994 resultados para Atomic physics


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In this Letter, the rarefaction and roughness effects on the heat transfer process in gas microbearings are investigated. A heat transfer model is developed by introducing two-variable Weierstrass-Mandelbrot (W-M) function with fractal geometry. The heat transfer problem in the multiscale self-affine rough microbearings at slip flow regime is analyzed and discussed. The results show that rarefaction has more significant effect on heat transfer in rough microbearings with lower fractal dimension. The negative influence of roughness on heat transfer found to be the Nusselt number reduction. The heat transfer performance can be optimized with increasing fractal dimension of the rough surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Metal-catalyst-free chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of large area uniform nanocrystalline graphene on oxidized silicon substrates is demonstrated. The material grows slowly, allowing for thickness control down to monolayer graphene. The as-grown thin films are continuous with no observable pinholes, and are smooth and uniform across whole wafers, as inspected by optical-, scanning electron-, and atomic force microscopy. The sp 2 hybridized carbon structure is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Room temperature electrical measurements show ohmic behavior (sheet resistance similar to exfoliated graphene) and up to 13 of electric-field effect. The Hall mobility is ∼40 cm 2/Vs, which is an order of magnitude higher than previously reported values for nanocrystalline graphene. Transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and transport measurements indicate a graphene crystalline domain size ∼10 nm. The absence of transfer to another substrate allows avoidance of wrinkles, holes, and etching residues which are usually detrimental to device performance. This work provides a broader perspective of graphene CVD and shows a viable route toward applications involving transparent electrodes. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We review some recently published methods to represent atomic neighbourhood environments, and analyse their relative merits in terms of their faithfulness and suitability for fitting potential energy surfaces. The crucial properties that such representations (sometimes called descriptors) must have are differentiability with respect to moving the atoms, and invariance to the basic symmetries of physics: rotation, reflection, translation, and permutation of atoms of the same species. We demonstrate that certain widely used descriptors that initially look quite different are specific cases of a general approach, in which a finite set of basis functions with increasing angular wave numbers are used to expand the atomic neighbourhood density function. Using the example system of small clusters, we quantitatively show that this expansion needs to be carried to higher and higher wave numbers as the number of neighbours increases in order to obtain a faithful representation, and that variants of the descriptors converge at very different rates. We also propose an altogether new approach, called Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP), that sidesteps these difficulties by directly defining the similarity between any two neighbourhood environments, and show that it is still closely connected to the invariant descriptors. We test the performance of the various representations by fitting models to the potential energy surface of small silicon clusters and the bulk crystal.


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The measurement of cantilever parameters is an essential part of performing a calibrated measurement with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The thermal motion method is a widely used technique for calibrating the spring constant of an AFM cantilever, which can be applied to non-rectangular cantilevers. Given the trend towards high frequency scanning, calibration of non-rectangular cantilevers is of increasing importance. This paper presents two results relevant to cantilever calibration via the thermal motion method. We demonstrate the possibility of using the AFM's phase signal to acquire the thermal motion. This avoids the challenges associated with connecting the raw photodiode signal to a separate spectrum analyser. We also describe how numerical calculations may be used to calculate the parameters needed in a thermal motion calibration of a non-rectangular cantilever. Only accurate knowledge of the relative size of the in-plane dimensions of the cantilever is needed in this computation. We use this pair of results in the calibration of a variety of rectangular and non-rectangular cantilevers. We observe an average difference between the Sader and thermal motion values of cantilever stiffness of 10%.


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This paper describes a fundamental experimental study of the flow structure around a single three-dimensional (3D) transonic shock control bump (SCB) mounted on a flat surface in a wind tunnel. Tests have been carried out with a Mach 1.3 normal shock wave located at a number of streamwise positions relative to the SCB. Details of the flow have been studied using the experimental techniques of schlieren photography, surface oil flow visualization, pressure sensitive paint, and laser Doppler anemometry. The results of the work build on the findings of previous researchers and shed new light on the flow physics of 3D SCBs. It is found that spanwise pressure gradients across the SCB ramp and the shape of the SCB sides affect the magnitude and uniformity of flow turning generated by the bump, which can impact on the spanwise propagation of the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) shock structure produced by a 3DSCB. At the bump crest, vortices can form if the pressure on the crest is significantly lower than at either side of the bump. The trajectories of these vortices, which are relatively weak, are strongly influenced by any spanwise pressure gradients across the bump tail. Asignificant difference between 2D and 3D SCBs highlighted by the study is the impact of spanwise pressure gradients on 3D SCB performance. The magnitude of these spanwise pressure gradients is determined largely by SCB geometry and shock position. Copyright © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The book contains invited lectures and selected contributions presented at the Enzo Levi and XVII Annual Meeting of the Fluid Dynamic Division of the Mexican Physical Society in 2011.


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This paper presents the steps and the challenges for implementing analytical, physics-based models for the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and the PIN diode in hardware and more specifically in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The models can be utilised in hardware co-simulation of complex power electronic converters and entire power systems in order to reduce the simulation time without compromising the accuracy of results. Such a co-simulation allows reliable prediction of the system's performance as well as accurate investigation of the power devices' behaviour during operation. Ultimately, this will allow application-specific optimisation of the devices' structure, circuit topologies as well as enhancement of the control and/or protection schemes.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with cathodoluminescence (CL) were performed on exactly the same defects in a blue-emitting InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (QW) sample enabling the direct correlation of the morphology of an individual defect with its emission properties. The defects in question are observed in AFM and SEM as a trench partially or fully enclosing a region of the QW having altered emission properties. Their sub-surface structure has previously been shown to consist of a basal plane stacking fault (BSF) in the plane of the QW stack, and a stacking mismatch boundary (SMB) which opens up into a trench at the sample surface. In CL, the material enclosed by the trench may emit more or less intensely than the surrounding material, but always exhibits a redshift relative to the surrounding material. A strong correlation exists between the width of the trench and both the redshift and the intensity ratio, with the widest trenches surrounding regions which exhibit the brightest and most redshifted emission. Based on studies of the evolution of the trench width with the number of QWs from four additional MQW samples, we conclude that in order for a trench defect to emit intense, strongly redshifted light, the BSF must be formed in the early stages of the growth of the QW stack. The data suggest that the SMB may act as a non-radiative recombination center. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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In this article, we investigate the spontaneous emission properties of radiating molecules embedded in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, under the assumption that the electronic transition frequency is close to the photonic edge mode of the structure, i.e., at resonance. We take into account the transition broadening and the decay of electromagnetic field modes supported by the so-called "mirrorless"cavity. We employ the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian to describe the electron interaction with the electromagnetic field, focusing on the mode with the diffracting polarization in the chiral nematic layer. As known in these structures, the density of photon states, calculated via the Wigner method, has distinct peaks on either side of the photonic band gap, which manifests itself as a considerable modification of the emission spectrum. We demonstrate that, near resonance, there are notable differences between the behavior of the density of states and the spontaneous emission profile of these structures. In addition, we examine in some detail the case of the logarithmic peak exhibited in the density of states in two-dimensional photonic structures and obtain analytic relations for the Lamb shift and the broadening of the atomic transition in the emission spectrum. The dynamical behavior of the atom-field system is described by a system of two first-order differential equations, solved using the Green's-function method and the Fourier transform. The emission spectra are then calculated and compared with experimental data. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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An experimental study on normal hole bleed in a supersonic turbulent boundary layer has been conducted. A combination of LDV, Schlieren imagery and oil flow visualization were used to provide a better understanding of the three-dimensional flow field surrounding a supersonic bleed array. Experiments were performed at Mach numbers of 1.8 and 2.5, while previously published results at Mach numbers of 1.3 and 1.5 were also incorporated. The bleed system was capable of removing up to approximately 10% of the incoming boundary layer through a tunnel-spanning array of discrete holes with diameters the same order of magnitude of boundary layer displacement thickness. Inspection of boundary layer profiles downstream of the bleed region indicates that vorticity generated by the discrete holes can have a substantial influence on changes to the boundary layer shape factor and skin friction coefficient, through modification of the lower 20% of the boundary layer. This vorticity was visualized through oil-flow visualization, and LDV measurements, showing the development of two vortices off each bleed hole, and corresponding upwash and downwash regions with far-reaching three dimensional effects. © 2013 by J. M. Oorebeek and H. Babinsky.