941 resultados para Agroecology. Sustainable agricultural practices. Family farm. Intercrop.Sustainable rural development


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En las dos últimas décadas, la expresión «desarrollo territorial sostenible» se ha incorporado con éxito en los documentos de ordenación del territorio, hasta convertirse en un principio rector principal. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la incorporación de los principios de sostenibilidad en la planificación territorial española, valorando los resultados prácticos que ello ha significado. Se ha realizado un análisis de las leyes y planes de ordenación del territorio de escala regional, destacando en cuatro casos de estudio (País Vasco, Navarra, Andalucía y Comunidad Valenciana) por la relevancia que este principio rector ha cobrado en sus procesos de planificación territorial. Se ha completado la información con la realización de entrevistas a actores clave de la ordenación del territorio en esos espacios regionales. Los resultados muestran que, a pesar de las buenas intenciones que incluyen los textos de leyes y planes, por lo común, el proceso de integración de la sostenibilidad a la planificación territorial de escala regional es lento y sus efectos prácticos todavía son escasamente visibles.


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La ciudad y su arquitectura testimonian las culturas que modelan y remodelan sus formas y espacios en el tiempo. Toda comunidad tiene derecho a un ambiente urbano apto para el desarrollo humano sustentable. Desarrollo sustentable, es aquel que asegura la satisfacción de las necesidades del presente, sin comprometer los recursos con que generaciones futuras puedan satisfacer las propias (Naciones Unidas, 1987). Significa el uso racional y responsable de toda clase de recursos, especialmente los no renovables, como el patrimonio arquitectónico. La ciudad de San Juan fue reconstruida bajo influencias de los postulados del Movimiento Moderno tras el terremoto de 1944 que destruyó casi la totalidad de sus edificios patrimoniales. La arquitectura moderna es considerada internacionalmente un patrimonio a legar a las generaciones futuras. En San Juan, las obras residenciales modernas corren el riesgo de ser transformadas o demolidas ante un posible reemplazo por nuevas obras más redituables, por la dinámica del desarrollo urbano y la ausencia de protección que preserve este patrimonio. Es objetivo de este trabajo promover el reconocimiento, valoración y protección, de obras patrimoniales residenciales, exponentes de la modernidad arquitectónica local.


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The political landscape in Greece is confused and volatile at the moment; the right and extreme- right-wing parties are accorded a disproportionately large place in political debate, while the radical left-wing SYRIZA party is attempting to maintain a ‘leftist’ profile and demonstrate its capacity to govern through a strategy of image normalisation. These tensions make it very difficult for the Greek government to stick to the EU’s tough reform agenda. The governing coalition is trying to conceal the social effects of implementing structural policy reforms, even postponing some measures to avoid bearing their political cost. At the same time, it is adopting a very rushed, and thus quite worrying, attitude towards a fast-track growth agenda, without taking into consideration the conditions for sustainable economic development.


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This paper examines the determinants of exit from agriculture under the implementation of CAP payments in four selected EU countries (France, Hungary, Italy and Poland) in the period 2005-08. The study employs micro-data from the European Union Labour Force Survey and regional data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network. We differentiate among the different measures of farm payments, looking at the individual impact of Pillar 1 instruments, i.e. coupled and decoupled payments, and at those in Pillar 2, targeted at rural development. The main results suggest that total subsidies at the regional level are negatively associated with the out-farm migration of agricultural workers in the two New member states, Hungary and Poland, so that the CAP would seem to hinder the exit of labour from agriculture. Conversely, the non-significant results for the ‘old’ member states may be interpreted as the result of opposing effects of coupled payments and rural development support. The diverse impact of CAP on the likelihood of leaving agriculture in the four countries reflects the heterogeneity across European member states, due to different market and production structures, which does not allow a common and simple generalisation of the effect of the CAP on labour allocation.


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The Australian-Indonesian monsoon has a governing influence on the agricultural practices and livelihood in the highly populated islands of Indonesia. However, little is known about the factors that have influenced past monsoon activity in southern Indonesia. Here, we present a ~6000 years high-resolution record of Australian-Indonesian summer monsoon (AISM) rainfall variations based on bulk sediment element analysis in a sediment archive retrieved offshore northwest Sumba Island (Indonesia). The record suggests lower riverine detrital supply and hence weaker AISM rainfall between 6000 yr BP and ~3000 yr BP compared to the Late Holocene. We find a distinct shift in terrigenous sediment supply at around 2800 yr BP indicating a reorganization of the AISM from a drier Mid Holocene to a wetter Late Holocene in southern Indonesia. The abrupt increase in rainfall at around 2800 yr BP coincides with a grand solar minimum. An increase in southern Indonesian rainfall in response to a solar minimum is consistent with climate model simulations that provide a possible explanation of the underlying mechanism responsible for the monsoonal shift. We conclude that variations in solar activity play a significant role in monsoonal rainfall variability at multi-decadal and longer timescales. The combined effect of orbital and solar forcing explains important details in the temporal evolution of AISM rainfall during the last 6000 years. By contrast, we find neither evidence for volcanic forcing of AISM variability nor for a control by long-term variations in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).


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Bibliographical footnotes.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Shipping list number: 2011-0276-P (pt. 1A), 2011-0274-P (pt. 1B), 2011-0283-P (pt. 1C), 2011-0318-P (pt. 2), 2011-0339-P (pt. 4), 2011-0366-P (pt. 5), 2011-0375-P (pt. 6), 2011-0367-P (pt. 7), 2011-0372-P (pt. 8), 2012-0014-P (pt. 9).


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Shipping list no.: 2004-0116-P (pts. 1A-B), 2004-0162-P (pt.2), 2004-0180-P (pt. 3), 2004-0204-P (pt. 4), 2004-0198-P (pt. 5), 2004-0199-P (pt. 6), 2004-0207-P (pt. 7), 2004-0208-P (pt. 8).


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Shipping list no. : 2005-0156-P (pt. 1A), 2005-0131-P (pt. 1B), 2005-0136-P (pt. 2), 2005-0172-P (pt. 3-5, 7), 2005-0185-P (pt. 6), 2005-0168-P (pt. 8), 2006-0066-P (pt. 9).


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CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 82 H181-27 (pt.1), CIS 82 H181-28 (pt.2), CIS 82 H181-37 (pt.3), CIS 82 H181-38 (pt.4), CIS 82 H181-39 (pt.5), CIS 82 H181-40 (pt.6), CIS 82 H181-41 (pt.7), CIS 83 H181-1 (pt.8)


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Published by United States Department of agriculture. Bureau of agricultural economics. Division of farm management and costs, and New York State college of agriculture, Cornell university. Department of agricultural economics and farm management cooperating.