not only on the age of the individual but also on the muscle group performing the task, the type and intensity of the muscle contraction, and the physical activity status of the individual. Computer simulations and experimental findings performed on tasks that involved single agonist and antagonist muscles suggest that differences in force fluctuations are not attributable to motor unit twitch force, motor unit number, or nonuniform activation of the agonist muscle, but that they are influenced by the variability and common modulation of motor unit discharge in both the agonist and antagonist muscles. Because the amplitude of the force fluctuations does not vary linearly with muscle activation, these results suggest that multiple mechanisms contribute to the differences in force fluctuations between young and old adults, although the boundary conditions for each mechanism remain to be determined.


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Depression is associated with glucocorticoid hypersecretion, due to dysfunction of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocorticol axis (HPA-axis). Because excess glucocorticoids are associated with depressive-like features in humans, glucocorticoid receptor antagonists are currently being tested for antidepressant efficacy in clinical trials. In the current study the hypothesis that mifepristone (RU486), a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, would decrease the neuroendocrine and central HPA-axis responses to an acute stressor and attentuate depressive like behavior in an animal model of behavioral helplessness (forced swim test) was tested. Adult male rats were treated with 10 mglkg RU486 (subcutaneous) for five days and then exposed to a IO-minute forced swim test (FST), conducted in Plexiglas cylinders. FST sessions were videotaped for later analysis of behavioral immobility. Plasma ACTH and corticosterone CORT were measured at 15min and 90min after FST cessation. Animals were perfused and brains were collected for immunocytochemical assessment of c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a brain region implicated in both depression and central control of the HPA axis. RU486 significantly decreased peak ACTH and CORT concentrations following FST exposure. In addition, glucocorticoid negative feedback was at1enuated in RU486-treated animals exposed to the FST. Exposure to FST alone induced c-FOS expression in the mPFC, as measured by the number of c-Fos positive neurons. Treatment with RU486 significantly increased the number of rnPFC c-Fos positive cell following FST exposure. The behavioral data obtained from FST paradigm, demonstrated that RU486 decreased immobility in the FST illustrating the potential efficacy of this drug as an antidepressant. Collectively these data suggest that RU486 dampens HPA-axis responses to stress, possibly by enhancing the excitability of stress-inhibitory neurons in the mPFC. This is particularly exciting, given the fact that this neural region is associated with decreased neural activity during depression in humans.


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The mammalian transcription factor SPI-1 (synonyms: SPI1, PU.1, or Sfpi1) plays a critical role in myeloid development. To examine early myeloid commitment in the zebrafish embryo, we isolated a gene from zebrafish that is a SPI-1 orthologue on the basis of homology and phylogenetic considerations. The zebrafish spi1 (pu1) gene was first expressed at 12 h postfertilization in rostral lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), anatomically isolated from erythroid development in caudal lateral plate mesoderm. Fate-mapping traced rostral LPM cells from the region of initial spi1 expression to a myeloid fate. spi1 expression was lost in the bloodless mutant cloche, but rostral spi1 expression and myeloid development were preserved in the mutant spadetail, despite its complete erythropoietic failure. This dissociation of myeloid and erythroid development was further explored in studies of embryos overexpressing BMP-4, or chordin, in bmp-deficient swirl and snailhouse mutants, and chordin-deficient chordino mutants. These studies demonstrate that, in zebrafish, spi1 marks a rostral population of LPM cells committed to a myeloid fate anatomically separated from and developmentally independent of erythroid commitment in the caudal LPM. Such complete anatomical and developmental dissociation of two hematopoietic lineages adds an interesting complexity to the understanding of vertebrate hematopoietic development and presents significant implications for the mechanisms regulating axial patterning.


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We have examined the requirement for Ca2+ in the signaling and trafficking pathways involved in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+, using 1,2-bis (o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxy- methyl) ester (BAPTA-AM), resulted in >95% inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. The calmodulin antagonist, W13, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 60%. Both BAPTA-AM and W13 inhibited Akt phosphorylation by 70-75%. However, analysis of insulin-dose response curves indicated that this inhibition was not sufficient to explain the effects of BAPTA-AM and W13 on glucose uptake. BAPTA-AM inhibited insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 by 50%, as determined by plasma membrane lawn assay and subcellular fractionation. In contrast, the insulin-stimulated appearance of HA-tagged GLUT4 at the cell surface, as measured by surface binding, was blocked by BAPTA-AM. While the ionophores A23187 or ionomycin prevented the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by BAPTA-AM, they did not overcome the inhibition of glucose transport. Moreover, glucose uptake of cells pretreated with insulin followed by rapid cooling to 4 °C, to promote cell surface expression of GLUT4 and prevent subsequent endocytosis, was inhibited specifically by BAPTA-AM. This indicates that inhibition of glucose uptake by BAPTA-AM is independent of both trafficking and signal transduction. These data indicate that Ca2+ is involved in at least two different steps of the insulin-dependent recruitment of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. One involves the translocation step. The second involves the fusion of GLUT4 vesicles with the plasma membrane. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Ca2+/calmodulin plays a fundamental role in eukaryotic vesicle docking and fusion. Finally, BAPTA-AM may inhibit the activity of the facilitative transporters by binding directly to the transporter itself.


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In this study, the role of nitric oxide (NO) in regulation of the pulmocutaneous vasculature of the toad, Bufo marinus was investigated. In vitro myography demonstrated the presence of a neural NO signaling mechanism in both arteries. Vasodilation induced by nicotine was inhibited by the soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) inhibitor, 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one, and the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor, Nω-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA). Removal of the endothelium had no significant effect on the vasodilation. Furthermore, pretreatment with N5-(1-imino-3-butenyl)-L-ornithine (vinyl-L-NIO), a more specific inhibitor of neural NOS, caused a significant decrease in the nicotine-induced dilation. In the pulmonary artery only, a combination of L-NNA and the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist, CGRP(8-37), completely blocked the nicotine-induced dilation. In both arteries, the vasodilation was also significantly decreased by glibenclamide, an ATP-sensitive K+ (K+ATP) channel inhibitor. Levcromakalim, a K+ATP channel opener, caused a dilation that was blocked by glibenclamide in both arteries. In the pulmonary artery, NO donor-mediated dilation was significantly decreased by pretreatment with glibenclamide. The physiological data were supported by NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, which demonstrated NOS in perivascular nerve fibers but not the endothelium of the arteries. These results indicate that the pulmonary and cutaneous arteries of B. marinus are regulated by NO from nitrergic nerves rather than NO released from the endothelium. The nitrergic vasodilation in the arteries appears to be caused, in part, via activation of K+ATP channels. Thus, NO could play an important role in determining pulmocutaneous blood flow and the magnitude of cardiac shunting.


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The olive oil phenolic oleocanthal is a natural nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compound that irritates the oral pharynx in a dose-dependent manner. It has been proposed that the biological activity of oleocanthal is partially responsible for the beneficial health effects of the Mediterranean diet. Virgin
olive oil containing oleocanthal is often added as an ingredient in a number of cooked dishes, and therefore it is of great importance to understand how best to preserve the putative health-promoting benefits of this compound, as olive oil phenolics are subject to degradation upon heating in general. One extra virgin olive oil containing 53.9 mg/kg oleocanthal was heated at various temperatures (100, 170, and 240 °C) for set time periods (0, 1, 5, 20, 60, and 90 min). Oleocanthal concentrations were quantified using HPLC, and its biological activity was determined with a taste bioassay measuring the intensity of throat irritation. Results demonstrated that oleocanthal was heat stable compared with other olive oil phenolics, with a maximum loss of 16% as determined by HPLC analysis. However, there was a significant decrease of up to 31% (p < 0.05) in the biological activity of oleocanthal as determined by the taste bioassay. Although there was minimal degradation of leocanthal concentration, there was a significant decrease in the biological activity of oleocanthal upon extended heating time, indicating a possible loss of the putative health -benefiting properties of oleocanthal. Alternatively, the difference in the concentration and biological activity of oleocanthal after heat treatment could be a result of an oleocanthal antagonist forming, decreasing or masking the biological activity of oleocanthal.