972 resultados para Aplicação móvel


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da seleção precoce em Eucalyptus spp. foram usados dados de dois testes clonais avaliados quanto ao crescimento em altura (ALT), diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e volume individual de madeira (VOL) aos 25, 50 e 72 meses de idade. O delineamento experimental nos dois testes clonais foi o de blocos casualizados, com trinta tratamentos (clones), seis repetições, sendo um deles com seis e o outro com dez plantas em linha por parcela, no espaçamento de 3,0 m x 3,0 m. Foi feita a análise de variância para cada caracter e idade. Foram obtidas as estimativas de coeficiente de determinação genotípico e de correlações genotípicas entre os caracteres nas idades juvenis e na idade de rotação. Para verificar a viabilidade da aplicação da seleção precoce, foi simulada a seleção de 30% dos clones nas idades juvenis e na idade de rotação para cada um dos caracteres e idades avaliadas, obtendo-se as estimativas de ganhos genéticos com a seleção direta e indireta. Houve diferenças significativas entre os clones avaliados nos dois experimentos para todos os caracteres e idades. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é possível efetuar a seleção precoce aos 2 anos de idade sobre o caracter DAP em testes clonais de eucalipto.


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As técnicas de aplicação localizada e em taxas variadas de insumos agrícolas com auxílio da geoestatística têm sido umas das áreas de concentração de esforços recentes em pesquisas e desenvolvimento ligado à agricultura de precisão. Portanto, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a necessidade de aplicação de calcário e fósforo com base no comportamento espacial de atributos químicos do solo. Foram feitas amostragens do solo a intervalos regulares de 50 m, em uma área de 42 ha, na profundidade de 0,0-0,2 m para determinação do pH, Ca, Mg, P, V% e cálculo da necessidade de calagem e superfosfato triplo. Os dados foram submetidos às análises da estatística descritiva, geoestatística e interpolação por krigagem. O uso da técnica de geoestatística possibilitou uma precisa descrição dos atributos do solo o que permitiu a definição de zonas de manejo, indicando os locais de ocorrência de déficit e excesso. A variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos do solo, possibilita a recomendação de doses de calcário e fósforo com taxas variadas, proporcionando economia e maior eficiência na aplicação.


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O conhecimento da variação espacial de atributos do solo pode contribuir para o planejamento e a otimização na condução de experimentos e de lavouras comerciais, objetivando a agricultura de precisão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a necessidade de fertilizante e calcário para implantação da agricultura de precisão, com base no comportamento espacial de atributos químicos de um Latossolo após o corte da cana-planta. Os dados foram avaliados pela estatística descritiva e análise da dependência espacial, com base no ajuste de semivariogramas. As técnicas de geoestatísticas apresentam-se como ferramentas auxiliares na aplicação de fertilizantes por meio de taxa variada, detectando, para a área em estudo, que não se recomenda a aplicação de fósforo e calagem por taxa variada.


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O uso de resíduos agroindustriais pode acumular metais pesados no solo e na planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do lodo de esgoto e/ou vinhaça, aplicados no solo, disponibilizando Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb ao solo e quantificar as respectivas concentrações em plantas de cana-de-açúcar, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, com parcelas experimentais de cinco linhas espaçadas de 1,5 m e 10 m de comprimento. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: 1. Lodo de esgoto com 100% de N; 2. Lodo de esgoto com 200% de N; 3. Vinhaça com 100% de K; 4. Vinhaça com 200% de K; 5. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 100% de N e K; 6. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 200% de N e K; 7. Testemunha (fertilização mineral). Os baixos teores de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb) disponíveis no solo e nas partes das plantas de cana-de-açúcar indicam que o lodo de esgoto e a vinhaça, empregados nas doses mencionadas, não apresentaram, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas, potencial de contaminação do sistema solo-planta.


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A adubação com micronutrientes, como o manganês em gramíneas forrageiras tropicais, contribui para o atendimento das exigências nutricionais tanto das plantas quanto dos animais. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar os efeitos da aplicação de manganês no crescimento, na nutrição e na produção de matéria seca de plantas de Brachiaria brizantha, em condições de casa de vegetação. Para isto, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação da FCAV/UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, com Brachiaria brizantha (cv. MG4), em vasos com 3,5 dm³ preenchidos com amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (Mn = 0,6 mg dm-3). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos, que corresponderam às doses de manganês (0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 mg dm-3), e quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se, nos dois cortes da forrageira (primeiro corte, 35 dias após o transplantio e, segundo, 30 dias após o primeiro), as variáveis de crescimento, produção de massa de forragem, teor e acúmulo de Mn na parte aérea. As doses de manganês aplicadas aumentaram a concentração deste micronutriente no solo e nas plantas e a produção de massa de forragem no primeiro corte. A Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG4 apresenta alta tolerância ao manganês, atingindo elevados teores de Mn na parte aérea, mesmo sem provocar sintomas visuais de toxicidade.


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A utilização de resíduos da indústria de processamento de frutas na agricultura pode proporcionar melhorias à qualidade do solo. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito da aplicação de resíduos de sementes de goiaba na agregação e no estoque de carbono orgânico do solo (EC). O experimento esteve inserido em um pomar comercial irrigado de goiabeiras (cv. Paluma), com sete anos de idade, sobre um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico típico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados e parcelas subdivididas, sendo cinco tratamentos (doses de: 0;9;18;27 e 36 Mg ha-1 de resíduo) e duas camadas de solo (0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m). Foi avaliado o mesmo tipo de solo sobre mata nativa adjacente à área experimental. As análises realizadas foram a distribuição do tamanho dos agregados estáveis em água, o diâmetro médio ponderado, o diâmetro médio geométrico, os agregados maiores que 2 mm e o EC. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (Teste F), seguindo o delineamento em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas (5 doses x 2 camadas). As médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade, e as médias das camadas foram comparadas pelo teste F, a 5% de probabilidade. Os dados coletados no solo sob mata foram utilizados apenas como referência de um solo em estado natural e, portanto, não foram considerados como fator de variação nas análises de variância. Os valores dos índices de agregação com o estoque de carbono orgânico do solo foram submetidos à correlação de Pearson (p < 0,05). O efeito das doses de resíduo de sementes de goiaba sobre o estoque de carbono orgânico, na camada de 0-0,20 m do solo, foi avaliado por análise de regressão. Os tratamentos não diferiram em relação à agregação do solo, contudo EC foi diretamente relacionado à quantidade de resíduo aplicado ao solo. Houve correlação positiva e significativa entre os índices de agregação e o EC. A aplicação de resíduos de sementes de goiaba proporcionou melhoria da qualidade do solo.


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A cultura do arroz constitui um dos principais cereais que apresenta alta resposta à aplicação de zinco, constituindo um dos principais cereais em que isso ocorre. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar a aplicação de zinco em sementes, a partir de duas fontes, sobre a nutrição e o crescimento inicial da cultura do arroz cultivar BRS-Soberana. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em três repetições. Os tratamentos foram cinco doses 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 e 8,0g de Zn por kg de semente, das fontes sulfato e óxido, além da testemunha. Após 30 dias da semeadura, avaliou-se a matéria seca (parte aérea e raiz) e o teor e acúmulo de zinco nas plantas. O sulfato de zinco não diferenciou ao óxido para produção de matéria seca total nas plântulas de arroz, entretanto, proporcionou maior absorção de Zn. A aplicação de zinco na forma de sulfato e óxido, na dose de 8g Zn.kg-1 de semente proporcionou maior produção de matéria seca atingindo teor do nutriente, na parte aérea de 281 e 163 mg.kg-1, respectivamente.


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The application of lime oil the soil surface is necessary in son-le agricultural situations. The objective of this work was to verify changes ill chemical attributes of a medium texture soil as a result of lime application with and without amending. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory setting, in PVC columns, in a completely randomized design, with a 2 x 4 factorial design and a control, with four replicates, totaling 36 columns. The treatments were the combination of two little rates (4 and 2 t ha(-1)) and four types of little application (oil surface without amending, and amending in layers of 0 to 5; 0 to 10 and 0 to 20 cm depths), in addition to the control, to which lime was not applied. After 326 days of soil incubation with lime, there was a corrective effect front the lime until 5 cm or 10 cm below the depth in which there was the application or amending. The application of little resulted in increases of soil base saturation until 10 cm of depth, and until 40 cut of depth when the little was amended in the layers of 0 to 5, 0 to 10 or 0 to 20 cm depth.


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The present research had he objective to evaluate rice response to zinc application forms on the nutrition, growth and dry matter production, in vase conditions. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with five treatments (leaf Zn, incorporated Zn, located Zn, Zn saw seed and witness - whitout zinc), in four repetitions during two cycles of cultivation with 42 days of duration each. Plastic vase of 7L, were filled with Red Distrofic Latosol (Zn = 0.3 mg dm(-3) in DTPA). The application of Zn saw soil in both culture of the rice improved its level in the soil, being distinguished it from located form. In the first cycle, the application of Zn saw leaf promoted greater absorption of the nutrient for the rice plants, while in the second cycle leaf application was followed by the saw soil incorporated. The biggest dry matter production occurred with application of leaf saw in the first cycle and saw soil (incorporated and located) in the second rice cultivation.


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O The aim of this study was to characterize the occurrence of trauma in the elderly population served by the mobile pre-hospital service, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive, transversal and quantitative approach and whose population consisted of 2,080 trauma victims. The sample, of systematic random type, consisted of 400 elderly people, aged from 60 years old, assisted by the Office of Mobile Emergency in Natal / RN, between January 2011 and December 2012. Data collection began after consent and assent of the institution of a Research Ethics Committee under No. 309 505. It was proceeded to documentary retrospective analysis of records of this service through a form of self-development, validated by expert judges considered reliable (α> 0.75) and valid (CVI = 0.97) in their clarity and relevance. Data were tabulated by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20.0. The results show that older victims have an average age of 74.19 years old, with a prevalence of female involvement by chronic diseases, especially hypertension, average usage of 2.2 routine medications with vital signs within normal limits. The trauma prevailed during the daytime, in the residence of the victims, north of the city and on weekends. Among the mechanisms of trauma were falls, traffic accidents and physical aggression, whose most common type was brain-cerebral trauma and the main consequences were suture wounds and closed fractures. Basic Support Units were as more driven to pre-hospital care (87.8%) and the main destination place consisted of a referral hospital for emergency of the state (57.5%). Among the most commonly performed procedures by nursing staff immobilization with rigid board and neck collar and the peripheral venipuncture, and the main component used for volume replacement to saline were highlighted. There was a significant relationship between the deaths and the mechanism of injury, mechanism of injury and procedures, except medication administration procedures carried out, except immobilization and unit for service. It is highlighted the prevalence of trauma in the elderly, poor follow-up Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support protocol and the paucity of records and nursing procedures performed. There is need for a protocol of care specific to elderly trauma victims and education strategies for the prevention of such events


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This study aims to identify the concepts of professional nursing team on assistance in urgency and psychiatric emergencies in SAMU in Mossoró/RN, identifying the difficulties in implementing an emergency assistance to the user in psychiatric distress in this service and point strategies in pursuit of consolidation and expansion of comprehensive health care to the public. It is a descriptive research with qualitative and exploratory approach. The subjects were employees of the nursing staff of SAMU of that mentioned municipality. Semi-structured interviews are applied as tool for data collection. It was counted on the consent of the institution where the study was developed and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN with CAAE No 17326513.0.0000.5537, besides signing the Informed Free Consent Term by the participants. Data analysis was done by means of thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. Thus , as a result of the research produced the following categories: mechanistic practice; dehumanization of care; need for qualification, barriers to assistance in urgency and psychiatric emergency and strategies in pursuit of comprehensive care, which proceeded in preparing two articles entitled "Nursing care to the emergency room and psychiatric emergencies in the mobile emergency care service" and "Barriers for emergency service and psychiatric emergencies in the mobile emergency care service". In the studied reality it was identified that nursing care offered to users in situations of urgency and psychiatric emergency is made based primarily on the use of chemical and physical restraints, as well as transportation to the general hospital, constantly using the police force support, which meets the guidelines of the Psychiatric Reform and thereby undermining the provision of an effective and humane care. This scenario is worsened by the lack of an organized network of services in mental health, where after the service the user is taken to a general hospital, considering that there is no ready or appropriate psychiatric emergency service as a Center of Psychosocial Care - CAPs III to reference it, thereby precluding the realization of a resolute and comprehensive care. Thus, it is concluded that nursing care is based on biologicist and medicine-centered model advocated by classical psychiatry, and that despite all the advances in psychiatric reform, still guides the mental health care, so the lack of service network organized in hierarchical and mental health, where the user in urgency and emergency service can be watched in full and the guidelines of the psychiatric reform can be realized in practice


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The efficient fertilizer use contend micronutrient depends, also, of the interactions that occur with some nutrients. The objective was to study the interaction of zinc with the excessively nutrient ones in function of the application of different doses and sources of Zn saw seed in the culture of the rice. The experiment was carried through in conditions of vegetation house, in the FCAV/Unesp. The used experimental delineation was entirely cazualized, with three repetitions. The treatments had been five doses: 0; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 and 8,0 g of Zn for kg of seed; e two zinc sources; sulphate of zinc (22% of Zn) and zinc oxide (50% of Zn). The experimental unit was a translucent polyethylene tray, filled with 5 washed thick sand, where 50 seeds of rice had been sown (to var. Caiapo). To the 30 days after the sowing, effected the cut of the plants, separating them in aerial part and roots. From the results of the dry substance and text of nutrients of the aerial part and root of the rice, the accumulation of the nutrients in the respective agencies of the plants was calculated. Becoming fullfilled it variance analysis and the when necessary unfoldings. It had effect of the interactions in distinguishing way between root and aerial part of rice, with regard to the doses and sources.


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The culture of the maize is responsive the fertilization with zinc, however, its efficiency can be affected by the method of aplication. Thus, this work had as objective to evaluate the effect of the methods of zinc application in the nutritional state and the initial growth of the culture of the maize. The experiment was in a completely randomized design, with five treatments in four repetitions. The experimental unit was composed for a pot (7 L) filled with a distrofic Red Latosol, clayey texture, with four plants of maize. The treatments had been constituted by four ways of zinc application: in the soil incorporated (3 mg Zn dm(-3)), and located (1 mg Zn dm(-3)); foliar (solution of 23 mg Zn L(-1)); e in seed (40 g Zn kg(-1) of seed) and beyond the witness (control). The treatments had been applied during two cultivation of 42 days, except the Zn incorporated in the soil. In the end of each culture, the cut of the plants for the evaluation of the growth variable (leaf height, number, the diameter of stems and dry matter) and the determination of the zinc text was carried through in the soil and the aerial part. The zinc application promoted increment in the height and the production of matter of the maize. The zinc application soil (incorporated and located), foliar and seed had been similar in the initial development of the culture, however, the foliar way promoted greater absorption of the nutrient for the plant.


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Zinc application methods can affect the nutrition and the initial development of the wheat. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the different ways of Zn application in the soil, on nutrition and on dry matter production. A completely randomized experimental design with four replications was used. The experiment was composed by the following Zn application treatments: control (no zinc application); soil incorporation, furrow located, seeds treatment and leaf pulverization. The experimental unit was composed of a pot filled with 7 L of soil. Morphological traits for each plant were determined on 52 days after emergence by the evaluations of plant height, internodes number, tillers number and aerial part dry matter. Still, the soil and plant chemical analysis was accomplished. The furrow located method provided larger concentrations of the micronutrient available. The zinc application methods did not influence the initial growth of the wheat plants. The zinc concentration in leaves was influenced by the different application methods, being the leaf pulverization the one that was caused the largest zinc accumulation on aerial part dry matter.


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Phosphorus is a nutrient that most limits plant growth because of its importance in nutrition and low concentration in tropical soils. The present study aimed to evaluate the response of guava to application of phosphorus. For this, the experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, with guava plants (cv. Paluma) from herbaceous plants cultivated in plastic bags (2.8 dm(-3)), filled with Alfissol (P = 2 mg dm(-3)), between November 2007 and April 2008. The treatments consisted of five doses of phosphorus (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg dm(-3)) in the form of triple superphosphate (44% P(2)O(5)), arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. After 100 days of transplantation evaluated the phosphorus content in soil, dry weight of shoot and root phosphorus and zinc in the shoot. The highest production of dry weight guava was a dose of 257 g dm(-3) of phosphorus and was associated with P content in soil and leaf 110 mg dm(-3) and 2,3 g kg(-1).