992 resultados para Astrophysics and Astronomy


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Recent advances in the study of quantum vibrations and rotations in the fundamental hydrogen molecules are reported. Using the deuterium molecules (D-2(+) and D-2) as exemplars, the application of ultrafast femtosecond pump-probe experiments to study the creation and time-resolved imaging of coherent nuclear wavepackets is discussed. The ability to study the motion of these fundamental molecules in the time-domain is a notable milestone, made possible through the advent of ultrashort intense laser pulses with durations on sub-vibrational (and sub-rotational) timescales. Quantum wavepacket revivals are characterised for both vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom and quantum models are used to provide a detailed discussion of the underlying ultrafast physical dynamics for the specialist and non-specialist alike. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method is proposed for detecting positron-atom bound states by observing enhanced positron annihilation due to electronic Feshbach resonances at electron-volt energies. The method is applicable to a range of open-shell transition-metal atoms which are likely to bind the positron: Fe, Co, Ni, Tc, Ru, Rh, Sn, Sb, Ta, W, Os, Ir, and Pt. Estimates of their binding energies are provided.


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We demonstrate for the first time a tight binding model for water incorporating polarizable oxygen atoms. A novel aspect is that we adopt a ``ground up'' approach in that properties of the monomer and dimer only are fitted. Subsequently we make predictions of the structure and properties of hexamer clusters, ice-XI and liquid water. A particular feature, missing in current tight binding and semiempirical hamiltonians, is that we reproduce the almost two-fold increase in molecular dipole moment as clusters are built up towards the limit of bulk liquid. We concentrate on properties of liquid water, particularly dielectric constant and self diffusion coefficient, which are very well rendered in comparison with experiment. Finally we comment on the question of the contrasting densities of water and ice which is central to an understanding of the subtleties of the hydrogen bond.


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We report observations of stable, localized, linelike structures in the spatially periodic pattern formed by nematic electroconvection, along which the phase of the pattern jumps by pi. With increasing electric voltage, these lines form a gridlike structure that goes over into a structure indistinguishable from the well-known grid pattern. We present theoretical arguments that suggest that the twisted cell geometry we are using is indirectly stabilizing the phase jump lines, and that the phase jump lines lattice is caused by an interaction of phase jump lines and a zig-zag instability of the surrounding pattern.


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It is noted that the determination of an oscillation frequency by used of the power spectrum of measured time series is susceptible to filtering of the signal. Similarly, frequency measurements made by period counting can yield different, results depending on how the signal is filtered for noise reduction. In an attempt to eliminate these ambiguities, a new measure of frequency, based on an approximate reconstruction of the phase-space trajectory of the oscillator from the signal, is introduced. This measure is shown to be invariant under linear filtering. For this reason, it is also inaccessible by spectral methods. The effect of filtering on frequency for weakly nonlinear, noisy oscillators, to which this definition applies only imperfectly, is quantified. This work provides the theoretical basis for frequency measurements employing MIRVA filtering.


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We present methods for detecting phase synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled, self-sustained noisy oscillators from a signal of the driven oscillator alone. One method detects soft phase locking; another hard phase locking. Both are applied to the problem of detecting phase synchronization in von Karman vortex flow meters.


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We present a detailed analysis of the characteristics of electroconvection patterns in a homeotropic nematic liquid crystal under the influence of a variable magnetic field. An unambiguous observation of low frequency


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A mechanism or the localization of spatially periodic,self-oganized patterns in anisotropic media which requires systems extended in all three spatial dimensions is presented: When the anisotropy axis is twisted, the pattern becomes localized in planes parallel to the anisotropy axis. An analytical description of the effect is developed, and used to interpret recent experiments in the high-frequency regime of electroconvection by Bohatsch and Stannarius [Phys. Rev. E 60, 5591 (1999)]. The localization width is found to be of the order of magnitude of the geometrical average of the pattern wavelength and the inverse twist.


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We report on chevrons (herringbonelike patterns) observed in homeotropically aligned liquid crystals with high electric conductivity. We focus our attention on two types of chevrons observed in the conduction regime. The threshold voltage and the characteristic double periodicity of chevrons (i.e., the short wavelength lambda(1) of the striated rolls and the long wavelength lambda(2) Of the chevron bands) have been measured as functions of the applied electric frequency f. With the aid of a crossed polarizer set, we have, in addition, determined the director field which shows a periodic in-plane rotation for our chevrons (with a wavelength lambda(2)) We arrived at the types of chevrons after qualitatively different bifurcation sequences with increasing voltage. The frequency dependence of lambda(2) also shows a qualitatively different behavior with respect to the two types of chevrons. The experimental results are discussed in terms of recent theoretical investigations.


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The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond is a unique defect centre in diamond that possesses properties highly suited to many applications, including quantum information processing, quantum metrology, and biolabelling. Although the unique properties of the centre have been extensively documented and utilised, a detailed understanding of the physics of the centre has not yet been achieved. Indeed there persists a number of points of contention regarding the electronic structure of the centre, such as the ordering of the dark intermediate singlet states. Without a sound model of the centre’s electronic structure, the understanding of the system’s unique dynamical properties can not effectively progress. In this work, the molecular model of the defect centre is fully developed to provide a self consistent model of the complete electronic structure of the centre. The application of the model to describe the effects of electric, magnetic and strain interactions, as well as the variation of the centre’s fine structure with temperature, provides an invaluable tool to those studying the centre and a means to design future experiments and ab initio studies of this important defect centre.


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Thermal properties of an idealised tetrahedral network model of silica are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The interatomic potential consists of anharmonic stretching and bending terms, plus a short range repulsion. The model includes a bond interchange rule similar to the well known Wooten, Winer and Weaire (WWW) algorithm (see Phys. Rev. Lett., 1985, 54, 1392). Simulations reveal an apparent first order melting transition at T = 2200 K. The computed changes in the local coordination upon melting are consistent with experimental and ab initio data.


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Slowly evolving, regularly spaced patterns have been observed in proton projection images of plasma channels drilled by intense (greater than or similar to 10(19) W cm(-2)) short (similar to 1 ps) laser pulses propagating in an ionized gas jet. The nature and geometry of the electromagnetic fields generating such patterns have been inferred by simulating the laser-plasma interaction and the following plasma evolution with a two-dimensional particle-in-cell code and the probe proton deflections by particle tracing. The analysis suggests the formation of rows of magnetized soliton remnants, with a quasistatic magnetic field associated with vortexlike electron currents resembling those of magnetic vortices.


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The expansion of electromagnetic postsolitons emerging from the interaction of a 30 ps, 3 x 10(18) W cm(-2) laser pulse with an underdense deuterium plasma has been observed up to 100 ps after the pulse propagation, when large numbers of postsolitons were seen to remain in the plasma. The temporal evolution of the postsolitons has been accurately characterized with a high spatial and temporal resolution. The observed expansion is compared to analytical models and three-dimensional particle-in-cell results, revealing a polarization dependence of the postsoliton dynamics.


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A new ion radiation-pressure acceleration regime, the "leaky light sail," is proposed which uses sub-skin-depth nanometer foils irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulses. In the regime, the foil is partially transparent, continuously leaking electrons out along with the transmitted laser field. This feature can be exploited by a multispecies nanofoil configuration to stabilize the acceleration of the light ion component, supplementing the latter with an excess of electrons leaked from those associated with the heavy ions to avoid Coulomb explosion. It is shown by 2D particle-in-cell simulations that a monoenergetic proton beam with energy 18 MeV is produced by circularly polarized lasers at intensities of just 10(19) W/cm(2). 100 MeV proton beams are obtained by increasing the intensities to 2 x 10(20) W/cm(2).


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We have analyzed the coupling of ultraintense lasers (at similar to 2 X 1019 W/cm(2)) with solid foils of limited transverse extent (similar to 10 s of mu m) by monitoring the electrons and ions emitted from the target. We observe that reducing the target surface area allows electrons at the target surface to be reflected from the target edges during or shortly after the laser pulse. This transverse refluxing can maintain a hotter, denser and more homogeneous electron sheath around the target for a longer time. Consequently, when transverse refluxing takes places within the acceleration time of associated ions, we observe increased maximum proton energies (up to threefold), increased laser-to-ion conversion efficiency (up to a factor 30), and reduced divergence which bodes well for a number of applications.