915 resultados para Alemanha Relações exteriores Brasil


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Ps-graduao em Cincias Sociais - FCLAR


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The work consisted in analyzing how public relations can contribute to the development and application of the concept of employer branding. It also aims to bring contributions to the understanding of how the areas of communication, marketing and human resources, curriculum studied in Public Relations, can assist the professional performance. Based on data collected in the management of the partnership between AIESEC of Brazil and Votorantim, based on the information acquired through observation and participation in AIESEC, it was possible to reflect on how and why the PR professional is able to work in the development of positioning a company as good employer brand


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos o espor te com o foco sobre os slogans lanados no processo de preparao da Copa do Mundo a se real izar no Brasi l em 2014. O corpus da pesquisa se const i tui com algumas peas publicitr ias veiculadas na mdia. Anal isamos a mobilizao popular e os aspectos que envolvem a adeso em um movimento do pas, de modo geral, e a preparao realizada em cada cidade sede, de modo especf ico, com as transformaes operadas tanto no mbito social quanto est rutural. Cartografamos as marcas do empenho do governo para invest i r na transformao dos valores sociais durante a Copa do Mundo, bem como a apropriao do esporte com o objet ivo de fabricar um legado. Ident if icamos como as marcas da integrao ent re os povos e do sent imento de pertena dos cidados cooperam para os processos de subjet ivao na sociedade contempornea. Observamos os efeitos de sent ido ocorr idos na divulgao do slogan da campanha publicitria como uma forma de compreender o signif icado da Copa do Mundo em suas relações com a cultura. Part imos da hiptese de que a p ro d u o d a p a i x o pelo futebol t em s e u s e n t id o amp lia d o p a ra a sugesto massiva de est i los de vida. Assim, estabele cemos uma f ro n t e ira e n t re o s e f e it o s d e s e n t id o s e o s e f e it o s d e ima ge n s n o s mlt iplos usos do slogan. Na const ituio do corpus de nossa pesquisa ident if icamos as marcas dos vnculos estabelecidos pela publ icidade com a Copa do Mundo. Nosso estudo se situa no campo dos estudos sobre as relações entre o esporte e os processos de subjet ivao na sociedade atual. Interessa-nos observar as implicaes entre o corpo e os processos de subjet ivao nas peas publicitrias selecionadas para este estudo.


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This study has the objective of presenting a new suggestion to the public relations professional into the Brazilian fashion business, seeing that, besides promising and little explored, presents social-economic conditions that allow the profession actuation. For this, it has been deeply analyzed the social character of fashion history e its development parallel to the society historical and economic transformations, basing, then, the study of fashion history in Brazil. To understand contemporaneity and the relations which interlace on it, there were used two analyzes about nowadays social order, liquid pos-modernity, from Bauman; and the hypermodernity, from Lipovetsky. In this context, its approached new ways of relating with marks and with products which, since their consumption, are prepared to posterior discard. In the accelerated scenario of marks and consumption, the human relations, more liquids and tenuous, create the urgent possibility of action from on communication professional, who knows to identify the consumers desires and foresee their needs, rendering the tenuous laces stronger and the relationships more solid. This is when the profession of public relations presents itself as a new proposal to create experiences and to tight the loose laces on the consumption era


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As relações pblicas podem construir uma informao e uma formulao da realidade, a partir da mdia, sem ser influenciado pelos grandes meios de comunicao de massa? Qual a relevncia dessa maneira de se informar na conjuntura atual para o profissional de relações-pblicas e como ele pode atuar em prol das causas sociais? O presente texto busca estabelecer parmetros de atuao para os profissionais de relações pblicas preocupados com as transformaes sociais no mundo contemporneo. Para chegar a tal objetivo estruturamos nossa anlise a partir temticas capazes de dar uma resposta inquietao inicial. Realizamos a reconstituio da trajetria recente dos movimentos sociais no Brasil, procuramos esclarecer o conceito polissmico de cidadania e direitos humanos, relacionando-os com a comunicao, assim como rever a trajetria das relações pblicas na contemporaneidade levantando algumas hipteses que contemplem novas perspectivas para a profisso. Dessa maneira, pretende-se mostrar a existncia de um campo de atuao dialgica para os profissionais de comunicao abalizados pelo engajamento da transformao social


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Facing a global scenario where oil is scarce and the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere is a world concern, the search for new methods of energy production becomes the focus of all countries. Based on these assumptions, the wind power gains highlight and happen to be the most exploited around the world, since this does not produce toxic waste, since it uses the wind, no raw material shortage and its cost and efficiency are increasingly attractive. Taking advantage of the geographical features of Brazil, coastal and territorial extension, this study aims to analyze the feasibility of using wind turbines widely used in Germany, one of the countries with the highest production of energy through wind, in Brazil. In order to increase the energy production without causing more environmental impacts, geographical analyses will be made, and to determine the features and costs of production of this type of energy generation, and at the end of this dissertation, will finish for one of the turbines, Montana, is it feasible to install, however due to the Government's little incentive return is not very expressive. With respect to the turbine Passaat, this is infeasible to install under current conditions


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This work aims to study and see the importance of building the image and reputation of the artist through a publishing of public relations, public recital, new technologies, media, cultural production and curatorial work. To this, we analyzed the history of the profession of public relations in Brazil. As well as their concepts, practices and definitions. Focus on work of publicist and cultural production sectors. The choice of theme is done by the need to understand the relationships. That intertwines in the art market and what media that best reaches in their audiences. Considering the artist-consumer relationship, and the relationship brand-artist and artist-public. And so, the importance of this advice means less explored public relations, for the creation of the brand concept for the artist before his public. Considered in this work as a gallery, art dealer, curator, media and consumers. In this context an analysis is done on diverse views on the market of the arts through specific interview. This interviews was made with professionals working in the cultural sector. And help to understand the communication segments that exist and the current conditions of the market in the context of competitiveness. As was considered the academic education of the public relations professional, it geared to the cultural context, the interviews with professional future. And then was considered that public relations presents itself as a proposal for better communication in the arts. They are concern to create concepts of brand identity-thinking artist and the best means for the artist to be present in this area


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This paper aims to present the importance of public relations professional in the sustainability context at the organizations. For this, we discussed the sustainability issue, and the concepts that comprise the function of the professional of public relations and the importance of communication to make the sustainable practices a management tool of the company's image and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Were presented and discussed four cases of companies to discuss the pathway of sustainability practices in Brazil


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Este trabalho analisa aspectos do contexto das polticas pblicas culturais contempor-neas relacionadas com as aes de mobilizao que envolvem a sociedade civil. A an-lise engloba conhecimento sobre o papel do profissional de Relações Pblicas na con-tribuio da execuo de polticas culturais que incentivem o protagonismo social atra-vs do Programa Cultura Viva, desenvolvido pelo Ministrio da Cultura, com a imple-mentao de Pontos e Pontes de Cultura, e no mbito de movimentos sociais indepen-dentes. Os resultados apontam a importncia estratgica do Relações Pblicas na expan-so das polticas pblicas culturais


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The purpose of the present dissertation is to show the interactivity connections featured in a cultural journalism magazine's website through direct observation of its presented structure. The website chosen as object of study is Rolling Stone Brasil, April 2010 being the point of reference for analysis. Methodological support for such study has been culled from theoretical works on the principles that are necessary for the development of sampling in the observed structure. For this, are employed of concepts and strategies predicated by authors in the field of communications with emphasis on digital means is aplicated. The research indicates that the tools adopted in the website's structure comprise a potential of interactivity between the parties involved in the communication chain, and that the content therein produced may be considered as direct content of a web journalism structure


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This article conducted an analysis of Portal Brazil, specifically in the areas of Education and Economy and Employment, by according to the principles of e-engagement defined by the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). For understanding of this work, were elucidated concepts such as public communication - trajectory, principles and relations -, digital democracy, e-government and engagement and civic participation. Through this analysis was realized the importance of public communication in the processes of opinion formation and stimulus to citizen participation, as well as the performance of the internet as a facilitator instrument in the processes of relationship between State and Society


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a ocorrncia das principais espcies de moscas da famlia Calliphoridae em diferentes ambientes (urbano, rural e silvestre) do municpio de Botucatu, SP. Para tanto, foram usadas armadilhas apropriadas e iscas, substitudas diariamente, distribudas em cada local de coleta mensalmente durante aproximadamente o perodo de um ano. Foram coletados um total de 3188 espcimes. Anlises estatsticas e testes de correlao tambm foram usados para medir a relao das espcies com os fatores ambientais, locais, preferncia e atratividade por iscas e as relações e interaes ecolgicas entre as diferentes espcies


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Os curimatdeos so espcies comuns em ambientes lnticos represados, artificialmente construdos. Estudar o ciclo reprodutivo de uma espcie fundamental para a compreenso da biologia reprodutiva da populao em seu ambiente. Por isso, o presente estudo analisou os aspectos da biologia reprodutiva dos sagirus Cyphocharax modestus, C. cf. nagelii e Steindachnerina insculpta (Curimatidae), no reservatrio da pequena central hidreltrica Mogi Guau, municpio de Mogi Guau, estado de So Paulo. Os exemplares foram coletados bimensalmente entre agosto de 2005 e julho de 2006 com o auxlio de redes de emalhar (malhas 1,0 a 5,0 cm entre ns adjacentes), totalizando seis amostras. No total, foram analisados 777 exemplares, sendo 525 de C. modestus, 82 de C.cf. nagelii e 170 de S. insculpta. A dinmica reprodutiva foi analisada considerando-se os perodos seco e chuvoso. A fecundidade foi estimada de acordo com o mtodo volumtrico a partir da anlise de 168 pares de ovrios maduros, sendo 121 de C. modestus, 18 de C. cf nagelii e 29 de S. insculpta. Tambm foram estimadas as relações gonadossomticas mdias e as correlações do nmero total de ovcitos em relao ao peso e ao comprimento para cada uma das trs espcies. Os resultados encontrados apontaram para desova total (sincrnica em dois grupos) para as trs espcies. O nmero mdio de ovcitos foi de 15.309 a 28.825 para C. modestus, 29.031 para C. cf. nagelii e 27.206 para S. insculpta.


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A OMC (Organizao Mundial do Comrcio) um marco na histria das relações comerciais de todos os pases que dela fazem parte. a instituio encarregada de supervisionar o comrcio internacional e implementar os acordos negociados nas rodadas multilaterais, alm de coordenar a negociao de novas regras. Serve tambm como tribunal para os conflitos do comrcio internacional. O debate existente entre comrcio e meio ambiente envolve proteo ambiental e a concretizao do ideal de desenvolvimento sustentvel. A primeira parte do trabalho faz um levantamento detalhado de todo o histrico de Conferncias existentes. A segunda se refere discusso geral baseada no comrcio e meio-ambiente, detalha as principais negociaes resultantes dos acordos entre os pases. Por fim, a terceira parte do trabalho se baseia em estudos de caso relacionados com a Amrica Latina e Caribe com enfoque no Brasil


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The present work discuss the reproduction of the social relations from the point of view of the new urban production relations - having as empirical universe for analysis-, the Itaquera district in the Sao Paulo metropolis, with the advent of the World Cup in Brazil. Starting with the reading of a reality in movement, in which the analysis walks covering the dialectic relationship between space and society, where the first is translated into product and life reproduction condition, aiming to unveil the metamorphoses that will take place in the urban space with its consequent contradiction, what it may be the expanded capital reproduction concomitantly with the process that denounces a spoliation movement of the social space. With the society approval before these big architectural projects enabled by ideology, its determined the (re) production of artificial spaces of consumption, funded for the capital extension. The current stage that the capitalism reveals a space turned into mass consumption merchandise, consequence of the victory of the exchange value over the usage value, amalgamated in positive measures of expulsion/sweeping of low income socio-economic layers