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A coinfecção do vírus da hepatite C (HCV) em pessoas portadoras do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) é freqüentemente observada em virtude destes vírus apresentarem similaridade em suas rotas de transmissão, principalmente no que se refere à via parenteral. No Brasil, a prevalência depende da área geográfica considerada, variando de 8,9% a 54%. Nos coinfectados, a progressão da doença pelo HCV é usualmente mais agressiva e apresenta alto nível de viremia, como também, há um risco maior de associação do HCV com a cirrose hepática e/ou hepatocarcinoma. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a prevalência de HCV e fatores de risco associados à coinfecção em pessoas soropositivas para HIV na cidade de Imperatriz Maranhão. Participaram 249 pacientes soropositivos para HIV atendidos no SAE do Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Imperatriz do Maranhão. Foi coletado de cada voluntário 10 mL de sangue periférico para realização do teste sorológico, onde foi realizada pesquisa de anticorpos IgG HCV específicos e testes de Biologia Molecular (RT-PCR) para pesquisa do RNA viral e genotipagem. Entre os pacientes observou-se similaridade entre a frequência dos gêneros, 49% masculino e 51% feminino, com média de idade de 40 anos. Foi observado que 98% possuem baixo nível de instrução e 63% possuem renda mensal de até um salário mínimo. A soroprevalência do anti-HCV foi de 2.4% (6/249). Na comparação dos fatores de risco pesquisados entre os pacientes reagentes e não reagentes na pesquisa sorológica de anticorpos HCV específicas demonstraram que a presença de tatuagens e piercing foi o único fator que se mostrou significantes, sendo mais frequente nos reagentes. Esse foi o primeiro estudo que investiga a coinfecção HIV e HCV na cidade de Imperatriz, Maranhão e a identificação de pacientes coinfectados foi de fundamental importância para o serviço que a partir de então irá realizar o acompanhamento destes pacientes.


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A co-infecção Leishmania-HIV-Aids é um sério problema de saúde pública em quase todo o mundo. No entanto, os casos de co-infecção ainda são subestimados, uma vez que, a leishmaniose não se constitui doença definidora de Aids. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal de Dezembro de 2011 a Fevereiro de 2012, com o objetivo de investigar a prevalência da co-infecção HIV/Leishmania em pacientes atendidos pelo programa municipal de DST/aids no Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento (CTA) de Imperatriz-MA. A população de estudo foi constituída por 199 indivíduos. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de um questionário para a obtenção de dados demográficos, socioeconômicos e epidemiológicos, bem como foi realizado exame de coleta de material biológico (sangue) de todos os pacientes para detecção da infecção por Leishmania sp., por meio de exames laboratoriais (contagem de CD4 e CD8) e pesquisa da PCR. Entre os pacientes observou-se similaridade entre a frequência dos gêneros, 49,2% masculino e 50,8% feminino, com média de idade de 40 anos. Foi observado que 61,8% possuem baixo nível de instrução e 69,3% possuem renda mensal de até um salário mínimo. 2,01% (4/199) dos pacientes analisados apresentaram co-infecção Leishmania/HIV. Sendo, destes, 3 que apresentaram infecção mista por Leishmania (V.) sp e Leishmania (L.) amazonensis, causadores de LTA e um paciente infectado por Leishmania (L.) chagasi, causador de LV. Na comparação dos fatores de risco, comorbidades e complicações entre os pacientes analisados observou-se que a malária foi o único fator que se mostrou significante em torno de 10,05%. Esse foi o primeiro estudo que investiga a coinfecção HIV Leishmaniana cidade de Imperatriz, Maranhão e a identificação de pacientes coinfectados foi de fundamental importância para o serviço que a partir de então poderá realizar o acompanhamento destes pacientes. Este estudo permitiu conhecer a magnitude da prevalência da co-infecção Leishmania/HIV. Assim, sugerimos que o teste anti-Leishmaniaseja realizado em todos os indivíduos com HIV/Aids, e que sejam incrementadas políticas públicas voltadas para essa problemática.


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OBJETIVO Analisar mudanças espaciais no risco de Aids e a relação entre incidência da doença e variáveis socioeconômicas. MÉTODOS Estudo caso-controle espacial, de base populacional, realizado em Rondônia, Brasil, com 1.780 casos notificados pelo Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica e os controles a partir de dados demográficos de 1987 a 2006. Os casos foram agrupados em cinco períodos de cinco anos consecutivos. Um modelo aditivo generalizado foi ajustado aos dados. O status dos indivíduos (caso ou controle) foi considerado como a variável dependente e independente: um alisamento ( spline ) bidimensional das coordenadas geográficas e variáveis socioeconômicas municipais. Os valores observados para o teste Moran I foram comparados com a distribuição de referência dos valores obtidos em condições de aleatoriedade espacial. RESULTADOS O risco de Aids apresentou padrão espacial e temporal marcado. A incidência associou-se a indicadores socioeconômicos municipais, como urbanização e capital humano. As maiores taxas de incidência de Aids ocorreram em municípios ao longo da rodovia BR-364; os resultados do teste Moran I mostram correlação espacial positiva associada à contiguidade dos municípios com a rodovia, no terceiro e quarto períodos (p = 0,05). CONCLUSÕES A incidência da doença foi maior em municípios de maior riqueza econômica e urbanização e naqueles cortados pelas estradas principais de Rondônia. O rápido desenvolvimento associado à ocupação de regiões remotas pode ser acompanhado por aumento de riscos à saúde.


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OBJETIVO:traçar o perfil de mulheres vivendo com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana/Aids em municípios do interior do Estado de São Paulo, buscando-se identificar características relacionadas à vulnerabilidade individual, social e programática e analisar as condições em que tiveram conhecimento de seu status sorológico.MÉTODO:entre outubro de 2008 e dezembro de 2010, foi realizado estudo transversal, envolvendo 184 mulheres atendidas em serviço especializado. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevista e exame ginecológico, com coleta de amostras para diagnóstico etiológico de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis.RESULTADOS:predominaram mulheres brancas, entre 30 e 49 anos de idade, com companheiro, baixo nível escolar, múltiplos parceiros sexuais durante a vida e prática de sexo inseguro. A prevalência de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis foi de 87,0%.CONCLUSÃO:o estudo sugere a necessidade de ofertar assistência ginecológica em serviços especializados e realização de ações multiprofissionais que reforcem a autonomia feminina na tomada de decisões protetoras.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The epidemic of HIV/AIDS enters into its fourth decade and is still considered an important public health problem in developed and developing countries. The purpose is verify the oral health and other factors that influence the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS attending a public service reference in Brazil.Methods: The participants answered the questionnaire on socio-demographic conditions, issues related to HIV and daily habits. The quality of life was analyzed by the HIV/AIDS Targeted Quality of Life (HAT-QoL) instrument with 42 items divided into nine domains: General Activity, Sexual Activity, Confidentiality concerns, Health Concerns, Financial Concern, HIV Awareness, Satisfaction with Life Issues related to medication and Trust in the physician. The oral health data were collected by means of the DMFT index, use and need of dentures and the Community Periodontal Index, according to the criteria proposed by the World Health Organization, by a calibrated researcher. Bivariate and multiple linear regressions were performed.Results: Of the participants, 53.1% were women and had a mean age of 42 years, 53.1% had eight years or less of schooling and 20.3% were not employed. In analyzing the quality of life domain of the HAT-QoL, with a lower average there was: Financial concern (39.4), followed by Confidentiality concern (43.2), Sexual activities (55.2) and Health concerns (62. 88). There was an association between the variables: do not have link to employment (p < 0.001), is brown or black (p = 0.045), alcohol consumption (p = 0.041), did not make use of antiretroviral therapy (p = 0.006), high levels of viral load (p = 0.035) and need for dentures (p = 0.025), with the worse quality of life scores.Conclusion: Socioeconomic and inadequate health conditions had a negative impact on the quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS.


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Background: To assess the motor development of infants exposed to maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Methods: Thirty infants were assessed in the period from November 2009 to March 2010 at the AIDS Reference and Training Centre, in São Paulo, Brazil. The assessment instrument used in the research was the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). All 30 infants used the antiretroviral drug properly for 42 consecutive days, in accordance with the protocol of the World Health Organization. Results: Out of the total number of infants, 27 (90%) had proper motor performance and 3 (10%) presented motor delay, according to the AIMS. Discussion: This study demonstrated that only 10% of the assessed group had developmental delay and no relation with environmental variables was detected, such as maternal level of education, social and economic issues, maternal practices, attendance at the day care center, and drug use during pregnancy. It is important to emphasize the necessity of studies with a larger number of participants.


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Scintillations are rapid fluctuations in the phase and amplitude of transionospheric radio signals which are caused by small-scale plasma density irregularities in the ionosphere. In the case of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, scintillation can cause cycle slips, degrade the positioning accuracy and, when severe enough, can even lead to a complete loss of signal lock. Thus, the required levels of availability, accuracy, integrity and reliability for the GNSS applications may not be met during scintillation occurrence; this poses a major threat to a large number of modern-day GNSS-based applications. The whole of Latin America, Brazil in particular, is located in one of the regions most affected by scintillations. These effects will be exacerbated during solar maxima, the next predicted for 2013. This paper presents initial results from a research work aimed to tackle ionospheric scintillation effects for GNSS users in Latin America. This research is a part of the CIGALA (Concept for Ionospheric Scintillation Mitigation for Professional GNSS in Latin America) project, co-funded by the EC Seventh Framework Program and supervised by the GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA), which aims to develop and test ionospheric scintillation countermeasures to be implemented in multi-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS receivers.


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The human poliomavirus is the etiologic agente of Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a disease characterized by focal lesions not expansives of the central nervous system that develops in imunocompromissed patients, specially people with aids. The main aim of the study was to evalute the prevalence of the JCV excretion in urine samples of patients with aids, without PML, to compare two JCV DNA detection techniques through of two diferents genomic regions and to evaluate the genotypic characterization of the positive samples. A total of 75 samples were colected in the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between may and november, 2009. To detect the JC virus it was made the DNA extraction and then the polimerase chain reaction (PCR). Firstly a fragment of 215 bp was amplified, which corresponds to the codifying gene of the strutural protein of de JC vírus capsid VP1. All the samples were later submitted to another PCR that uses a pair of primers complementaries to the early region of the JCV (T antigen) amplifying a fragment of 173 bp. Followed by the digestion of the amplified product with the restriction enzime BamH1, resulting in two smaller fragments (120 bp and 53 bp). The JC vírus was detected in 53 samples, for both techniques (70,7% for VP1 PCR, and the restriction enzime BamH1), 34/46 were men (73,9%) and 19/29 were women (65,5%). The JCV excretion was higher in individuals that were over 46 years old. Regarding the seven genotypes described in the literature, the ones that were more prevalent among the JC positive patients were 3B and 3A with 10 samples each (21,0%), the 2B with 9 samples (19,0%) and genotype 6, with six samples (13,0%). As in the brown patients as the white ones, the most prevalent genotype was 3B. In the present study it was observed a high prevalence of JCV DNA (70,7%) and the genotype 3 (43,0%)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this study is to establish the factors that influence the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS being treated at a specialized public service. The participants answered the questionnaire on sociodemographic conditions, issues related to HIV and daily habits. The quality of life was analyzed using the HIV/AIDS-targeted quality of life (HAT-QoL) instrument with 42 items divided into 9 fields: General Activity, Sexual Activity, Confidentiality Concerns, Health Concerns, Financial Concerns, HIV Awareness, Satisfaction with Life, Issues related to Medication and Trust in the Physician. Bivariate and multiple linear regressions were performed. Of the participants, 53.1% were women and had a mean age of 42 years. In analyzing the quality of life, the HAT-QoL domain with the lowest average was Financial Concerns (39.4), followed by Confidentiality Concerns (43.2), Sexual Activity (55.2) and Health Concerns (62. 88). There was an association between the variables: not being gainfully employed (p < 0.001), being mulatto or black (p = 0.045) and alcohol consumption (p = 0.041) with the worst quality of life scores. Inadequate socioeconomic and health conditions had a negative impact on the quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS.


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Objective: To identify vulnerabilities of elderly people with HIV/AIDS and the trajectory that they follow until reaching the diagnosis of the disease. Method: Qualitative research conducted in specialized clinics in the state of Sao Paulo, from January to June 2011. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 elderly people who were found to be infected with the virus at the age of 60 years or older. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis. Results: In this process four categories emerged, then analyzed with reference to the theoretical framework of vulnerability. Conclusion: Late diagnosis of HIV infection or AIDS among the elderly happens in the secondary or tertiary service. Issues related to sexual life of the elderly are only questioned by health professionals after the diagnosis, also the time that condom use becomes absolute. It is believed that the investigation of the vulnerability of the elderly to HIV/AIDS allows for carrying out appropriate interventions for this population.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Infection with human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. Among the 630 million new cases of HPV that occur each year, 30 million develop anogenital warts. Although subclinical infection with HPV is the most common cause, genital warts are also associated with immunosuppression caused by HIV. In view of the high prevalence of HPV/HIV co-infection particularly among men who have sex with men, the objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of anogenital warts in men with HIV/AIDS and to identify associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 159 men with HIV/AIDS consecutively selected at a referral service in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, in which the association between sociodemographic, behavioral and clinical variables and the presence of anogenital warts was evaluated. After hierarchical analysis of the data, variables presenting a p value ≤ 0.2 were entered into an unconditional multivariate logistic regression model. Forty-nine (31%) of the HIV-positive patients had anogenital warts. The mean age was 44.6 ± 9.6 years. The main factors associated with the presence of anogenital warts were irregular antiretroviral treatment and genital herpes(HSV). The present study demonstrate that anogenital warts occur in almost one-third of the male population infected with HIV and factors associated with a higher risk of being diagnosed with anogenital warts were irregular cART use and co-infection with HSV, other variables could not be associated.


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Human fungal infections have increased at an alarming rate in recent years, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. Cryptococcosis is the second most prevalent systemic fungal infection worldwide, and the most prevalent systemic infection in immunocompromised individuals, representing more than 70% of cases. The incidence of cryptococcosis is high in people with HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), with recent estimates indicating that there are one million cases of cryptococcal meningitis globally per year in AIDS patients. The aim of this research was to develop a rapid flow cytometric antifungal susceptibility test and to compare the results with the standard methods. A reference strain and clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii were tested for susceptibility to amphotericin B by flow cytometry using propidium iodide as indicator of viability. Flow cytometry (FC) results were compared with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values determined by microdilution. The antifungal activity of amphotericin B ranged from MICs of 0.06 to 2μg/ml for the 11 isolates studied. The same results were found by FC. The FC method allows same-day results, assisting in the selection of appropriate antifungal therapies. These results demonstrate an excellent correlation between FC and the classic methods of testing for susceptibility to antifungal agents. This rapid diagnosis method makes it possible to quickly administer effective therapeutic interventions, often saving lives.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)