929 resultados para Anniversary


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O presente trabalho tem diferentes objetivos: o primeiro deles é apresentar resultados da pesquisa que vem sendo realizada pelo Observatório de Comunicação, Liberdade de Expressão e Censura (OBCOM-USP), a partir do Arquivo Miroel Silveira da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (AMS/ECA-USP), sobre censura aos meios de comunicação e à produção artística. O tema da liberdade de expressão tem se tornado cada vez mais importante para os estudos de comunicação. O segundo objetivo é, relembrando os 60 anos do suicídio do presidente Getúlio Vargas, falar de sua atuação no controle e intervenção sobre a imprensa e a produção artística. Ele foi o criador do sistema de censura que vigorou no Brasil de 1937 a 1988 (quando a Constituição eliminou os órgãos oficiais de censura), através do Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP), do qual o Arquivo Miroel Silveira é resultado e exemplo. O terceiro objetivo do presente trabalho é mostrar que a censura moral ou estética é um subterfúgio para o principal intuito de toda censura, que é controlar a produção simbólica e impedir a crítica e a dissidência. Isso será feito através da análise dos documentos do processo 268 de censura prévia da peça Ben-Hur, de 1943, que deveria estrear em São Paulo. Finalmente, o quarto objetivo deste texto é mostrar que a extinção dos órgãos oficiais de censura, a chamada censura “clássica”, não evitou que outros meios indiretos, plurais, particulares e governamentais continuassem a controlar meios de comunicação e manifestações artísticas, impedindo a livre expressão.


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The Blue Streak, named for the Sandusky, Ohio athletic teams, opened in 1964. It was the first new wooden roller coaster at the park since the Cyclone in 1929. A classic out-and-back coaster with a fast and hilly ride, the 78-foot-high Blue Streak is a long time guest favorite. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014.


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The Stagecoach Ride at Cedar Point featured simulated attacks by desperadoes. The ride existed for only two season, closing in 1968. The Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad, which opened in 1963, is the most popular ride in the history of Cedar Point. It features authentic steam-powered, coal-driven burning locomotives. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2013.


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En el marco del 30 aniversario de la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, se presenta el número 25 del boletín Bibliotecas, el cual cuenta con la participación no solo de especialistas e investigadores del exterior, sino también de profesores de la Escuela.Encabeza el boletín, un artículo producto de una investigación sobre los procedimientos pedagógicos utilizados en el curso práctica supervisada, la formación del profesional y su incursión en el ámbito laboral por medio de la práctica profesional.¿Qué requiere América Latina en materia de formación bibliotecológica? Es la pregunta que solemos hacer para responder a un usuario cada vez más exigente, rodeado de grandes cantidades de información que lo abruma y que, para desempeñarse con éxito en un mundo globalizado requiere el conocimiento que le permita seleccionar y utilizar esta información de manera eficiente, razón que le lleva a demandar servicios eficaces y efectivos. 


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The School of Library, Documentation and Information meets its twentieth anniversary by holding an International Congress on: Electronic Information and Digital Libraries will be held from 23 to 26 September 1997.


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Don Juan Suárez de Peralta nació en la ciudad de México-Tenochtitlán en 1541, habiendo sido sus padres Don Juan Suárez Marcayda y Doña Magdalena de Peralta; el padre también conocido como Juan Suárez de Ávila, o como Juan Suárez “El Viejo”, hizo la campaña militar de la conquista del Imperio Azteca como compañero de armas de Don Hernán Cortés. Suárez de Peralta escribió tres grandes obras: “Tractado de Alveiteria” hacia 1575, “Tractado de Cavallería de la Gineta y Brida” en 1580 y “Tractado del Descubrimiento de las Indias y su Conquista” en 1589. Estos tres tratados hacen de Suárez de Peralta, una inevitable y riquísima fuente de información para todo historiador investigando las vetas de la Historia Virreinal Novohispana y de la Historia de España del siglo XVI. Su obra sobre medicina equina y zootecnia de los caballos, es un magnífico y estupendo trabajo que se levanta como el primer libro de su tipo escrito en América. Suárez de Peralta asociado con su hermano mayor, Don Luis, establece un criadero de caballos de raza fina en Tacubaya, en el poniente de la antigua ciudad de México, y es ahí en donde aprende el arte científico de la médica equina, de la reproducción y de la zootecnia caballar y sus habilidades como jinete y gran caballista. En 1579, Don Juan debido a una serie de circunstancias decide exiliarse a España arribando al puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, como huésped en el Palacio de su pariente el VII Conde-Duque de Medina Sidonia, para después habitar en Trujillo y en Sevilla en donde escribe y publica sus otras dos grandes obras. Se muda a Madrid en donde contrae nupcias con una aristócrata dama de la alta nobleza castellana, Doña Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, perteneciente a la poderosa Casa del Infantado. Con ella procrea un hijo, llamado Don Lorenzo Suárez de Peralta, quien viaja a la Nueva España para tomar posesión de los bienes de su padre, su abuelo y de su tío Luís. Don Juan, nuestro albéitar, quien “alladese enfermo de calenturas”, fallece el 8 de enero de 1613 y es enterrado en la Iglesia del Spiritu Sanctus de los Clérigos Menores en el Madrid de los Austrias. Su manuscrito “Libro de Alveitería”, permaneció olvidado y sin publicar durante más de tres cientos años en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, hasta que finalmente ve la luz en la ciudad de México, en ocasión del Centenario de la fundación de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia y del IV Centenario de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México, ahora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) en 195


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We provide a comprehensive study of out-of-sample forecasts for the EUR/USD exchange rate based on multivariate macroeconomic models and forecast combinations. We use profit maximization measures based on directional accuracy and trading strategies in addition to standard loss minimization measures. When comparing predictive accuracy and profit measures, data snooping bias free tests are used. The results indicate that forecast combinations, in particular those based on principal components of forecasts, help to improve over benchmark trading strategies, although the excess return per unit of deviation is limited.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2014.


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2015 marks the 50 year anniversary of the journal we now know as the Australian Journal of Political Science (AJPS). The Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) was established in 1956 and for a decade provided members with ‘a cyclostyled quarterly (newsletter), carrying articles, reviews and news and notes’ (Marchant 1966: 1). In 1965, at its annual conference the Association decided to change its name to include the adjective ‘Australasian’ ‘in order to take into account the increasing participation in APSA activities by political scientists in New Zealand’ (Marchant 1966: 1). The Association also decided to replace the newsletter with a new journal, Politics, a title it retained until 1990, when it became the AJPS.1 The secretary of AJPS, P.D. Marchant, expressed the aspirations for the new journal in the first ‘Foreword’.


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In 2009, the General Assembly of States Parties to the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (commonly known as the World Heritage Convention) established an open‐ended working group to debate, reflect on, and strategize for the future of the convention. Since that time, an array of scenarios for alternative directions has been discussed. At its fortieth anniversary celebration in Kyoto in 2012, the World Heritage Convention was referred to by many speakers as having reached a crossroads, a juncture at which a decisive path toward its future sustainability, credibility, and long‐term viability needs to be selected (Vujicic‐Lugassy 2013). Lengthy lists of challenges and gaps highlighted the shortcomings of the World Heritage Convention after four decades of implementation, and these now feature equally in contemporary discourses alongside those that refer to the convention’s enormous success and flagship status within UNESCO.While the World Heritage Convention’s popularity seems likely to increase, along with pressure for new World Heritage listings, the original intent of its authors – mutual support for conservation and international cooperation towards this end – seems to have shifted out of focus. In a time of growing utilization rather than implementation of the convention, its credibility is critically at stake.


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By 2005, human organ trafficking, commercialization, and transplant tourism had become a prominent and pervasiveinfluence on transplantation therapy. The most common source of organs was impoverished people in India,Pakistan, Egypt, and the Philippines, deceased organ donors in Colombia, and executed prisoners in China. Inresponse, in May 2008, The Transplantation Society and the International Society of Nephrology developed theDeclaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism consisting of a preamble, a set of principles, anda series of proposals. Promulgation of the Declaration of Istanbul and the formation of the Declaration of IstanbulCustodian Group to promote and uphold its principles have demonstrated that concerted, strategic, collaborative,and persistent actions by professionals can deliver tangible changes. Over the past 5 years, the Declaration of IstanbulCustodian Group organized and encouraged cooperation among professional bodies and relevant international, regional,and national governmental organizations, which has produced significant progress in combating organ traffickingand transplant tourism around the world. At a fifth anniversary meeting in Qatar in April 2013, the DICGtook note of this progress and set forth in a Communique´ a number of specific activities and resolved to furtherengage groups from many sectors in working toward the Declaration’s objectives.


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The year 2012 marked the fortieth anniversary of UNESCO’s Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, or World Heritage
Convention. Regarded by many as a hugely successful project, World Heritage has
provided a framework for safeguarding a wide array of historic built environments.
The choice of “sustainable development and the role of communities” as the theme of
the fortieth anniversary was, however, recognition of the significant problems and
challenges this arena of cultural and spatial governance has created for those living in
and around listed sites. Cities have proved particularly challenging, and resistant to
prescriptive modeling at the level of international policy. Evictions, punitive
legislation, rising living costs, and loss of community are the now familiar by‐products of worldheritage that continue to go undocumented and ignored.
Against this backdrop, this chapter traces recent developments and trends surrounding urban heritage conservation, highlighting recent turns towards community‐driven approaches and discourses of sustainability. It then raises the issue of gentrification, with a particular focus on where such problems take on critical importance: small‐scale urban environments. Focusing on Galle in Sri Lanka, the final part of the chapter explores the emergence of a form of “heritagescaping” oriented by an aesthetics of solitude, tran-quility, and quiet comfort. In offering a contribution towards debates around urban sustainability and the role of heritage therein, it is argued that such processes present significant obstacles to the development of more community‐based, culturally sustainable forms of heritage conservation.


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Following the political transition in Hungary and in East-Central Europe in 1989-90 an archival revolution unfolded in the countries of the former Soviet bloc, including Russia after 1991. Thanks to this process, the previously taboo topic of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution has become one of the best researched events of the history of the Soviet Bloc by the time of the sixtieth anniversary of the events. This includes the international context of the revolt as well, which has been covered by scholars in Hungary and abroad based on multiarchival evidence.


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In this issue...M Day, Organizations, Publications, Athletics, Graduates, Offices, Flunkers' Frolic, Field Surveying, R.O.T.C.


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In this issue...75th Anniversary, Montana State Highway Department, Geology Field Camp, Gallatin Valley, Uuno M Sahinen, Marcus Daly, Copper Kings, Montana Tech Presidents