999 resultados para Biaxial nematic phase


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The Columbus Laboratories of Battelle Memorial Institute is currently conducting a study of the effect of cement on moisture migration in concrete as related to the problem of D-cracking of portland cement concrete pavements. The study began on December 31, 1970, and is planned as a 3-year program. The work plan, approved by the policy committee of the members of the Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri highway departments and the Federal Highway Administration, is composed of four parts. The first phase (A) of the investigation concerned the movement of moisture into and from hardened cement pastes and the dimensional changes accompanying the moisture changes. Small slab specimens of hardened neat cement pastes were prepared from 32 different cements which were prepared at the same water/cement ratio and hydrated to the same maturity factor.


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The purpose of this report is to describe the major research activities during the period of February 1, 1985 - October 30, 1986 for the Iowa Highway Research Board under the research contract entitled "Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete." The objective of this research, as stated in the project proposal, is to develop a test method which can be reasonably rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing with a high degree of certainty. In the work plan of the proposal it was stated that the early part of the first year would be devoted to construction of testing equipment and preparation of specimens and the remainder of the year would be devoted to the testing of specimens. It was also stated that the second and third years would be devoted to performance and refinements of tests, data analysis, preparation of suggested specifications, and performance of tests covering variables which need to be studied such as types of aggregates, fly ash replacements and other admixtures. The objective of this report is to describe the progress made during the first 20 months of this project and assess the significance of the results obtained thus far and the expected significance of the results obtainable during the third year of the project.


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Questionnaires were sent to transportation agencies in all 50 states in the U.S., to Puerto Rico, and all provinces in Canada asking about their experiences with uplift problems of - corrugated metal pipe (CMP). Responses were received from 52 agencies who reported 9 failures within the last 5 years. Some agencies also provided design standards for tiedowns to resist uplift. There was a wide variety in restraining forces used; for example for a pipe 6 feet in diameter, the resisting force ranged from 10 kips to 66 kips. These responses verified the earlier conclusion based on responses from Iowa county engineers that a potential uplift danger exists.when end restraint is not provided for CMP and that existing designs have an unclear theoretical or experimental basis. In an effort to develop more rational design standards, the longitudinal stiffness of three CMP ranging from 4 to 8 feet in diameter were measured in the laboratory. Because only three tests were conducted, a theoretical model to evaluate the stiffness of pipes of a variety of gages and corrugation geometries was also developed. The experimental results indicated a "stiffness" EI in the range of 9.11 x 10^5 k-in^2 to 34.43 x 10^5 k-in^2 for the three pipes with the larger diameter pipes having greater stiffness. The theoretical model developed conservatively estimates these stiffnesses.


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This investigation is the final phase of a three part study whose overall objectives were to determine if a restraining force is required to prevent inlet uplift failures in corrugated metal pipe (CMP) installations, and to develop a procedure for calculating the required force when restraint is required. In the initial phase of the study (HR-306), the extent of the uplift problem in Iowa was determined and the forces acting on a CMP were quantified. In the second phase of the study (HR- 332), laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests measured the longitudinal stiffness ofCMP and a full scale field test on a 3.05 m (10 ft) diameter CMP with 0.612 m (2 ft) of cover determined the soil-structure interaction in response to uplift forces. Reported herein are the tasks that were completed in the final phase of the study. In this phase, a buried 2.44 m (8 ft) CMP was tested with and without end-restraint and with various configurations of soil at the inlet end of the pipe. A total of four different soil configurations were tested; in all tests the soil cover was constant at 0.61 m (2 ft). Data from these tests were used to verify the finite element analysis model (FEA) that was developed in this phase of the research. Both experiments and analyses indicate that the primary soil contribution to uplift resistance occurs in the foreslope and that depth of soil cover does not affect the required tiedown force. Using the FEA, design charts were developed with which engineers can determine for a given situation if restraint force is required to prevent an uplift failure. If an engineer determines restraint is needed, the design charts provide the magnitude of the required force. The design charts are applicable to six gages of CMP for four flow conditions and two types of soil.


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It is generally accepted that high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) performs well under live loads with shallow cover, provided the backfill is well compacted. Although industry standards require carefully compacted backfill, poor inspection and/or faulty construction may result in soils that provide inadequate restraint at the springlines of the pipes thereby causing failure. The objectives of this study were: 1) to experimentally define a lower limit of compaction under which the pipes perform satisfactorily, 2) to quantify the increase in soil support as compaction effort increases, 3) to evaluate pipe response for loads applied near the ends of the buried pipes, 4) to determine minimum depths of cover for a variety of pipes and soil conditions by analytically expanding the experimental results through the use of the finite element program CANDE. The test procedures used here are conservative especially for low-density fills loaded to high contact stresses. The failures observed in these tests were the combined effect of soil bearing capacity at the soil surface and localized wall bending of the pipes. Under a pavement system, the pipes' performance would be expected to be considerably better. With those caveats, the following conclusions are drawn from this study. Glacial till compacted to 50% and 80% provides insufficient support; pipe failureoccurs at surface contact stresses lower than those induced by highway trucks. On the other hand, sand backfill compacted to more than 110 pcf (17.3 kN/m3) is satisfactory. The failure mode for all pipes with all backfills is localized wall bending. At moderate tire pressures, i.e. contact stresses, deflections are reduced significantly when backfill density is increased from about 50 pcf (7.9 kN/m^3) to 90 pcf (14.1 kN/m^3). Above that unit weight, little improvement in the soil-pipe system is observed. Although pipe stiffness may vary as much as 16%, analyses show that backfill density is more important than pipe stiffness in controlling both deflections at low pipe stresses and at the ultimate capacity of the soil-pipe system. The rate of increase in ultimate strength of the system increases nearly linearly with increasing backfill density. When loads equivalent to moderate tire pressures are applied near the ends of the pipes, pipe deflections are slighly higher than when loaded at the center. Except for low density glacial till, the deflections near the ends are not excessive and the pipes perform satisfactorily. For contact stresses near the upper limit of truck tire pressures and when loaded near the end, pipes fail with localized wall bending. For flowable fill backfill, the ultimate capacity of the pipes is nearly doubled and at the upper limit of highway truck tire pressures, deflections are negligible. All pipe specimens tested at ambient laboratory room temperatures satisfied AASHTO minimum pipe stiffness requirements at 5% deflection. However, nearly all specimens tested at elevated pipe surface temperatures, approximately 122°F (50°C), failed to meet these requirements. Some HDPE pipe installations may not meet AASHTO minimum pipe stiffness requirements when installed in the summer months (i.e. if pipe surface temperatures are allowed to attain temperatures similar to those tested here). Heating of any portion of the pipe circumference reduced the load carrying capacity of specimens. The minimum soil cover depths, determined from the CANOE analysis, are controlled by the 5% deflection criterion. The minimum soil cover height is 12 in. (305 mm). Pipes with the poor silt and clay backfills with less than 85% compaction require a minimum soil cover height of 24 in. (610 mm). For the sand at 80% compaction, the A36 HDPE pipe with the lowest moment of inertia requires a minimum of 24 in. (610 mm) soil cover. The C48 HDPE pipe with the largest moment of inertia and all other pipes require a 12 in. (305 mm) minimum soil cover.


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In the past, culvert pipes were made only of corrugated metal or reinforced concrete. In recent years, several manufacturers have made pipe of lightweight plastic - for example, high density polyethylene (HDPE) - which is considered to be viscoelastic in its structural behavior. It appears that there are several highway applications in which HDPE pipe would be an economically favorable alternative. However, the newness of plastic pipe requires the evaluation of its performance, integrity, and durability; A review of the Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction reveals limited information on the use of plastic pipe for state projects. The objective of this study was to review and evaluate the use of HDPE pipe in roadway applications. Structural performance, soil-structure interaction, and the sensitivity of the pipe to installation was investigated. Comprehensive computerized literature searches were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the design and use of HDPE pipe in highway applications. A questionnaire was developed and sent to all Iowa county engineers to learn of their use of HDPE pipe. Responses indicated that the majority of county engineers were aware of the product but were not confident in its ability to perform as well as conventional materials. Counties currently using HDPE pipe in general only use it in driveway crossings. Originally, we intended to survey states as to their usage of HDPE pipe. However, a few weeks after initiation of the project, it was learned that the Tennessee DOT was in the process of making a similar survey of state DOT's. Results of the Tennessee survey of states have been obtained and included in this report. In an effort to develop more confidence in the pipe's performance parameters, this research included laboratory tests to determine the ring and flexural stiffness of HDPE pipe provided by various manufacturers. Parallel plate tests verified all specimens were in compliance with ASTM specifications. Flexural testing revealed that pipe profile had a significant effect on the longitudinal stiffness and that strength could not be accurately predicted on the basis of diameter alone. Realizing that the soil around a buried HDPE pipe contributes to the pipe stiffness, the research team completed a limited series of tests on buried 3 ft-diameter HDPE pipe. The tests simulated the effects of truck wheel loads above the pipe and were conducted with two feet of cover. These tests indicated that the type and quality of backfill significantly influences the performance of HDPE pipe. The tests revealed that the soil envelope does significantly affect the performance of HDPE pipe in situ, and after a certain point, no additional strength is realized by increasing the quality of the backfill.


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Remote sensing was utilized in the Phase II Cultural Resources Investigation for this project in lieu of extensive excavations. The purpose of the present report is to compare the costs and benefits of the use of remote sensing to the hypothetical use of traditional excavation methods for this project. Estimates for this hypothetical situation are based on the project archaeologist's considerable past experience in conducting similar investigations. Only that part of the Phase II investigation involving field investigations is addressed in this report. Costs for literature review, laboratory analysis, report preparation, etc., are not included. The project manager proposed the use of this technique for the fol lowing logistic, safety and budgetary reasons.


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Plasma catecholamines provide a reliable biomarker of sympathetic activity. The low circulating concentrations of catecholamines and analytical interferences require tedious sample preparation and long chromatographic runs to ensure their accurate quantification by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Published or commercially available methods relying on solid phase extraction technology lack sensitivity or require derivatization of catecholamine by hazardous reagents prior to tandem mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Here, we manufactured a novel 96-well microplate device specifically designed to extract plasma catecholamines prior to their quantification by a new and highly sensitive ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method. Processing time, which included sample purification on activated aluminum oxide and elution, is less than 1 h per 96-well microplate. The UPLC-MS/MS analysis run time is 2.0 min per sample. This UPLC-MS/MS method does not require a derivatization step, reduces the turnaround time by 10-fold compared to conventional methods used for routine application, and allows catecholamine quantification in reduced plasma sample volumes (50-250 μL, e.g., from children and mice).


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This project utilized information from ground penetrating radar (GPR) and visual inspection via the pavement profile scanner (PPS) in proof-of-concept trials. GPR tests were carried out on a variety of portland cement concrete pavements and laboratory concrete specimens. Results indicated that the higher frequency GPR antennas were capable of detecting subsurface distress in two of the three pavement sites investigated. However, the GPR systems failed to detect distress in one pavement site that exhibited extensive cracking. Laboratory experiments indicated that moisture conditions in the cracked pavement probably explain the failure. Accurate surveys need to account for moisture in the pavement slab. Importantly, however, once the pavement site exhibits severe surface cracking, there is little need for GPR, which is primarily used to detect distress that is not observed visually. Two visual inspections were also conducted for this study by personnel from Mandli Communications, Inc., and the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). The surveys were conducted using an Iowa DOT video log van that Mandli had fitted with additional equipment. The first survey was an extended demonstration of the PPS system. The second survey utilized the PPS with a downward imaging system that provided high-resolution pavement images. Experimental difficulties occurred during both studies; however, enough information was extracted to consider both surveys successful in identifying pavement surface distress. The results obtained from both GPR testing and visual inspections were helpful in identifying sites that exhibited materials-related distress, and both were considered to have passed the proof-of-concept trials. However, neither method can currently diagnose materials-related distress. Both techniques only detected the symptoms of materials-related distress; the actual diagnosis still relied on coring and subsequent petrographic examination. Both technologies are currently in rapid development, and the limitations may be overcome as the technologies advance and mature.


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Testing the efficiency of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) curing compounds is currently done following Test Method Iowa 901-D, May 2002. Concrete test specimens are prepared from mortar materials and are wet cured 5 hours before the curing compound is applied. All brands of curing compound submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation are laboratory tested for comparative performance under the same test conditions. These conditions are different than field PCC paving conditions. Phase I tests followed Test Method Iowa 901-D, but modified the application amounts of the curing compound. Test results showed that the application of two coats of one-half thickness each increased efficiency compared to one full thickness coat. Phase II tests also used the modified application amounts, used a concrete mix (instead of a mortar mix) and applied curing compound a few minutes after molding. Measurements of losses, during spraying of the curing compound, were noted and were found to be significant. Test results showed that application amounts, testing techniques, concrete specimen mix design and spray losses do influence the curing compound efficiency. The significance of the spray losses indicates that the conventional test method being used (Iowa 901 D) should be revised.


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The Quality Management Earthwork (QM-E) special provision was implemented on a pilot project to evaluate quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) testing in predominately unsuitable soils. Control limits implemented on this pilot project included the following: 95% relative compaction, moisture content not exceeding +/- 2% of optimum moisture content, soil strength not exceeding a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) index of 70 mm/blow, vertical uniformity not exceeding a variation in DCP index of 40 mm/blow, and lift thickness not exceeding depth determined through construction of control strips. Four-point moving averages were used to allow for some variability in the measured parameter values. Management of the QC/QA data proved to be one of the most challenging aspects of the pilot project. Implementing use of the G-RAD data collection system has considerable potential to reduce the time required to develop and maintain QC/QA records for projects using the QM-E special provision. In many cases, results of a single Proctor test were used to establish control limits that were used for several months without retesting. While the data collected for the pilot project indicated that the DCP index control limits could be set more tightly, there is not enough evidence to support making a change. In situ borings, sampling, and testing in natural unsuitable cut material and compacted fill material revealed that the compacted fill had similar strength characteristics to that of the natural cut material after less than three months from the start of construction.


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This Phase II follow-up study of IHRB Project TR-473 focused on the performance evaluation of rubblized pavements in Iowa. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the structural condition of existing rubblized concrete pavements across Iowa through Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) tests, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests, visual pavement distress surveys, etc. Through backcalculation of FWD deflection data using the Iowa State University's advanced layer moduli backcalculation program, the rubblized layer moduli were determined for various projects and compared with each other for correlating with the long-term pavement performance. The AASHTO structural layer coefficient for rubblized layer was also calculated using the rubblized layer moduli. To validate the mechanistic-empirical (M-E) hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay thickness design procedure developed during the Phase I study, the actual HMA overlay thicknesses from the rubblization projects were compared with the predicted thicknesses obtained from the design software. The results of this study show that rubblization is a valid option to use in Iowa in the rehabilitation of portland cement concrete pavements provided the foundation is strong enough to support construction operations during the rubblization process. The M-E structural design methodology developed during Phase I can estimate the HMA overlay thickness reasonably well to achieve long-lasting performance of HMA pavements. The rehabilitation strategy is recommended for continued use in Iowa under those conditions conducive for rubblization.


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Trench maintenance problems are caused by improper backfill placement and construction procedures. This report is part of a multiphase research project that aims to improve long-term performance of utility cut restoration trenches. The goal of this research is to improve pavement patch life and reduce maintenance of the repaired areas. The objectives were to use field-testing data, laboratory-testing data, and long-term monitoring (elevation survey and falling weight deflectometer testing) to suggest and modify recommendations from Phase I and to identify the principles of trench subsurface settlement and load distribution in utility cut restoration areas by using instrumented trenches. The objectives were accomplished by monitoring local agency utility construction from Phase I, constructing and monitoring the recommended trenches from Phase I, and instrumenting trenches to monitor changes in temperature, pressure, moisture content, and settlement as a function of time to determine the influences of seasonal changes on the utility cut performance.


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A multifaceted investigation was undertaken to develop recommendations for methods to stabilize granular road shoulders with the goal of mitigating edge ruts. Included was reconnaissance of problematic shoulder locations, a laboratory study to develop a method to test for changes in granular material stability when stabilizing agents are used, and the construction of three sets of test sections under traffic at locations with problematic granular shoulders. Full results of this investigation are included in this report and its appendices. This report also presents conclusions and recommendations based on the study results.


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This report describes test results from a full-scale embankment pilot study conducted in Iowa. The intent of the pilot project was to field test and refine the proposed soil classification system and construction specifications developed in Phase II of this research and to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a contractor quality control (QC) and Iowa DOT quality assurance (QA) program for earthwork grading in the future. One of the primary questions for Phase III is “Was embankment quality improved?” The project involved a “quality conscious” contractor, well-qualified and experienced Iowa Department of Transportation field personnel, a good QC consultant technician, and some of our best soils in the state. If the answer to the above question is “yes” for this project, it would unquestionably be “yes” for other projects as well. The answer is yes, the quality was improved, even for this project, as evidenced by dynamic cone penetrometer test data and the amount of disking required to reduce the moisture content to within acceptable control limits (approximately 29% of soils by volume required disking). Perhaps as important is that we know what quality we have. Increased QC/QA field testing, however, increases construction costs, as expected. The quality management-earthwork program resulted in an additional $0.03 per cubic meter, or 1.6%, of the total construction costs. Disking added about $0.04 per cubic meter, or 1.7%, to the total project costs. In our opinion this is a nominal cost increase to improve quality. It is envisioned that future contractor innovations have the potential for negating this increase. The Phase III results show that the new soil classification system and the proposed field test methods worked well during the Iowa Department of Transportation soils design phase and during the construction phase. Recommendations are provided for future implementation of the results of this study by city, county, and state agencies.