1000 resultados para B10 Geografía


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Este archivo contiene la presentación realizada en la lectura de la tesis doctoral "Colonias musicales en España. Historia y dimensiones formativas" el día 7 de enero del 2015, en la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universitat de Barcelona


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Rob Kitchin, geógrafo muy activo y prolífico, mantiene una intensa actividad editorial, puesto que dirige colecciones de temas geográficos y forma parte de los comités asesores de varias revistas internacionales de primera línea, entre ellas, Social and Cultural Geography, que se publica bimensualmente desde el año 2000 y de la que es director. Precisamente, en esta revista dedicada a temas relacionados con la geografía cultural y social se halla el origen de este libro, uno de cuyos propósitos iniciales fue desafiar la hegemonía anglosajona que domina el panorama geográfico internacional.


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La fusión del conocimiento, la interrelación de disciplinas y, en definitiva, la interacción de saberes proporcionan nuevos retos para una sociedad que se autodenomina global. El valor contemporáneo del paisaje, vinculado a una manifiesta mercantilización de la cultura, la construcción comercial de identidades, el triunfo de la inautenticidad, de la representación inducida o la economía del simbolismo, abren amplias expectativas en el estudio del valor simbólico del paisaje. El acercamiento que experimenta la praxis geográfica al estudio del intangible espacial, vinculado al descubrimiento de las geografías emocionales, además del creciente interés que dispensan las ciencias de la comunicación al discurso territorial, permite, mediante una propuesta de fusión de los saberes geográfico y comunicativo, plantearse abiertamente el estudio comunicativo del paisaje. La cuadratura de las variables geografía, paisaje, emoción y comunicación posibilita el avance hacia el análisis de la emocionalización del espacio para así entrever su valor intangible, que emerge a partir de la aplicación de variadas técnicas de comunicación.


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The need to decode landscape meanings, the society- landscape interaction (intra- and inter-personal communication) and, more recently, the uses of landscape as a territorial sight linked to advertising communication, citymarketing or place branding (mass communication) highlights the study of landscape persuasion, which includes clear emotional, symbolic and, therefore, communicative aspects. The landscape, as a territory image or face, gathers the essence of the implicit message in the space, thus working as a great metaphor for city communication. Regarding the foregoing, specific communication research with intangible landscapes —together with the recent emergence of emotional geographies— suggests a new territorial message theory based on the union of geographical, landscape, emotional and communicational variables. Landscape has historically been studied by geographers, architects, historians or sociologists, among others researchers, but it has not been analysed from communicational viewpoints. In this sense, the proliferation of analyses highlighting the role played by the territory as a communication mediator in the interaction process between society and its spaces (cognition and/or perception) is also remarkable. Current sales of territorial identities lead to increases in the production of territory brands, which have gathered a noticeable relevance within the last years.


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The aim of this paper was to use colorimetric assays for hydroxamic acid to quantify the biodiesel content in diesel and compare it with the traditional method (infrared spectroscopy, using the EN 14078 method). Samples were prepared from B2 to B10 with two kinds of diesel - S500 (red) and S50 (yellow) - to obtain two calibration curves. Through statistical methods it was shown that the slopes of the straight lines obtained for the different types of diesel were the same. Thus, the type of diesel did not influence the results of the colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid. Real samples collected from gas stations were analyzed by both methods (colorimetry and EN 14078). By applying Student's t-test it was concluded that the methods could be considered statistically equivalent. Therefore, it was confirmed that the colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid is suitable for detecting and quantifying the content of biodiesel in biodiesel/diesel blends and can also be easily adapted to field analyses.


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Diante da previsão de escassez do petróleo, o éster etílico (biodiesel) tem-se apresentado como excelente opção de combustível alternativo para motores ciclo Diesel. As características do biodiesel são semelhantes às do diesel em termos de viscosidade e poder calorífico, podendo ser utilizado sem adaptações nos motores. Para a realização deste trabalho, utilizou-se de motor ciclo Diesel, de injeção direta, com quatro cilindros, sem adaptações. O motor foi acoplado a um dinamômetro e sistemas de aquisição de dados auxiliares. Avaliaram-se os desempenhos de torque, de potência e de consumo específico de combustível para as seguintes misturas diesel/éster etílico de soja: B2, B5, B10, B20, B50, B75 e B100. O melhor desempenho registrado deu-se com a mistura B20.


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Diesel fuel is used widely in Brazil and worldwide. On the other hand, the growing environmental awareness leads to a greater demand for renewable energy resources. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the use of different blends of soybean (Glycine max) methyl biodiesel and diesel in an ignition compression engine with direct injection fuel. The tests were performed on an electric eddy current dynamometer, using the blends B10, B50 and B100, with 10; 50 e 100% of biodiesel, respectively, in comparison to the commercial diesel B5, with 5% of biodiesel added to the fossil diesel. The engine performance was analyzed trough the tractor power take off (PTO) for each fuel, and the best results obtained for the power and the specific fuel consumption, respectively, were: B5 (44.62 kW; 234.87 g kW-1 h-1); B10 (44.73 kW; 233.78 g kW-1 h-1); B50 (44.11 kW; 250.40 g kW-1 h-1) e B100 (43.40 kW; 263.63 g kW-1 h-1). The best performance occurred with the use of B5 and B10 fuel, without significant differences between these blends. The B100 fuel showed significant differences compared to the other fuels.


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The use of renewable fuels, such as the biodiesel, can ease the demand of fossil fuel for the power generation and transportation fields in rural area. In this work, the performance impact of the application of castor oil biodiesel is evaluated with an automotive and a stationary diesel engine. The application of B20 and B10 biodiesel blends and pre-heated net biodiesel is considered. The viability of the employment of B10 and B20 blends to mobility and power generation was observed from dynamometric bench tests, where this blends performed similar to fossil diesel. With the pre-heated net biodiesel, however, a brake torque loss and a specific consumption increase were observed with relation to diesel fuel.


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When the first group of DNA puffs is active in the salivary gland regions S1 and S3 of Bradysia hygida larvae, there is a large increase in the production and secretion of new salivary proteins demonstrable by [3H]-Leu incorporation. The present study shows that protein separation by SDS-PAGE and detection by fluorography demonstrated that these polypeptides range in molecular mass from about 23 to 100 kDa. Furthermore, these proteins were synthesized mainly in the S1 and S3 salivary gland regions where the DNA puffs C7, C5, C4 and B10 are conspicuous, while in the S2 region protein synthesis was very low. Others have shown that the extent of amplification for DNA sequences that code for mRNA in the DNA puffs C4 and B10 was about 22 and 10 times, respectively. The present data for this group of DNA puffs are consistent with the proposition that gene amplification is necessary to provide some cells with additional gene copies for the production of massive amounts of proteins within a short period of time (Spradling AC and Mahowald AP (1980) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 77: 1096-1100).


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People infected with Trypanosoma cruzi remain so for life, yet only 30-40% of these individuals develop characteristic chagasic cardiomyopathies. Similarly, when infected with the Brazilian strain of T. cruzi, DBA/2 mice develop severe cardiac damage while B10.D2 mice do not. To better understand the immunological parameters that may be involved in the disease process, we have used this murine model (DBA/2 vs B10.D2) and compared the changes in cytokine production during the course of infection with T. cruzi. Concanavalin A (Con A) stimulation of spleen cells harvested during the acute phase (day 30) resulted in similarly high levels of IFN-g in both mouse strains. However, the amount of IFN-g in supernatants from cultures of B10.D2 spleen cells initiated during the chronic phase (day 72) was at subacute levels, whereas secretion by chronic DBA/2 spleen cells remained high. In addition, Con A-stimulated spleen cells from acute DBA/2 mice produced approximately twice as much IL-10 and significantly more IL-4 than cells from B10.D2 mice. IL-4 secretion remained low by cells from chronic B10.D2 mice, but when using cells from chronic DBA/2 mice, levels continued to increase beyond the already high levels secreted by cells harvested during the acute phase. Proliferative responses to Con A stimulation by spleen cells from DBA/2 mice were significantly higher than those from B10.D2 mice in both the acute and chronic phases. These data suggest that enhanced responses in DBA/2 mice, which may be related to a higher parasite burden, a lack of down-regulation, and/or the onset of autoimmune phenomena, correlate with the more severe cardiomyopathy seen in pathopermissive mice.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is the most prevalent deep mycosis in Latin America and presents a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. We established a genetically controlled murine model of PCM, where A/Sn mice develop an infection which mimics the benign disease (immune responses which favor cellular immunity) and B10.A animals present the progressive disseminated form of PCM (preferential activation of B cells and impairment of cellular immune responses). To understand the immunoregulatory phenomena associated with resistance and susceptibility in experimental PCM, A/Sn and B10.A mice were studied regarding antigen-elicited secretion of monokines (TNF-a and TGF-ß) and type-1 (IL-2 and IFN-g) and type-2 (IL-4,5,10) cytokines. Total lymph node cells from resistant mice infected ip with P. brasiliensis produced early and sustained levels of IFN-g and IL-2; type-2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL-5) started to appear 8 weeks after infection. In contrast, susceptible mice produced low levels of IFN-g concomitant with significant levels of IL-5 and IL-10 early in the infection. In the chronic phase of the disease, susceptible animals presented a transitory secretion of IL-2, and IL-4. In the pulmonary infection IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 were preferentially detected in the lung cells washings of susceptible animals. After in vitro challenge with fungal antigens, normal peritoneal macrophages from B10.A mice secreted high levels of TGF-ß and low levels of TNF-a. In contrast, macrophages from A/Sn animals released high levels of TNF-a associated with a small production of TGF-ß. The in vivo depletion of IFN-g not only abrogated the resistance of A/Sn mice but also diminished the relative resistance of B10.A animals. The in vivo depletion of IL-4 did not alter the disease outcome, whereas administration of rIL-12 significantly enhanced resistance in susceptible animals. Taken together, these results suggest that an early secretion of high levels of TNF-a and IFN-g followed by a sustained secretion of IL-2 and IFN-g plays a dominant role in the resistance mechanisms to P. brasiliensis infection. In contrast, an early and ephemeral secretion of low levels of TNF-a and IFN-g associated with production of IL-5, IL-10 and TGF-ß characterizes the progressive disease of susceptible animals.


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Mutant cell lines B3 and B10, which are unresponsive to both interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-gamma, and line B9, which does not respond to IFN-gamma stimulation, are described. The mutants were submitted to fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) from a cellular pool, which was obtained from the parental cell line 2C4 after several rounds of mutagenesis. The unresponsiveness to IFN stimulation was observed both in terms of expression of cell surface markers (CD2, class I and II HLAs) and mRNA expression of IFN-stimulated genes (2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS), 9-27, and guanylate binding protein (GBP)). Genetic crossing of B3, B9 and B10 with U3 (STAT1-), gamma2a (JAK2-) and U4 (JAK1-) mutants, respectively, did not restore IFN responsiveness to the hybrid cell lines. However, when these cell lines were crossed with the same mutants, but using the pairwise crosses B3 x U4, B9 x U3 and B10 x U3, the cell hybrids recovered full IFN responsiveness. The present genetic experiments permitted us to assign the mutant cell lines B3, B9 and B10 to the U3, gamma2 and U4 complementation groups, respectively. These conclusions were supported by the analysis of IFN-stimulated genes in the mutants.


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In the present study we evaluated T cell proliferation and Th lymphokine patterns in response to gp43 from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis presented by isolated dendritic cells from susceptible and resistant mice. T cell proliferation assays showed that dendritic cells from susceptible mice were less efficient than those from resistant mice. The pattern of T cell lymphokines stimulated by dendritic cells was always Th1, although the levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma were lower in T cell cultures from susceptible mice. To determie whether different antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells stimulated different concentrations of Th1 lymphokines, the production of IFN-gamma and IL-2 was measured. It was observed that dendritic cells were more efficient than macrophages in stimulating lymphoproliferation in resistant mice. However, no significant difference was observed for IFN-gamma or IL-2 production. When cells from susceptible mice were used, macrophages were more efficient in stimulating lymphoproliferation than dendritic cells, but no difference was observed in the production of Th1 cytokine. Taken together, these results suggest the lower efficiency of dendritic cells and macrophages from B10.A mice in stimulating T cells that secrete Th1 lymphokines in vitro, an effect that may be involved in the progression of the disease in vivo.


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Different patterns of granulomas have been observed in 6- to 8-week-old mice after ip inoculation with 5 x 10(6) yeast cells of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) is a cytokine that has been shown to participate in fibrosis and granuloma formation; its activities seem to be modulated by the small proteoglycan decorin. In the present study, TGF-ß and decorin expression in epiploon granulomas was assessed by immunohistochemistry in susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice after 15, 30, 120 and 150 days of P. brasiliensis ip infection. The epiploon was collected, fixed in Methacarn solution and embedded in paraffin, and 5-µm thick sections were used for immunohistochemical analysis employing the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. The former mouse strain developed fatal disease with many disseminated lesions increasing in size and number during the infection and the latter developed mild disease with the presence of encapsulated granulomas. In the epiploon, TGF-ß was present on macrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes and fibroblasts, and absent on neutrophils. It was also detected in areas of fibrosis and necrosis, as well as disperse in amorphous extracellular matrix, mostly in resistant mice. Decorin was present circumscribing macrophages and giant cells containing fungi, but absent on these cells. In both mouse strains, decorin was found at the periphery of the lesions, and markedly in milky spot granulomas. In resistant mice, positivity was found around fibrotic and necrotic areas of encapsulated and residual lesions containing lysed fungi. Decorin was found associated with thick fibers around encapsulated lesions. In susceptible mice, the size and number of lesions increased with the progression of the disease and were correlated with the weaker expression of decorin. We suggest an association of decorin with the fibrogenic process observed in paracoccidioidal granulomas.