976 resultados para Antenna


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We consider the problem of secure transmission in two-hop amplify-and-forward untrusted relay networks. We analyze the ergodic secrecy capacity (ESC) and present compact expressions for the ESC in the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. We also examine the impact of large scale antenna arrays at either the source or the destination. For large antenna arrays at the source, we confirm that the ESC is solely determined by the channel between the relay and the destination. For very large antenna arrays at the destination, we confirm that the ESC is solely determined by the channel between the source and the relay.


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A new class of circularly polarized (CP) Fabry-Perot cavity antennas is introduced that maintain the simplicity of a linearly polarized primary feed and a single cavity structure. The proposed antennas employ a double-sided partially reflective surface (PRS), which allows independent control of the magnitude and phase responses for the reflection and transmission coefficients. In conjunction with an anisotropic high-impedance surface (HIS) ground plane, this arrangement allows for the first time a single cavity antenna to produce a specified gain in CP from a linearly polarized primary source. A design procedure for this class of antennas is introduced. The method exploits a simple ray optics model to calculate the magnitude and phase of the electric field in the cavity upon plane wave excitation. Based on this model, analytical expressions are derived, which enforce the resonance condition for both polarizations at a predetermined PRS reflectivity (and hence predetermined antenna gain) together with a 90 degrees differential phase between them. The validity of the concept is confirmed by means of an example entailing an antenna with gain of approximately 21 dB at 15 GHz. Full-wave simulation results and experimental testing on a fabricated prototype are presented and agree well with the theoretical predictions.


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In order to formalize and extend on previous ad-hoc analysis and synthesis methods a theoretical treatment using vector representations of directional modulation (DM) systems is introduced and used to achieve DM transmitter characteristics. An orthogonal vector approach is proposed which allows the artificial orthogonal noise concept derived from information theory to be brought to bear on DM analysis and synthesis. The orthogonal vector method is validated and discussed via bit error rate (BER) simulations.


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A means for scrambling the digital modulation content in the sidelobes of a radio transmission from a steerable antenna array is presented. The method uses a Fourier transform beam-forming network simultaneously excited by an RF information stream and orthogonally injected interference streams. The proposed system is implemented using a Fourier Rotman lens and its operational characteristics are validated for a 10 GHz QPSK transmission.


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A pattern synthesis approach is applied to a directional modulation (DM) system. A systematic synthesis procedure is suggested which ensures optimal constellation patterns production along pre-specified communication directions, whereas simultaneously conserving energy dispersal in other directions. In this study, the properties of DM systems synthesised from Gaussian magnitude far-field radiation pattern templates are used to illustrate performance benefits with regards to DM bit error rate response compared with those achieved by a conventional steered array.


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This paper proposes millimeter wave (mmWave) mobile broadband for achieving secure communication in downlink cellular network. Analog beamforming with phase shifters is adopted for the mmWave transmission. The secrecy throughput is analyzed based on two different transmission modes, namely delay-tolerant transmission and delay-limited transmission. The impact of large antenna arrays at the mmWave frequencies on the secrecy throughput is examined. Numerical results corroborate our analysis and show that mmWave systems can enable significant secrecy improvement. Moreover, it is indicated that with large antenna arrays, multi-gigabit per second secure link at the mmWave frequencies can be reached in the delay-tolerant transmission mode and the adverse effect of secrecy outage vanishes in the delay-limited transmission mode.


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We investigate whether the presence of a human body in wearable communications should be considered as part of the radiating structure or as part of the local radio environment. The Rician $K$ -factor was employed as a quantitative measure of the effect of the user's body for five environments and two mounting locations. Presented empirical results indicated that the environment had a greater impact on the $K$-factor values than the position of the transmit antenna for the ultrawideband signals used, confirming that the human body should be considered primarily as part of the overall radiating system when the antenna is worn on the body. Furthermore, independent variations also existed in the $K$-factor values for the differing antenna-body mounting positions, indicating that as the position changed, then the radiating effects and the contribution from the body changed. This is significant for ensuring body-antenna systems are accurately modeled in system-level simulations.


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In this paper, we examine a novel approach to network security against passive eavesdroppers in a ray-tracing model and implement it on a hardware platform. By configuring antenna array beam patterns to transmit the data to specific regions, it is possible to create defined regions of coverage for targeted users. By adapting the antenna configuration according to the intended user’s channel state information, this allows the vulnerability of the physical regions to eavesdropping to be reduced. We present the application of our concept to 802.11n networks where an antenna array is employed at the access point. A range of antenna array configurations are examined by simulation and then realized using the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform(WARP)


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We present a novel approach to network security against passive eavesdroppers by employing a configurable beam-forming technique to create tightly defined regions of coverage for targeted users. In contrast to conventional encryption methods, our security scheme is developed at the physical layer by configuring antenna array beam patterns to transmit the data to specific regions. It is shown that this technique can effectively reduce vulnerability of the physical regions to eavesdropping by adapting the antenna configuration according to the intended user's channel state information. In this paper we present the application of our concept to 802.11n networks where an antenna array is employed at the access point, and consider the issue of minimizing the coverage area of the region surrounding the targeted user. A metric termed the exposure region is formally defined and used to evaluate the level of security offered by this technique. A range of antenna array configurations are examined through analysis and simulation, and these are subsequently used to obtain the optimum array configuration for a user traversing a coverage area.


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In this paper, we investigate the physical layer secrecy performance of a single-input single-output system that consists of single antenna devices and operates in the presence of a single antenna passive eavesdropper over dissimilar fading channels. In particular, we consider two scenarios in terms of dissimilar fading channel arrangements: the legal/illegal channels are subject to Rayleigh/Rician fading, respectively; and the legal/illegal channels are subject to Rician/Rayleigh fading, respectively. Specifically, analytical expressions for the probability of the existence of a non-zero secrecy capacity and the secrecy outage probability are derived by using statistical characteristics of the signal-to-noise ratio. Numerical results are provided for selected scenarios to illustrate applications of the developed analytical expressions.


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The human body is an extremely challenging environment for the operation of wireless communications systems, not least because of the complex antenna-body electromagnetic interaction effects which can occur. This is further compounded by the impact of movement and the propagation characteristics of the local environment which all have an effect upon body centric communications channels. As the successful design of body area networks (BANs) and other types of body centric system is inextricably linked to a thorough understanding of these factors, the aim of this paper is to conduct a survey of the current state of the art in relation to propagation and channel models primarily for BANs but also considering other types of body centric communications. We initially discuss some of the standardization efforts performed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 802.15.6 task group before focusing on the two most popular types of technologies currently being considered for BANs, namely narrowband and Ultrawideband (UWB) communications. For narrowband communications the applicability of a generic path loss model is contended, before presenting some of the scenario specific models which have proven successful. The impacts of human body shadowing and small-scale fading are also presented alongside some of the most recent research into the Doppler and time dependencies of BANs. For UWB BAN communications, we again consider the path loss as well as empirical tap delay line models developed from a number of extensive channel measurement campaigns conducted by research institutions around the world. Ongoing efforts within collaborative projects such as Committee on Science and Technology Action IC1004 are also described. Finally, recent years have also seen significant developments in other areas of body centric communications such as off-body and body-to-body communications. We highlight some of the newest relevant research in these areas as well as discussing some of the advanced topics which are currently being addressed in the field of body centric communications. Key Points Channel models for body centric comms ©2014. The Authors.


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In this paper, we investigate the potential improvement in signal reliability for indoor off-body communications when using spatial diversity at the base station. In particular, we utilize two hypothetical indoor base stations operating at 5.8 GHz each featuring four antennas which are spaced at either half- or one-wavelength apart. Three on-body locations are considered along with four types of user movement. The cross-correlation between the received signal envelopes observed at each base station antenna element was calculated and found to be always less than 0.5. Selection, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining of the received signal has shown that the greatest improvement is obtained when the user is mobile, with a maximum diversity gain of 11.34 dB achievable when using a four branch receiver. To model the fading envelope obtained at the output of the virtual combiners, we use diversity specific, theoretical probability density functions for multi-branch receivers operating in Nakagami-m fading channels. It is shown that these equations provide an excellent fit to the measured channel data.


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This paper investigates the uplink achievable rates of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems in Ricean fading channels, using maximal-ratio combining (MRC) and zero-forcing (ZF) receivers, assuming perfect and imperfect channel state information (CSI). In contrast to previous relevant works, the fast fading MIMO channel matrix is assumed to have an arbitrary-rank deterministic component as well as a Rayleigh-distributed random component. We derive tractable expressions for the achievable uplink rate in the large-antenna limit, along with approximating results that hold for any finite number of antennas. Based on these analytical results, we obtain the scaling law that the users' transmit power should satisfy, while maintaining a desirable quality of service. In particular, it is found that regardless of the Ricean K-factor, in the case of perfect CSI, the approximations converge to the same constant value as the exact results, as the number of base station antennas, M, grows large, while the transmit power of each user can be scaled down proportionally to 1/M. If CSI is estimated with uncertainty, the same result holds true but only when the Ricean K-factor is non-zero. Otherwise, if the channel experiences Rayleigh fading, we can only cut the transmit power of each user proportionally to 1/√M. In addition, we show that with an increasing Ricean K-factor, the uplink rates will converge to fixed values for both MRC and ZF receivers.


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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are cellular networks where the base stations (BSs) are equipped with unconventionally many antennas, deployed on colocated or distributed arrays. Huge spatial degrees-of-freedom are achieved by coherent processing over these massive arrays, which provide strong signal gains, resilience to imperfect channel knowledge, and low interference. This comes at the price of more infrastructure; the hardware cost and circuit power consumption scale linearly/affinely with the number of BS antennas N. Hence, the key to cost-efficient deployment of large arrays is low-cost antenna branches with low circuit power, in contrast to today’s conventional expensive and power-hungry BS antenna branches. Such low-cost transceivers are prone to hardware imperfections, but it has been conjectured that the huge degrees-of-freedom would bring robustness to such imperfections. We prove this claim for a generalized uplink system with multiplicative phasedrifts, additive distortion noise, and noise amplification. Specifically, we derive closed-form expressions for the user rates and a scaling law that shows how fast the hardware imperfections can increase with N while maintaining high rates. The connection between this scaling law and the power consumption of different transceiver circuits is rigorously exemplified. This reveals that one can make the circuit power increase as p N, instead of linearly, by careful circuit-aware system design.


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We consider a multipair decode-and-forward relay channel, where multiple sources transmit simultaneously their signals to multiple destinations with the help of a full-duplex relay station. We assume that the relay station is equipped with massive arrays, while all sources and destinations have a single antenna. The relay station uses channel estimates obtained from received pilots and zero-forcing (ZF) or maximum-ratio combining/maximum-ratio transmission (MRC/MRT) to process the signals. To reduce significantly the loop interference effect, we propose two techniques: i) using a massive receive antenna array; or ii) using a massive transmit antenna array together with very low transmit power at the relay station. We derive an exact achievable rate in closed-form for MRC/MRT processing and an analytical approximation of the achievable rate for ZF processing. This approximation is very tight, especially for large number of relay station antennas. These closed-form expressions enable us to determine the regions where the full-duplex mode outperforms the half-duplex mode, as well as, to design an optimal power allocation scheme. This optimal power allocation scheme aims to maximize the energy efficiency for a given sum spectral efficiency and under peak power constraints at the relay station and sources. Numerical results verify the effectiveness of the optimal power allocation scheme. Furthermore, we show that, by doubling the number of transmit/receive antennas at the relay station, the transmit power of each source and of the relay station can be reduced by 1.5dB if the pilot power is equal to the signal power, and by 3dB if the pilot power is kept fixed, while maintaining a given quality-of-service.