979 resultados para Air Pollutants, Occupational Hazardous Substances
Activated sludge floes are a flocculated mass of microorganisms, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and adsorbed organic and inorganic material. The structure of the floes is very heterogeneous and floes with very different properties and morphologies may occur, depending on the conditions in the activated sludge treatment plant and wastewater composition. Present thinking suggests that cations, such as calcium, create cationic bridges with EPS excreted by the bacteria and thereby hold the various floe constituents together. However, due to the complex and heterogeneous nature of activated sludge, the mechanisms have neither been thoroughly investigated nor successfully quantified. A better understanding and description of the biological flocculation process is necessary in order to establish more efficient operational strategies. The main aim of this study was to get a comprehensive and unique insight into the floe properties of activated sludge and to assess the relative impact of chemical and physical parameters. A variety of sludges from full scale treatment plants with different settling properties were characterised. The interrelationships between floe parameters such as composition of EPS, surface properties and floe structure, and their effect on the flocculation and separation properties were assessed. The results indicate that the EPS, both in terms of quantity and quality, are very important for the floe properties of the activated sludge. However, presence of filaments may alter the physical properties of the floes considerably. The EPS showed positive correlations to sludge volume index (SVI) if only sludges with low or moderate numbers of filaments were included. The surface properties were more affected by the composition of the EPS than by the number of filaments. The EPS showed positive correlation to negative surface charge and a negative correlation to relative hydrophobicity and flocculation ability. The negative correlation between flocculation ability and amount of EPS was surprising. The shear sensitivity, measured as degree of erosion of floes when subjected to shear, was more affected by floe size and number of filaments than amount of EPS.
Objective: Current prevalence of smoking, even where data are available, is a poor proxy for cumulative hazards of smoking, which depend on several factors including the age at which smoking began, duration of smoking, number of cigarettes smoked per day, degree of inhalation, and cigarette characteristics such as tar and nicotine content or filter type. Methods: We extended the Peto-Lopez smoking impact ratio method to estimate accumulated hazards of smoking for different regions of the world. Lung cancer mortality data were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease mortality database. The American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study, phase 11 (CPS-II) with follow up for the years 1982 to 1988 was the reference population. For the global application of the method, never-smoker lung cancer mortality rates were chosen based on the estimated use of coal for household energy in each region. Results: Men in industrialised countries of Europe, North America, and the Western Pacific had the largest accumulated hazards of smoking. Young and middle age males in many regions of the developing world also had large smoking risks. The accumulated hazards of smoking for women were highest in North America followed by Europe. Conclusions: In the absence of detailed data on smoking prevalence and history, lung cancer mortality provides a robust indicator of the accumulated hazards of smoking. These hazards in developing countries are currently more concentrated among young and middle aged males.
O lodo de esgoto possui alto teor de matria orgnica porm, tambm esto presentes diferentes poluentes e patgenos. Desta forma, neste trabalho foi extrado cido hmico (AH) o qual um composto resultante do fracionamento de substncias hmicas que compreendem um grupo de compostos de carbono gerados na decomposio de resduos orgnicos que sofrem ressntese formando o hmus. O cido hmico promove diversos benefcios nos vegetais, como crescimento, elongao celular, tolerncia a estresses e aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmtica. Com base nestas caractersticas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos citogenticos (ensaio Allium cepa), fisiolgicos, anatmicos e bioqumicos do cido hmico do lodo de esgoto sanitrio. Foi realizada caracterizao elementar do material para a definio das doses. Aps 20 dias de tratamento, foram realizadas coletas do material e, posteriormente, analisadas. A caracterizao qumica do AH indicou-o como bom condicionador para culturas apresentando elevadas taxas de C, H e N. No foi observado efeito de toxicidade, citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade do AH. Foi verificado aumento expressivo de todos os pigmentos fotossintticos vegetais nas concentraes mais altas (2 mM C L-1 e 4 mM C L-1). Houve aumento da expresso da ATPAse em todos os tratamentos e das enzimas do estresse oxidativo (CAT, SOD, APX, GST) em diferentes concentraes. A integrao destas anlises permitiu concluir que o cido hmico do lodo de esgoto pode ser utilizado como adubo orgnico, pois foi observado benefcios no vegetal tais como maior crescimento vegetal e aumento da atividade nas enzimas do estresse oxidativo.
A gesto dos recursos hdricos necessita da integrao entre os critrios fsicos e qumicos, e os aspectos biticos, os quais possibilitam identificar os efeitos combinados de substncias e avaliar suas influncias. Os sistemas testes Allium cepa e Tradescantia pallida, so utilizados para o estudo da poluio aqutica a partir de aspectos citogenticos. Alm destes biomarcadores, os teores de clorofila tambm so utilizados em estudos de estresse devido ao reflexo a mltiplos fatores. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade da gua da lagoa Juara (Municpio de Serra/ES) pela anlise integrada de aspectos fsicos, qumicos e ecotoxicolgicos a partir de estudos citogenticos em A. cepa e T. pallida, e fotossintticos nesta ltima espcie. Foram definidas trs estaes amostrais ao longo da lagoa e a partir de amostras de gua foram analisados parmetros tais como condutividade, oxignio dissolvido, concentrao de nutrientes e metais. A determinao dos metais ocorreu por anlises de espectrometria de massa. O teste do A. cepa foi realizado a partir sementes germinadas em amostras de gua da lagoa. Com plantas de T. pallida, foi realizado o ensaio da mitose em ponta de raiz de T. pallida e dosado os teores de pigmentos cloroplastdicos em folhas totalmente expandidas. Para tanto, foi realizado ensaio utilizando-se a gua da lagoa como solvente para soluo de Hoagland onde estacas previamente enraizadas de T. pallida foram expostas durante 24 horas e 40 dias para as avaliaes citogenticas e fotossintticas, respectivamente. Foi realizado novo teste do A. cepa nas guas da lagoa aps os 40 dias de ensaio para aferir a manuteno das propriedades qumicas das amostras. A avaliao citogentica nas duas espcies envolveu a anlise dos ndice mittico (IM), ndice de aberraes cromossmicas (AC) e frequncia de microncleos (MN). Para a anlise estatstica foi utilizada a anlise de varincia seguida pelo teste de Tukey (p < 0.05) para a comparao dos tratamentos durante a mesma campanha, e teste de Bonferroni (p < 0,05) para a comparao entre as campanhas. Os resultados fsicos e qumicos mensurados demonstram que a lagoa Juara apresenta indcios de eutroficao artificial. Duas estaes amostrais, em pelo menos uma campanha amostral, apresentaram potenciais citotxico, genotxico e mutagnico. Todavia, esses potenciais no demonstram relao com os teores de Fe e Mn quantificados, levando a crer que tais pontos apresentam outros potenciais poluentes. Os danos citogenticos observados apresentaram efeitos maximizados durante a segunda campanha, demostrando o efeito do perodo de chuva na intensificao da poluio nesse ambiente. O estudo do metabolismo fotossinttico em T. pallida, demonstrou os teores de pigmentos cloroplastdicos relacionados ao elevado aporte de nutrientes presentes nas estaes J2 e J3. Sendo o excesso destes, o provvel responsvel pelo teor inferior de pigmentos em J3. Observa-se que os ensaios com A. cepa e T. pallida responderam de maneira fidedigna ao risco potencial do ambiente, complementando as anlises fsicas e qumicas usualmente utilizadas na avaliao da qualidade da gua de ambientes lacustres.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o estudo do transporte atmosfrico de PM10 e SO2 em regies costeiras urbanas usando modelos WRF/CMAQ. Duas regies foram contempladas neste estudo. Uma a Regio da Grande Vitria (RGV), no estado do Esprito Santo, Brasil; a outra a Regio da Grande Dunkerque (RGD), no Departamento Nord Pas-de-Calais, Frana. A RGV cercada por uma cadeia de montanhas paralela costa, resultando num topografia complexa e acidentada. J a RGD possui uma topografia muito mais suave. As entradas de dados para os modelos WRF/CMAQ englobaram o inventrio de emisses de poluentes atmosfricos do IEMA-ES para a RGV, e o inventrio de emisses no nvel do solo de Nord Pas-de-Calais denominado Cadastre_totaux_3km_A2008 _M2010_V2_SNAPN2 para a RGD. Ambos os inventrios apresentaram restries, todavia. O inventrio da RGV apresentou valores de ressuspenso em vias de trfego elevados, em comparao com diversos estudos, e teve esses dados modificados. Os dados no nvel do solo e a grande rea de das clulas da grade (9 km2) do inventrio da RGD no permitiram resultados satisfatrios de modelagem. A validao dos modelos foi realizada por comparao com resultados obtidos em duas campanhas experimentais: uma na cidade de Dunkerque, no norte da Frana, em setembro de 2009; a outra na cidade de Vitria, no sudeste do Brasil, em julho de 2012. Esses dados foram obtidos pelo uso de sistemas de Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) e Sonic Detection and Ranging (SODAR), bem como de Estaes Meteorolgicas de Superfcie (EMS) e de monitoramento atmosfrico. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que: a) existe uma necessidade de melhorias contnuas nos inventrios regionais de emisses, adaptando-os para condies locais especficas e focando na obteno de parmetros necessrios para modelagem fotoqumica; b) os valores de mdulo e direo das velocidades obtidas na modelagem meteorolgica influenciam fortemente os resultados da modelagem de concentrao de poluentes; c) a qualidade do ar tanto na RGV quanto na RGD merece ateno, sobretudo no que diz respeito s concentraes de MP10. De acordo com os dados das estaes de monitoramento, a situao parece mais crtica na RGD; d) a modelagem da RGV apresentou resultados mais satisfatrios do que a da RGD, de acordo com os resultados das validaes; e) a entrada da brisa do mar provocou alteraes significativas na concentrao dos poluentes, o que pde ser observado na anlise da dinmica da disperso de MP10 e SO2. Esse fenmeno foi mais marcante na RGV, onde a entrada da brisa martima provocou um movimento oscilatrio na pluma de poluio, levando-a para os bairros mais densamente povoados do conglomerado urbano. Na RGD, a entrada da brisa no foi cotidiana e, no dia em que ela aconteceu, houve uma alterao de quase 180 na direo do movimento da pluma de poluio. Alm do aumento da turbulncia vertical, o qual j foi estudado por diversos autores, este estudo focou tambm na influncia brisa do mar na dinmica da pluma de disperso de poluentes atmosfricos em regies costeiras.
The European Union's (EU) decision to include aviation into the Emissions Trade Scheme was heatedly contested. Countries around the world, but mainly the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa group (BRICS) and the US, denounced the EU's initiate as illegal and unilateral. Following a decade of frustrated negotiations at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this paper interrogates why such measure, in principle climate-friendly, inspired so much global resentment. I argue that concerns with competitiveness and risks of legal inconsistency are important, but insufficient elements to explain the core of the conflict. The paper suggests that the EU was strongly criticized because third countries perceived this action as an imposed solution, which fostered an environment of distrust. Therefore, I claim that the problem has more to do with a normative divide than with a substantive divergence on what should be done regarding aviation emissions. My analysis is informed by the present literature on the links between trade and climate change, but gives particular weight to first-hand information through interviews with key stakeholders. The paper is divided in three parts. First, it presents the scope of the EU directive in historical perspective. Second, it explores the EU's measure through three different angles: legal, economical and political. The final part explores some possible solutions to overcome these divergences.
The construction sector has one of the worst occupational safety and health records in Europe. The costs of this scenario are very high, namely costs for workers and their families, costs to organizations, resulting from the absence of workers due to illness, insurance premiums, costs resulting from reduced productivity, cost of replacement and training of workers, etc., and costs to society, which in turn increases the costs of health systems. This paper presents and discusses the development of a methodology for economic evaluation in the context of risk management, which will allow senior management to support decision making. The possible application of this methodology to the construction sector is discussed.
Work accidents affect business and society as a whole. Fewer accidents mean fewer sick leaves, which results in lower costs and less disruption in the production process, with clear advantages for the employer. But workers and their households bear also a significant burden following a work accident, only partially compen-sated by insurance systems. Furthermore, the consequences of work accidents to the State and Society need also to be considered. When an organization performs an integrated risk analysis in evaluating its Occupational Health and Safety Management System, several steps are suggested to address the identified risk situations. Namely, to avoid risks, a series of preventive measures are identified. The organization should make a detailed analysis of the monetary impact (positive or negative) for the organization of each of the measures considered. Particularly, it is also important to consider the impact of each measure on society, involving an adequate eco-nomic cost-benefit analysis. In the present paper, a case study in a textile finishing company is presented. The study concentrates on the dyeing and printing sections. For each of the potential risks, several preventive measures have been identified and the corresponding costs and benefits have been estimated. Subsequently, the Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C) of these measures has been calculated, both in financial terms (from the organisa-tions perspective) and in economic terms (including the benefits for the worker and for the Society). Results show that, while the financial analysis in terms of the company does not justify the preventive measures, when the externalities are taken into account, the B/C ratio increases significantly and investments are fully justified.
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on na almost atomic scale to produce new structures, materials, and devices. As potential occupational exposure to nanomaterials (NMs) becomes more prevalente, it is importante that the principles of medical surveillance and risk management be considered for workers in the nanotechnology industry.However, much information about health risk is beyond our current knowledge. Thus, NMs presente new challenges to understanding, predicting, andmanageing potential health risks. First, we briefly describe some general features of NMs and list the most importante types of NMs. This review discusses the toxicological potential of NMs by comparing possible injury mechanism and know, or potentially adverse, health effects. We review the limited research to date for occupational exposure to these particles and how a worker might be exposed to NMs. The principles of medical surveillance are reviewed to further the discussion of occupational health surveillance are reviewed to further the discussion of occupational health surveillance for workers exposed to NMs. We outlinehow occupational health professionals could contribute to a better knowledge of health effects by the utilization of a health surveillance program and by minimizing exposure. Finally, we discuss the early steps towards regulation and the difficulties facing regulators in controlling potentially harmful exposures in the absence of suficiente scientific evidence.
Risk management can be considered as part of the Occupational Health and Safety System (OHS) of an organization and can be used to develop and implement the OHS policy and manage the associated risks. The success of the integration of risk management in OHS depends on both technical and human aspects. Thus, this paper presents and discusses the case of a company working in the area of solid waste treatment. This company was certified in 2009 with an Integrated Management Systems for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety. The evolution of accidents before and after the implementation of the integrated system was analysed and a questionnaire was used to capture the perceptions of the technicians on the risk management system. The analysis of the findings showed that the frequency of accidents increased since 2009 but the severity has been reduced. Several interrelated causes and consequences were analysed and discussed. Furthermore, the analysis of the opinions of the companys technicians permitted to highlight some important aspects on the integration of risk management in the OHS system of the company. In line with this discussion some hypothesis have been formulated.
BACKGROUND: When an organization performs an integrated analysis of risks through its Occupational Health and Safety Management System, several steps are suggested to address the implications of the identified risks. Namely, the organization should make a detailed analysis of the monetary impact for the organization of each of the preventive measures considered. However, it is also important to perform an analysis of the impact of each measure on society (externalities). OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to present a case study related to the application of the proposed economic evaluation methodology. METHODS: An analysis of the work accidents in a hospital has been made. Three of the major types of accidents have been selected: needle stings, falls and excessive strain. Following the risk assessment, some preventive measures have been designed. Subsequently, the Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C) of these measures has been calculated, both in financial terms (from the organizations perspective) and in economic terms (including the benefits for the worker and for the Society). RESULTS: While the financial ratio is only advantageous in some cases, when the externalities are taken into account, the B/C ratio increases significantly. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to consider external benefits to make decisions concerning the implementation of preventive measures in Occupational Health and Safety projects
ABSTRACTAiming to compare three different methods for the determination of organic carbon (OC) in the soil and fractions of humic substances, seventeen Brazilian soil samples of different classes and textures were evaluated. Amounts of OC in the soil samples and the humic fractions were measured by the dichromate-oxidation method, with and without external heating in a digestion block at 130 C for 30 min; by the loss-on-ignition method at 450 C during 5 h and at 600 C during 6 h; and by the dry combustion method. Dry combustion was used as reference in order to measure the efficiency of the other methods. Soil OC measured by the dichromate-oxidation method with external heating had the highest efficiency and the best results comparing to the reference method. When external heating was not used, the mean recovery efficiency dropped to 71%. The amount of OC was overestimated by the loss-on-ignition methods. Regression equations obtained between total OC contents of the reference method and those of the other methods showed relatively good adjustment, but all intercepts were different from zero (p < 0.01), which suggests that more accuracy can be obtained using not one single correction factor, but considering also the intercept. The Walkley-Black method underestimated the OC contents of the humic fractions, which was associated with the partial oxidation of the humin fraction. Better results were obtained when external heating was used. For the organic matter fractions, the OC in the humic and fulvic acid fractions can be determined without external heating if the reference method is not available, but the humin fraction requires the external heating.
The industry of ergogenic supplements is increasing rapidly (Cole et al., 2003). Supplements may constitute an important aid for some vigourous exercise routines, but they may also be used as a hypothetical mean to achieve increases in muscular mass. This supposed effect of suplements can lead to its use by individuals who have high levels of drive for muscularity, a condition that is known to be associated with muscular dismorphy (or as it has been called recently vigorexia, Pope et al., 1997). Another psychological factor which can influence supplement consumption is exercise dependence, a borderline problem, as most studies present a prevalence of less than 10% in regular exercisers (Palmeira & Matos, 2006). Symptoms like tolerance or continuity could lead to the use of ergogenic aids to maintain the exercise levels. Also of interest for the understanding of the use of suplements are exercise frequency, volume and intensity, which could explain the ratesof consumption on a more physicological level.
Neste artigo e apresentado um Sistema de Apoio a Decisao Espacial (SADE) onde os decisores podem facilmente definir diferentes tipos de problemas espaciais recorrendo a diferentes categorias de objetos, pre-definidas ou a definir, associando- lhes caracteristicas com ou sem dependencia espacial, e indicando formas de interferencia (impactos) entre essas caracte- risticas/propriedades. A analise espacial para determinacao ou avaliacao de configuracoes alternativas para a localizacao de diferentes tipos de ocorrencias espaciais sera feita atraves da utilizacao interativa do SADE de acordo com conjuntos de regras intrinsecas aos varios elementos graficos (objetos, categorias, caracteristicas, impactos) utilizados na definicao dos problemas. O teste a generalidade representativa e analitica do SADE proposto e efectuado recorrendo a um problema concreto, suficientemente especifico e complexo, relativo a aplicacao de modelos gaussianos para o estudo da dispersao atmosferica de eventuais poluentes resultantes do tratamento de residuos solidos. A regiao em estudo esta limitada, neste exemplo, ao municipio de Coimbra, Portugal. Para este municipio estao acessiveis, e sao utilizados, os dados demograficos ao nivel da seccao de voto (censos oficiais) e, como tal, e possivel a realizacao de um estudo realistico do impacto com populacoes humanas.