974 resultados para Acartia amboinensis, female, mass


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Under certain conditions, cross-sectional analysis of cross-twin intertrait correlations can provide important information about the direction of causation (DOC) between two variables. A community-based sample of Australian female twins aged 18 to 45 years was mailed an extensive Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire (HLQ) that covered a wide range of personality and behavioral measures. Included were self-report measures of recent psychological distress and perceived childhood environment (PBI). Factor analysis of the PBI yielded three interpretable dimensions: Coldness, Overprotection, and Autonomy. Univariate analysis revealed that parental Overprotection and Autonomy were best explained by additive genetic, shared, and nonshared environmental effects (ACE), whereas the best-fitting model for PBI Coldness and the three measures of psychological distress (Depression, Phobic Anxiety, and Somatic Distress) included only additive genetic and nonshared environmental effects (AE). A common pathway model best explained the covariation between (1) the three PBI dimensions and (2) the three measures of psychological distress. DOC modeling between latent constructs of parenting and psychological distress revealed that a model which specified recollected parental behavior as the cause of psychological distress provided a better fit than a model which specified psychological distress as the cause of recollected parental behavior. Power analyses and limitations of the findings are discussed.


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Women have lower iron stores than men because of iron loss during their reproductive years. However, variation between women could result from differences in iron loss, aspects of iron homeostasis common to men and women, or a combination of both. We compared the effects of age, menopause, menstrual blood loss and the number of pregnancies (sex-specific factors), and the effects of genetic variation, on markers of iron stores. We assessed how much the same genes or other familial factors influence iron status in both men and women. Data from 2039 female twins who participated in studies of reproductive health and iron status were used to estimate the proportions of variation that could be ascribed to genes, environment and measured factors. Significant effects of age, menopausal status and magnitude of menstrual blood loss were demonstrated, accounting for up to 18% of variance in serum ferritin in this sample, but number of children had no significant effect. Genetic effects were more than twice as great as sex-specific effects. The within-pair similarity of ferritin values in dizygotic female twin pairs was greater than for dizygotic opposite-sex pairs, but this difference was not quite significant, consistent with a minor role for sex-specific factors; and the opposite-sex within-pair differences did not diminish significantly with age. We conclude that the contribution of genetic differences between women to variation in iron stores outweighs the comparatively small effects of interindividual variation in iron loss through variation in menstruation and number of pregnancies.


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In this paper we examine the effects of varying several experimental parameters in the Kane quantum computer architecture: A-gate voltage, the qubit depth below the silicon oxide barrier, and the back gate depth to explore how these variables affect the electron density of the donor electron. In particular, we calculate the resonance frequency of the donor nuclei as a function of these parameters. To do this we calculated the donor electron wave function variationally using an effective-mass Hamiltonian approach, using a basis of deformed hydrogenic orbitals. This approach was then extended to include the electric-field Hamiltonian and the silicon host geometry. We found that the phosphorous donor electron wave function was very sensitive to all the experimental variables studied in our work, and thus to optimize the operation of these devices it is necessary to control all parameters varied in this paper.


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The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the genetic variation in foliar carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) of 122 clones of ca. 4-year-old F-1 hybrids between slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii) and Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barr.,et Golf.) grown at two field experimental sites with different water and nitrogen availability in southeast Queensland, Australia, in relation to tree growth and foliar nitrogen concentration (N-mass); and (2) to assess the potential of using delta(13)C measurements, in the foliage materials collected from the clone hedges at nursery and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, as an indirect index of tree water use efficiency for selecting elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. There were significant differences in foliar delta(13)C between the nursery hedges and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, between the summer and winter seasons, between the two experimental sites, and between the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions sampled. This indicates that delta(13)C measurements in the foliage materials are significantly influenced by the sampling techniques and environmental conditions. Significant differences in foliar delta(13)C, at the upper outer canopy in both field experiments in summer and winter, were detected between the clones, and between the female parents of the clones. Clone means of tree height at age ca. 3 years were positively related to those of the upper outer canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in winter, but only for the wetter site in summer. There were positive, linear relationships between clone means of canopy delta(13)C and those of canopy N-mass, indicating that canopy photosynthetic capacity might be an important factor regulating the clonal variation in canopy delta(13)C. Significant correlations were found between clone means of canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in summer and winter, and between those at the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions. Mean clone delta(13)C for the nursery hedges was only positively related to mean clone stem diameter at 1.3 m height at age 3 years on the wetter site. The clone by site interaction for foliar delta(13)C at the upper outer canopy was significant only in summer. Overall, the relatively high genetic variance components for foliar delta(13)C and significant, positive correlations between clone means of foliar delta(13)C and tree growth have highlighted the potential of using foliar delta(13)C measurements for assisting in selection of the elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To compare percentage body fat (%BF) for a given body mass index (BMI) among New Zealand European, Maori and Pacific Island children. To develop prediction equations based on bioimpedance measurements for the estimation of fat-free mass (FFM) appropriate to children in these three ethnic groups. Design: Cross-sectional study. Purposive sampling of schoolchildren aimed at recruiting three children of each sex and ethnicity for each year of age. Double cross-validation of FFM prediction equations developed by multiple regression. Setting: Local schools in Auckland. Subjects: Healthy European, Maori and Pacific Island children (n = 172, 83 M, 89 F, mean age 9.4 +/- 2.8(s. d.), range 5 - 14 y). Measurements: Height, weight, age, sex and ethnicity were recorded. FFM was derived from measurements of total body water by deuterium dilution and resistance and reactance were measured by bioimpedance analysis. Results: For fixed BMI, the Maori and Pacific Island girls averaged 3.7% lower % BF than European girls. For boys a similar relation was not found since BMI did not significantly influence % BF of European boys ( P = 0.18). Based on bioimpedance measurements a single prediction equation was developed for all children: FFM (kg) = 0.622 height (cm)(2)/ resistance +0.234 weight (kg)+1.166, R-2 = 0.96, s. e. e. = 2.44 kg. Ethnicity, age and sex were not significant predictors. Conclusions: A robust equation for estimation of FFM in New Zealand European, Maori and Pacific Island children in the 5 - 14 y age range that is more suitable than BMI for the determination of body fatness in field studies has been developed. Sponsorship: Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust, Auckland University of Technology Contestable Grants Fund and the Ministry of Health.


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Aims: The objectives of the current study were (1) to measure type and severity of urinary leakage and (2) to investigate the association between these factors and age-related life events and conditions in three groups of Australian women with a history of urinary leakage. Methods: Five hundred participants were randomly selected from women in the young (aged 18-22 in 1996), mid-age (4550),and older (70-75) cohorts of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health (ALSWH) who had reported leaking urine in the 1996 baseline survey. Details about leaking urine (frequency, severity, situations) and associated factors (pregnancy, childbirth, body mass index [BMI]) were sought through self-report mailed follow-up surveys in 1999. Results & Conclusions: Response rates were 50, 83, and 80% in the young, mid-age, and older women, respectively. Most women confirmed that they had, leaked urine in the past month, and the majority of these were cases of mixed incontinence. Incontinence severity tended to increase with BMI for women of all ages, and increased severity scores were associated with having urine that burns or stings. Additional independent risk factors for increasing incontinence severity were heavy smoking in young women, past or present use of hormone replacement therapy in older women, and BMI and history of hysterectomy in mid-age women. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Muitos alimentos são conhecidos apenas em alguns grupos humanos, por diversas razões. Outros, entretanto, tornaram-se praticamente universais, sendo conhecidos e apreciados em quase todas as sociedades humanas com condições econômicas que permitam sua inclusão no âmbito do comércio internacional. Um deles, em especial, está no foco de interesse da presente investigação. Não se trata de alimento relevante para a composição dos hábitos alimentares cotidianos em qualquer grupo humano, mas que ocupa posição privilegiada em termos de preferência em diferentes lugares do mundo: o chocolate. O presente trabalho buscou conhecer e analisar fatores que influenciam o consumo de chocolate de um conjunto de pessoas e as modalidades de explicação ou justificação que apresentam para o seu padrão de consumo e para o tipo de interesse que têm pelo chocolate. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário com 62 questões fechadas e 1 questão aberta - que utilizou a técnica da evocação. Participaram 313 homens e mulheres, a maioria na faixa etária entre 16 e 25 anos. Foram exploradas variáveis como situação sócio-econômica, peso corporal, estado de saúde, frequência e quantidade de chocolate consumido, preferência em relação ao consumo de alimentos em geral, além de terem sido verificadas quais situações os participantes admitem estarem associadas a variações no padrão de consumo de chocolate, tendo sido incluídas tanto situações estressantes quanto relaxantes. Foram abordados também alguns pontos considerados controversos a respeito do consumo de chocolate, que são objeto de interesse científico e merecem grande atenção dos meios de comunicação. Houve interesse especial na discussão das diferenças encontradas quando os padrões de consumo de homens e mulheres são comparados. Ficou evidente, no grupo de participantes, que a influência de muitos dos aspectos considerados sobre o consumo do chocolate não se processam de forma idêntica sobre homens e mulheres. Confirma-se a grande difusão cultural da ideia de que mulheres comem mais chocolate que homens e que a seleção de alimentos feminina é mais sensível a fatores associados a variações de estados afetivos, o que pode ter papel na discussão de dependências e transtornos alimentares. Em consonância com a literatura sobre comportamento alimentar, os dados apoiam a proposição de que é insuficiente considerar apenas fatores culturais ou biológicos, de maneira isolada, para explicar os motivos que levam ao consumo de determinados alimentos.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e a qualidade dos ovos de codornas japonesas em postura, em função da redução e da substituição parcial ou total de microminerais (manganês, zinco, ferro, cobre, iodo e selênio) orgânicos em substituição ao micromineral inorgânico. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos no setor de avicultura do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, com duração de 84 dias, distribuídos em quatro períodos de 21 dias. Em cada experimento, foram utilizadas 480 codornas japonesas fêmeas, com 79 dias de idade. As aves foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em 6 tratamentos, 10 repetições e 8 aves por unidade experimental. Foi utilizada uma mesma ração basal em ambos experimentos, variando apenas os níveis e a fonte dos microminerais utilizados. No primeiro experimento foi adicionado à essa ração cinco diferentes níveis de microminerais orgânicos 25; 50; 75; 100 e 125% da recomendação do complexo mineral orgânico e um nível com microminerais inorgânicos (100% da recomendação) sendo utilizado 1 kg/ton de ração. No segundo experimento, foram adicionados quatro diferentes níveis de mistura de microminerais orgânicos e inorgânicos (20% orgânico + 80% inorgânico, 40% orgânico + 60% inorgânico, 60% orgânico + 40% inorgânico e 80% orgânico + 20% inorgânico), um inorgânico (100%) e um orgânico (100%) na ração. As características avaliadas foram consumo de ração, taxa de postura, peso médio do ovo, massa dos ovos, conversão alimentar por massa do ovo e por dúzia de ovos, peso relativo e absoluto da gema, do albúmen e da casca, além da unidade Haugh. Os parâmetros avaliados não foram afetados de forma significativa pelas diferentes relações de uso de minerais orgânicos e inorgânicos. Observou-se que é possível reduzir para 25% da recomendação de microminerais, quando utiliza-se microminerais orgânicos e que, é possível a substituição em até 100% dos microminerais inorgânicos por orgânicos sem efeito sobre desempenho o produtivo e a qualidade de ovos de codornas japonesas.


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Background: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. Objective: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. Methods: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. Results: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54±2.05 mm and 2.95±2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual


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Background: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. Objective: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. Methods: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. Results: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54±2.05 mm and 2.95±2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual


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ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen doses applied via fertigation and associated with different types of crop establishment fertilization on growth and biomass of radish. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Academic Unit of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, from April to May 2014. Treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen fertilizer applied by fertigation (0, 0.7, 1.4, 2.1 and 2.8g per pot) and three types of crop establishment fertilization (humus 2:2; NPK and control), arranged in a 5 x 3 factor design with four repetitions. The 15 treatments were arranged in 60 plots. The nitrogen source used in the study was urea, divided in three applications: the first application was carried out eight days after transplanting, the second, on day 15, and the third, on day 22. The crop establishment fertilization significantly influenced the growth variables and plant mass of the radish on day 35 after transplanting. The highest values of the variables (number of leaves, plant height, bulb diameter, leaf area, fresh mass of the aerial part, dry mass of the aerial part and root/aerial part were observed in the treatment with humus on day 35 after transplanting. The dose of 2.8g nitrogen per pot corresponding to 6.22g of urea per plant provided the highest yield for the variable number of leafs, leaf area and root length on day 35 after transplanting.