993 resultados para Adult longevity


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This paper explores the potential of literacy education to promote transformative learning in adults. Transformative learning theory is a flourishing area of research in adult education, and is concerned with describing and analysing fundamental changes in how adults view themselves and their world. According to the leading theorist of transformative learning, Jack Mezirow, literacy education has unique transformative potential. Although there is little research on this question, the available studies suggest that there is enormous potential for literacy education to act as a catalyst for transformative learning in adults.


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Abstract: This thesis investigates the origins of contemporary fictional constructions of childhood by examining the extent to which current literary representations of children and childhood have departed from their Victorian origins. I set out to test my intuition that many contemporary young adult novels perpetuate Victorian ideals and values in their constructions of childhood, despite the overt circumstantial modernity of the childhoods they represent. The question this thesis hopes to answer therefore is, how Victorian is contemporary young adult fiction? To gauge the degree of change that has taken place since the Victorian period, differences and points of continuity between representations of nineteenth century childhood and twentieth century childhood will be sought and examined in texts from both eras. The five aspects of fictional representation that I focus on are: notions of innocence; sexuality; the child as saviour; the use of discipline and punishment to create the ideal child; and the depiction of childhood and adulthood as separate worlds. The primary theoretical framework used derives from Michel Foucault’s concepts of the construction of subjectivity through discourse, discipline and punishment, and his treatment of repression and power, drawn mainly from The History of Sexuality vol. 1 (1976) and Discipline and Punish; the Birth of the Prison (1977). I have chosen to use Foucault primarily because of the affinity between his work on the social construction of knowledge and the argument that childhood is a constructed rather than essential category; and because Foucault’s work on Victorian sexuality exposes links with current thinking rather than perpetuating assumptions about sexual repression in this period.


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My dissertation asserts that the discourses which at the present time construct the world of work for teachers in adult TESOL, are no longer adequate to represent the field in these new and rapidly changing times. For the last forty years the discourses that have constructed the field present a totalising, gender free, liberal humanist view of TESOL, rendering women's experience invisible, no longer speaking to or for women teachers who make up more than ninety percent of the teachers in Victorian adult TESOL programs (Cope & Kalantzis 1993, Brodkey 1991, Fine 1992, Peirce 1995). I begin by exploring the work of women teachers in adult TESOL, focusing on women teaching in the fast growing de-institutionalised settings of adult TESOL programs, which remain marginalised from the central programs in terms of administrative policy and practice. I report the findings of a series of projects undertaken by the teachers and the researcher by which new insights and understandings of teachers beliefs about their work and the changes which are currently reconstructing the field of adult language and literacy education in Australia, have been gained. I questions the discourses of applied linguistics which have for the past forty years constructed the field of adult TESOL in Australia and suggests that these lack a social theory (Candlin 1989). From the research findings I questions the possibility of continuing to work in the ways of the past, in the current climate of reconstruction of the field, rapid policy change and continued erosion of resources. I suggest that the previously loose system which held this field of work together, the ways of working, the understandings of practice, have in the light of these new times, been stretched to the limit and are in real danger of collapse. For the women working in TESOL this continued incursion of the systems into their work and the changes that have taken place, the denial of their ways of working, their local knowledge and gendered experiences, can be read against Habermas' concept of the colonisation of the lifeworld of language teaching (Habermas 1987).


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The field of adult literacy and basic education (ALBE) has undergone dramatic changes in recent years with the advent of labour market programs, accreditation, competency-based assessment and competitive tendering for program funds. Teachers' working conditions have deteriorated and their professional autonomy has been eroded. ALBE has been increasingly instrumentalised to fulfil the requirements of a marketised economy and conform to its norms. The beliefs and value systems which traditionally underpinned the work of ALBE teachers have been reframed according to the principle of 'performativity' and the demands of the 'performative State' (Lyotard, 1984: 46, Yeatman 1994: 110). The destabilisation of teachers' working lives can be understood as a manifestation of the 'postmodern condition' (Lyotard 1984; Harvey 1989): the collapse of the certainties and purposes of the past; the proliferation of technologies; the impermanence and intensification of work; the commodification of knowledge and curricula; and the dissolving of boundaries between disciplines and fields of knowledge. The critiques of the modernist grand narratives which underpin progressivist and critical approaches to adult literacy pedagogy have further undermined the traditional points of reference of ALBE teachers. In this thesis I examine how teachers are teaching, surviving, resisting, and 'living the contradictions' (Seddon 1994) in the context of struggles to comply with and resist the requirements of performativity. Following Foucault and a number of feminist poststructuralist authors, I have applied the notions of 'discursive engagement' and 'the politics of discourse' (Yeatman 1990a) as a way of theorising the interplay between imposed change and teachers' practice. I explore the discursive practices which take place at the interface between the 'new' policy discourses and older, naturalised discourses; how teachers are engaged by and are engaging with discourses of performativity; how teachers are discursively constructing adult literacy pedagogy; what new, hybrid discourses of 'good practice' are emerging; and the micropractices of resistance which teachers are enacting in their speech and in their practice. My purpose was to develop knowledge which would support the reflexivity of teachers; to enrich the theoretical languages that teachers could draw upon in trying to make sense of their situation; and to use those languages in speaking about the dilemmas of practice. I used participatory action research as a means of producing knowledge about teachers' practices, structured around their agency, and reflecting their standpoint (Harding 1993). I describe two separate action research projects in which teachers of ALBE participated. I reflect on both projects in the light of poststructuralist theory and consider them as instances of what Lather calls 'within/against research' (Lather 1989: 27). I analyse written and spoken texts produced in both projects which reflect teachers' responses to competency-based assessment and other features of the changing context. I use a method of discourse mapping to describe the discursive field and the teachers' discursive practices. Three main configurations of discourse are delineated: 'progressivism', 'professional teacher' and 'performativity'. The teachers mainly position themselves within a hybridising 'progressivist /professional teacher' discourse, as a discourse of resistance to 'performative' discourse. In adapting their pedagogies, the teachers are in some degree taking the language and world view of performativity into their own vocabularies and practices. The discursive picture I have mapped is complex and contradictory. On one hand, the 'progressivist /professional teacher' discourse appears to endure and to take strength from the articulation into it of elements of performative discourse, creating new possibilities for discursive transformation. On the other hand, there are signs that performative discourse is colonising and subsuming progressivist /professional teacher discourse. At times, both of these tendencies are apparent in the one text. Six micropractices of resistance are identified within the texts: 'rational critique', 'objectification', 'subversion', 'refusal', 'humour' and 'the affirmation of desire'. These reflect the teachers' agency in making discursive choices on the micro level of their every day practices. Through those micropractices, the teachers are engaging with and resisting the micropractices and meanings of performativity. I apply the same multi-layered method of analysis to an examination of discursive engagement in pedagogy by analysing a transcript of the teachers' discussion of critical incidents in their classrooms. Their classroom pedagogies are revealed as complex, situated and eclectic. They are combining and integrating their 'embodied' and their 'institutional' powers, both 'seducing' (McWilliam 1995) and 'regulating' (Gore 1993) as they teach. A strong ethical project is apparent in the teachers' sense of social responsibility, in their determination to adhere to valued traditions of previous times, and in their critical self-awareness of the ways in which they use their institutional and embodied powers in the classroom. Finally, l look back on the findings, and reflect on the possibilities of discursive engagement and the politics of discourse as a framework for more strategic practice in the current context. This research provides grounds for hope that, by becoming more self-conscious about how we engage discursively, we might become more strategic in our everyday professional practice. Not withstanding the constraints (evident in this study) which limit the strategic potential of the politics of discourse, there is space for teachers to become more reflexive in their professional, pedagogical and political praxis. Development of more deliberate, self-reflexive praxis might lead to a 'postmodern democratic polities' (Yeatman 1994: 112) which would challenge the performative state and the system of globalised capital which it serves. Short abstract Adult literacy and basic education (ALBE) teachers have experienced a period of dramatic policy change in recent years; in particular, the introduction of competency-based assessment and competitive tendering for program funds. 'Discourse politics' provides a way of theorising the interplay between policy-mediated institutional change and teachers' practice. The focus of this study is 'discursive engagement'; how teachers are engaged by and are engaging with discourses of performativity. Through two action research projects, texts were generated of teachers talking and writing about how they were responding to the challenges, and developing their pedagogies in the new policy environment. These texts have been analysed and several patterns of discursive engagement delineated, named and illustrated. The strategic potential of 'discourse polities' is explored in the light of the findings.


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The Hypertrophic Heart Rat (HHR) displays spontaneous cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in association with an apparent reduction in myocyte number in adulthood. This suggests the possibility of reduced hyperplasia or increased apoptosis during early cardiac development. The angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes have been implicated in both cellular growth and apoptosis, but the precise mechanisms are unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiac AngII receptor expression levels and neonatal cardiomyocyte growth and apoptotic responses in the HHR compared with the Normal Heart Rat (NHR) control strain. Cardiac tissues were freshly harvested from male HHR and NHR at several developmental stages (p2 and 4, 6, 8, 12wks). HHR cardiac weight indices were considerably smaller than NHR at day 2 (4.330.19 vs 5.010.08 mg/g), but ‘caught-up’ to NHR by 4 weeks (5.100.15 vs 5.160.11 mg/g). By 12 weeks, HHR hearts were 27% larger than NHR. Tissue AT1A and AT2 mRNA expression levels were quantified by real-time RT-PCR. Relative to NHR, HHR neonatal hearts exhibited a 4.6-fold higher AT2/AT1 mRNA expression ratio. Cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes were infected with AT1A and/or AT2 receptor-expressing adenoviruses to achieve a physiological level of receptor expression (150 fmol receptor protein/mg total cell protein). In addition, to emulate receptor expression in neonatal HHR hearts, cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors at a 4:1 ratio. Apoptosis incidence was studied by morphological analysis after 72 hours exposure to 0.1 M AngII. When infected with the AT1A receptor alone, a higher proportion of HHR myocytes appeared apoptotic than NHR (22.7 4.1% vs 1.1 0.6%, P 0.001). This implies that intrinsic differences predispose HHR cells to accentuated AT1-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, the bax-1/bcl-2 mRNA expression ratio was significantly higher (50%) in HHR neonatal hearts. When cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors, evidence of apoptosis in HHR cells virtually disappeared (0.4 0.1%). These findings suggest a novel capacity of AT2 receptors to counteract accentuated AT1A receptor-induced apoptosis in the HHR in early cardiac growth.


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This article explores the adult and community learning associated with 'learning to be drier' in the Riverland region of South Australia. Communities in the Riverland are currently adjusting and making changes to their understandings and practices as part of learning to live with less water. The analysis of adult and community learning derived from this research identifies six different forms of learning. These are, learning to produce, learning to be efficient, learning to survive, learning to live with uncertainty, learning to be sustainable and learning to share. These forms of learning do not occur in isolation and separately from each other but to the contrary are occuring simultaneously with and alongside each other. Further, it is argued that the people and communities in the Riverland, through learning to live with the effects of climate change and less water, are at the forfront of learning to be drier.


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1. Immunological imprinting by maternally derived antibodies has been proposed to have both positive and negative consequences for offspring immunity in early and adult life. However, few studies of maternal effects on immunity have followed individuals past the juvenile stages.

2. Using laboratory Japanese quail, we developed a novel method of directly manipulating yolk antibodies of neonates, and then followed individuals through a series of immune challenges until they were of reproductive age.

3. Our method of directly injecting purified antibodies into the yolk sac of newly hatched chicks successfully elevated the plasma titres of specific anti-KLH IgY in neonates. This allows us to test whether differences in neonatal anti-KLH IgY affect immunity at the juvenile and adult stages of life.

4. We found little evidence for an effect of maternal antibodies on juvenile stage immune response, in contrast to results from previous studies. Adult immune response depended largely on the magnitude of the juvenile immune response regardless of the identity of the antigen in the juvenile immune challenge, and did not depend on neonatal IgY titres. Our results are consistent with a priming effect of early immune experience on adult stage immune responsiveness, but we found no evidence of carryover effects of yolk-derived antibodies on adult immunity.

5. This study employs new methodology for investigation of maternal antibodies and presents results suggesting that further studies of maternal effects on immunity will require careful consideration of the numerous ways maternally derived yolk components can impact the different types of immune response.


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This qualitative research is an examination of the experience of learning within a mixed-mode teachers' professional development program. It examines how learning is affected by 'location' - geographic, institutional and personal, and how teaching may take location into account. Approaches to study, influences on learning and transformational learning are explored.