977 resultados para Biological traits analysis


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As one of the primary substances in a living organism, protein defines the character of each cell by interacting with the cellular environment to promote the cell’s growth and function [1]. Previous studies on proteomics indicate that the functions of different proteins could be assigned based upon protein structures [2,3]. The knowledge on protein structures gives us an overview of protein fold space and is helpful for the understanding of the evolutionary principles behind structure. By observing the architectures and topologies of the protein families, biological processes can be investigated more directly with much higher resolution and finer detail. For this reason, the analysis of protein, its structure and the interaction with the other materials is emerging as an important problem in bioinformatics. However, the determination of protein structures is experimentally expensive and time consuming, this makes scientists largely dependent on sequence rather than more general structure to infer the function of the protein at the present time. For this reason, data mining technology is introduced into this area to provide more efficient data processing and knowledge discovery approaches.

Unlike many data mining applications which lack available data, the protein structure determination problem and its interaction study, on the contrary, could utilize a vast amount of biologically relevant information on protein and its interaction, such as the protein data bank (PDB) [4], the structural classification of proteins (SCOP) databases [5], CATH databases [6], UniProt [7], and others. The difficulty of predicting protein structures, specially its 3D structures, and the interactions between proteins as shown in Figure 6.1, lies in the computational complexity of the data. Although a large number of approaches have been developed to determine the protein structures such as ab initio modelling [8], homology modelling [9] and threading [10], more efficient and reliable methods are still greatly needed.

In this chapter, we will introduce a state-of-the-art data mining technique, graph mining, which is good at defining and discovering interesting structural patterns in graphical data sets, and take advantage of its expressive power to study protein structures, including protein structure prediction and comparison, and protein-protein interaction (PPI). The current graph pattern mining methods will be described, and typical algorithms will be presented, together with their applications in the protein structure analysis.

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Section 6.2 will give a brief introduction of the fundamental knowledge of protein, the publicly accessible protein data resources and the current research status of protein analysis; in Section 6.3, we will pay attention to one of the state-of-the-art data mining methods, graph mining; then Section 6.4 surveys several existing work for protein structure analysis using advanced graph mining methods in the recent decade; finally, in Section 6.5, a conclusion with potential further work will be summarized.


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Having an eye catching and attractive website could help hotels to compete in the vigorous online market. This study attempts to examine the relationship between human personality and the web design preferences. Kohonen Networks were adopted to cluster people with similar personality characteristics and identify their differences on web design preferences. Empirical results indicated people with similar personality traits have similar design preferences. For example, to attract those who got high scores in agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness but low score in neuroticism, a web page should start with a language selection page with introductory movie, one large image on the web page showing hotel interior design with hotel guest in the photo, and with background music.


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This paper addresses the problem of markerless tracking of a human in full 3D with a high-dimensional (29D) body model Most work in this area has been focused on achieving accurate tracking in order to replace marker-based motion capture, but do so at the cost of relying on relatively clean observing conditions. This paper takes a different perspective, proposing a body-tracking model that is explicitly designed to handle real-world conditions such as occlusions by scene objects, failure recovery, long-term tracking, auto-initialisation, generalisation to different people and integration with action recognition. To achieve these goals, an action's motions are modelled with a variant of the hierarchical hidden Markov model The model is quantitatively evaluated with several tests, including comparison to the annealed particle filter, tracking different people and tracking with a reduced resolution and frame rate.


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Gene Expression Comparative Analysis allows bioinformatics researchers to discover the conserved or specific functional regulation of genes. This is achieved through comparisons between quantitative gene expression measurements obtained in different species on different platforms to address a particular biological system. Comparisons are made more difficult due to the need to map orthologous genes between species, pre-processing of data (normalization) and post-analysis (statistical and correlation analysis). In this paper we introduce a web-based software package called EXP-PAC which provides on line interfaces for database construction and query of data, and makes use of a high performance computing platform of computer clusters to run gene sequence mapping and normalization methods in parallel. Thus, EXP-PAC facilitates the integration of gene expression data for comparative analysis and the online sharing, retrieval and visualization of complex multi-specific and multi-platform gene expression results.


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Background During evolution, plants and other organisms have developed a diversity of chemical defences, leading to the evolution of various groups of specialized metabolites selected for their endogenous biological function. A correlation between phylogeny and biosynthetic pathways could offer a predictive approach enabling more efficient selection of plants for the development of traditional medicine and lead discovery. However, this relationship has rarely been rigorously tested and the potential predictive power is consequently unknown.
Results We produced a phylogenetic hypothesis for the medicinally important plant subfamily Amaryllidoideae (Amaryllidaceae) based on parsimony and Bayesian analysis of nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial DNA sequences of over 100 species. We tested if alkaloid diversity and activity in bioassays related to the central nervous system are significantly correlated with phylogeny and found evidence for a significant phylogenetic signal in these traits, although the effect is not strong.
Conclusions Several genera are non-monophyletic emphasizing the importance of using phylogeny for interpretation of character distribution. Alkaloid diversity and in vitro inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and binding to the serotonin reuptake transporter (SERT) are significantly correlated with phylogeny. This has implications for the use of phylogenies to interpret chemical evolution and biosynthetic pathways, to select candidate taxa for lead discovery, and to make recommendations for policies regarding traditional use and conservation priorities.


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Despite considerable research on personality and "hedonic" or subjective well-being, parallel research on "eudaimonic" or psychological well-being is scarce. The current study investigated the relationship between the Big Five traits and subjective and psychological well-being among 211 men and women. Results indicated that the relationship between personality factors and psychological well-being was stronger than the relationship between personality factors and subjective well-being. Extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness correlated similarly with both subjective and psychological well-being, suggesting that these traits represent personality predispositions for general well-being. However, the personality correlates of the dimensions within each broad well-being type varied, suggesting that the relationship between personality and well-being is best modeled in terms of associations between specific traits and well-being dimensions.


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This paper presents design and simulation of a circular meander dipole antenna at the industrial, scientific, and medical band of 915 MHz for energy scavenging in a passive head-mountable deep brain stimulation device. The interaction of the proposed antenna with a rat body is modeled and discussed. In the antenna, the radiating layer is meandered, and a FR-4 substrate is used to limit the radius and height of the antenna to 14 mm and 1.60 mm, respectively. The resonance frequency of the designed antenna is 915 MHz and the bandwidth of 15 MHz at a return loss of -10 dB in free space. To model the interaction of the antenna with a rat body, two aspects including functional and biological are considered. The functional aspect includes input impedance, resonance frequency, gain pattern, radiation efficiency of the antenna, and the biological aspect involves electric field distribution, and SAR value. A complete rat model is used in the finite difference time domain based EM simulation software XFdtd. The simulated results demonstrate that the specific absorption rate distributions occur within the skull in the rat model, and their values are higher than the standard regulated values for the antenna receiving power of 1W.


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Increased encephalization has been linked to a range of behavioural traits and scenarios. However, studies of whole brain size in this context have been criticised for ignoring the role of specific brain areas in controlling behaviour. In birds, the response to potential threats is one such behaviour that may relate to the way in which the brain processes sensory information. We used a phylogenetic generalised least squares (PGLS) analyses, based on five different phylogenetic hypotheses, to analyse the relationship of relative sizes of whole brain and brain components with Flight-Initiation Distance (FID), the distance at which birds flee from an approaching human, for 41 bird species. Starting distance (the distance at which an approach to a bird commences), body mass and eye size have elsewhere been shown to be positively associated with FID, and consequently were included as covariates in our analysis. Starting distance and body mass were by far the strongest predictors of FID. Of all brain components, cerebellum size had the strongest predictor weight and was negatively associated with FID but the confidence intervals on the average estimate included zero and the overall predictor weight was low. Models featuring individual brain components were generally more strongly weighted than models featuring whole brain size. The PGLS analyses estimated there to be no phylogenetic signal in the regression models, and hence produced results equivalent to ordinary least squares regression analysis. However analyses that assumed strong phylogenetic signal produced substantially different results with each phylogeny, and overall suggest a negative relationship between forebrain size and FID. Our analyses suggest that the evolutionary assumptions of the comparative analysis, and consideration of starting distance make a profound difference to the interpretation of the effect of brain components on FID in birds.


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Complexity is increasingly the hallmark in environmental management practices of sandy shorelines. This arises primarily from meeting growing public demands (e.g., real estate, recreation) whilst reconciling economic demands with expectations of coastal users who have modern conservation ethics. Ideally, shoreline management is underpinned by empirical data, but selecting ecologically-meaningful metrics to accurately measure the condition of systems, and the ecological effects of human activities, is a complex task. Here we construct a framework for metric selection, considering six categories of issues that authorities commonly address: erosion; habitat loss; recreation; fishing; pollution (litter and chemical contaminants); and wildlife conservation. Possible metrics were scored in terms of their ability to reflect environmental change, and against criteria that are widely used for judging the performance of ecological indicators (i.e., sensitivity, practicability, costs, and public appeal). From this analysis, four types of broadly applicable metrics that also performed very well against the indicator criteria emerged: 1.) traits of bird populations and assemblages (e.g., abundance, diversity, distributions, habitat use); 2.) breeding/reproductive performance sensu lato (especially relevant for birds and turtles nesting on beaches and in dunes, but equally applicable to invertebrates and plants); 3.) population parameters and distributions of vertebrates associated primarily with dunes and the supralittoral beach zone (traditionally focused on birds and turtles, but expandable to mammals); 4.) compound measurements of the abundance/cover/biomass of biota (plants, invertebrates, vertebrates) at both the population and assemblage level. Local constraints (i.e., the absence of birds in highly degraded urban settings or lack of dunes on bluff-backed beaches) and particular issues may require alternatives. Metrics - if selected and applied correctly - provide empirical evidence of environmental condition and change, but often do not reflect deeper environmental values per se. Yet, values remain poorly articulated for many beach systems; this calls for a comprehensive identification of environmental values and the development of targeted programs to conserve these values on sandy shorelines globally.


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The present study examined the presentation of autistic traits in a large adult population sample (n = 2,343). Cluster analysis indicated two subgroups with clearly distinguishable trait profiles. One group (n = 1,059) reported greater social difficulties and lower detail orientation, while the second group (n = 1,284) reported lesser social difficulties and greater detail orientation. We also report a three-factor solution for the autism-spectrum quotient, with two, related, social-themed factors (Sociability and Mentalising) and a third non-social factor that varied independently (Detail Orientation). These results indicate that different profiles of autistic characteristics tend to occur in the adult nonclinical population. Research into nonclinical variance in autistic features may benefit by considering social- and detail-related trait domains independently.


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To assess stable effects of self-management programs, measurement instruments should primarily capture the attributes of interest, for example, the self-management skills of the measured persons. However, measurements of psychological constructs are always influenced by both aspects of the situation (states) and aspects of the person (traits). This study tests whether the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ™), an instrument assessing a wide range of proximal outcomes of self-management programs, is primarily influenced by person factors instead of situational factors. Furthermore, measurement invariance over time, changes in traits and predictors of change for each heiQ™ scale were examined.


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The musculoskeletal benefits of calcium and vitamin-D3 supplementation and exercise have been extensively studied, but the effect on metabolism remains contentious. Urine samples were analyzed by (1)H-NMR spectroscopy from participants recruited for an 18-month, randomized controlled trial of a multi-component exercise program and calcium and vitamin-D3 fortified milk consumption. It was shown previously that no increase in musculoskeletal composition was observed for participants assigned to the calcium and vitamin-D3 intervention, but exercise resulted in increased bone mineral density, total lean body mass, and muscle strength. Retrospective metabolomics analysis of urine samples from patients involved in this study revealed no distinct changes in the urinary metabolome in response to the calcium and vitamin-D3 intervention, but significant changes followed the exercise intervention, notably a reduction in creatinine and an increase in choline, guanidinoacetate, and hypoxanthine (p < 0.001, fold change > 1.5). These metabolites are intrinsically involved in anaerobic ATP synthesis, intracellular buffering, and methyl-balance regulation. The exercise intervention had a marked effect on the urine metabolome and markers of muscle turnover but none of these metabolites were obvious markers of bone turnover. Measurement of specific urinary exercise biomarkers may provide a basis for monitoring performance and metabolic response to exercise regimes.


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Metabolomics may be defined as the comprehensive quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of all metabolites present in a bio-fluid, cell, tissue, or organism. It is essentially the study of biochemical phenotypes (or metabotypes). Metabolic profiles are context dependent, and vary in response to a variety of factors including environment and environmental stimuli, health status, disease and a myriad of other factors; as such, metabolomics has been applied to a wide range of fields and has been increasingly utilised to the study of the roles played by metals in a range of biological systems as well as, encouragingly, in understanding the underlying biochemical mechanisms. The role of metals (and metalloids) in biological organisms is complex and the majority of studies in this area have been performed in plants but the fields of natural product chemistry, human health and even bacterial corrosion of water distribution systems have been investigated using this technique. In this review some of the novel approaches in which the metabolomics toolbox has been used to unravel the roles of metals and metalloids in a range of biological systems are discussed and suggestions made for future research.


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Thrombotic stroke, which is caused by blood clot in the cerebral artery, is a major source of increased mortality and morbidity. Considering as efficient and fastest methods, mathematical approaches have gained significant importance for analyzing and understanding the biological events like thrombosis. This paper presents a computational model to analyze the effects of thrombosis using the theory of coupled fluid dynamics-structure interaction. The finite element method is used for the modeling of thrombosis (blood clot) of different stages in the middle cerebral artery with physiological compliance. The developed model is used to investigate the consequences that occur due to the various sizes of clots in the artery in the form of blood flow velocity, blood pressure, and artery wall stress. Such numerical assessment will facilitate better understanding of the biophysical process in case of thrombosis and thus would support medical practitioners to take faster curing steps.