996 resultados para Autopsy diagnosis


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Hepatitis C is associated with autoimmune diseases, hepatocellular carcinoma,and extrahepatic manifestations that, in conjunction, may seriously compromise the patient's quality of life. We herein describe a case of chronic hepatitis C with oral manifestations and discuss some implications for diagnosis and treatment. A 63-year-old woman complaining of spontaneous bleeding of the oral mucosa presented with bilateral asymmetric ulcers surrounded by white papules and striae on the buccal mucosa. Her medical history revealed leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, and skin lesions associated with chronic hepatitis C. Propranolol and ranitidine had recently been prescribed. Lichen planus, lichenoid reaction, and erythema multiforme were considered in the differential diagnosis. Histopathological analysis revealed lymphocytic infiltrate in a lichenoid pattern. The lesions partially healed after 1 week and completely regressed after 6 months, despite the maintenance of all medications; no recurrence was observed. The final diagnosis was oral lichen planus associated with hepatitis C. Chronic hepatitis C may present oral manifestations, which demand adjustments in dental treatment planning. Medication side effects may interfere with the clinical presentation and course of the disease and should be accounted for in the differential diagnosis. The possibility of spontaneous remission of oral lichen planus should always be considered, especially when putative etiological factors of a lichenoid lesion are withdrawn in an attempt to differentiate oral lichen planus from lichenoid lesions. This case emphasizes the importance of recognizing the extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C as a cause of increased morbidity.


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A Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) submitted for necropsy had an oral white-yellow mass with a friable surface and putrid odor. Impression smears were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathology. Cytopathological analysis revealed numerous pyriform protozoa, compatible with Trichomonas gallinae. Protozoans were not evident within the lesions by histopathology after staining the samples with Hematoxylin and Eosin or Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) stain. We conclude that impression smears from avian oral trichomoniasis suspects, even during post-mortem evaluation, can be a useful technique for the diagnosis of this disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective To assess the diagnostic accuracy of the surface electromyography (sEMG) parameters associated with referred anterior knee pain in diagnosing patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Design Sensitivity and specificity analysis. Setting Physical rehabilitation center and laboratory of biomechanics and motor control. Participants Pain-free subjects (n=29) and participants with PFPS (n=22) selected by convenience. Interventions Not applicable. Main Outcome Measure The diagnostic accuracy was calculated for sEMG parameters’ reliability, precision, and ability to differentiate participants with and without PFPS. The selected sEMG parameter associated with anterior knee pain was considered as an index test and was compared with the reference standard for the diagnosis of PFPS. Intraclass correlation coefficient, SEM, independent t tests, sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive likelihood ratios, and negative and positive predictive values were used for the statistical analysis. Results The medium-frequency band (B2) parameter was reliable (intraclass correlation coefficient=.80–.90), precise (SEM=2.71–3.87 normalized unit), and able to differentiate participants with and without PFPS (P<.05). The association of B2 with anterior knee pain showed positive diagnostic accuracy values (specificity, .87; sensitivity, .70; negative likelihood ratio, .33; positive likelihood ratio, 5.63; negative predictive value, .72; and positive predictive value, .86). Conclusions The results provide evidence to support the use of EMG signals (B2 – frequency band of 45–96Hz) of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles with referred anterior knee pain in the diagnosis of PFPS.


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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is probably one of the most prevalent diseases in the world that also compromises the quality of life of the affected significantly. Its incidence in Brazil is 12%, corresponding to 20 million individuals. OBJECTIVE: To update the GERD management and the new trends on diagnosis and treatment, reviewing the international and Brazilian experience on it. METHOD: The literature review was based on papers published on Medline/Pubmed, SciELO, Lilacs, Embase and Cochrane crossing the following headings: gastroesophageal reflux disease, diagnosis, clinical treatment, surgery, fundoplication. RESULTS: Various factors are involved on GERD physiopathology, the most important being the transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. Clinical manifestations are heartburn, regurgitation (typical symptoms), cough, chest pain, asthma, hoarseness and throat clearing (atypical symptoms), which may be followed or not by typical symptoms. GERD patients may present complications such as peptic stenosis, hemorrhage, and Barrett's esophagus, which is the most important predisposing factor to adenocarcinoma. The GERD diagnosis must be based on the anamnesis and the symptoms must be evaluated in terms of duration, intensity, frequency, triggering and relief factors, pattern of evolution and impact on the patient's quality of life. The diagnosis requires confirmation with different exams. The goal of the clinical treatment is to relieve the symptoms and surgical treatment is indicated for patients who require continued drug use, with intolerance to prolonged clinical treatment and with GERD complications. CONCLUSION: GERD is a major digestive health problem and affect 12% of Brazilian people. The anamnesis is fundamental for the diagnosis of GERD, with special analysis of the typical and atypical symptoms (duration, intensity, frequency, triggering and relief factors, evolution and impact on the life quality). High digestive endoscopy and esophageal pHmetry are the most sensitive diagnosctic methods. The clinical treatment is useful in controlling the symptoms; however, the great problem is keeping the patients asymptomatic over time. Surgical treatment is indicated for patients who required continued drug use, intolerant to the drugs and with complicated forms of GERD.


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Dicephalus dipus dibrachius twins are a rare form of conjoined twins. An autopsy of conjoined dicephalus twins is reported. The diagnosis was performed during the pregnancy and the family received a judicial authorization for termination of pregnancy. The preterm newborn progressed to cardiac arrest and died following a court order to terminate the pregnancy. The conceptus presented two arms, two legs, a trunk, two heads, and a single umbilical cord. The two spinal columns presented vertebral fusion in the sacral region. The heart exhibited complex malformations. The external genitalia were female; and cytogenetic analysis confirmed female sex (46, XX). This analysis also corroborated the etiopathogenic hypotheses described for this abnormality, which proposes failures in embryonic formation rather than specific chromosomal alterations. Current identification of cases by ultrasound permits medical management and multidisciplinary action with the family, enabling the legal termination of pregnancy.


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Primary sclerosing cholangitis, a chronic progressive cholestatic liver disease, is the most serious hepatobiliary complication of ulcerative colitis (UC). The authors present the case of a severe and intractable form of UC associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis, in which the diagnosis of this hepatobiliary complication was made during the postmortem examination. A 19-year-old man, with an 8-month diagnosis of UC, was non-responsive to any therapeutic approach. He presented at the emergency care unit severely ill and with cachexia, and subsequently died of septic shock. The postmortem examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis of severe UC and disclosed the presence of primary sclerosing cholangitis. Although laboratory tests have shown a typical cholestatic profile with elevated alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transferase levels, hepatic dysfunction was related to sepsis. This report highlights how challenging the diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis can be and shows the value of the postmortem examination to add important information to a medical diagnosis.


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Background: More than half of women present nipple discharge during reproductive age. Case: This case is about a 36 years old woman with unilateral spontaneous hyaline nipple discharge associated with breast pain. The study of scintimammography was compatible with multifocal proliferative lesion in situ. It was performed cytological smear of nipple discharge. It was paucicellular smear represented by cluster of ductal cells in three-dimensional design with hyperchromatic nuclei in the presence of myoepithelial cells. Red cells and signs of necrosis were not observed. The diagnosis of in situ ductal carcinoma was confirmed in biopsy and mastectomy specimen through the expression of calponin in myoepithelial cells at immunohistochemistry. It is known that the cytological examination of nipple discharge has low sensitivity and specificity. However, it is an easy and inexpensive procedure. Suspicious or positive results, may be important for guidance workup of patients in order to perform earlier diagnosis of malignancy. Conclusion: this case demonstrates that in situ ductal carcinoma can be characterized by positive nipple discharge, and cytology sample is an important tool for the diagnosis of suspicion of malignancy and further diagnostic investigation.


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Cassava is an important staple food for human and animal feeding in Cuba. Despite its importance, there is little or nonexistent information to diagnose preferences and frequency of consumption of cassava in that country. In this sense, the present article characterizes the preferences and frequency of consumption of cassava in the municipalities of Plaza de la Revolución-La Habana province, El Salvador–Guantanamo province and San José de Las Lajas–Mayabeque province in Cuba. A survey was conducted through a questionnaire containing twelve closed and two open questions. The sample was determined based on the number of total population of each municipality considering 95% as confidence interval and 5% as error margin. The results were statistically analyzed by calculating the absolute and the relative frequencies of each question. It was observed that the acquisition of cassava in the municipalities of Plaza de la Revolución, El Salvador and San José de las Lajas in Cuba is done by purchase small quantities of fresh cassava for home consumption within one week, due to the extreme perishability of cassava, which limits consumers' ability to store fresh roots at home. The choice of cassava is made based on both skin colour (light brown) and pulp (white) and empirical knowledge about its ease of cooking, and that cassava is mostly consumed in boiled and fried forms up to four times a week in times where there is root market supply with the desirable culinary characteristics (cooking facility), that is, from September to December.


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The mainstay of tuberculosis diagnosis in cattle and deer has been the tuberculin skin test. Recent advances have allowed the incorporation of blood based assays to the diagnostic arsenal for both cattle and deer. Use of defined and specific antigens has allowed for improved specificity of cell mediated assays in both cattle and deer and advances in antibody tests for tuberculosis have potential for use in free-ranging and captive cervid populations. Combined use of blood-based assays with skin testing will require further understanding of the effect of skin testing on the accuracy of blood based assays. Models of experimental infection of cattle have allowed for increased understanding of natural disease pathogenesis. Differences likely exist; however, between cattle and deer in both disease distribution and primary route of inoculation in naturally infected animals.


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Using the isolation of Mycobacterium bovis as the reference standard, this study evaluated the sensitivity, specificity and kappa statistic of gross pathology (abattoir postmortem inspection), histopathology, and parallel or series combinations of the two for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in 430 elk and red deer. Two histopathology interpretations were evaluated: histopathology I, where the presence of lesions compatible with tuberculosis was considered positive, and histopathology II, where lesions compatible with tuberculosis or a select group of additional possible diagnoses were considered positive. In the 73 animals from which M. bovis was isolated, gross lesions of tuberculosis were most often in the lung (48), the retropharyngeal lymph nodes (36), the mesenteric lymph nodes (35), and the mediastinal lymph nodes (16). Other mycobacterial isolates included: 11 M. paratuberculosis, 11 M. avium, and 28 rapidly growing species or M. terrae complex. The sensitivity estimates of gross pathology and histopathology I were 93% (95% confidence limits [CL] 84,97%) and 88% [CL 77,94%], respectively, and the specificity of both was 89% [CL 85,92%]). The sensitivity and specificity of histopathology II were 89% (CL 79,95%) and 77% (CL 72,81%), respectively. The highest sensitivity estimates (93- 95% [CL 84,98%]) were obtained by interpreting gross pathology and histopathology in parallel (where an animal had to be positive on at least one of the two, to be classified as combination positive). The highest specificity estimates (94-95% [CL 91-97%]) were generated when the two tests were interpreted in series (an animal had to be positive on both tests to be classified as combination positive). The presence of gross or microscopic lesions showed moderate to good agreement with the isolation of M. bovis (Kappa = 65-69%). The results show that post-mortem inspection, histopathology and culture do not necessarily recognize the same infected animals and that the spectra of animals identified by the tests overlaps.


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This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects.


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We analyzed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from 65 consecutive children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treated according to two different treatment protocols (GBTLI-ALL-93 and -99) with no puncture accident for minimal residual disease (MRD) in the central nervous system (CNS). Minimal residual disease was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with homo/heteroduplex analysis using consensus primers to IgH and TCR genes. MRD in the CSF at diagnosis was detected by PCR in 46.8% of children with no puncture accident or morphological involvement. In patients treated with GBTLI-ALL-93 a significantly lower 5-year event-free survival (EFS) was demonstrated for those with CSF involvement, in univariate (p = 0.01) and multivariate (p = 0.04) analysis. This observation was not true for patients treated with the more intensive protocol GBTLI-ALL-99 (p = 0.81). These findings suggest that MRD detection in the CSF is a common event in children with ALL. Treatment intensification provided by the GBTLI-ALL-99 apparently overcomes the detrimental effect of CNS minimal residual disease at diagnosis.


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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities. Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move. Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed. Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications. Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.


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The objective of this cross-sectional, descriptive study was to identify the activities of the Nursing Intervention Classification considered as priorities for an Ineffective Breathing Pattern and not performed for elderly inpatients of a teaching hospital in the state of Goias. The study participants were 43 nursing professionals, and data collection was performed in the period spanning October to December 2008, after receiving approval from the Ethics Committee. It was observed that among the 67 activities considered to be priorities for the referred diagnosis, only seven were performed by all of the participants; the other activities, with a varied frequency, were not performed, with the main reason cited being that a professional from a different area completed the activity. It is understood that the fact that the nursing staff does not perform these activities can cause lack of complete coverage in nursing care; therefore there is a need for a legal apparatus to describe the activities that comprise professional practice exclusive to nursing personnel and those activities that have an interdisciplinary nature.