968 resultados para Attrition Game-1 sensitivity studies.
OBJECTIVE: The rapid growth of the rubella virus in RC-IAL² with development of cytopathic effect, in response to rubella virus infection, is described. For purposes of comparison, the rubella virus RA-27/3 strain was titered simultaneously in the RC-IAL, Vero, SIRC and RK13 cell lines. METHODS: Rubella virus RA-27/3 strain are inoculated in the RC-IAL cell line (rabbit Kidney, Institute Adolfo Lutz). Plates containing 1.5x10(5) cells/ml of RC-IAL line were inoculated with 0.1ml s RA-27/3 strain virus containing 1x 10(4)TCID50/0.1ml. A 25% cytopathic effect was observed after 48 hours and 100% after 96 hours. The results obtained were compared to those observed with the SIRC, Vero and RK13 cell lines. Rubella virus was detected by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: With the results, it was possible to conclude that the RC-IAL cell line is a very good substrate for culturing rubella virus. The cells inoculated with rubella virus were examined by phase contrast microscopy and showed the characteristic rounded, bipolar and multipolar cells. The CPE in RC-IAL was observed in the first 48 hours and the curve of the increased infectivity was practically the same as observed in other cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are important since this is one the few cell lines described in the literature with a cytopathic effect. So it can be used for antigen preparation and serological testing for the diagnosis of specific rubella antibodies.
In order to study the impact of premature birth and low income on mother–infant interaction, four Portuguese samples were gathered: full-term, middle-class (n=99); premature, middle-class (n=63); full-term, low income (n=22); and premature, low income (n=21). Infants were filmed in a free play situation with their mothers, and the results were scored using the CARE Index. By means of multinomial regression analysis, social economic status (SES) was found to be the best predictor of maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior within a set of medical and social factors. Contrary to the expectations of the cumulative risk perspective, two factors of risk (premature birth together with low SES) were as negative for mother–infant interaction as low SES solely. In this study, as previous studies have shown, maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior were highly correlated, as was maternal control with infant compliance. Our results further indicate that, when maternal lack of responsiveness is high, the infant displays passive behavior, whereas when the maternal lack of responsiveness is medium, the infant displays difficult behavior. Indeed, our findings suggest that, in these cases, the link between types of maternal and infant interactive behavior is more dependent on the degree of maternal lack of responsiveness than it is on birth status or SES. The results will be discussed under a developmental and evolutionary reasoning
Int’l J. of Information and Communication Technology Education, 3(2), 1-14, April-June 2007
OBJECTIVE: Selecting controls is one of the most difficult tasks in the design of case-control studies. Hospital controls may be inadequate and random controls drawn from the base population may be unavailable. The aim was to assess the use of hospital visitors as controls in a case-control study on the association of organochlorinated compounds and other risk factors for breast cancer conducted in the main hospital of the "Instituto Nacional de Câncer" -- INCA (National Cancer Institute) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). METHODS: The study included 177 incident cases and 377 controls recruited among female visitors. Three different models of control group composition were compared: Model 1, with all selected visitors; Model 2, excluding women visiting relatives with breast cancer; and Model 3, excluding all women visiting relatives with any type of cancer. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to test the associations. RESULTS: Age-adjusted OR for breast cancer associated with risk factors other than family history of cancer, except smoking and breast size, were similar in the three models. Regarding family history of all cancers, except for breast cancer, there was a decreased risk in Models 1 and 2, while in Model 3 there was an increased risk, but not statistically significant. Family history of breast cancer was a risk factor in Models 2 and 3, but no association was found in Model 1. In multivariate analysis a significant risk of breast cancer was found when there was a family history of breast cancer in Models 2 and 3 but not in Model 1. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that while investigating risk factors unrelated to family history of cancer, the use of hospital visitors as controls may be a valid and feasible alternative.
Eastwards / Westwards: Which Direction for Gender Studies in the XXIst Century? is a collection of essays which focus on themes and methods that characterize current research into gender in Asian countries in general. In this collection, ideas derived from Gender Studies elsewhere in the world have been subjected to scrutiny for their utility in helping to describe and understand regional phenomena. But the concepts of Local and Global – with their discoursive productions – have not functioned as a binary opposition: localism and globalism are mutually constitutive and researchers have interrogated those spaces of interaction between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, bearing in mind their own embeddedness in social and cultural structures and their own historical memory. Contributors to this collection provided a critical transnational perspective on some of the complex effects of the dynamics of cultural globalization, by exploring the relation between gender and development, language, historiography, education and culture. We have also given attention to the ideological and rhetorical processes through which gender identity is constructed, by comparing textual grids and patterns of expectation. Likewise, we have discussed the role of ethnography, anthropology, historiography, sociology, fiction, popular culture and colonial and post-colonial sources in (re)inventing old/new male/female identities, their conversion into concepts and circulation through time and space. This multicultural and trans-disciplinary selection of essays is totally written in English, fully edited and revised, therefore, it has a good potential for an immediate international circulation. This project may trace new paths and issues for discussion on what concerns the life, practices and narratives by and about women in Asia, as well as elsewhere in the present day global experience. Academic readership: Researchers, scholars, educators, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral students and general non-fiction readers, with a special interest in Gender Studies, Asia, Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, History, Historiography, Politics, Race, Feminism, Language, Linguistics, Power, Political and Feminist Agendas, Popular Culture, Education, Women’s Writing, Religion, Multiculturalism, Globalisation, Migration. Chapter summary: 1. “Social Gender Stereotypes and their Implication in Hindi”, Anjali Pande, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. This essay looks at the subtle ways in which gender identities are constructed and reinforced in India through social norms of language use. Language itself becomes a medium for perpetuating gender stereotypes, forcing its speakers to confirm to socially defined gender roles. Using examples from a classroom discussion about a film, this essay will highlight the underlying rigid male-female stereotypes in Indian society with their more obvious expressions in language. For the urban woman in India globalisation meant increased economic equality and exposure to changed lifestyles. On an individual level it also meant redefining gender relations and changing the hierarchy in man-woman relationships. With the economic independence there is a heightened sense of liberation in all spheres of social life, a confidence to fuzz the rigid boundaries of gender roles. With the new films and media celebrating this liberated woman, who is ready to assert her sexual needs, who is ready to explode those long held notions of morality, one would expect that the changes are not just superficial. But as it soon became obvious in the course of a classroom discussion about relationships and stereotypes related to age, the surface changes can not become part of the common vocabulary, for the obvious reason that there is still a vast gap between the screen image of this new woman and the ground reality. Social considerations define the limits of this assertiveness of women, whereas men are happy to be liberal within the larger frame of social sanctions. The educated urban woman in India speaks in favour of change and the educated urban male supports her, but one just needs to scratch the surface to see the time tested formulae of gender roles firmly in place. The way the urban woman happily balances this emerging promise of independence with her gendered social identity, makes it necessary to rethink some aspects of looking at gender in a gradually changing, traditional society like India. 2. “The Linguistic Dimension of Gender Equality”, Alissa Tolstokorova, Kiev Centre for Gender Information and Education, Ukraine. The subject-matter of this essay is gender justice in language which, as I argue, may be achieved through the development of a gender-related approach to linguistic human rights. The last decades of the 20th century, globally marked by a “gender shift” in attitudes to language policy, gave impetus to the social movement for promoting linguistic gender equality. It was initiated in Western Europe and nowadays is moving eastwards, as ideas of gender democracy progress into developing countries. But, while in western societies gender discrimination through language, or linguistic sexism, was an issue of concern for over three decades, in developing countries efforts to promote gender justice in language are only in their infancy. My argument is that to promote gender justice in language internationally it is necessary to acknowledge the rights of women and men to equal representation of their gender in language and speech and, therefore, raise a question of linguistic rights of the sexes. My understanding is that the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights in 1996 provided this opportunity to address the problem of gender justice in language as a human rights issue, specifically as a gender dimension of linguistic human rights. 3. “The Rebirth of an Old Language: Issues of Gender Equality in Kazakhstan”, Maria Helena Guimarães, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. The existing language situation in Kazakhstan, while peaceful, is not without some tension. We propose to analyze here some questions we consider relevant in the frame of cultural globalization and gender equality, such as: free from Russian imperialism, could Kazakhstan become an easy prey of Turkey’s “imperialist dream”? Could these traditionally Muslim people be soon facing the end of religious tolerance and gender equality, becoming this new old language an easy instrument for the infiltration in the country of fundamentalism (it has already crossed the boarders of Uzbekistan), leading to a gradual deterioration of its rich multicultural relations? The present structure of the language is still very fragile: there are three main dialects and many academics defend the re-introduction of the Latin alphabet, thus enlarging the possibility of cultural “contamination” by making the transmission of fundamentalist ideas still easier through neighbour countries like Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (their languages belong to the same sub-group of Common Turkic), where the Latin alphabet is already in use, and where the ground for such ideas shown itself very fruitful. 4. “Construction of Womanhood in the Bengali Language of Bangladesh”, Raasheed Mahmood; University of New South Wales, Sydney. The present essay attempts to explore the role of gender-based language differences and of certain markers that reveal the status accorded to women in Bangladesh. Discrimination against women, in its various forms, is endemic in communities and countries around the world, cutting across class, race, age, and religious and national boundaries. One cannot understand the problems of gender discrimination solely by referring to the relationship of power or authority between men and women. Rather one needs to consider the problem by relating it to the specific social formation in which the image of masculinity and femininity is constructed and reconstructed. Following such line of reasoning this essay will examine the nature of gender bias in the Bengali language of Bangladesh, holding the conviction that as a product of social reality language reflects the socio-cultural behaviour of the community who speaks it. This essay will also attempt to shed some light on the processes through which gender based language differences produce actual consequences for women, who become exposed to low self-esteem, depression and systematic exclusion from public discourse. 5. “Marriage in China as an expression of a changing society”, Elisabetta Rosado David, University of Porto, Portugal, and Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia, Italy. In 29 April 2001, the new Marriage Law was promulgated in China. The first law on marriage was proclaimed in 1950 with the objective of freeing women from the feudal matrimonial system. With the second law, in 1981, values and conditions that had been distorted by the Cultural Revolution were recovered. Twenty years later, a new reform was started, intending to update marriage in the view of the social and cultural changes that occurred with Deng Xiaoping’s “open policy”. But the legal reform is only the starting point for this case-study. The rituals that are followed in the wedding ceremony are often hard to understand and very difficult to standardize, especially because China is a vast country, densely populated and characterized by several ethnic minorities. Two key words emerge from this issue: syncretism and continuity. On this basis, we can understand tradition in a better way, and analyse whether or not marriage, as every social manifestation, has evolved in harmony with Chinese culture. 6. “The Other Woman in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Case of Portuguese India”, Maria de Deus Manso, University of Évora, Portugal. This essay researches the social, cultural and symbolic history of local women in the Portuguese Indian colonial enclaves. The normative Portuguese overseas history has not paid any attention to the “indigenous” female populations in colonial Portuguese territories, albeit the large social importance of these social segments largely used in matrimonial and even catholic missionary strategies. The first attempt to open fresh windows in the history of this new field was the publication of Charles Boxer’s referential study about Women in lberian Overseas Expansion, edited in Portugal only after the Revolution of 1975. After this research we can only quote some other fragmentary efforts. In fact, research about the social, cultural, religious, political and symbolic situation of women in the Portuguese colonial territories, from the XVI to the XX century, is still a minor historiographic field. In this essay we discuss this problem and we study colonial representations of women in the Portuguese Indian enclaves, mainly in the territory of Goa, using case studies methodologies. 7. “Heading East this Time: Critical Readings on Gender in Southeast Asia”, Clara Sarmento, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. This essay intends to discuss some critical readings of fictional and theoretical texts on gender condition in Southeast Asian countries. Nowadays, many texts about women in Southeast Asia apply concepts of power in unusual areas. Traditional forms of gender hegemony have been replaced by other powerful, if somewhat more covert, forms. We will discuss some universal values concerning conventional female roles as well as the strategies used to recognize women in political fields traditionally characterized by male dominance. Female empowerment will mean different things at different times in history, as a result of culture, local geography and individual circumstances. Empowerment needs to be perceived as an individual attitude, but it also has to be facilitated at the macrolevel by society and the State. Gender is very much at the heart of all these dynamics, strongly related to specificities of historical, cultural, ethnic and class situatedness, requiring an interdisciplinary transnational approach.
Thin films of TiO2 were doped with Au by ion implantation and in situ during the deposition. The films were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering and deposited in silicon and glass substrates at a temperature around 150 degrees C. The undoped films were implanted with Au fiuences in the range of 5 x 10(15) Au/cm(2)-1 x 10(17) Au/cm(2) with a energy of 150 keV. At a fluence of 5 x 10(16) Au/cm(2) the formation of Au nanoclusters in the films is observed during the implantation at room temperature. The clustering process starts to occur during the implantation where XRD estimates the presence of 3-5 nm precipitates. After annealing in a reducing atmosphere, the small precipitates coalesce into larger ones following an Ostwald ripening mechanism. In situ XRD studies reveal that Au atoms start to coalesce at 350 degrees C, reaching the precipitates dimensions larger than 40 nm at 600 degrees C. Annealing above 700 degrees C promotes drastic changes in the Au profile of in situ doped films with the formation of two Au rich regions at the interface and surface respectively. The optical properties reveal the presence of a broad band centered at 550 nm related to the plasmon resonance of gold particles visible in AFM maps. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introdução – Na avaliação diagnóstica em mamografia, o desempenho do radiologista pode estar sujeito a erros de diagnóstico. Objetivo – Descrever a importância da perceção visual na análise da mamografia, identificando os principais fatores que contribuem para a perceção visual do radiologista e que condicionam a acuidade diagnóstica. Metodologia – Estudo descritivo baseado numa revisão sistemática de literatura através da PubMed e da Science Direct. Foram incluídos 42 artigos que respeitavam, pelo menos, um dos critérios de inclusão no estudo. Para a seleção das referências foi utilizada a metodologia PRISMA, constituída por 4 fases: identificação, seleção preliminar, elegibilidade e estudos incluídos. Resultados – Na avaliação diagnóstica em mamografia, a perceção visual está intimamente relacionada com: 1) diferentes parâmetros visuais e da motilidade ocular (acuidade visual, sensibilidade ao contraste e à luminância e movimentos oculares); 2) com condições de visualização de uma imagem (iluminância da sala e luminância do monitor); e 3) fadiga ocular provocada pela observação diária consecutiva de imagens. Conclusões – A perceção visual pode ser influenciada por 3 categorias de erros observados: erros de pesquisa (lesões não são fixadas pela fóvea), erros de reconhecimento (lesões fixadas, mas não durante o tempo suficiente) e erros de decisão (lesões fixadas, mas não identificadas como suspeitas). Os estudos analisados sobre perceção visual, atenção visual e estratégia visual, bem como os estudos sobre condições de visualização não caracterizam a função visual dos observadores. Para uma avaliação correta da perceção visual em mamografia deverão ser efetuados estudos que correlacionem a função visual com a qualidade diagnóstica. ABSTRACT - Introduction – Diagnostic evaluation in mammography could be influenced by the radiologist performance that could be under diagnostic errors. Aims – To describe the importance of radiologist visual perception in mammographic diagnostic evaluation and to identify the main factors that contribute to diagnostic accuracy. Methods – In this systematic review 42 references were included based on inclusion criteria (PubMed and Science Direct). PRISMA method was used to select the references following 4 steps: identification, screening, eligibility and included references. Results – Visual perception in mammography diagnostic evaluation is related with: 1) visual parameters and ocular motility (visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and luminance and ocular movements); 2) image visualization environment (room iluminance and monitor luminance); and 3) eyestrain caused by image daily consecutive observation. Conclusions – Visual perception can be influenced by three errors categories: search errors (lesions are never looked at with high-resolution foveal vision), recognition errors (lesions are looked at, but not long enough to detect or recognize) and decision errors (lesions are looked at for long periods of time but are still missed). The reviewed studies concerning visual perception, visual attention, visual strategies and image visualization environment do not describe observer’s visual function. An accurate evaluation of visual perception in mammography must include visual function analysis.
A obesidade e a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são considerados dois grandes problemas de saúde pública. A má alimentação e a falta de atividade física encontram-se entre os principais desencadeadores de um crescente número de indivíduos obesos, diabéticos e com sensibilidade à insulina diminuída. Este aumento tem motivado a comunidade científica a investigar cada vez mais para o elevado contributo da herança genética associada aos fatores sociais e nutricionais. O gene dos recetores ativados por proliferadores do peroxissoma gama 2 (PPARγ2) desempenha um papel importante no metabolismo lipídico. Uma vez que o PPARγ2 é maioritariamente expresso no tecido adiposo, uma redução moderada da sua atividade tem influência na sensibilidade à insulina, diabetes, e outros parâmetros metabólicos. Vários estudos sugerem que tanto fatores genéticos como fatores ambientais (tais como a dieta), poderão estar envolvidos na formação de padrões associados ao polimorfismo Pro12Ala com a composição corporal em diferentes populações humanas. Os diversos estudos genéticos envolvendo o estudo do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na suscetibilidade de possuir risco de diabetes e obesidade em várias populações têm proposto conclusões diversas. Em alguns parece haver mais associações do que outros e, às vezes, não demonstram sequer associação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objectivo contribuir para a elucidação do impacto do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na resistência à insulina associada à DM2 e na obesidade, mediante estudo sistematizado da literatura existente até à data, através de meta análise. Do total de uma pesquisa de 63 publicações, foram incluídos 32 artigos no presente estudo, sendo que destes 25 foram incluídos na síntese qualitativa e 11 incluídos na sintese quantitativa. No presente trabalho pode-se concluir que existe evidência estatística que suporta a hipótese de que o polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 pode ser considerado um fator protetor para a DM2 [p <0,05 e OR (odds ratio) 0,702, com IC (intervalos de confiança) com valores que nunca incluem o 1]. No entanto, e mediante os mesmos pressupostos, o mesmo polimorfismo pode ser considerado um fator de risco ao desenvolvimento de obesidade, pela evidência estatística [p <0,05 e OR de 1,196, com IC com valores que nunca incluem o 1].
Four ruthenium(II) complexes with the formula [Ru(eta(5)-C(5)H(5))(PP)L][CF(3)SO(3)], being (PP = two triphenylphosphine molecules), L = 1-benzylimidazole, 1; (PP = two triphenylphosphine molecules), L = 2,2'bipyridine, 2; (PP = two triphenylphosphine molecules), L = 4-Methylpyridine, 3; (PP = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphine) ethane), L = 4-Methylpyridine, 4, were prepared, in view to evaluate their potentialities as antitumor agents. The compounds were completely characterized by NMR spectroscopy and their crystal and molecular structures were determined by X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical studies were carried out giving for all the compounds quasi-reversible processes. The images obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM) suggest interaction with pBR322 plasmid DNA. Measurements of the viscosity of solutions of free DNA and DNA incubated with different concentrations of the compounds confirmed this interaction. The cytotoxicity of compounds 1234 was much higher than that of cisplatin against human leukemia cancer cells (HL-60 cells). IC(50) values for all the compounds are in the range of submicromolar amounts. Apoptotic death percentage was also studied resulting similar than that of cisplatin. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial.OB JECTIVE: To investigate the immediate effects on pressure pain thresholds over latent trigger points (TrPs) in the masseter and temporalis muscles and active mouth opening following atlanto-occipital joint thrust manipulation or a soft tissue manual intervention targeted to the suboccipital muscles. BACKGROUND : Previous studies have described hypoalgesic effects of neck manipulative interventions over TrPs in the cervical musculature. There is a lack of studies analyzing these mechanisms over TrPs of muscles innervated by the trigeminal nerve. METHODS: One hundred twenty-two volunteers, 31 men and 91 women, between the ages of 18 and 30 years, with latent TrPs in the masseter muscle, were randomly divided into 3 groups: a manipulative group who received an atlanto-occipital joint thrust, a soft tissue group who received an inhibition technique over the suboccipital muscles, and a control group who did not receive an intervention. Pressure pain thresholds over latent TrPs in the masseter and temporalis muscles, and active mouth opening were assessed pretreatment and 2 minutes posttreatment by a blinded assessor. Mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the effects of interventions on each outcome, with group as the between-subjects variable and time as the within-subjects variable. The primary analysis was the group-by-time interaction. RESULTS: The 2-by-3 mixed-model ANOVA revealed a significant group-by-time interaction for changes in pressure pain thresholds over masseter (P<.01) and temporalis (P =.003) muscle latent TrPs and also for active mouth opening (P<.001) in favor of the manipulative and soft tissue groups. Between-group effect sizes were small. CONCLUSIONS: The application of an atlanto-occipital thrust manipulation or soft tissue technique targeted to the suboccipital muscles led to an immediate increase in pressure pain thresholds over latent TrPs in the masseter and temporalis muscles and an increase in maximum active mouth opening. Nevertheless, the effects of both interventions were small and future studies are required to elucidate the clinical relevance of these changes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE : Therapy, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(5):310-317. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3257. KEYWORDSDS: cervical manipulation, muscle trigger points, neck, TMJ, upper cervical.
The organotin(IV) compounds [Me2Sn(L)(2)] (1), [Et(2)sn(L)(2)] (2), [(Bu2Sn)-Bu-n(L)(2)] (3), [(n)Oct(2)Sn(L)(2)] (4), [Ph2Sn(L)(2)] (5), and [PhOSnL](6) (6) have been synthesized from the reactions of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (HL) with the corresponding diorganotin(IV) oxide or dichloride. They were characterized by IR and multinuclear NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, and, for 2, 3, 4 and 6, single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. While 1-5 are mononuclear diorganotin (IV) compounds, the X-ray diffraction of 6 discloses a hexameric drumlike structure with a prismatic Sn6O6 core. All these complexes undergo irreversible reductions and were screened for their in vitro antitumor activities toward HL-60, BGC-823, Bel-7402, and KB human cancer cell lines. Within the mononuclear compounds, the most active ones (3, 5) are easiest to reduce (least cathodic reduction potentials), while the least active ones (1, 4) are the most difficult to reduce. Structural rearrangements (i.e., Sn-O bond cleavages and trans-to-cis isomerization) induced by reduction, which eventually can favor the bioactivity, are disclosed by theoretical/electrochemical studies.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação, especialidade Educação Especial – Problemas Cognitivos e Multideficiência
In this paper is presented a Game Theory based methodology to allocate transmission costs, considering cooperation and competition between producers. As original contribution, it finds the degree of participation on the additional costs according to the demand behavior. A comparative study was carried out between the obtained results using Nucleolus balance and Shapley Value, with other techniques such as Averages Allocation method and the Generalized Generation Distribution Factors method (GGDF). As example, a six nodes network was used for the simulations. The results demonstrate the ability to find adequate solutions on open access environment to the networks.
Presently power system operation produces huge volumes of data that is still treated in a very limited way. Knowledge discovery and machine learning can make use of these data resulting in relevant knowledge with very positive impact. In the context of competitive electricity markets these data is of even higher value making clear the trend to make data mining techniques application in power systems more relevant. This paper presents two cases based on real data, showing the importance of the use of data mining for supporting demand response and for supporting player strategic behavior.