977 resultados para Bio-inspired methods
This review covers two important techniques, high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS), used to characterize food products and detect possible adulteration of wine, fruit juices, and olive oil, all important products of the Mediterranean Basin. Emphasis is placed on the complementary use of SNIF-NMR (site-specific natural isotopic fractionation nuclear magnetic resonance) and IRMS (isotope-ratio mass spectrometry) in association with chemometric methods for detecting the adulteration.
We develop a general error analysis framework for the Monte Carlo simulationof densities for functionals in Wiener space. We also study variancereduction methods with the help of Malliavin derivatives. For this, wegive some general heuristic principles which are applied to diffusionprocesses. A comparison with kernel density estimates is made.
Constituye una análisis de la información oceanográfica obtenida de la Operación MOPFEN 9510-11 que se ejecutó del 25 de Octubre al 10 de noviembre de 1995, a bordo de la E/E Huamanga del CEP de Paita. Para ello, se realizó seis perfiles oceanográficos frente a Puerto Pizarro, Paita, Punta Falsa, Chicama, Chimbote y Callao. El estudio tuvo por finalidad conocer la variación que han tenido los parámetros ambientales durante la primavera e identificar la tendencia de las condiciones del mar peruano para el mes de diciembre de 1995 e inicios del verano de 1996, todo ello en base a ocurrencias de anomalías ambientales relacionadas al Fenómeno El Niño.
Presenta el estudio bio-oceanográfico en las playas de Carpayo, Arenilla, Cocos y Mar Brava del Callao, con la finalidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre la intensidad del fenómeno El Niño 1991-1993 a través de indicadores biológicos y definir la fauna típica estacional de la zona.
When rare is just a matter of sampling: Unexpected dominance of clubtail dragonflies (Odonata, Gomphidae) through different collecting methods at Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Capture of dragonfly adults during two short expeditions to Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, using three distinct collecting methodsaerial nets, Malaise and light sheet trapsis reported. The results are outstanding due the high number of species of Gomphidae (7 out of 26 Odonata species), including a new species of Cyanogomphus Selys, 1873, obtained by two non-traditional collecting methods. Because active collecting with aerial nets is the standard approach for dragonfly inventories, we discuss some aspects of the use of traps, comparing our results with those in the literature, suggesting they should be used as complementary methods in faunistic studies. Furthermore, Zonophora campanulata annulata Belle, 1983 is recorded for the first time from Minas Gerais State and taxonomic notes about Phyllogomphoides regularis (Selys, 1873) and Progomphus complicatus Selys, 1854 are also given.
We construct a weighted Euclidean distance that approximates any distance or dissimilarity measure between individuals that is based on a rectangular cases-by-variables data matrix. In contrast to regular multidimensional scaling methods for dissimilarity data, the method leads to biplots of individuals and variables while preserving all the good properties of dimension-reduction methods that are based on the singular-value decomposition. The main benefits are the decomposition of variance into components along principal axes, which provide the numerical diagnostics known as contributions, and the estimation of nonnegative weights for each variable. The idea is inspired by the distance functions used in correspondence analysis and in principal component analysis of standardized data, where the normalizations inherent in the distances can be considered as differential weighting of the variables. In weighted Euclidean biplots we allow these weights to be unknown parameters, which are estimated from the data to maximize the fit to the chosen distances or dissimilarities. These weights are estimated using a majorization algorithm. Once this extra weight-estimation step is accomplished, the procedure follows the classical path in decomposing the matrix and displaying its rows and columns in biplots.
Comparative abundance and diversity of Dryininae (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) in three savannah phytophysiognomies in southeastern Brazil, under three sampling methods. This study aimed to assess the abundance and diversity of Dryininae in riparian vegetation, Brazilian savannah, and savannah woodland vegetation at the Estação Ecológica de Jataí, in Luiz Antônio, State of São Paulo, Brazil, by using Moericke, Malaise, and light traps. The sampling was carried out from December 2006 to November 2009, and 371 specimens of Dryininae were caught, with the highest frequencies in spring and summer. Fourteen species of Dryinus Latreille, 1804 and one of Thaumatodryinus Perkins, 1905 were identified. The highest frequencies of Dryinus in the riparian vegetation differed significantly from those obtained in the Brazilian savannah and savannah woodland vegetation. In the riparian vegetation, the highest number of Dryinus was collected using light traps and the interactions between abundance and the collection method used were significant. The number of specimens of Dryinus collected in the Brazilian savannah and savannah woodland vegetation using Malaise traps did not differ significantly from those obtained using Moericke traps. Males significantly outnumbered females in the sex ratio of Dryinus. The species diversity of Dryinus based on females collected using Malaise traps was high in the Brazilian savannah. Furthermore, high species richness of female Dryinus was observed in riparian vegetation (six species) and Brazilian savannah (five). The light trap was the most successful method for sampling diversity of Dryininae.
Revisa los acontecimientos recientes de la pesquería de anchoveta a la luz de las investigaciones contínuas realizadas y de las conclusiones del terce informe del Panel de Expertos en dinámica de poblaciones.
Pharmacogenetics, the study of how individual genetic profiles influence the response to drugs, is an important topic. Results from pharmacogenetics studies in various clinical settings may lead to personalized medicine. Herein, we present the most important concepts of this discipline, as well as currently-used study methods.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence and intensity of victimization from bullying, and the characteristics of the victims of bullying, comparing adolescents with and without chronic conditions. DESIGN: School survey. SETTING: Post-mandatory schools. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 7005 students (48% females) aged 16-20 years, distributed into adolescents with chronic conditions (728, 50% females) and controls (6277, 48% females). Chronic condition was defined as having a chronic disease and/or a physical disability.OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of bullying; intensity of bullying; and socio-demographic, bio-psychosocial, familial, school, and violence context characteristics of the victims of bullying. RESULTS: The prevalence of bullying in our sample was 13.85%. Adolescents with chronic conditions were more likely to be victims of bullying (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] 1.53), and to be victims of two or three forms of bullying (AOR 1.92). Victims of bullying with chronic conditions were more likely than non-victims to be depressed (Relative Risk Ratio [RRR] 1.57), to have more physical symptoms (RRR 1.61), to have a poorer relationship with their parents (RRR 1.33), to have a poorer school climate (RRR 1.60), and to have been victims of sexual abuse (RRR 1.79) or other forms of violence (RRR 1.80). Although these characteristics apply to victims in general, in most cases they are less pronounced among victims without chronic conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic conditions seem to be a risk factor for victimization from bullying. Therefore, as adolescents with chronic conditions are increasingly mainstreamed, schools should be encouraged to undertake preventive measures to avoid victimization of such adolescents.
El monitoreo se realizó en agosto 2007, a bordo de la L/P IMARPE IV, desde La Yarada hasta 40 mn frente a Quilca. La temperatura superficial varió de 13,7 a 16,4 °C, menores valores (<14,5 °C) se registraron entre Tancona y Quilca dentro de las 15 mn y mayores (>16 °C) entre Punta Coles y el Dominio Marítimo Sur por fuera de 20 mn. Las anomalías térmicas variaron de -1,4 a -0,8 °C. La gradiente térmica vertical estuvo conformada por 3 isotermas (14 a 16 °C), la isolínea de 15 °C se presentó entre la superficie (zonas costeras) y 35 m. La anchoveta tuvo mayor distribución hasta 40 mn frente a Mollendo, dentro de las 5 mn se ubicó mezclada con múnida, principalmente frente a Playa Tacna y Mollendo.
Da a conocer algunos parámetros de la dinámica - poblacional de este crustáceo en la zona central del litoral peruano, tales como: estructura poblacional, densidad, crecimiento, reproducción, ciclo sexual y comportamiento. Así mismo, referir la comunidad biótica de la Playa arenosa estudiada y dar a conocer el valor nutritivo de la especie en cuestión.
Two concentration methods for fast and routine determination of caffeine (using HPLC-UV detection) in surface, and wastewater are evaluated. Both methods are based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) concentration with octadecyl silica sorbents. A common “offline” SPE procedure shows that quantitative recovery of caffeine is obtained with 2 mL of an elution mixture solvent methanol-water containing at least 60% methanol. The method detection limit is 0.1 μg L−1 when percolating 1 L samples through the cartridge. The development of an “online” SPE method based on a mini-SPE column, containing 100 mg of the same sorbent, directly connected to the HPLC system allows the method detection limit to be decreased to 10 ng L−1 with a sample volume of 100 mL. The “offline” SPE method is applied to the analysis of caffeine in wastewater samples, whereas the “on-line” method is used for analysis in natural waters from streams receiving significant water intakes from local wastewater treatment plants