996 resultados para Angelus Silesius, 1624-1677.


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The Squamous Cell Carcinoma is what more happens among the oral cancers, being considered sweats incidence in more than 90%. As important prognostic factor competes the early diagnosis and the immediate institution of the treatment, that it can involve radiotherapy and chemotherapy besides the surgery. The initial lesions don’t offer great diagnostic difficulties and now complemental laboratory exams define the diagnosis quickly, In the present report, the initial medical conduct was inadequate, with incomplete interpretation of the laboratorial result and adoption of inadequate therapeutic conduct, what resulted in constant evolution of the lesion. The patient came to the consultation with that medical history, after six months of the first attendance accomplished in another center. To the physical exam, infiltrative ulcerated lesion was observed in the lower lip, with having accentuated tissue loss superficially. The patient accused spontaneous pain and she did use an ointment, recommended six months ago for occasion of the first attendance. As diagnostic conduct was indicated the accomplishment of cytology and biopsy, being defined the diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The patient was immediately guided to the medical service of its municipal district for manegement of the specialized oncologic treatment. The patient was submitted the surgery followed by radiotherapy, being verified involvement of another structures by contiguity. Now, the patient meets abed, without viable perspectives of cure. The present report emphasizes the importance of the clinical knowledge and professional responsibility in attendance of cases of that nature.


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Acute infections maxillo-facial are of great importance, both for its high population, as the risk of complications. The aim of this study was to present a clinical case of extensive odontogenic abscess in a patient of 31 years of age attended the Service of Surgery and Maxillo-Facial, Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba - UNESP in Araçatuba, SP. Complications of infections odontogências although infrequent can lead the patient to death.


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The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy in the oral cavity, representing over 90% of cancers in this region. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological study of oral squamous carcinoma cases diagnosed by the Department of Pathology, Department of Pathology and Clinical Propaedeutics in the Dentistry Faculty of Araçatuba - UNESP, in the period between 1995 and 2005. 185 cases were studied, it was observed that the oral floor and tongue were the sites most affected, with predominance in males, white race and aged between 41 and 60 years, noting that the majority of patients were smokers. Knowledge of these data is important for the dental surgeon to act preventively, contributing to early diagnosis of cancer.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis which requires prolonged treatment. It is highest prevalence in Latin America, with different endemic areas in Brazil. In this study the aim was to characterize clients suffering from mucocutaneous paracoccidioidomycosis by analysis of histopathological examinations of 61 adult patients diagnosed with mucocutaneous paracoccidioidomycosis treated at the Dental School of Araçatuba, from January 1989 to December 2004. It was observed that the disease occurred in 91.81% (56) men and 8.19% (5) women, more prevalent (78.68%) in whites, aged 40 to 59 years (62.9%) and the profession linked to agriculture in 17 patients (27.86%). All patients had oral manifestations, in multiple sites, but it was most prevalent in the oral mucosa (31.42%) and alveolar ridge (17.14%). The dentist as an integral member of the health services, must know the clinical manifestations of paracoccidioidomycosis to achieve early diagnosis and thereby to improve the quality of life of patients.


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Aim: This study assessed the risk factors of undergraduate students to develop musculoskeletaldisorders (MSD) in the upper limbs, regarding gender, type of dental clinical procedure, mouthregion treated, and the four-handed dentistry practice. Methods: Dental students enrolled in the8th semester in the Araraquara School of Dentistry, UNESP, Brazil, were photographed whilepracticing 283 dental procedures. The Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method was usedto evaluate the working postures of each student. The photographs were evaluated and a finalrisk score was attributed to each analyzed procedure. The prevalence of risk factors of developingMSD was estimated by point and by 95% confidence interval. The association between the riskfactor of developing disorders and variables of interest were assessed by the chi-square test witha significance level of 5%. Results: The risk factors of developing MSD were high, regardingmost dental procedures performed by the undergraduate students (score 5: 7.07%, CI95%: 4.08-10.06%; score 6: 62.54%, CI95%: 56.90-68.18%). There was no significant association betweenthe RULA final score and gender (p=0.559), and type of dental procedure (p=0.205), and mouthregions by arch (p=0.110) or hemi-arch (p=0.560), and the use of four-handed dentistry (p=0.366).Conclusions: It can be concluded that gender, type of dental clinical procedure, mouth regiontreated, and practice of four-handed dentistry did not influence the risk of developing MSD in theupper limbs among the dental students evaluated; however, they are at a high risk of developingsuch disorders.(AU).


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This paper focus to apply, to discuss and to propose the Maximum Harvesting Method improvement, regarding the method application, for household rainwater harvesting systems. For this purpose, the rainwater was considered to supply the flush toilet demand in a household for 3, 4, and 5 inhabitants. The 80, 120 and 200m2 catchments areas and the 0, 1, 2 and 4mm first flushes discharges were also considered. Further, the improvement suggestions for cistern volume calculus and volume/level dynamics variation in a period were presented and the results were compared applying the Simulation Analyses Method. The results indicate that the Maximum Harvesting Method could be applied and that the improvement proposal can be used to determinate the cistern volume as well to analyze the dynamic behavior of volume/level, constituting by itself a single tool to assist rainwater harvesting systems designers.


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This study investigated the children s intellectual development with high and low blood lead level with the parenting styles in the respective interactions with these children. The WISC-III and IEP (Parenting Styles Inventory) were used. Were studied 40 children, with ages among 7 to 13 years old, and 40 parents, who lived in a risk spot near the contamination area. The children were divided into two groups: G1 – 20 children with blood lead level above 10µg/dl; and G2 – 20 children with blood lead level lower than 10µg/dl. The results indicated damages on WISC-III for the children with Pb-S than10µg/dl and prevalence of practices educational negatives were found in both groups, with statistical difference (5%). The environmental stimulation can minimize the damages caused by the lead poisoning, and the parent s positive educative practice can contribute as modulator of the lead s effect.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the business cards used as the initial strategy of marketing Dentists, based on the Code of Dental Ethics, Law No. 5081 / 24/08/1966 and the principles of marketing. It is a cross-sectional study, which evaluated the 54 cards of Dental Clinics of Municipalities of the Northwest Region of São Paulo. Among the cards reviewed, based on the Code of Ethics, only 59.63% contained the registration number in the Regional Council of Dentistry, in 32.22% of the cards noted misuse of the term “general practice”, rather than “GP.” The item was on the cards unless found the specification of the profession Surgeon / Dental Surgeon (57.41%). According to Law No. 5081 / 1966, which regulates dentists, 37.22% of the cards improperly determined that the exercise more than two professional specialty; contained 19.26% of total ad price and terms of service payment. Thus, it appears that business cards are an important means of dissemination of professional work, but some Dentists have neglected ethical and legal principles. Thus, it emphasizes the need for awareness among professionals about the issues related to advertising and marketing.


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This study had the aim of verify the perception of women and pregnant women about the HIV vertical transmission. It was approved by the Ethical Review Board. A semistructured questionnaire, pretested, was used, with open and closed questions which presented variables about socioeconomiccultural status and HIV vertical transmission. After informed consent, 114 women were enrolled in the study, 72 of them pregnant women, who looked for health care on the public health service of a Brazilian city, at São Paulo State, from October, 2009 to January, 2010. None of the interviewed women knew the meaning of HIV vertical transmission term. When asked about HIV transmission from mother to child, 86.8% answered it could happen, but half of them didn’t know how it occurred and only 34.2% knew how to prevent, but in a deficient way. As conclusion, these women did not know the HIV vertical transmission term and when they had some knowledge this was limited. These results serve as support for a preventive program for conscientization of women about HIV vertical transmission.


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Aim: This study evaluated the effect of light-activation on the antibacterial activity of dentin bonding systems. Methods: Inocula of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei cultures were spread on the surface of BHI agar and the materials were applied and subjected or not to light-activation. Zones of bacterial growth inhibition around the discs were measured. Results: Excite, Single Bond and the bond of Clearfil SE Bond (SE) and Clearfil Protect Bond (CP) did not show any antibacterial activity. The strongest inhibitory activity was observed for the primers of CP and Prompt (PR) against S. mutans and the primers of SE and PB against L. casei. Conclusion: Light-activation significantly reduced or suppressed the antibacterial activity of the initially active uncured dentin bonding systems.


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The study of the parental educative social skills is extremely important for promoting the development and learning of children within interactive situations. The objective of this study was to assess reliability and validity of the Parental Educative Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P). It was proceeded: a) the test-retest reliability assessment, with a sample of 41 participants assessed in two distinct moments, with an interval of two months and the Cronbach's alpha was calculated; b) 213 parents of preschoolers (n =114) and school age children (n = 98) evaluated their children,were assessed for the construct and discrimination validity studies, differentiated in groups: a) demand for psychological intervention x community children without problems and b) children with behavior problems x children without behavior problems. The results showed satisfactory values of internal consistency and validity; besides, the factorial analysis pointed a unifactorial structure called positive parent-child interaction


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This paper discuss the bases for monitoring studies on A Science Touch, a science popularization product developed at Unesp. There are science initiationlevel researches for critical evaluation of the program, sorted in technical appropriation and reception studies and discourse analysis.


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The experimental demonstration is one of the traditional activities used in the ambit of the Science teaching and of the scientific divulgation. However, this activity has not been fully explored yet in the classroom, because teachers have faced considerable difficulties due to the lack of demonstration equipment. In this work we present the explanation of an easy and low-cost assembly of an electric motor, to be used in Physics classes in High School. In addition, we employed Vigotski’s theory to guide this experimental activity in the classroom.


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Introduction: Due to the high incidence of low back pain without apparent cause, different approaches to evaluate the lumbar instability has been proposed, such as surface electromyography to determine pre-activation and the ability of lumbar stabilization through functional physical assessment. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the early activation of the primary stabilizing muscles in subjects without low back pain, with different physical abilities function (CFF). Method: Study participants were 20 subjects with 19.8 ± 1.4 years, 55.7 ± 8.8 kilos, 1.66 ± 0.08 m, of both sexes. The subjects underwent six Tests Physical Function (TFF) and the Test of Fast Moving Flexion Arm (TMRFB) to capture the electromyographic activity of the lumbar multifidus muscles (LM) and internal oblique - lower fibers (HI). Were assigned weights for each functional test and the result of the physical capacity of the final functional subject ranged from 0 to 100%. In the analysis of TMRB was considered the onset time of activation between the ML and HI. Results: Regarding TFF 2 (10%) subjects were considered to have normal physical capacity, 6 (30%) with good physical ability and 12 (60%) with regular physical capacity or poor. As for TMRFB average values of initiation of muscle activation in 75% of subjects were within the limits to characterize the condition of pre-muscle activation. Conclusion:The results obtained in the TFF were low compared with the CFF of asymptomatic subjects evaluated. This fact does not mean that the condition of stabilization of the subject is appropriate. However, the results obtained in the electromyographic examination to suggest that 25% of asymptomatic subjects tested did not have a proper condition of lumbar stabilization.