976 resultados para Bird protection.


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The role of protein kinase C (PKC) activation in ischemic preconditioning remains controversial. Since diacylglycerol is the endogenous activator of PKC and as such might be expected cardioprotective, we have investigated whether: (i) the diacylglycerol analog 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol (DOG) can protect against injury during ischemia and reperfusion; (ii) any effect is mediated via PKC activation; and (iii) the outcome is influenced by the time of administration. Isolated rat hearts were perfused with buffer at 37°C and paced at 400 bpm. In Study 1, hearts (n=6/group) were subjected to one of the following: (1) 36 min aerobic perfusion (controls); (2) 20 min aerobic perfusion plus ischemic preconditioning (3 min ischemia/3 min reperfusion+5 min ischemia/5 min reperfusion); (3) aerobic perfusion with buffer containing DOG (10 μM) given as a substitute for ischemic preconditioning; (4) aerobic perfusion with DOG (10 μM) during the last 2 min of aerobic perfusion. All hearts then were subjected to 35 min of global ischemia and 40 min reperfusion. A further group (5) were perfused with DOG (10 μM) for the first 2 min of reperfusion. Ischemic preconditioning improved postischemic recovery of LVDP from 24±3% in controls to 71±2% (P<0.05). Recovery of LVDP also was enhanced by DOG when given just before ischemia (54±4%), however, DOG had no effect on the recovery of LVDP when used as a substitute for ischemic preconditioning (22±5%) or when given during reperfusion (29±6%). In Study 2, the first four groups of study were repeated (n=4–5/group) without imposing the periods of ischemia and reperfusion, instead hearts were taken for the measurement of PKC activity (pmol/min/mg protein±SEM). PKC activity after 36 min in groups (1), (2), (3) and (4) was: 332±102, 299±63, 521±144, and 340±113 and the membrane:cytosolic PKC activity ratio was: 5.6±1.5, 5.3±1.8, 6.6±2.7, and 3.9±2.1 (P=NS in each instance). In conclusion, DOG is cardioprotective but under the conditions of the present study is less cardioprotective than ischemic preconditioning, furthermore the protection does not appear to necessitate PKC activation prior to ischemia.


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Capsule: Different urban breeding bird communities are associated with different habitat types, but, although community species diversity varies significantly, total bird density does not. Aims: To investigate the association between breeding bird communities and habitats within Bristol, UK and how these communities vary in terms of species diversity and total bird abundance. Methods: Breeding density data for 70 species in the metropolitan area of Bristol, UK were subjected to de-trended correspondence analysis to identify the number of different communities present and their indicator species. These data were then used to identify patterns of habitat association with each community and differences in species richness and total bird density. Results: Three communities were identified: a rural community associated with woodland, managed grassland and inland water; a suburban community associated with buildings and residential gardens; and an intermediate community that shared some of these habitat characteristics. Species richness, but not total bird abundance, was lowest in the suburban community. Conclusion: The diversity of species in urban areas appears to be most dependent upon the availability of patches of natural and semi-natural habitats. Residential gardens support fewer species, but those species that are present may be found at high densities.


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The olive oil polyphenol, hydroxytyrosol (HT), is believed to be capable of exerting protection against oxidative kidney injury. In this study we have investigated the ability of HT and its O-methylated metabolite, homovanillic alcohol (HVA) to protect renal cells against oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide. We show that both compounds were capable of inhibiting hydrogen peroxide-induced kidney cell injury via an ability to interact with both MAP kinase and PI3 kinase signalling pathways, albeit at different concentrations. HT strongly inhibited death and prevented peroxide-induced increases in ERK1/2 and JNK1/2/3 phosphorylation at 0.3 microM, whilst HVA was effective at 10 microM. At similar concentrations, both compounds also prevented peroxide-induced reductions in Akt phosphorylation. We suggest that one potential protective effect exerted by olive oil polyphenols against oxidative kidney cell injury may be attributed to the interactions of HT and HVA with these important intracellular signalling pathways.


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In expanding on earlier analyses of the evolution of multinational business that have drawn from concepts of competition and innovation, this study examines the strategies used by British multinationals, between 1870 and 1929, to protect the global reputation of their brands, which were crucial to their survival and success. Even after the passage of new trademark legislation in 1876, enforcement of trademarks remained expensive, and often firms preferred to negotiate, rather than to prosecute violations. Many trademark imitators were based in the newly industrializing countries of the time—the United States, Germany, and Japan—and were part of the British export supply chains as licensees, franchisees, or wholesalers. British firms responded to infringements by lobbying governments, appointing local agents to provide intelligence, and collaborating with other firms.


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Summary 1. In recent decades there have been population declines of many UK bird species, which have become the focus of intense research and debate. Recently, as the populations of potential predators have increased there is concern that increased rates of predation may be contributing to the declines. In this review, we assess the methodologies behind the current published science on the impacts of predators on avian prey in the UK. 2. We identified suitable studies, classified these according to study design (experimental ⁄observational) and assessed the quantity and quality of the data upon which any variation in predation rates was inferred. We then explored whether the underlying study methodology had implications for study outcome. 3. We reviewed 32 published studies and found that typically observational studies comprehensively monitored significantly fewer predator species than experimental studies. Data for a difference in predator abundance from targeted (i.e. bespoke) census techniques were available for less than half of the 32 predator species studied. 4. The probability of a study detecting an impact on prey abundance was strongly, positively related to the quality and quantity of data upon which the gradient in predation rates was inferred. 5. The findings suggest that if a study is based on good quality abundance data for a range of predator species then it is more likely to detect an effect than if it relies on opportunistic data for a smaller number of predators. 6. We recommend that the findings from studies which use opportunistic data, for a limited number of predator species, should be treated with caution and that future studies employ bespoke census techniques to monitor predator abundance for an appropriate suite of predators.


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Pollination is one of the most important ecosystem services in agroecosystems and supports food production. Pollinators are potentially at risk being exposed to pesticides and the main route of exposure is direct contact, in some cases ingestion, of contaminated materials such as pollen, nectar, flowers and foliage. To date there are no suitable methods for predicting pesticide exposure for pollinators, therefore official procedures to assess pesticide risk are based on a Hazard Quotient. Here we develop a procedure to assess exposure and risk for pollinators based on the foraging behaviour of honeybees (Apis mellifera) and using this species as indicator representative of pollinating insects. The method was applied in 13 European field sites with different climatic, landscape and land use characteristics. The level of risk during the crop growing season was evaluated as a function of the active ingredients used and application regime. Risk levels were primarily determined by the agronomic practices employed (i.e. crop type, pest control method, pesticide use), and there was a clear temporal partitioning of risks through time. Generally the risk was higher in sites cultivated with permanent crops, such as vineyard and olive, than in annual crops, such as cereals and oil seed rape. The greatest level of risk is generally found at the beginning of the growing season for annual crops and later in June–July for permanent crops.