990 resultados para Alpha-l-fucosidase
Hemoglobinopathies were included in the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program on June 6, 2001. Automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was indicated as one of the diagnostic methods. The amount of information generated by these systems is immense, and the behavior of groups cannot always be observed in individual analyses. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization techniques can be applied to extract this information, for extracting patterns, trends or relations from the results stored in databases. We applied the 3-D visualization tool to analyze patterns in the results of hemoglobinopathy based on neonatal diagnosis by HPLC. The laboratory results of 2520 newborn analyses carried out in 2001 and 2002 were used. The ""Fast"", ""F1"", ""F"" and ""A"" peaks, which were detected by the analytical system, were chosen as attributes for mapping. To establish a behavior pattern, the results were classified into groups according to hemoglobin phenotype: normal (N = 2169), variant (N = 73) and thalassemia (N = 279). 3-D visualization was made with the FastMap DB tool; there were two distribution patterns in the normal group, due to variation in the amplitude of the values obtained by HPLC for the F1 window. It allowed separation of the samples with normal Hb from those with alpha thalassemia, based on a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the mean values of the ""Fast"" and ""A"" peaks, demonstrating the need for better evaluation of chromatograms; this method could be used to help diagnose alpha thalassemia in newborns.
Through long-range transport of dust, the North-African desert supplies essential minerals to the Amazon rain forest. Since North African dust reaches South America mostly during the Northern Hemisphere winter, the dust sources active during winter are the main contributors to the forest. Given that the Bod,l, depression area in southwestern Chad is the main winter dust source, a close link is expected between the Bod,l, emission patterns and volumes and the mineral supply flux to the Amazon. Until now, the particular link between the Bod,l, and the Amazon forest was based on sparse satellite measurements and modeling studies. In this study, we combine a detailed analysis of space-borne and ground data with reanalysis model data and surface measurements taken in the central Amazon during the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08) in order to explore the validity and the nature of the proposed link between the Bod,l, depression and the Amazon forest. This case study follows the dust events of 11-16 and 18-27 February 2008, from the emission in the Bod,l, over West Africa (most likely with contribution from other dust sources in the region) the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, to the observed effects above the Amazon canopy about 10 days after the emission. The dust was lifted by surface winds stronger than 14 m s(-1), usually starting early in the morning. The lofted dust, mixed with biomass burning aerosols over Nigeria, was transported over the Atlantic Ocean, and arrived over the South American continent. The top of the aerosol layer reached above 3 km, and the bottom merged with the boundary layer. The arrival of the dusty air parcel over the Amazon forest increased the average concentration of aerosol crustal elements by an order of magnitude.
The temperature of the upper atmosphere affects the height of primary cosmic ray interactions and the production of high-energy cosmic ray muons which can be detected deep underground. The MINOS far detector at Soudan, MN, has collected over 67 X 10(6) cosmic ray induced muons. The underground muon rate measured over a period of five years exhibits a 4% peak-to-peak seasonal variation which is highly correlated with the temperature in the upper atmosphere. The coefficient, alpha(T), relating changes in the muon rate to changes in atmospheric temperature was found to be alpha(T) 0: 873 +/- 0: 009(stat) +/- 0.010(syst). Pions and kaons in the primary hadronic interactions of cosmic rays in the atmosphere contribute differently to alpha(T) due to the different masses and lifetimes. This allows the measured value of alpha(T) to be interpreted as a measurement of the K/pi ratio for E(p) greater than or similar to 7 TeV of 0.12(-0.05)(+0.07), consistent with the expectation from collider experiments.
Using a sample of 68.3x10(6) K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) decays collected in 1996-1999 by the KTeV (E832) experiment at Fermilab, we present a detailed study of the K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) Dalitz plot density. We report the first observation of interference from K(L)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) decays in which pi(+)pi(-) rescatters to pi(0)pi(0) in a final-state interaction. This rescattering effect is described by the Cabibbo-Isidori model, and it depends on the difference in pion scattering lengths between the isospin I=0 and I=2 states, a(0)-a(2). Using the Cabibbo-Isidori model, and fixing (a(0)-a(2))m(pi)(+)=0.268 +/- 0.017 as measured by the CERN-NA48 collaboration, we present the first measurement of the K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) quadratic slope parameter that accounts for the rescattering effect: h(000)=(+0.59 +/- 0.20(stat)+/- 0.48(syst)+/- 1.06(ext))x10(-3), where the uncertainties are from data statistics, KTeV systematic errors, and external systematic errors. Fitting for both h(000) and a(0)-a(2), we find h(000)=(-2.09 +/- 0.62(stat)+/- 0.72(syst)+/- 0.28(ext))x10(-3), and m(pi)(+)(a(0)-a(2))=0.215 +/- 0.014(stat)+/- 0.025(syst)+/- 0.006(ext); our value for a(0)-a(2) is consistent with that from NA48.
The KTeV E799 experiment has conducted a search for the rare decay K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)gamma via the topology K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)(D)gamma (where pi(0)(D)->gamma e(+)e(-)). Because of Bose statistics of the pi(0) pair and the real nature of the photon, the K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)gamma decay is restricted to proceed at lowest order by the CP conserving direct emission (DE) of an E2 electric quadrupole photon. The rate of this decay is interesting theoretically since chiral perturbation theory predicts that this process vanishes at level O(p(4)). Therefore, this mode probes chiral perturbation theory at O(p(6)). In this paper we report a determination of an upper limit of 2.43x10(-7) (90% CL) for K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)gamma. This is approximately a factor of 20 lower than previous results.
In this work, we demonstrate field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in the organic compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) using ac susceptibility measurements down to 1 mK. The Ni S=1 spins exhibit 3D XY antiferromagnetism between a lower critical field H(c1)similar to 2 T and a upper critical field H(c2)similar to 12 T. The results show a power-law temperature dependence of the phase transition line H(c1)(T)-H(c1)(0)=aT(alpha) with alpha=1.47 +/- 0.10 and H(c1)(0)=2.053 T, consistent with the 3D BEC universality class. Near H(c2), a kink was found in the phase boundary at approximately 150 mK.
We have analyzed a large set of alpha + alpha elastic scattering data for bombarding energies ranging from 0.6 to 29.5 MeV. Because of the complete lack of open reaction channels, the optical interaction at these energies must have a vanishing imaginary part. Thus, this system is particularly important because the corresponding elastic scattering cross sections are very sensitive to the real part of the interaction. The data were analyzed in the context of the velocity-dependent Sao Paulo potential, which is a successful theoretical model for the description of heavy-ion reactions from sub-barrier to intermediate energies. We have verified that, even in this low-energy region, the velocity dependence of the model is quite important for describing the data of the alpha + alpha system.
The collision (6)He+ (120)Sn has been investigated at four energies near the Coulomb barrier. A large yield of a particles has been detected, with energies around the energy of the scattered (6)He beam. The energy and angular distributions of the a particles have been analyzed and compared with breakup and neutron transfer calculations.
Fifteen strongly oscillating angular distributions of the elastic scattering of (12)C + (24)Mg at energies around the Coulomb barrier (E(c.m). = 10.67-16.00 MeV) are reproduced by adding five Breit-Wigner resonance terms to the l = 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 elastic S matrix. The nonresonant, background elastic scattering S matrix S(l)(0) is calculated using the Sao Paulo potential. The J = 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 (h) over bar molecular resonances fit well into a rotational molecular band, together with other higher lying resonances observed in the (16)O + (20)Ne elastic scattering. We propose that the presently observed, largely deformed molecular band corresponds to the hyperdeformed band, which has been found previously in alpha-cluster calculations, as well as in a new Nilsson model calculation. Systematic study of its possible clusterizations predicts the preference of the (12)C + (24)Mg and (16)O + (20)Ne molecular structure, in accordance with our present results.
We make an extensive study of evolution of gravitational perturbations of D-dimensional black holes in Gauss-Bonnet theory. There is an instability at higher multipoles l and large Gauss-Bonnet coupling alpha for D = 5, 6, which is stabilized at higher D. Although a small negative gap of the effective potential for the scalar type of gravitational perturbations exists for higher D and whatever alpha, it does not lead to any instability.
Background: The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the primary vector for the viruses that cause yellow fever, mostly in tropical regions of Africa and in parts of South America, and human dengue, which infects 100 million people yearly in the tropics and subtropics. A better understanding of the structural biology of olfactory proteins may pave the way for the development of environmentally-friendly mosquito attractants and repellents, which may ultimately contribute to reduction of mosquito biting and disease transmission. Methodology: Previously, we isolated and cloned a major, female-enriched odorant-binding protein (OBP) from the yellow fever mosquito, AaegOBP1, which was later inadvertently renamed AaegOBP39. We prepared recombinant samples of AaegOBP1 by using an expression system that allows proper formation of disulfide bridges and generates functional OBPs, which are indistinguishable from native OBPs. We crystallized AaegOBP1 and determined its three-dimensional structure at 1.85 angstrom resolution by molecular replacement based on the structure of the malaria mosquito OBP, AgamOBP1, the only mosquito OBP structure known to date. Conclusion: The structure of AaegOBP1 (= AaegOBP39) shares the common fold of insect OBPs with six alpha-helices knitted by three disulfide bonds. A long molecule of polyethylene glycol (PEG) was built into the electron-density maps identified in a long tunnel formed by a crystallographic dimer of AaegOBP1. Circular dichroism analysis indicated that delipidated AaegOBP1 undergoes a pH-dependent conformational change, which may lead to release of odorant at low pH (as in the environment in the vicinity of odorant receptors). A C-terminal loop covers the binding cavity and this ""lid"" may be opened by disruption of an array of acid-labile hydrogen bonds thus explaining reduced or no binding affinity at low pH.
Time-resolved Z-scan measurements were performed in a Nd(3+)-doped Sr(0.61)Ba(0.39)Nb(2)O(6) laser crystal through ferroelectric phase transition. Both the differences in electronic polarizability (Delta alpha(p)) and cross section (Delta sigma) of the neodymium ions have been found to be strongly modified in the surroundings of the transition temperature. This observed unusual behavior is concluded to be caused by the remarkable influence that the structural changes associated to the ferro-to-paraelectric phase transition has on the 4f -> 5d transition probabilities. The maximum polarizability change value Delta alpha(p)=1.2x10(-25) cm(3) obtained at room temperature is the largest ever measured for a Nd(3+)-doped transparent material.
The valence and core levels of In(2)O(3) and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) have been studied by hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (hv = 6000 eV) and by conventional Al K alpha (hv = 1486.6 eV) x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental spectra are compared with density-functional theory calculations. It is shown that structure deriving from electronic levels with significant In or Sn 5s character is selectively enhanced under 6000 eV excitation. This allows us to infer that conduction band states in Sn-doped samples and states at the bottom of the valence band both contain a pronounced In 5s contribution. The In 3d core line measured at hv = 1486.6 eV for both undoped and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) display an asymmetric lineshape, and may be fitted with two components associated with screened and unscreened final states. The In 3d core line spectra excited at hv = 6000 eV for the Sn-doped samples display pronounced shoulders and demand a fit with two components. The In 3d core line spectrum for the undoped sample can also be fitted with two components, although the relative intensity of the component associated with the screened final state is low, compared to excitation at 1486.6 eV. These results are consistent with a high concentration of carriers confined close to the surface of nominally undoped In(2)O(3). This conclusion is in accord with the fact that a conduction band feature observed for undoped In(2)O(3) in Al K alpha x-ray photoemission is much weaker than expected in hard x-ray photoemission.
An exciting unsolved problem in the study of high energy processes of early type stars concerns the physical mechanism for producing X-rays near the Be star gamma Cassiopeiae. By now we know that this source and several ""gamma Cas analogs"" exhibit an unusual hard thermal X-ray spectrum, compared both to normal massive stars and the non-thermal emission of known Be/X-ray binaries. Also, its light curve is variable on almost all conceivable timescales. In this study we reanalyze a high dispersion spectrum obtained by Chandra in 2001 and combine it with the analysis of a new (2004) spectrum and light curve obtained by XMM-Newton. We find that both spectra can be fit well with 3-4 optically thin, thermal components consisting of a hot component having a temperature kT(Q) similar to 12-14 keV, perhaps one with a value of similar to 2.4 keV, and two with well defined values near 0.6 keV and 0.11 keV. We argue that these components arise in discrete (almost monothermal) plasmas. Moreover, they cannot be produced within an integral gas structure or by the cooling of a dominant hot process. Consistent with earlier findings, we also find that the Fe abundance arising from K-shell ions is significantly subsolar and less than the Fe abundance from L-shell ions. We also find novel properties not present in the earlier Chandra spectrum, including a dramatic decrease in the local photoelectric absorption of soft X-rays, a decrease in the strength of the Fe and possibly of the Si K fluorescence features, underpredicted lines in two ions each of Ne and N (suggesting abundances that are similar to 1.5-3x and similar to 4x solar, respectively), and broadening of the strong NeXLy alpha and OVIII Ly alpha lines. In addition, we note certain traits in the gamma Cas spectrum that are different from those of the fairly well studied analog HD110432 - in this sense the stars have different ""personalities."" In particular, for gamma Cas the hot X-ray component remains nearly constant in temperature, and the photoelectric absorption of the X-ray plasmas can change dramatically. As found by previous investigators of gamma Cas, changes in flux, whether occurring slowly or in rapidly evolving flares, are only seldomly accompanied by variations in hardness. Moreover, the light curve can show a ""periodicity"" that is due to the presence of flux minima that recur semiregularly over a few hours, and which can appear again at different epochs.
Background: Persistent infection by high risk HPV types (e.g. HPV-16, -18, -31, and -45) is the main risk factor for development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a key mediator of epithelial cell inflammatory response and exerts a potent cytostatic effect on normal or HPV16, but not on HPV18 immortalized keratinocytes. Moreover, several cervical carcinoma-derived cell lines are resistant to TNF anti-proliferative effect suggesting that the acquisition of TNF-resistance may constitute an important step in HPV-mediated carcinogenesis. In the present study, we compared the gene expression profiles of normal and HPV16 or 18 immortalized human keratinocytes before and after treatment with TNF for 3 or 60 hours. Methods: In this study, we determined the transcriptional changes 3 and 60 hours after TNF treatment of normal, HPV16 and HPV18 immortalized keratinocytes by microarray analysis. The expression pattern of two genes observed by microarray was confirmed by Northern Blot. NF-kappa B activation was also determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) using specific oligonucleotides and nuclear protein extracts. Results: We observed the differential expression of a common set of genes in two TNF-sensitive cell lines that differs from those modulated in TNF-resistant ones. This information was used to define genes whose differential expression could be associated with the differential response to TNF, such as: KLK7 (kallikrein 7), SOD2 (superoxide dismutase 2), 100P (S100 calcium binding protein P), PI3 (protease inhibitor 3, skin-derived), CSTA (cystatin A), RARRES1 (retinoic acid receptor responder 1), and LXN (latexin). The differential expression of the KLK7 and SOD2 transcripts was confirmed by Northern blot. Moreover, we observed that SOD2 expression correlates with the differential NF-kappa B activation exhibited by TNF-sensitive and TNF-resistant cells. Conclusion: This is the first in depth analysis of the differential effect of TNF on normal and HPV16 or HPV18 immortalized keratinocytes. Our findings may be useful for the identification of genes involved in TNF resistance acquisition and candidate genes which deregulated expression may be associated with cervical disease establishment and/or progression.