994 resultados para Bachelard, Gaston


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Neste trabalho, investigamos o aprendizado de regras matemáticas no contexto da sala de aula, com ênfase, principalmente, nas discussões sobre a linguagem. Nosso objetivo principal foi pesquisar as dificuldades de ordem lingüística, enfrentadas pelos alunos no decurso do aprendizado das regras matemáticas, em especial, o conceito/algoritmo da divisão. Para tanto, discutimos, entre outras coisas, o tema “seguir regras”, proposto pelo filósofo austríaco Ludwig Wittgenstein em sua obra Investigações Filosóficas. Nosso trabalho e nossas análises foram fundamentadas, principalmente, na filosofia deste autor, que discute, entre outros temas, a linguagem e sua significação e os fundamentos da matemática, bem como nas reflexões do filósofo Gilles-Gaston Granger que analisa as linguagens formais. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo que foi desenvolvida na Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará, em uma turma da quarta série do ensino fundamental. As aulas ministradas pela professora da turma foram observadas e, posteriormente, foi solicitado aos alunos que resolvessem problemas de divisão verbais e não-verbais, seguido de uma breve entrevista, na qual indagamos, entre outras questões, como os alunos resolveram os problemas envolvendo a divisão. Em nossas análises destacamos algumas dificuldades dos alunos, percebidas nas observações e em seus registros escritos ou orais: alguns alunos, em suas estratégias de resolução, inventam novas “regras matemáticas”. Há ainda aqueles que “confundem” os contextos na resolução de problemas matemáticos verbais, bem como a dificuldade de compreensão de problemas que trazem informações implícitas.


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Esta dissertação tratará da interseção dos elementos: Mito, Imaginário e Sociedade presentes na obra Três casas e um rio, do autor marajoara Dalcídio Jurandir. Para tanto, terá como base algumas teorias de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, como a Filosofia, Antropologia e a Literatura, que a partir de suas diferenças e concordâncias, serão aplicadas à análise do objeto deste estudo, o qual possui um significativo corpus de pesquisa para ser observado na construção da narrativa. Uma vez que mito e imaginário são dependentes entre si e ambos subordinam-se à sociedade, que será estudada a partir das personagens do romance. Porém, inicialmente, buscou-se entender as temáticas num sentido mais geral, como em obras de Vernant, Durand, Bachelard, dentre outros, sendo, portanto, aplicadas à análise de algumas narrativas míticas presentes no romance do autor marajoara.


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Trata-se de uma reflexão crítica acerca do capítulo VI do livro O Poder Simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu (1989), que se propõe a examinar as lutas simbólicas, inspirando-se, sobretudo, na sociologia da representação, cuja formulação clássica é de Durkheim. Toma de empréstimo desse mesmo autor, através de Bachelard, o seu racionalismo, que lhe permite efetuar a separação entre classe teórica e classe real. Conforme o enfoque crítico do artigo, a conseqüência inevitável desse procedimento é a negação de todo e qualquer ontologismo e a resultante formalização do conhecimento.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Lucia B. Bell Papers consist of historical and family history information pertaining to the Bell family of South Carolina. Most of the material relates to the Bell Family and other allies clans such as the Gaston, Coln, and Stinson Families. The earliest dated material includes notes on the Bell family’s coat-of-arms and a listing of land grants from 1770-1848. Information on the Chester County Covenanters along with reprinted historical sketches concerning the area’s general history and a biographical sketch on Reverend William Martin, the first Chester County Covenanter preacher. A brief history of Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church is provided with listing of former church elders and deacons from 1895-1958.


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The Knox-Wise Family Papers includes a land grant issued to John Knox in 1768; diaries written by Dr. John Knox [1792-1859] covering the 1840s and 1850s; James N. Knox [1806-1880] covering 1859-1880; and William D. Knox [1847-1928] covering 1869-1928; indentures, deeds, receipts, court summonses and other papers of Hugh Knox [1757-1821], sheriff and justice of the peace in Chester County, South Carolina (ca. 1780s and 1790s); correspondence of James N. Knox, correspondence, and other professional papers of Dr. John Knox; correspondence, and other papers of William D. Knox, Superintendent of Education in Chester County from 1896-1928. Papers of various other members of the Knox and Wise families including Hugh Boyd Knox [1814-1886], Robert Knox [1796-1879], Sally Knox Wallace [1803-1901], Alexander Walker Wise, and Emmie R. Knox [1885-1969]; family histories of the Knox, Wise, Dunlap, Gaston, and Wilks families; church histories, photographs, and newspaper clippings. Also included are three published volumes of the United Confederate Veterans Minutes of the 21st (1911) and 25th (1915) Annual Meeting and Reunion; and the minutes of the annual reunion of the South Carolina Division of the United Confederate Veterans (1921-1927).


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The Chester Genealogical Society Records consist of typescript material of writings and publications that covers mainly Chester County, SC history and genealogy from the 18th century to the 20th century. The collection includes information on covenanters, lists of Chester county American Civil War soldiers, Obadiah Hardin, Revolutionary War Lieut. Col. John R. Culp, Rev. Samuel McCreary, Mrs. M.A. Smith and the Smithton Lumber Co in Smithton, Arkansas, the Kulp family, Matthew Elder, Jr., Rev. Josiah Henson, the Gaston family, the Murphy family, Confederate Capt. G.L. Strait’s Company-6th regiment, Company B during the American Civil War, the McClure family and Revolutionary War Capt. John McClure, and recollections of Chester, South Carolina.


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The Samuel Avon Smith Diary is a journal written Samuel Avon Smith who was a Confederate soldier during the American Civil War (Company H, 5th Regiment, SC) and a doctor. The journal was written from ca. 1830-1876 or beyond (some pages have been destroyed). The first part is a reminiscence of his life from 1830 to ca. 1873 and from that point on he gives a monthly account of life in Bullock’s Creek, SC. Subjects covered in the journal are the battles of Manassas and Seven Pines, Confederate Troops at Leesburg, the reorganization of the Confederate Army, the march to Richmond, the conditions of the troops, wounds received at the battle of Seven Pines and his medical treatment at the Confederate hospital in Manchester, Virginia, his education at the Ebenezer Academy and the Medical College of SC in Charleston; his life, practice, and health conditions in Gaston County, NC, Lincoln County, NC, and in Bullock’s Creek, SC; and sentiments towards the reconstruction government and Ku Klux Klan. There is also mention of a conflict between Blacks and Whites in Chester County, SC in 1871.


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Despite the quantum nature of the process, collective scattering by dense cold samples of two-level atoms can be interpreted classically describing the sample as a macroscopic object with a complex refractive index. We demonstrate that resonances in Mie theory can be easily observable in the cooperative scattering by tuning the frequency of the incident laser field or the atomic number. The solution of the scattering problem is obtained for spherical atomic clouds who have the parabolic density characteristic of BECs, and the cooperative radiation pressure force calculated exhibits resonances in the cloud displacement for dense clouds. At odds with uniform clouds which show a complex structure including narrow peaks, these densities show resonances, yet only under the form of quite regular and contrasted oscillations. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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Matter-wave superradiance is based on the interplay between ultracold atoms coherently organized in momentum space and a backscattered wave. Here, we show that this mechanism may be triggered by Mie scattering from the atomic cloud. We show how the laser light populates the modes of the cloud and thus imprints a phase gradient on the excited atomic dipoles. The interference with the atoms in the ground state results in a grating that in turn generates coherent emission, contributing to the backward light wave onset. The atomic recoil "halos" created by the Mie-scattered light exhibit a strong anisotropy, in contrast to single-atom scattering.


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Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive behavior of the thin-spined porcupine Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae), a threatened arboreal folivore in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. We aimed to ascertain the behavioral strategies used by this species as well as its responses to seasonal and daily climatic changes. Four radio-collared individuals were followed continuously for 72-h in the summer and winter, as well as during 146 half-night sessions conducted from April 2005 to September 2006 in forest remnants in southern Bahia. The thin-spined porcupines were nocturnally active (17:30-05:40 h), with peaks in activity and movement from 19:00 to 20:00 h and 03:00 to 04:00 h. Animals followed a circadian rhythm of activity during both the summer and winter. During the diel cycle, porcupines spent 74% of their time resting, 14% feeding, 11% traveling and 2% performing other activities. Distance traveled during the diel cycle averaged 277.5 +/- 117.9 m sd. The mean movement rate during the night was 21.6 +/- 30.1 m/h sd. No significant changes in activity budget or daily distance traveled were observed between seasons, most likely in response to the low fluctuations in climatic conditions and food availability throughout the year in the study region. However, rainfall reduced the time that the animals spent on feeding activities and explained day-to-day differences in activity budgets. We also provide details about intraspecific interactions and defecation behavior. Our observations confirmed that thin-spined porcupines, similar to other folivorous species, present low activity levels and short daily movements, and have adopted various cryptic habits, such as nocturnality, a solitary lifestyle, the tendency to leave offspring alone most of the time and defecation in concealed latrines.


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The Cretaceous Banhado alkaline complex in southeastern Brazil presents two potassic SiO2-undersaturated series. The high-Ca magmatic series consist of initially fractionated olivine (Fo(92-91)) + diopside (Wo(48-43)En(49-35)Ae(0-7)), as evidenced by the presence of xenocrysts and xenoliths. In that sequence, diopside (Wo(47-38)En(46-37)Ae(0-8)) + phlogopite + apatite + perovskite (Prv(> 92)) crystallized to form the phlogopite melteigite and led to the Ca enrichment of the magma. Diopside (Wo(47-41)En(32-24) Ae(3-14)) continued to crystallize as an early mafic mineral, followed by nepheline (Ne(74.8-70.1)Ks(26.3-21.2)Qz(7.6-0.9)) and leucite (Lc(65-56)) and subsequently by melanite and potassic feldspar (Or(85-99)Ab(1-7)) to form melanite ijolites, wollastonite-melanite urtites and melanite-nepheline syenites. Melanite-pseudoleucite-nepheline syenites are interpreted to be a leucite accumulation. Melanite nephelinite dykes are believed to represent some of the magmatic differentiation steps. The low-Ca magmatic series is representative of a typical fractionation of aegirine-augite (Wo(36-29)En(25-4)Ae(39-18)) + alkali feldspar (Or(57-96)Ab(3-43)) + nepheline (Ne(76.5-69.0)Ks(19.9-14.4)Qz(15.1-7.7)) + titanite from phonolite magma. The evolution of this series from potassic nepheline syenites to sodic sodalite syenites and sodalitolites is attributed to an extensive fractionation of potassic feldspar, which led to an increase of the NaCl activity in the melt during the final stages forming sodalite-rich rocks. Phonolite dykes followed a similar evolutionary process and also registered some crustal assimilation. The mesocratic nepheline syenites showed interactions with phlogopite melteigites, such as compatible trace element enrichments and the presence of diopside xenocrysts, which were interpreted to be due to a mixing/mingling process of phonolite and nephelinite magmas. The geochemical data show higher TiO2 and P2O5 contents and lower SiO2 contents for the high-Ca series and different LILE evolution trends and REE chondrite-normalized patterns as compared to the low-Ca series. The Sr-87/Sr-86, Nd-143/Nd-144, Pb-206/Pb-204 and Pb-208/Pb-204 initial ratios for the high-Ca series (0.70407-0.70526, 0.51242-0.51251, 17.782-19.266 and 38.051-39.521, respectively) were slightly different from those of the low-Ca series (0.70542-0.70583, 0.51232-0.51240, 17.758-17.772 and 38.021-38.061, respectively). For both series, a CO2-rich potassic metasomatized lithospheric mantle enriched the source with rutile-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite veins. Kamafugite-like parental magma is attributed to the high-Ca series with major contributions from the melting of the veins. Potassic nephelinite-like parental magma is assigned to the low-Ca series, where the metasomatized wall-rock played a more significant role in the melting process.


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We investigate the canonical equilibrium of systems with long-range forces in competition. These forces create a modulation in the interaction potential and modulated phases appear at the system scale. The structure of these phases differentiate this system from monotonic potentials, where only the mean-field and disordered phases exist. With increasing temperature, the system switches from one ordered phase to another through a first-order phase transition. Both mean-field and modulated phases may be stable, even at zero temperature, and the long-range nature of the interaction will lead to metastability characterized by extremely long time scales.


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Project de Coopération Internationale pour le Développement complété par l'Université de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) et l'Université Gaston Berger, financié par la Direction Générale pour les relations avec l'Afrique du Gouvernement des Canaries et géré par le Centre Universitaire de Coopération Internationale pour le Développement (CUCID) de l'ULPGC et l'FULP, Setembre 2010-Février 2012.