986 resultados para Bestiar boví -- Races


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Triglyceride levels are a component of plasma lipids that are thought to be an important risk factor for coronary heart disease and are influenced by genetic and environmental factors, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), alcohol intake, and smoking. This study used longitudinal data from the Bogalusa Heart Study, a biracial community-based survey of cardiovascular disease risk factors. A sample of 1191 individuals, 4 to 38 years of age, was measured multiple times from 1973 to 2000. The study sample consisted of 730 white and 461 African American participants. Individual growth models were developed in order to assess gene-environment interactions affecting plasma triglycerides over time. After testing for inclusion of significant covariates and interactions, final models, each accounting for the effects of a different SNP, were assessed for fit and normality. After adjustment for all other covariates and interactions, LIPC -514C/T was found to interact with age3, age2, and age and a non-significant interaction of CETP -971G/A genotype with smoking status was found (p = 0.0812). Ever-smokers had higher triglyceride levels than never smokers, but persons heterozygous at this locus, about half of both races, had higher triglyceride levels after smoking cessation compared to current smokers. Since tobacco products increase free fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream, smoking cessation programs have the potential to ultimately reduce triglyceride levels for many persons. However, due to the effect of smoking cessation on the triglyceride levels of CETP -971G/A heterozygotes, the need for smoking prevention programs is also demonstrated. Both smoking cessation and prevention programs would have a great public health impact on minimizing triglyceride levels and ultimately reducing heart disease. ^


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Background. Obstructive genitourinary defects include all anomalies causing obstruction anywhere along the urinary tract. Previous studies have noted a large excess of males among infants affected by these types of defects. This is the first epidemiologic study focused solely on obstructive genitourinary defects (OGD). ^ Methods. Data on 1,683 mild and 302 severe cases of isolated OGD born between 1999 and 2003 and ascertained by the Texas Birth Defects Registry were compared to all births in Texas during the same time period. Adjusted prevalence odds ratios (POR) were calculated for infant sex, birth weight, gestational age, mother’s race/ethnicity, mother’s age, mother’s education, parity, birth year, start of prenatal care, multiple birth, and public health region of birth. Severe cases were defined as those cases that died prior to birth, died after birth, or underwent surgery for OGD in the first year of life. Cases of OGD that had other major birth defects besides OGD were excluded from this study. ^ Results. Severe cases of OGD were more likely than mild cases to have multiple obstructive genitourinary anomalies (37.8% vs. 18.9%) and bilateral defects (40.9% vs. 31.3%). Males had a significantly greater risk of OGD than females for both severe and mild cases: adjusted POR = 3.26 (95% CI = 2.45-4.33) and adjusted POR = 2.60 (95% CI = 2.33-2.90), respectively. Infants with both severe and mild OGD were more likely to be very preterm birth at birth compared with infants without OGD: crude POR of 16.19 (95% CI = 10.60-24.74) and 4.75 (95% CI = 3.54-6.37), respectively. Among the severe group, minority races had a decreased risk of OGD with an adjusted POR of 0.74 (95% CI = 0.55-0.98) compared with whites. Among the mild cases, increased rates of OGD were found in older mothers (adjusted POR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.05-1.15), college/higher educated mothers (adjusted POR = 1.07, 95% CI = 1.01-1.13) and multiple births (adjusted POR = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.01-1.62). There was also a decreased risk of mild cases among black mothers compared to whites (adjusted POR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.52-0.76). Compared to 1999, the prevalence of mild cases of OGD increased significantly over the 5 year study period with an adjusted POR of 1.10 (95% CI = 1.06-1.15) by 2003. ^ Conclusion. Risk factors of OGD for both severe and mild forms were male sex and preterm birth. Severe cases were more likely to have multiple OGD defects and be affected bilaterally. An increase in prevalence of mild cases of OGD over time and differences in rates of black, older, and higher educated mothers in mild cases may be attributed to ultrasound use. ^


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Objective. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) are rare mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract with spindled cell, epithelioid, or occasionally pleomorphic morphology. The primary objective of this paper is to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics and survival among GIST patients registered at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). ^ Methods. This cohort study includes 783 consecutive patients diagnosed with GIST from 1995 to 2007. Demographic, clinical and survival information were obtained from the MDACC cancer registry. ^ Statistical Analysis. Kaplan-Meier survival curves, univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis were conducted to estimate survival and identify prognostic clinical factors associated with survival. Results. The age at diagnosis of MDACC GIST cases ranged from 17 to 91 with a mean of 57 years and a male-to-female ratio of 1.3:1. The racial distribution was whites 77%, African-Americans 9.5%, Hispanics 9.3% and other races 4.2%. Fifty per cent of the GISTs arose from stomach, 35% small intestine, 7% retroperitoneal space, 6% colorectal and 2% were omentum and mesentery. About half of the tumors were less than 10 cm in size. Fifty eight per cent of the tumors were localized whereas 36% were metastatic. MDACC GIST patients were generally comparable to SEER patients, but, on the average, were 7 years younger than SEER patients and were predominantly whites. ^ Stratification of 783 GIST cases by year of diagnosis based on the introduction of imatinib treatment in 2000 revealed that 60% of the GIST cases were first diagnosed between 2000 and 2007 whereas, 40% were first diagnosed between 1995 and 1999. There was a significant difference between the two cohorts in the distribution of race, GIST symptom, tumor size, tumor site, and stage of the tumor at diagnosis. The 1- and 5-year survival was 93% and 59% in the 1995–2007 cohort. Multivariate Cox regression analysis identified age at diagnosis (p<0.001), female sex (p=0.047), tumor size (p=0.07), multiple cancers (p=0.002), and GIST diagnosed between 2000 and 2007 (p<0.001) were significantly associated with survival. Approximately, 58% of the cases were treated with imatinib whereas 42% did not receive imatinib in 2000–2005 cohort. There was a significant difference in survival between imatinib and non-imatinib groups and in the distribution of tumor size categories, stage of the tumor at diagnosis and cancers before the diagnosis of GIST. The 1- and 5-year survival for imatinib patients was 99% and 73% and was 91% and 63% for non-imatinib patients. Multivariate Cox regression analysis of the 2000–2007 cohort identified, age at diagnosis and tumor stage as possible prognostic factors associated with survival.^


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Purpose. A descriptive analysis of glioma patients by race was carried out in order to better elucidate potential differences between races in demographics, treatment, characteristics, prognosis and survival. ^ Patients and Methods. Among 1,967 patients ≥ 18 years diagnosed with glioma seen between July 2000 and September 2006 at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (UTMDACC). Data were collated from the UTMDACC Patient History Database (PHDB) and the UTMDACC Tumor Registry Database (TRDB). Chi-square analysis, uni- /multivariate Cox proportional hazards modeling and survival analysis were used to analyze differences by race. ^ Results. Demographic, treatment and histologic differences exist between races. Though risk differences were seen between races, race was not found to be a significant predictor in multivariate regression analysis after accounting for age, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, tumor type as stratified by WHO tumor grade. Age was the most consistent predictor in risk for death. Overall survival by race was significantly different (p=0.0049) only in low-grade gliomas after adjustment for age although survival differences were very slight. ^ Conclusion. Among this cohort of glioma patients, age was the strongest predictor for survival. It is likely that survival is more influenced by age, time to treatment, tumor grade and surgical expertise rather than racial differences. However, age at diagnosis, gender ratios, histology and history of cancer differed significantly between race and genetic differences to this effect cannot be excluded. ^


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) has been one of the leading causes of cancer death in the United States. Although incidence and mortality rates of colorectal cancer in the United States have decreased in recent years, the disparity in CRC incidence and mortality between African Americans and Whites remain. Disparity in CRC screening rates is believed to be one of the causes that contribute to the disparity in CRC incidence and mortality between these two races. Finding the differences in CRC screening barriers and predictors between these two groups can help us to design more effective intervention programs to improve CRC screening rates for African Americans. However, most of the previous studies have investigated different types of CRC screening barriers for African Americans and/or Whites, but no studies have compared the same CRC screening barriers between African Americans and Whites. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the same CRC screening barriers between these two races. Using chi-square analysis, significant differences between African Americans and Whites were found for marital status, income and education. Compared to Whites, African Americans were less aware of CRC screening procedures and lacked CRC knowledge. Significant differences were found between African Americans and Whites in the awareness of sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and barium enema. After adjusting for sex, education, marital status, and household income, six out of thirteen CRC screening barriers and two out of nine CRC screening predictors remained to be statistically significantly different between African Americans and Whites. The results of this study indicated that different CRC screening barriers and predictors had different impact on African Americans, and African Americans had more CRC barriers to overcome than Whites.^


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Background. Primary liver cancer, the majority of which is hepatocellular carcinoma, is the third most common cause of mortality from cancer. It has one of the worst prognosis outcomes and an overall 5-year survival of only 5-6%. Hepatocellular carcinoma has been shown to have wide variations in geographic distribution and there is a marked difference in the incidence between different races and gender. Previously low-rate countries, including the US, have shown to have doubled the incidence of HCC during the past two decades. Even though the incidence of HCC is higher in males as compared to females, female hormones, especially estrogens have been postulated to have a role in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma on a molecular level. Despite the frequent usage of oral contraceptive pills (OCP) and previously, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), their role on HCC development has not been studied thoroughly. We aim to examine the association between exogenous hormone intake (oral contraceptives and post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy) and the development of HCC. Methods. This study is part of an ongoing hospital-based case-control study which is conducted at the Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. From January 2005 up to January 2008, a total of 77 women with pathologically confirmed hepatocellular carcinoma (cases) and 277 healthy women (controls) were included in the investigation. Information about the use of hormonal contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy and risk factors of hepatocellular cancer was collected by personal interview. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done to estimate the crude odds ratios (OR) and adjusted odds ratios (AOR). Results. We found statistically significant protective effect for the use of HRT on the development of HCC, AOR=0.42 (95% CI, 0.21, 0.81). The significance was observed for estrogen replacement, AOR=0.43 (95% CI, 0.22, 0.83) and not for progesterone replacement, AOR=0.49 (95% CI, 0.10, 2.35). On the other hand, any hormonal contraceptive use, which encompasses oral contraceptive pills, implants and injections, did not show a statistical significance either in the crude OR=0.58 (95% CI, 0.33, 1.01) or AOR=0.56 (95% CI 0.26, 1.18). Conclusions. As corroborated by previous studies, HRT confers 58% HCC risk reduction among American women. The more important question of the association between hormonal contraceptives and HCC remains controversial. Further studies are warranted to explore the mechanism of the protective effect of HRT and the relationship between hormonal contraception and HCC.^


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Diabetes mellitus occurs in two forms, insulin-dependent (IDDM, formerly called juvenile type) and non-insulin dependent (NIDDM, formerly called adult type). Prevalence figures from around the world for NIDDM, show that all societies and all races are affected; although uncommon in some populations (.4%), it is common (10%) or very common (40%) in others (Tables 1 and 2).^ In Mexican-Americans in particular, the prevalence rates (7-10%) are intermediate to those in Caucasians (1-2%) and Amerindians (35%). Information about the distribution of the disease and identification of high risk groups for developing glucose intolerance or its vascular manifestations by the study of genetic markers will help to clarify and solve some of the problems from the public health and the genetic point of view.^ This research was designed to examine two general areas in relation to NIDDM. The first aims to determine the prevalence of polymorphic genetic markers in two groups distinguished by the presence or absence of diabetes and to observe if there are any genetic marker-disease association (univariate analysis using two by two tables and logistic regression to study the individual and joint effects of the different variables). The second deals with the effect of genetic differences on the variation in fasting plasma glucose and percent glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAl) (analysis of Covariance for each marker, using age and sex as covariates).^ The results from the first analysis were not statistically significant at the corrected p value of 0.003 given the number of tests that were performed. From the analysis of covariance of all the markers studied, only Duffy and Phosphoglucomutase were statistically significant but poor predictors, given that the amount they explain in terms of variation in glycosylated hemoglobin is very small.^ Trying to determine the polygenic component of chronic disease is not an easy task. This study confirms the fact that a larger and random or representative sample is needed to be able to detect differences in the prevalence of a marker for association studies and in the genetic contribution to the variation in glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin. The importance that ethnic homogeneity in the groups studied and standardization in the methodology will have on the results has been stressed. ^


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Context: Black women are reported to have a higher prevalence of uterine fibroids, and a threefold higher incidence rate and relative risk for clinical uterine fibroid development as compared to women of other races. Uterine fibroid research has reported that black women experience greater uterine fibroid morbidity and disproportionate uterine fibroid disease burden. With increased interest in understanding uterine fibroid development, and race being a critical component of uterine fibroid assessment, it is imperative that the methods used to determine the race of research participants is defined and the operational definition of the use of race as a variable is reported for methodological guidance, and to enable the research community to compare statistical data and replicate studies. ^ Objectives: To systematically review and evaluate the methods used to assess race and racial disparities in uterine fibroid research. ^ Data Sources: Databases searched for this review include: OVID Medline, NML PubMed, Ebscohost Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Plus with Full Text, and Elsevier Scopus. ^ Review Methods: Articles published in English were retrieved from data sources between January 2011 and March 2011. Broad search terms, uterine fibroids and race, were employed to retrieve a comprehensive list of citations for review screening. The initial database yield included 947 articles, after duplicate extraction 485 articles remained. In addition, 771 bibliographic citations were reviewed to identify additional articles not found through the primary database search, of which 17 new articles were included. In the first screening, 502 titles and abstracts were screened against eligibility questions to determine citations of exclusion and to retrieve full text articles for review. In the second screening, 197 full texted articles were screened against eligibility questions to determine whether or not they met full inclusion/exclusion criteria. ^ Results: 100 articles met inclusion criteria and were used in the results of this systematic review. The evidence suggested that black women have a higher prevalence of uterine fibroids when compared to white women. None of the 14 studies reporting data on prevalence reported an operational definition or conceptual framework for the use of race. There were a limited number of studies reporting on the prevalence of risk factors among racial subgroups. Of the 3 studies, 2 studies reported prevalence of risk factors lower for black women than other races, which was contrary to hypothesis. And, of the three studies reporting on prevalence of risk factors among racial subgroups, none of them reported a conceptual framework for the use of race. ^ Conclusion: In the 100 uterine fibroid studies included in this review over half, 66%, reported a specific objective to assess and recruit study participants based upon their race and/or ethnicity, but most, 51%, failed to report a method of determining the actual race of the participants, and far fewer, 4% (only four South American studies), reported a conceptual framework and/or operational definition of race as a variable. However, most, 95%, of all studies reported race-based health outcomes. The inadequate methodological guidance on the use of race in uterine fibroid studies, purporting to assess race and racial disparities, may be a primary reason that uterine fibroid research continues to report racial disparities, but fails to understand the high prevalence and increased exposures among African-American women. A standardized method of assessing race throughout uterine fibroid research would appear to be helpful in elucidating what race is actually measuring, and the risk of exposures for that measurement. ^


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Children who experience early pubertal development have an increased risk of developing cancer (breast, ovarian, and testicular), osteoporosis, insulin resistance, and obesity as adults. Early pubertal development has been associated with depression, aggressiveness, and increased sexual prowess. Possible explanations for the decline in age of pubertal onset include genetics, exposure to environmental toxins, better nutrition, and a reduction in childhood infections. In this study we (1) evaluated the association between 415 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from hormonal pathways and early puberty, defined as menarche prior to age 12 in females and Tanner Stage 2 development prior to age 11 in males, and (2) measured endocrine hormone trajectories (estradiol, testosterone, and DHEAS) in relation to age, race, and Tanner Stage in a cohort of children from Project HeartBeat! At the end of the 4-year study, 193 females had onset of menarche and 121 males had pubertal staging at age 11. African American females had a younger mean age at menarche than Non-Hispanic White females. African American females and males had a lower mean age at each pubertal stage (1-5) than Non-Hispanic White females and males. African American females had higher mean BMI measures at each pubertal stage than Non-Hispanic White females. Of the 415 SNPs evaluated in females, 22 SNPs were associated with early menarche, when adjusted for race ( p<0.05), but none remained significant after adjusting for multiple testing by False Discovery Rate (p<0.00017). In males, 17 SNPs were associated with early pubertal development when adjusted for race (p<0.05), but none remained significant when adjusted for multiple testing (p<0.00017). ^ There were 4955 hormone measurements taken during the 4-year study period from 632 African American and Non-Hispanic White males and females. On average, African American females started and ended the pubertal process at a younger age than Non-Hispanic White females. The mean age of Tanner Stage 2 breast development in African American and Non-Hispanic White females was 9.7 (S.D.=0.8) and 10.2 (S.D.=1.1) years, respectively. There was a significant difference by race in mean age for each pubertal stage, except Tanner Stage 1 for pubic hair development. Both Estradiol and DHEAS levels in females varied significantly with age, but not by race. Estradiol and DHEAS levels increased from Tanner Stage 1 to Tanner Stage 5.^ African American males had a lower mean age at each Tanner Stage of development than Non-Hispanic White males. The mean age of Tanner Stage 2 genital development in African American and Non-Hispanic White males was 10.5 (S.D.=1.1) and 10.8 (S.D.=1.1) years, respectively, but this difference was not significant (p=0.11). Testosterone levels varied significantly with age and race. Non-Hispanic White males had higher levels of testosterone than African American males from Tanner Stage 1-4. Testosterone levels increased for both races from Tanner Stage 1 to Tanner Stage 5. Testosterone levels had the steepest increase from ages 11-15 for both races. DHEAS levels in males varied significantly with age, but not by race. DHEAS levels had the steepest increase from ages 14-17. ^ In conclusion, African American males and females experience pubertal onset at a younger age than Non-Hispanic White males and females, but in this study, we could not find a specific gene that explained the observed variation in age of pubertal onset. Future studies with larger study populations may provide a better understanding of the contribution of genes in early pubertal onset.^


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1. Extensión de las capacitaciones en entrevistas a docentes y alumnos: Los talleres de capacitación que hemos iniciado en la Escuela Normal Nº 4 de Oberá, en la Primera Etapa del Proyecto, comenzaron a rendir los primeros frutos. Efectivamente, los mismos docentes fueron quienes dieron difusión a nuestro trabajo haciendo posible que la experiencia se extendiera a otras escuelas de la ciudad y de las colonias que se nutren de ella. La Escuela de Comercio Nº 1 de Oberá; la Escuela de Comercio Nº 11 de la localidad 25 de Mayo y la Escuela Nº 587 Colonia Paraíso, Municipio de Campo Ramón, han incorporado a sus prácticas docentes, la historia oral. 2. Realización de entrevistas a distintos actores sociales por parte de los alumnos involucrados en los distintos proyectos áulicos: El trabajo llevado a cabo por adolescentes de entre quince y diecinueve años de las escuelas públicas mencionadas, es sumamente valioso, no solo por los testimonios que han aportado al proyecto sino, esencialmente por el proceso que lleva a un joven a acercarse a un adulto, generalmente un adulto mayor, en busca de sus recuerdos. Los protagonistas en este proceso de enseñanza son los alumnos, que aprenden a hurgar en la memoria de sus mayores, terreno en donde pueden hallar sus raíces. 3. Participación en el Programa de Actividades de la Semana en conmemoración de los 40 años del Movimiento Agrario Misionero: A través de uno de los proyectos áulicos de la Escuela de Comercio Nº 1, los estudiantes participaron en las actividades de conmemoración del aniversario del MAM, entidad que nuclea a los trabajadores del agro y que tiene su sede en la ciudad de Oberá. 4. Reafirmación de los vínculos con las instituciones locales: A partir de los trabajos de taller en las diferentes escuelas y las entrevistas efectuadas por los alumnos para sus respectivos trabajos de investigación, los objetivos de nuestro proyecto fueron difundiéndose coadyuvando de esta manera a afianzar nuestros vínculos con las escuelas y el municipio. Además se nos abrieron otras puertas como el MAM (Movimiento Agrario Misionero) organización que tiene una larga trayectoria de lucha en las reivindicaciones de los derechos de los trabajadores del agro en la provincia de misiones. Evaluación del proceso. En el transcurso de este primer año de implementación del proyecto, se ha dado cumplimiento a las actividades programadas. Más allá del cumplimiento de los objetivos que nos propusimos cuando proyectamos este trabajo, nos llena de satisfacción la progresiva ampliación de nuestra propuesta inicial de recuperación de la memoria. El interés y el entusiasmo que suscita tanto en docentes como en alumnos, la posibilidad de indagar en la memoria de los suyos (abuelos, vecinos, maestros, etc.) y descubrir historias de vida que, sumándolas o confrontándolas, les permite ir armando un entramado de relaciones que es la historia misma del barrio, de la colonia o del pueblo, nos produce una gran complacencia. Descubrimos que no es ya solamente la historia en sí la que nos interesa, sino lo que generamos en los jóvenes. Despertar el interés en su propia historia, el sentimiento de pertenencia al lugar en el que viven y en el que estudian. Entender que forman parte de una comunidad con características culturales propias, con una identidad peculiar que los hace particularmente diferentes e iguales a la vez. Comprender que esa identidad que les es propia la fueron construyendo sus mayores, y lo más importante: saber que están en condiciones de re-construir juntos esas historias. Por otro lado el momento afectivo que se genera cuando el estudiante escucha los relatos, las evocaciones de los “abuelos” y la emoción que se observa cuando relata a los compañeros y a los docentes la experiencia vivida en la entrevista. Y el otro aspecto importante de la entrevista es la valorización de los objetos que atesoraban los abuelos: cartas, fotos, herramientas, muebles, vestidos, etc. acompañaban el relato de los jóvenes y terminan siempre en la necesidad de exponer esas prendas en una muestra organizada por ellos mismos. Allí, la presencia de abuelos, padres, hermanos, maestros y vecinos, trasmite el lazo entre el presente y el pasado, entre nuevas y viejas generaciones. Se advierte la alegría, el amor, la emoción entre los asistentes y el orgullo de los padres viendo a sus hijos tan comprometidos con sus estudios. Y a los profesores satisfechos con el trabajo realizado por sus alumnos. Entonces es cuando reafirmamos el valor de la historia oral como herramienta para sacar a la luz esas historias de vida, silenciadas y subestimadas y que revela, además, quienes son los verdaderos protagonistas de la historia. Y reafirmamos también, el rol de la universidad en el trabajo con la sociedad.


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Empujados por el hambre, la pobreza y la falta de libertades religiosas y políticas, muchos irlandeses emigraron a nuestro país hacia mediados del siglo XIX. Actualmente, descendientes de esos inmigrantes continúan festejando y conmemorando fechas patrias y religiosas irlandesas, nucleándose en diferentes instituciones creadas por sus ancestros y compartiendo momentos y pasatiempos en clubes irlandeses. El presente artículo se propone analizar cómo, a través de dos personajes históricos (el Padre Fahy y el Almirante Brown), estas personas unidas en lo que ellos llaman “comunidad”, recrean simbólicamente el pasado, logrando autolegitimarse en el tiempo y el espacio, uniendo el presente con “ambos” pasados -el argentino y el irlandés- y construyendo una identidad dual que, sin dejar de lado las tradiciones y costumbres heredadas de sus raíces irlandesas, trasciende lo “irlandés” para amalgamarse con e insertarse en el plano mayor de la nación que adoptó y albergó a sus padres y abuelos.


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Para obtener información respecto de los posibles recorridos que realiza un flujo de agua y su distribución espacial bajo la labor de escarificado en siembra directa y comprobar su persistencia al 1 ½ año de haber sido efectuada, se realizó un ensayo en Zavalla, Santa Fe (60° 53' O y 33° 01' S) en un Argiudol vértico bajo cultivo de Medicago sativa. T0 fue siembra directa sin escarificar, T1 escarificado antes de sembrar y T2 escarificado al año de la siembra de la alfalfa. Se simuló la lluvia irrigando con una solución de 1g.l-1 de azul de metileno. Se fotografiaron perfiles sucesivos en cada tratamiento. Los sectores coloreados de las fotografías fueron delimitados, digitalizados y medidas las áreas y longitudes verticales. El movimiento descendente tuvo lugar mayoritariamente como flujos preferenciales que fueron iniciados por las fisuras, las raíces creciendo dentro y fuera del área removida y las grietas del suelo. En todos los tratamientos los flujos atravesaron el límite A / B1, pero en ningún caso alcanzaron el B2. La configuración de los patrones de distribución permitió comprobar la mayor capacidad de conducción hidráulica y persistencia de la labor de escarificado sobre siembra directa.


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En el cuento "La piedra que crece" Albert Camus textualiza de manera sugerente, la seducción que el continente americano, en su porción más agreste y natural, adquiere para este pensador de mediados del siglo pasado. Continente y cultura que parecen ofrecer al escritor francés una posible salida a ese universo cerrado, sin horizontes, que postula el Existencialismo. Este cuento se erige como símbolo contenedor de ideas tangenciales a las manifestadas por Camus en el resto de sus escritos. Aquí se advierte una mirada esperanzada acerca del porvenir de la cultura y, en definitiva, de la humanidad que le da sentido, que se contrapone diametralmente con la postura existencialista. Por ello en este trabajo me propongo, por una parte transmitir una impresión de lectura, y por otra, demostrar de qué manera la captación de un espacio-otro, adquiere una dimensión simbólica e ideológica que socava los postulados existenciales en sus raíces más profundas


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La novela de Marcelo Cohen, El oído absoluto, constituye dentro del sistema de la narrativa argentina, un ejemplo interesante y original por su relación con el género utópico. En efecto, el mundo posible creado por el texto para enmarcar la peripecia de los protagonistas: Evelino Borusso, Clarisa Wald, el padre de ésta, cuyo nombre original -León- ha devenido en Lotario, Tristán (nombres en los cuales es dable percibir un dejo de ironía que es la característica de toda la narración) se dan muchas de las características (insularidad, dirigismo, colectivismo, gobierno patriarcal regido por un grupo de filósofos o notables) y de las virtudes ensalzadas en la utopía clásica (el espíritu comunitario, la valoración del trabajo en detrimento del ocio, el desdén por el dinero). Pero al mismo tiempo se socavan, desde las dudas del narrador y de los personajes, las raíces mismas de ese mundo perfecto, y se reclama por una nueva utopía -a música, el lenguaje, la creación novelesca...- que cale más hondo en la intimidad, para clausurar, de una vez para siempre, la soledad y la incomunicación erigidos en puntos centrales de la meditación que la novela propone.


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Recuperar las raíces artísticas y teatrales es valorar y consolidar la esencia de nuestras formas y necesidades de expresión. La reconstrucción histórica de Los establos de su Majestad, respondió al propósito de investigar los parámetros ideológicos, estructurales y metodológicos de un espectáculo local, inmerso en una época determinada por la presencia de fuertes y fieles ideales políticos y sociales. Se decidió entonces estudiar especialmente los procesos de búsqueda y gestación de la puesta en escena realizada por un grupo de hacedores teatrales que bregaron, en esta ocasión, por la denuncia y el desenmascaramiento de la verdad a través de su creación artística. Considerando siempre al hecho teatral como síntesis y reflejo de un hecho social.