1000 resultados para BON-0-A


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With the increasing availability of various 'omics data, high-quality orthology assignment is crucial for evolutionary and functional genomics studies. We here present the fourth version of the eggNOG database (available at http://eggnog.embl.de) that derives nonsupervised orthologous groups (NOGs) from complete genomes, and then applies a comprehensive characterization and analysis pipeline to the resulting gene families. Compared with the previous version, we have more than tripled the underlying species set to cover 3686 organisms, keeping track with genome project completions while prioritizing the inclusion of high-quality genomes to minimize error propagation from incomplete proteome sets. Major technological advances include (i) a robust and scalable procedure for the identification and inclusion of high-quality genomes, (ii) provision of orthologous groups for 107 different taxonomic levels compared with 41 in eggNOGv3, (iii) identification and annotation of particularly closely related orthologous groups, facilitating analysis of related gene families, (iv) improvements of the clustering and functional annotation approach, (v) adoption of a revised tree building procedure based on the multiple alignments generated during the process and (vi) implementation of quality control procedures throughout the entire pipeline. As in previous versions, eggNOGv4 provides multiple sequence alignments and maximum-likelihood trees, as well as broad functional annotation. Users can access the complete database of orthologous groups via a web interface, as well as through bulk download.


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In this work the adsorption mechanisms of atomic and molecular oxygen on Cu(100) surface are studied using ab initio simulation methods. Through the atomistic scale under-standing of the elementary oxidation processes we can further understand the large-scale oxidation. Copper is a material widely used in industry which makes it an interesting subject, and also understanding the oxidation of copper helps us understand the oxidation mechanism of other metals. First we have a look on some theory on surface alloys in general and behaviour of Ag on Cu(100) surface. After that the physical background there is behind the methods of density functional calculations are discussed, and some methods, namely potential energy surfaces and molecular dynamics, are introduced. Then there is a brief look on the numerical details used in the calculations, and after that, the results of the simulations are exhibited.


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Recently, pathogenic variants in the MLL2 gene were identified as the most common cause of Kabuki (Niikawa-Kuroki) syndrome (MIM#147920). To further elucidate the genotype-phenotype correlation, we studied a large cohort of 86 clinically defined patients with Kabuki syndrome (KS) for mutations in MLL2. All patients were assessed using a standardized phenotype list and all were scored using a newly developed clinical score list for KS (MLL2-Kabuki score 0-10). Sequencing of the full coding region and intron-exon boundaries of MLL2 identified a total of 45 likely pathogenic mutations (52%): 31 nonsense, 10 missense and four splice-site mutations, 34 of which were novel. In five additional patients, novel, i.e. non-dbSNP132 variants of clinically unknown relevance, were identified. Patients with likely pathogenic nonsense or missense MLL2 mutations were usually more severely affected (median 'MLL2-Kabuki score' of 6) as compared to the patients without MLL2 mutations (median 'MLL2-Kabuki score' of 5), a significant difference (p < 0.0014). Several typical facial features such as large dysplastic ears, arched eyebrows with sparse lateral third, blue sclerae, a flat nasal tip with a broad nasal root, and a thin upper and a full lower lip were observed more often in mutation positive patients.


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Résumé: La sélection des étudiants en médecine se fait à la Faculté de Médecine de Lausanne pendant les deux premières années du curriculum, sur la base d'examens portant sur les sciences de base. Le risque est par ce biais de privilégier le passage dans les années cliniques d'étudiants doués sur le plan scientifique, mais ne possédant pas nécessairement les qualités humaines que devrait avoir un bon médecin. La présente étude a porté sur une volée d'étudiants (n = 115) ayant réussi la première partie de l'examen final à la fin de la troisième année des études de médecine. A cette occasion les étudiants ont passé un examen oral de médecine psycho-sociale permettant d'évaluer leurs aptitudes à gérer la relation médecin- malade. Les notes obtenues à cet examen ont été mises en rapport avec celles obtenues en première année lors d'un examen écrit de physique et de physiologie. Les résultats ont montré que la performance à ces disciplines de base n'ont pas de valeur prédictive quant aux performances futures à l'examen de médecine psycho-sociale. Par ailleurs il est apparu que le type de maturité acquis pendant le gymnase n'a pas d'influence majeure sur la progression des étudiants pendant les années pré-cliniques des études de médecine.


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La Biblioteca de la Universitat de Girona és l'encarregada de coordinar els repositoris digitals de la Universitat. A l'inici el repositori neix de la necessitat de difondre i preservar tota la recerca de la Universitat, però mica en mica el projecte va creixent i es creen diferents repositoris per a diferents tipus de continguts. Així es creen els repositoris DUGiDocs, DUGiMedia i DUGiFonsEspecials.L'objectiu d'aquest PFC és desenvolupar un portal web amb un sistema d'indexació que permeti la cerca per diferents criteris com, per exemple, autor, matèria i títol. L'entorn ha de tenir un disseny agradable per a l'usuari final i ha de permetre obtenir les dades del repositori que se li indiquin. També ha de ser capaç de detectar els possibles duplicats en els criteris de cerca i notificar-ho a l'administrador


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Collection : Bibliothèque scientifique contemporaine