980 resultados para Aerial reconnaissance.


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RÉSUMÉ Les kinases activées par des mitogènes (MAPKs) constituent une importante famille d'enzymes conservée dans l'évolution. Elles forment un réseau de signalisation qui permet à la cellule de réguler spécifiquement divers processus impliqués dans la différenciation, la survie ou l'apoptose. Les kinases formant le module MAPK sont typiquement disposées en cascades de trois partenaires qui s'activent séquentiellement par phosphorylation. Le module minimum est constitué d'une MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), d'une MAPK kinase (MAPKK) et d'une MAPK. Une fois activée, la MAPK phosphoryle différents substrats tels que des facteurs de transcription ou d'autres protéines. Chez les mammifères, trois groupes principaux de MAPKs ont été identifiés. Il s'agit du groupe des kinases régulées par des signaux extracellulaires du type «mitogènes » (ERK), ainsi que des groupes p38 et cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), ou SAPK pour stress activated protein kinase, plutôt activées par des stimuli de type «stress ». De nombreuses études ont impliqué JNK dans la régulation de différents processus physiologiques et pathologiques, comme le diabète, les arthrites rhumatoïdes, l'athérosclérose, l'attaque cérébrale, les maladies de Parkinson et d'Alzheimer. JNK, en particulier joue un rôle dans la mort des cellules sécrétrices d'insuline induite par l'interleukine (IL)-1 β, lors du développement du diabète de type 1. IB1 est une protéine scaffold (échafaud) qui participe à l'organisation du module de JNK. IB1 est fortement exprimée dans les neurones et les cellules β du pancréas. Elle a été impliquée dans la survie des cellules, la régulation de l'expression du transporteur du glucose de type 2 (Glut-2) et dans le processus de sécrétion d'insuline glucose-dépendante. IBl est caractérisée par plusieurs domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine : un domaine de liaison à JNK (JBD), un domaine homologue au domaine 3 de Src (SH3) et un domaine d'interaction avec des tyrosines phosphorylées (PID). Des partenaires d'IB1, incluant les membres de la familles des kinases de lignée mélangée (MLKs), la MAPKK MKK7, la phosphatase 7 des MAPKs (MKP-7) ainsi que la chaîne légère de la kinésine, ont été isolés. Tous ces facteurs, sauf les MLKs et MKK7 interagissent avec le domaine PID ou l'extrême partie C-terminale d'IBl (la chaîne légère de la kinésine). Comme d'autres protéines scaffolds déjà décrites, IBl et un autre membre de la famille, IB2, sont capables d'homo- et d'hétérodimériser. L'interaction a lieu par l'intermédiaire de leur région C-terminale, contenant les domaines SH3 et PID. Mais ni le mécanisme moléculaire, ni la fonction de la dimérisation n'ont été caractérisés. Le domaine SH3 joue un rôle central lors de l'assemblage de complexes de macromolécules impliquées dans la signalisation intracellulaire. Il reconnaît de préférence des ligands contenant un motif riche en proline de type PxxP et s'y lie. Jusqu'à maintenant, tous les ligands isolés se liant à un domaine SH3 sont linéaires. Bien que le domaine SH3 soit un domaine important de la transmission des signaux, aucun partenaire interagissant spécifiquement avec le domaine SH3 d'IB1 n'a été identifié. Nous avons démontré qu'IBl homodimérisait par un nouveau set unique d'interaction domaine SH3 - domaine SH3. Les études de cristallisation ont démontré que l'interface recouvrait une région généralement impliquée dans la reconnaissance classique d'un motif riche en proline de type PxxP, bien que le domaine SH3 d'IB1 ne contienne aucun motif PxxP. L'homodimère d'IB1 semble extrêmement stable. Il peut cependant être déstabilisé par trois mutations ponctuelles dirigées contre des résidus clés impliqués dans la dimérisation. Chaque mutation réduit l'activation basale de JNK dépendante d'IB 1 dans des cellules 293T. La déstabilisation de la dimérisation induite par la sur-expression du domaine SH3, provoque une diminution de la sécrétion d'insuline glucose dépendant. SUMMARY Mitogen activated kinases (MAPK) are an important and conserved enzyme family. They form a signaling network required to specifically regulate process involved in cell differentiation, proliferation or death. A MAPK module is typically organized in a threekinase cascade which are activated by sequential phosphorylation. The MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), the MAPK kinase (MAPKK) and the MAPK constitute the minimal module. Once activated, the MAPK phosphorylates its targets like transcription factors or other proteins. In mammals, three major groups of MAPKs have been identified : the group of extra-cellular regulated kinase (ERK) which is activated by mitogens and the group of p38 and cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) or SAPK for stress activated protein kinase, which are activated by stresses. Many studies implicated JNK in many physiological or pathological process regulations, like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, strokes or Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. In particular, JNK plays a crucial role in pancreatic β cell death induced by Interleukin (IL)-1 β in type 1 diabetes. Islet-brain 1 (IB 1) is a scaffold protein that interacts with components of the JNK signal-transduction pathway. IB 1 is expressed at high levels in neurons and in pancreatic β-cells, where it has been implicated in cell survival, in regulating expression of the glucose transporter type 2 (Glut-2) and in glucose-induced insulin secretion. It contains several protein-protein interaction domains, including a JNK-binding domain (JBD), a Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and a phosphotyrosine interaction domain (PID). Proteins that have been shown to associate with IB 1 include members of the Mixed lineage kinase family (MLKs), the MAPKK MKK7, the MAPK phosphatase-7 MKP7, as well as several other ligands including kinesin light chain, LDL receptor related family members and the amyloid precursor protein APP. All these factors, except MLK3 and MKK7 have been shown to interact with the PID domain or the extreme C-terminal part (Kinesin light chain) of IB 1. As some scaffold already described, IB 1 and another member of the family, IB2, have previously been shown to engage in oligomerization through their respective C-terminal regions that include the SH3 and PID domains. But neither the molecular mechanisms nor the function of dimerization have yet been characterized. SH3 domains are central in the assembly of macromolecular complexes involved in many intracellular signaling pathways. SH3 domains are usually characterized by their preferred recognition of and association with canonical PxxP motif. In all these cases, a single linear sequence is sufficient for binding to the SH3 domain. However, although SH3 domains are important elements of signal transduction, no protein that interacts specifically with the SH3 domain of IB 1 has been identified so far. Here, we show that IB 1 homodimerizes through a navel and unique set of SH3-SH3 interactions. X-ray crystallography studies indicate that the dieter interface covers a region usually engaged in PxxP-mediated ligand recognition, even though the IB 1 SH3 domain lacks this motif. The highly stable IB 1 homodimer can be significantly destabilized in vitro by individual point-mutations directed against key residues involved in dimerization. Each mutation reduces IB 1-dependent basal JNK activity in 293T cells. Impaired dimerization induced by over-expression of the SH3 domain also results in a significant reduction in glucose-dependent insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the dependence of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings on cotyledonary leaves for early growth and establishment. Sets of two uniform emerging seedlings were used to quantify the initial growth and dry matter accumulation, as well as the intensity and stage of cotyledon damage in seedling establishment and to determine cotyledon protein, amino acid and carbohydrate contributions to the growing seedling. Cucumber seedling establishment was found to be highly dependent on cotyledonary leaves. Root system establishment was highly dependent on the health of the aerial part. One cotyledon was enough to maintain aerial growth of seedlings after unfolding the first true leaf. Cucumber seedlings depended on both cotyledons to keep root system growth at least until leaf area was equivalent to cotyledon area. Covering one or both cotyledons of seedlings with one unfolded leaf increased carbohydrate content of uncovered cotyledon and leaves compared with control seedlings. Cucumber seedlings are highly dependent on cotyledonary leaves and aerial parts are less dependent than root system. Cotyledon damage at early stages of plant establishment would adversely impact crop yield by reducing plant density, an important yield component, or slowing down seedling growth and establishment.


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The control and regrowth after nicosulfuron reduced rate treatment of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L. Pers.) populations, from seven Argentinean locations, were evaluated in pot experiments to assess if differential performance could limit the design and implementation of integrated weed management programs. Populations from humid regions registered a higher sensibility to reduced rates of nicosulfuron than populations from subhumid regions. This effect was visualised in the values of regression coefficient of the non-linear models (relating fresh weight to nicosulfuron rate), and in the time needed to obtain a 50% reduction of photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance. The least leaf CO2 exchange of subhumid populations could result in a lower foliar absorption and translocation of nicosulfuron, thus producing less control and increasing their ability to sprout and produce new aerial biomass. The three populations from subhumid regions, with less sensibility to nicosulfuron rates, presented substantial difference in fresh weight, total rhizome length and number of rhizome nodes, when they were evaluated 20 week after treatment. In consequence, a substantial Johnsongrass re-infestation could occur, if rates below one-half of nicosulfuron labeled rate were used to control Johnsongrass in subhumid regions.


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La variabilitat de l’estequiometria elemental dels organismes a causa de l’ontogènia i dels canvis en les condicions ambientals està relacionada amb la variabilitat metabolòmica. Això és degut a que els elements operen majoritàriament com a parts de compostos moleculars. Així doncs, la hipòtesi realitzada per Rivas-Ubach et al., (2012), la qual postula que els estudis estequiomètrics i metabolòmics d’un conjunt d’espècies vegetals exposades a condicions ambientals diferents han de mostrar la flexibilitat que posseeix un organisme a l’hora de modular la seva estequiometria i el seu metaboloma per tal de mantenir la forma òptima sota condicions variants, esdevé la base que sustenta l’experiment EVENT II. A partir de l’estudi de les relacions estequiomètriques, -principalment C:N:P- i del metabolisme d’Alopecurus pratensis i Holcus lanatus en situacions simulades de sequera, s’han obtingut resultats que evidencien una clara diferenciació a nivell d’espècie, de part de la planta i de tractament. El metabolisme i l’estequiometria diferencial que presenten ambdues gramínies dóna suport a la hipòtesi del nínxol biogeoquímic. A nivell de parts de la planta, s’observa un clar augment de la relació C:nutrients a la part aèria, mentre que a les arrels, aquesta relació disminueix. La part aèria doncs, necessita més C per invertir en funcions estructurals, mentre que l’elevada concentració de nutrients i metabòlits a les arrels donen indicis de la presència de mecanismes osmòtics per a facilitar l’entrada d’aigua, i de creixement, per a la recerca de noves fonts d’aigua, observant-se una disminució de la relació part aèria:arrels. Un altre factor que demostra aquest creixement radicular són les baixes relacions N:P trobades, fet que dóna suport a la hipòtesi de la velocitat de creixement.


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De manière générale, l'autonomie des établissements de formation influence positivement la performance scolaire. Une enquête réalisée en Suisse romande auprès de 219 cadres scolaires permet, dans la présente contribution, de mesurer l'écart existant entre le degré d'autonomie souhaitée par les cadres scolaires d'une part et le degré d'autonomie dont ils disent disposer d'autre part. Le traitement descriptif des données de l'enquête démontre que, dans tous les domaines de gestion, les cadres scolaires souhaitent disposer de plus d'autonomie qu'ils n'en perçoivent. Ce constat est valable dans tous les cantons, tous les degrés du système éducatif et toutes les fonctions. Le degré d'autonomie souhaitée ne varie que peu selon les cantons, les degrés ou les fonctions. Sur cette base, il n'est pas possible de conclure à la nécessité ou à la pertinence d'un degré d'autonomie différenciée selon les cantons, les degrés ou les fonctions. Le traitement analytique des données de l'enquête identifie les facteurs expliquant l'écart entre les degrés d'autonomie souhaitée et perçue. Cet écart est plus élevé que la moyenne dans les cantons de Fribourg et de Genève, dans le degré primaire et dans la fonction de directeur. En d'autres termes, l'adéquation entre les degrés d'autonomie souhaitée et perçue est moins bonne dans ces cantons, ce degré et cette fonction. Un rattrapage en matière de délégation d'autonomie est dès lors possible. La reconnaissance, à l'intérieur de l'établissement, d'une faculté de conduite et de pilotage à la direction exerce un effet positif sur le degré d'autonomie souhaitée et un effet positif plus important encore sur le degré perçu. Par conséquent, il apparaît qu'une direction dont la faculté de conduite est avérée souhaite non seulement disposer de plus d'autonomie mais parvienne à obtenir (ou à « gagner ») plus d'autonomie. School autonomy has a positive influence on pupils' performance. This article presents the results of a survey conducted in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on 219 school leaders. The objective of the survey is to measure and to explain the gap between the level of autonomy desired by school leaders, and the level of autonomy that they perceive. Descriptive statistics show that, in every single management area, school leaders wish to have more autonomy than they actually have. This result is valid in all cantons, all levels of the education system and all types of job. The desired level of autonomy varies only slightly depending on the cantons, the levels of the education system and the types of job. On this basis, it is not possible to conclude that it is necessary and relevant to differentiate the level of autonomy depending on the cantons, the levels of the education system and the types of job. Analytical statistics identify the explanatory variables of the gap between the desired level of autonomy and the perceived level of autonomy. This gap is higher than average in the cantons of Fribourg and Geneva, in the primary level of education and in the position of head-teacher. In other words, the adequacy between the desired and the perceived levels of autonomy is worse in these cantons, this level and this position. As a result, a catch-up on the delegation of school autonomy is possible. Results also show that school leaders, whose management competence is recognized by its staff, not only want more autonomy but succeed in securing (or "gaining") more autonomy.


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The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. A final report for research project HR-165, based upon overall performance evaluation was published in December 1978.


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The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. Crack surveys have been conducted on dates indicated below. Additional cracks found at each subsequent survey are shown in a color matching the date notation. April, 1974 November, 1974 October, 1975 October, 1976


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The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. Crack surveys have been conducted on dates indicated below. Additional cracks found at each subsequent survey are shown in a color matching the date notation. April, 1974 November, 1974 October, 1975 October, 1976 October, 1977


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The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the central sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. The crack survey recorded herein was made in March and April, 1974. Those cracks in the resurfacing that are reflections of cracks in the underlying slab are identified by /\ marks. Observations (not detailed crack surveys) made in June, 1974 indicate that further cracking of the resurfacing has occurred since this report was prepared. In particular, there appears to be same additional longitudinal cracking over the widening joints.


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Agafant com a premissa l’elevat grau de poblament disseminat de la plana de Vic i la forta interrelació entre els diferents assentaments, el present treball caracteritza l’actual model urbà dispers de la conurbació vigatana (Osona). L’estudi elabora dos mapes, mitjan segle xx i actual (2009), a través d’un Sistema d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), i interpreta els resultats partint del concepte de ciutat difusa


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Problems with unknown bridge foundations in Iowa are often associated with timber substructures. Timber piles are subject to biological and physical deterioration, which makes quantifying in-service pile capacity difficult. Currently there are no reliable means to estimate the residual carrying capacity of an in-service deteriorated pile; and thus, the overall safety of the bridge cannot be determined. The lack of reliable evaluation methods can lead to conservative and costly maintenance practices. This research study was undertaken to investigate procedures for assessing bridge substructures, and evaluating procedures for rehabilitating/strengthening/replacing inadequate substructure components. The report includes an extensive literature review, a field reconnaissance study of 49 bridges, a survey of substructure problems from the perspective of County Engineers, a laboratory study aiming to correlate nondestructive tests to residual pile strength and stiffness values, nondestructive and destructive load tests for 6 bridges with poor substructures, and finally a laboratory study evaluating selected repair methods.


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A multifaceted investigation was undertaken to develop recommendations for methods to stabilize granular road shoulders with the goal of mitigating edge ruts. Included was reconnaissance of problematic shoulder locations, a laboratory study to develop a method to test for changes in granular material stability when stabilizing agents are used, and the construction of three sets of test sections under traffic at locations with problematic granular shoulders. Full results of this investigation are included in this report and its appendices. This report also presents conclusions and recommendations based on the study results.


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En Suisse, un peu moins de 5 % de la population se déclarent musulmans. Originaires pour la majeure partie des grandes vagues migratoires de la fin du XXe siècle, les musulmans helvétiques sont le plus souvent identifiés individuellement. Ce livre présente la réalité institutionnelle et peu connue de l'islam en Suisse à partir de plusieurs enquêtes menées sur la manière dont il s'organise. Sa présence est très diversifiée selon les contextes cantonaux différents et les origines culturelles bien contrastées d'un musulman des Balkans, du Maghreb ou de la Turquie. Ces recherches menées par des sociologues et des politologues dessinent une mosaïque qui montre à partir de l'islam pratiquant et confessant qu'il ne peut être réduit aux formes conservatrices et violentes que certains considèrent comme la traduction obligée de toute posture musulmane. Cet ouvrage propose un portrait contrasté de l'islam en Suisse avec, d'une part, des ensembles qui tentent d'organiser légitimement leur culte et de maintenir leur héritage religieux et, d'autre part, des défis déterminants à relever pour l'intégration des fidèles, comme les liens avec le pays d'origine, l'indépendance financière des mosquées ou les questions relatives aux revendications religieuses ou culturelles de l'identité musulmane. A partir de la réalité musulmane, ce livre expose toute l'ambiguïté de nos sociétés « tolérantes » et « ouvertes », mais démunies et contradictoires face à l'émergence récente de la pluralité religieuse.


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The Champlain Sea clays of Eastern Canada are incised by numerous rivers. Their slopes have been modified by landslides: on the Chacoura River near Trois-Rivières (Quebec), several large landslide scars, more or less recent, are visible. The role of erosion (channel incision, lateral channel migration and erosion of slopes due to agricultural drainage) as a trigger of these landslides is important. The aim of this study is to understand how erosion and landslides are related to valley development. From a detailed analysis of aerial photographs and DEMs, a map of the phenomena has been drawn by identifying various elements such as landslides, limits of the slope, position of the channel, and the area covered by forest. It is shown that channel change and erosion are strongly linked to landslides by the fact that they change the bank morphology in an unstable way. A slide in itself is a natural way for the slope to achieve stability. But when it occurs in a stream, it creates a disturbance to the stream flow enhancing local erosion which may change the river path and generate more erosion downstream or upstream resulting in more slides. Cross-valley sections and a longitudinal profile show that landslides are a major factor of valley formation. It appears that the upper part of the Chacoura River valley is still unaffected by landslides and has V-shaped sections. The lower part has been subject to intense erosion and many landslide scars can be seen. This shows that the valley morphology is transient, and that future activity is more likely to occur in the upper part of the river. Therefore the identification of areas prone to erosion will help determine the possible location of future large landslides just like the ones that occurred in the lower part.