982 resultados para Active Vision


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An unsupervised approach to image segmentation which fuses region and boundary information is presented. The proposed approach takes advantage of the combined use of 3 different strategies: the guidance of seed placement, the control of decision criterion, and the boundary refinement. The new algorithm uses the boundary information to initialize a set of active regions which compete for the pixels in order to segment the whole image. The method is implemented on a multiresolution representation which ensures noise robustness as well as computation efficiency. The accuracy of the segmentation results has been proven through an objective comparative evaluation of the method


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We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc


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Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision that obtains the shape of objects. One shot techniques are based on projecting a unique light pattern with an LCD projector so that grabbing an image with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be obtained. Then, a 3D reconstruction of the illuminated object can be recovered by means of triangulation. The most used strategy to encode one-shot patterns is based on De Bruijn sequences. In This work a new way to design patterns using this type of sequences is presented. The new coding strategy minimises the number of required colours and maximises both the resolution and the accuracy


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Obtaining automatic 3D profile of objects is one of the most important issues in computer vision. With this information, a large number of applications become feasible: from visual inspection of industrial parts to 3D reconstruction of the environment for mobile robots. In order to achieve 3D data, range finders can be used. Coded structured light approach is one of the most widely used techniques to retrieve 3D information of an unknown surface. An overview of the existing techniques as well as a new classification of patterns for structured light sensors is presented. This kind of systems belong to the group of active triangulation method, which are based on projecting a light pattern and imaging the illuminated scene from one or more points of view. Since the patterns are coded, correspondences between points of the image(s) and points of the projected pattern can be easily found. Once correspondences are found, a classical triangulation strategy between camera(s) and projector device leads to the reconstruction of the surface. Advantages and constraints of the different patterns are discussed


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In a search for new sensor systems and new methods for underwater vehicle positioning based on visual observation, this paper presents a computer vision system based on coded light projection. 3D information is taken from an underwater scene. This information is used to test obstacle avoidance behaviour. In addition, the main ideas for achieving stabilisation of the vehicle in front of an object are presented


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This paper deals with the problem of stabilizing a class of structures subject to an uncertain excitation due to the temporary coupling of the main system with another uncertain dynamical subsystem. A Lyapunov function based control scheme is proposed to attenuate the structural vibration. In the control design, the actuator dynamics is taken into account. The control scheme is implemented by using only feedback information of the main system. The effectiveness of the control scheme is shown for a bridge platform with crossing vehicle


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Video produced by Martin Wesch with his students in their Digital Ethnography Class at Kansas State University. Looks at way in which students experience Higher Education. Further information can be found at http://mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg/ You may particularly want to look at a response "A Vision of Professors Today (by Sandra)" http://mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg/?p=125


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The aim of this activity is to allow students to explore the nature of political action, which can be thought of as a form of active as opposed to passive citizenship. By learning about and reflecting upon past instances of political action, or activism, students will be able to start thinking about what is likely to make a campaign successful. It is intended that these reflections can then be applied to their own actions as active citizens. It is hoped that the historical case studies combined with the information provided on different campaigning tools and methods will help to make students feel empowered and inspired to take action. In setting students the task of planning an action, it is expected that time management and organizational skills will be improved. It is believed that by putting themselves in the shoes of activists and going through the process of planning an action, they will have an engaged learning experience. The reflective element of the activity encourages students to form and defend opinions on the relative strengths and weaknesses of different campaigning methods, and on the acceptable limits to political action. This learning activity has been designed presuming no prior knowledge of activism or its methods, and has been successfully used with first year undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines. However, the activity provides a basis for more in-depth study of several issues, or alternatively study into further examples of campaign organizations. There are 3 different learning activities presented on this web site. For a dynamic and well-illustrated introduction to contemporary activism, see Jordan, T. (2002) Activism!: Direct Action, Hacktivism and the Future of Society, London: Reaktion Books Ltd. This material is also available via JORUM.


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Pachler N (2008) SCOPING A VISION FOR FORMATIVE E-ASSESSMENT - FEEDBACK Findings from the literature review


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*Test* to check feasibility for use for ZeroWIN conference


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Copy of all presentations from ZeroWIN Vision Conference


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La audición es el segundo mecanismo sensorial más importante después de la visión para obtener información durante la operación de una aeronave. Les permite a los pilotos percibir, procesar identificar los sonidos del ambiente que los rodea. Así necesita oír bien tanto en vuelo como en tierra, especialmente entre 500 y 3000 Hz para la recepción del lenguaje hablado y de las señales auditivas. Objetivo: Determinar los cambios progresivos en el tiempo y las frecuencias auditivas que se afectan en las audiometrías de los pilotos militares de las fuerzas militares en los años 2009, 2010 y 2011. Material y Métodos: Se trata de un estudio longitudinal de cohorte en el cual se identificará el comportamiento de las audiometrías de la población de pilotos de las fuerzas militares de Colombia en los años 2009, 2010 y 2011. Se hará una revisión retrospectiva de dichas audiometrías. Para dicho fin se tomó la población de pilotos de fuerzas militares que fueron distribuidos en grupos de pilotos de aeronave de ala fija que corresponden a 47 pilotos y ala rotatoria que son 155. Conclusiones: Se encontró que la frecuencia mas alterada en la población total fue la de 6000 Hz, que en lo pilotos de ala fija las frecuencias más afectadas fueron las de 4000 Hz y la de 6000Hz, la frecuencia más afectada en los pilotos de ala rotatoria fueron las de 4000 Hz, 6000 Hz y 8000 Hz, con lo que se concluye que la exposición en los pilotos afecta las frecuencias altas en las audiometrías. Se observó una relación con el número de horas de vuelo y las alteraciones audiométricas encontrándose una alteración en los pilotos entre 1000 y 4000 horas de vuelo en las frecuencias de 4000 Hz, 6000 Hz y 8000 Hz y una alteración de las todas las frecuencias en aquellos pilotos con más de 5000 horas de vuelo en el año 2009, presentando posterior recuperación en los años posteriores sin poder determinar en este estudio las causas de dicha recuperación. Los pilotos de ala rotatoria presentaron un incremento sostenido en todas las frecuencias en comparación con los pilotos de ala fija.


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These writing conceive formation in formative research as a complex process that demands simultaneous and congruent actions in the objective, subjective and intersubjective fields, adjusted to a careful and progressive planification in order to form teachers, students and management staff as university actors of research processes. Integral formation in formative research into health area demands a comprehensive and broad perspective encompassing science, moral and art, or objective truth, subjective veracity and intersubjective equity. All means must meet towards a strong and developmental formative research culture capable of nourishing subjects engaged in systematic self-questioning, interaction and argumentated debate at the interior of communities of pairs. In the same way, they must have rigorous methodological formation in order to approach the study objects.


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Este trabajo se realiza como un Proyecto de Aplicación Práctica (PAP), en la Especialización de Desarrollo infantil y Procesos de Aprendizaje; se basa principalmente en la teoría de integración sensorial y la relación con el aprendizaje. El objetivo es implementar un programa de desarrollo sensorial para niños y niñas de 3 a 7 años en condiciones de Institucionalización en la Fundación Children’s Vision, orienta a educadoras y profesoras en el manejo de diferentes estrategias y actividades de índole sensorial que permiten al equipo de trabajo y apoyo de la Fundación potencializar comportamientos adaptativos de los niños acordes con las necesidades y desempeño propio para su edad. El programa se divide en tres fases: la primera comprende la recolección de datos acerca del desempeño sensorial de la población a estudio (utilización de lista de chequeo1 y trabajo directo con niños); en la segunda fase se realiza talleres y charlas de sensibilización dirigidas a docentes y educadores; la tercera fase plantea estrategias de manejo en el área sensorial.


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Objetivo: El cuestionario Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ), indaga las barreras para ser físicamente activo. El cuestionario fue traducido al español por el mismo equipo que desarrolló la versión inglésa original, pero carece de estudios de validez en la versión española. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del BBAQ (en la versión completa de 21 ítems), centrándose en la fiabilidad y validez. Material y métodos: Un total de 2.634 (1.462 mujeres y 1.172 varones; 18-30 años de edad) estudiantes universitarios completaron el cuestionario BBAQ-21. El alfa de Crombach se estimó como indicador de consistencia interna. El coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (CCI) y el grado de acuerdo se calcularon para evaluar la estabilidad temporal con un periodo de 7 días entre ambas administraciones como estimadores de la reproducibilidad. Se aplicó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC) para analizar la validez del BBAQ-21 ítems. Resultados: El BBAQ-21 mostró valores de un alfa de Cronbach entre 0,812 y 0,844 y un CCI entre el 0,46 y 0,87. El porcentaje de acuerdo por todos los conceptos individuales varió de 45 a 80%. El AFE determinó cuatro factores que explicaron el 52,90% de la varianza y el AFC mostró moderadas cargas factoriales. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos en este cuestionario avalan la utilización de este instrumento con este tipo de muestra, desde el punto de vista de la fiabilidad y validez. El BBAQ-21 está disponible para evaluar las barreras para la actividad física en América Latina.