998 resultados para Alciati, Andrea, 1492-1550.


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We classify all possible implementations of an Abelian symmetry in the two-Higgs-doublet model with fermions. We identify those symmetries which are consistent with nonvanishing quark masses and a Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix (CKM), which is not block-diagonal. Our analysis takes us from a plethora of possibilities down to 246 relevant cases, requiring only 34 distinct matrix forms. We show that applying Z(n) with n >= 4 to the scalar sector leads to a continuous U(1) symmetry in the whole Lagrangian. Finally, we address the possibilities of spontaneous CP violation and of natural suppression of the flavor-changing neutral currents. We explain why our work is relevant even for non-Abelian symmetries.


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Tribimaximal leptonic mixing is a mass-independent mixing scheme consistent with the present solar and atmospheric neutrino data. By conveniently decomposing the effective neutrino mass matrix associated to it, we derive generic predictions in terms of the parameters governing the neutrino masses. We extend this phenomenological analysis to other mass-independent mixing schemes which are related to the tribimaximal form by a unitary transformation. We classify models that produce tribimaximal leptonic mixing through the group structure of their family symmetries in order to point out that there is often a direct connection between the group structure and the phenomenological analysis. The type of seesaw mechanism responsible for neutrino masses plays a role here, as it restricts the choices of family representations and affects the viability of leptogenesis. We also present a recipe to generalize a given tribimaximal model to an associated model with a different mass-independent mixing scheme, which preserves the connection between the group structure and phenomenology as in the original model. This procedure is explicitly illustrated by constructing toy models with the transpose tribimaximal, bimaximal, golden ratio, and hexagonal leptonic mixing patterns.


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This work addresses the treatment by nanofiltration (NF) of solutions containing NaCN and NH(4)Cl at various pH values. The NF experiments are carried out in a Lab-Unit equipped with NF-270 membranes for model solutions that are surrogates of industrial ammoniacal wastewaters generated in the coke-making processes. The applied pressure is 30 bar. The main objective is the separation of the compounds NaCN and NH(4)Cl and the optimization of this separation as a function of the pH. Membrane performance is highly dependent on solution composition and characteristics, namely on the pH. In fact, the rejection coefficients for the binary model solution containing sodium cyanide are always higher than the rejections coefficients for the ammonium chloride model solution. For ternary solutions (cyanide/ammonium/water) it was observed that for pH values lower than 9 the rejection coefficients to ammonium are well above the ones observed for the cyanides, but for pH values higher than 9.5 there is a drastic decrease in the ammonium rejection coefficients with the increase of the pH. These results take into account the changes that occur in solution, namely, the solute species that are predominant, with the increase of the pH. The fluxes of the model solutions decreased with increased pH. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solubility measurements of quinizarin. (1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone), disperse red 9 (1-(methylamino) anthraquinone), and disperse blue 14 (1,4-bis(methylamino)anthraquinone) in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC CO2) were carried out in a flow type apparatus, at a temperature range from (333.2 to 393.2) K and at pressures from (12.0 to 40.0) MPa. Mole fraction solubility of the three dyes decreases in the order quinizarin (2.9 x 10(-6) to 2.9.10(-4)), red 9 (1.4 x 10(-6) to 3.2 x 10(-4)), and blue 14 (7.8 x 10(-8) to 2.2 x 10(-5)). Four semiempirical density based models were used to correlatethe solubility of the dyes in the SC CO2. From the correlation results, the total heat of reaction, heat of vaporization plus the heat of solvation of the solute, were calculated and compared with the results presented in the literature. The solubilities of the three dyes were correlated also applying the Soave-Redlich-Kwong cubic equation of state (SRK CEoS) with classical mixing rules, and the physical properties required for the modeling were estimated and reported.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da aplicação de programa de treinamento da Organização Mundial de Saúde, voltado para diagnóstico e tratamento da depressão, dirigido a médicos clínicos gerais. MÉTODOS: Dezessete clínicos e 1.224 pacientes da cidade de Campinas, SP, participaram do estudo. Um mês antes e um após o treinamento, foram avaliados o conhecimento dos médicos, suas atitudes e o atendimento prestado aos pacientes; esses, por sua vez, completaram escalas de auto-avaliação de sintomas depressivos: Zung e um "checklist" para depressão maior do manual para diagnóstico e estatística em saúde mental (DSM-IV/CID-10). A mudança de conhecimento e atitude dos clínicos entre as fases 1 e 2 foi avaliada pelos testes t de Student. Mudanças com relação ao conhecimento de cada indivíduo foram mensuradas pelo teste de qui-quadrado de McNemar. As diferenças entre o modo de atender os pacientes entre as duas fases foram determinadas pelo teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson. A concordância diagnóstica foi analisada utilizando o Kappa, com o intuito de corrigir a concordância ao acaso. RESULTADOS: O programa mostrou benefícios limitados nessa amostra de clínicos gerais. Não foi capaz de mostrar aumento do conhecimento sobre a depressão e nem quanto à atitude dos médicos com relação a esse transtorno. Não houve modificação no número de casos diagnosticados antes ou após o programa. Existiram algumas evidências com relação à melhora no manejo psicofarmacológico. Aparentemente, o programa tornou os clínicos mais confiantes para o tratamento da depressão, diminuindo o número de encaminhamentos feitos aos profissionais da área de saúde mental. Porém, um baixo poder estatístico não permitiu que os dois últimos achados atingissem significância. CONCLUSÕES: A inclusão de clínicos gerais é um componente central de qualquer iniciativa para melhorar a detecção e o tratamento da depressão, porém faz-se necessário testar melhores métodos de treinamento dos clínicos brasileiros no manejo desta.


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This paper presents an agent-based simulator designed for analyzing agent market strategies based on a complete understanding of buyer and seller behaviours, preference models and pricing algorithms, considering user risk preferences. The system includes agents that are capable of improving their performance with their own experience, by adapting to the market conditions. In the simulated market agents interact in several different ways and may joint together to form coalitions. In this paper we address multi-agent coalitions to analyse Distributed Generation in Electricity Markets


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This paper presents the SmartClean tool. The purpose of this tool is to detect and correct the data quality problems (DQPs). Compared with existing tools, SmartClean has the following main advantage: the user does not need to specify the execution sequence of the data cleaning operations. For that, an execution sequence was developed. The problems are manipulated (i.e., detected and corrected) following that sequence. The sequence also supports the incremental execution of the operations. In this paper, the underlying architecture of the tool is presented and its components are described in detail. The tool's validity and, consequently, of the architecture is demonstrated through the presentation of a case study. Although SmartClean has cleaning capabilities in all other levels, in this paper are only described those related with the attribute value level.


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Em Portugal, as décadas de 1930 e 1940 constituem um período importante, quer pela introdução/consolidação tecnológica do cinema sonoro, quer pela acção do Secretariado da Propaganda Nacional. Dentre a multitude de meios de que este organismo se serviu para a difusão da mensagem política do regime do Estado Novo, o cinema desperta em particular a atenção do seu director, António Ferro, como meio privilegiado de comunicação com as massas. Neste artigo procura-se averiguar o papel desempenhado por António Ferro no panorama cinematográfico nacional, a nível da sua acção política sobre o cinema português.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade da atenção durante o processo de trabalho de parto de acordo com normas da Organização Mundial de Saúde. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo do tipo caso-controle, realizado em duas maternidades: pública e conveniada com o Sistema Único de Saúde, no Município do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra foi composta por 461 mulheres na maternidade pública (230 partos vaginais e 231 cesáreas) e por 448 mulheres na maternidade conveniada (224 partos vaginais e 224 cesáreas). De outubro de 1998 a março de 1999, foram realizadas entrevistas com puérperas e revisão de prontuários. Foi construído escore sumarizador da qualidade do atendimento. RESULTADOS: Observou-se baixa freqüência de algumas práticas que devem ser encorajadas, como presença de acompanhante (1% na maternidade conveniada, em ambos os tipos de parto), deambulação durante o trabalho de parto (9,6% das cesáreas na maternidade pública e 9,9% dos partos vaginais na conveniada) e aleitamento na sala de parto (6,9% das cesáreas na maternidade pública e 8,0% das cesáreas na conveniada). Práticas comprovadamente danosas e que devem ser eliminadas como uso de enema (38,4%), tricotomia, hidratação venosa de rotina (88,8%), uso rotineiro de ocitocina (64,4%), restrição ao leito durante o trabalho de parto (90,1%) e posição de litotomia (98,7%) para parto vaginal apresentaram alta freqüência. Os melhores resultados do escore sumarizador foram obtidos na maternidade pública. CONCLUSÕES: As duas maternidades apresentam freqüência elevada de intervenções durante a assistência ao parto. A maternidade pública, apesar de atender clientela com maior risco gestacional, apresenta perfil menos intervencionista que maternidade conveniada. Procedimentos realizados de maneira rotineira merecem ser discutidos à luz de evidências de seus benefícios.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha), 26 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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This paper addresses the investigation of the fractionation of saccharide mixtures and saccharide mixtures with calcium using ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF). A set of cellulose acetate membranes covered a wide range of molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) ranging from 250 to 46,000 Da and the total feed concentration of saccharides mixtures varied from 1550 to 4700 ppm with the ratio of the two saccharides-solutes (glucose to raffinose) being kept constant at the value of 1.8. The evolution pattern of the saccharide concentration ratio in the UF/NF permeate streams displayed a dependence on the membrane MWCO, on the total sugar concentration and on the presence of calcium ions. For the highest total sugar content, the membranes with MWCO from 2000 to 7000 Da showed saccharide fractionation capability that was enhanced in the presence of calcium. The Steric Pore Flow Model was used to predict individual solute permeation behaviours and to assess the deviations to steric hindered transport of the solutes in multi-component saccharide solutions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The analysis of the Higgs boson data by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations appears to exhibit an excess of h -> gamma gamma events above the Standard Model (SM) expectations, whereas no significant excess is observed in h -> ZZ* -> four lepton events, albeit with large statistical uncertainty due to the small data sample. These results (assuming they persist with further data) could be explained by a pair of nearly mass-degenerate scalars, one of which is an SM-like Higgs boson and the other is a scalar with suppressed couplings to W+W- and ZZ. In the two-Higgs-doublet model, the observed gamma gamma and ZZ* -> four lepton data can be reproduced by an approximately degenerate CP-even (h) and CP-odd (A) Higgs boson for values of sin (beta - alpha) near unity and 0: 70 less than or similar to tan beta less than or similar to 1. An enhanced gamma gamma signal can also arise in cases where m(h) similar or equal to m(H), m(H) similar or equal to m(A), or m(h) similar or equal to m(H) similar or equal to m(A). Since the ZZ* -> 4 leptons signal derives primarily from an SM-like Higgs boson whereas the gamma gamma signal receives contributions from two (or more) nearly mass-degenerate states, one would expect a slightly different invariant mass peak in the ZZ* -> four lepton and gamma gamma channels. The phenomenological consequences of such models can be tested with additional Higgs data that will be collected at the LHC in the near future. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.055009.


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We consider the quark sector of theories containing three scalar SU(2)(L) doublets in the triplet representation of A(4) (or S-4) and three generations of quarks in arbitrary A(4) (or S-4) representations. We show that for all possible choices of quark field representations and for all possible alignments of the Higgs vacuum expectation values that can constitute global minima of the scalar potential, it is not possible to obtain simultaneously nonvanishing quark masses and a nonvanishing CP-violating phase in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix. As a result, in this minimal form, models with three scalar fields in the triplet representation of A(4) or S-4 cannot be extended to the quark sector in a way consistent with experiment. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.055010.


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We study neutrino masses and mixing in the context of flavor models with A(4) symmetry, three scalar doublets in the triplet representation, and three lepton families. We show that there is no representation assignment that yields a dimension-5 mass operator consistent with experiment. We then consider a type-I seesaw with three heavy right-handed neutrinos, explaining in detail why it fails, and allowing us to show that agreement with the present neutrino oscillation data can be recovered with the inclusion of dimension-3 heavy neutrino mass terms that break softly the A(4) symmetry.


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Apresenta-se uma biografia resumida de John Napier e a descrição do dispositivo "Ossos de Napier". São ainda ilustradas e explicadas multiplicações recorrendo aos "Ossos de Napier".